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In collaboration with Bee Publishing Pte Ltd (Singapore) \ Bis: FO Rice coon orca) Inventions What is your job? Staying healthy Stories we enjoy The Magic Island An earthquake Saving the environment ET es Helping the needy Festivals around the world Looking for synonyms Making references Looking for antonyms 4 Understanding sequence Using dictionary skills Understanding one's feelings oe i Looking for specific _ Information in the text Understanding the connection between ideas Interpreting idioms Table of contents r Words related to laboratories, ilemawon reports devices and inventions Jobs and related adjectives i unterviews and adverbs Brochures and Parts of the body and Explanation texts actions related to the body Adjectives for describing book characters Book reviews Film reviews Phrasal verbs Verbs and nouns related to pipes natural disasters Words related to pollution and Leaflets environmental protection | Newsletters and Testimonials Charity work } Factual descriptions Festive traditions "Information reports Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A Kidz Education & Boo Publishing Pte Lid 2. Find the words in the text which have similar Read Part A again and blacken the correct answer, ie Looking for : Read ae Blacken the correct answer for question 1 and fill in the blanks for question 2. ears warm in winter. at ae w that earmuffs were invented by a teenager? Initially, his friends made fun of his weird ‘ear most everybody was wearing them! e ju i 10) (1) Read line 3. Think about the meaning of the word ‘chilly’. (2) Which option is a synonym of ‘chilly’? A synonym is @ word that has the same meaning as another word. Which of the following is a synonym of the word ‘chilly’ (line 3)? OA. chilli OB. unfriendly OC. frosty OD. warm meanings to these words. a. strange Which part of speech are the words ‘strange’ ‘and ‘different’? > they are both adjectives. (2) Look for suitable adjectives in the text with the same meanings. b. different Thisis__. OA. a news report Oo i é B. a bio O.C an informatisn répore ODiatgerarectue Which is the most sutable tite for the tex? A. The life of Chester Greenwood OB i OC. Do-it-yourself earmuffs are amvertion OD. A must-have item for winter Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A, Kidz Edurat uhviehina Pte Ltd = Words related to laboratories, devices and inventions a. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use each word ONCE. aker fire extinguisher first-aid box funnel \/ Safety glasses test tube] microscope, Science Lab Rules’ magnet lab coat Weara(1)____ to protect your skin and clothing. Always wear(2)____— to protect your eyes when you are doing experiments. Be careful when heating things in a glass (3) Usea(4)____ to check the temperature. Use a (5) to pour liquids into a narrow (6) so that you do not spill anything. Handle the (7) with care. Put it back in the cupboard when you have finished looking at specimens. There is a (8) next to the door for putting out small fires. If the fire is too big, leave the building immediately and call the fire brigade. There is a (9) behind the teacher's desk. Please do not touch or take away any of the medicines, bandages or other things in it. b. _Fillin the blanks with the correct words. Vacuum cleaners digital cameras light bulbs steam irons lifts _ air conditioners photocopiers fax machines —_ dehumidifiers Some inventions have changed the world. (1) let us see in the dark without candles or oil lamps. By taking (2) aWevcan ae up and down tall buildings in seconds. Other inventions have made our lives more convenient and comfortable. Many people use (3) to keep their homes clean. (4) make it easier to get wrinkles out of clothes. (5) keep us cool on hot days, while (6) keep the air dry during the rainy season. to make copies of documents. to send and receive documents. to take photos. They can store the Many offices have (7) They also have (8) People use (9) 222 2° ots T photos in a computer and send them to family and friends. Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Ltd Reading Comprehension i] Louis is reading. . 7 "Few of us can stand the scorching summer heat without an electric fan or | an air conditioner. We are fortunate as neither of these appliances existed before the 1880s. In ancient times, Egyptian royalty used fans shaped like palm leaves that were made of ostrich feathers. The Greeks used fans made of peacock feathers or cloth, while folding fans originated in Japan. 5 | Electric fans were invented in 1882 by Schuyler Wheeler (1860-1923). He worked for Thomas Edison (1847-1931), the creator of the light bulb and many other inventions. His table fan did not need to be operated by hand as its blades were turned using electricity. It had two brass blades but did not have a protective cage. That same year, Philip H. Diehl (1847-1913) invented 10 | the first electric ceiling fan. In 1842, the first ice-making machine was invented by a doctor, John Gorrie (1803-1855), who is considered the father of air conditioning and refrigeration. He developed the machine to make ice for cooling the air in the rooms of his feverish patients. 15 | The first air conditioner was invented by Willis Carrier (1876-1950) in 1902. Carrier built the first air conditioner not to cool down people but to keep i. cool and dry in a printing plant. Soon, Carrier’s invention was being used to cool cinemas and department stores. Fans and air conditioners are lifesavers in 20 | hot weather. However, to be environmentally BS friendly, we should avoid using air loners too often and set the temperature at 25°C or above pening windows and using fans instead is a greener choice. Powering Up: Comprehension Skils & Text Types 6A Sige o> Louis is describing the first electric fan. Fill in each blank with ONE word from the text. The first electric fan was powered by (1)__- Its two blades were made of (2) $a. i. Blacken the correct answer. Which of the following is a synonym of the word ‘stand’ (line 1)? OA sit OB. understand OC. tolerate OD. enjoy Who invented the first electric fan? OA. Willis Carrier © B. Thomas Edison OC. Philip H. Diehl O D. Schuyler Wheeler Why did Gorrie invent the first ice-making machine? OA. to use it as a refrigerator OB. to make ice packs to put on patients’ foreheads OC. to keep sick rooms cool OD. to put in air conditioners The first air conditioner was invented to cool OA. cinemas OB. paper OC. people OD. department stores What is the BEST title for this text? OA. Inventions that keep us cool QB. Famous inventors OC. The uses of electricity OD. How to be environmentally friendly Answer the questions in complete sentences. What did the Egyptians use to make fans? According to the last paragraph, what TWO things should we NOT do? When did Willis Carrier pass away? Find the words in the text which have similar meanings to these words. lucky 2. factory What is y: Making references Read ee Answer in a complete sentence for question 1 and blacken the correct answer for question 2. Welcome to ‘My Dream Job’! This week, our special guest is Dave Lee. Dave, please tell us about yourself. Dave: | have been a tour guide for eight years. Host: You must be very good at your job by now! Can you tell us how to be a successful tour guide? 5 Dave: A tour guide must be knowledgeable. | read books and news articles to learn more about different countries so that | can tell tourists about them. | have learnt to speak ten different languages too. Host: Wow! That’s impressive. What is your most memorable experience as Dave: | have seen many interesting things and met people from many different Places. My most unforgettable experience was a year ago. A tour member almost drowned in a hotel pool where no lifeguard was on duty. Luckily, | saved him with the basic lifesaving skills | had learnt. 1. Read line 8. What does ‘them’ refer to? (i) Circle the nouns 7 noun phrases before ‘them’. (2) Which do you think “them’ refers to? (3) Start your answer with Ut refers to ..’ 2. Read line 12. What does ‘most unforgettable experience’ refer to? OA. Meeting people from different places OB. A tour member drowning OC. Rescuing a drowning tour member OD. Learning lifesaving skills (1) Read carefully: ‘My most unforgettable experience ... I had learnt’. (2) Think about which experience the person is really talking about. Read Part A again and blacken the correct answer. 1. This isa/an OA. play 2. The host is a/ an OB. interview O.c. Job advertisement © D. blog entry » OA. tour guide OB. blogger Oc. interviewer OD. interviewee Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Tunas AA Aves 2 ae a tour guide? 10: Jobs and related adjectives and adverbs The children are talking in an online forum. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. ‘Topic: My dream job Posted 10:30 a.m., 11" March, 2XXX by Ernest lam(1)__ and | always have new ideas. | would like to be a (2)___ | would be so proud to see famous actors and singers wearing clothes designed by me! Posted 10:55 a.m., 11" March, 2XXX by Candy | love numbers, so | would like to be an (3) . | will need to do calculations (4) . | may also become a (5) as my aunt is one. She is (6) to the passengers’ needs. She is a (7) person who looks after others (8) | hope | can be like her when | grow up. Posted 11:05 a.m., 11% March, 2XXX by Diana lam (9) about what it is like in space and on other planets. When | grow up, | would love to be an (10) ; Lam also thinking about becoming an (11) . | may build a spaceship that can travel to other planets one day! Posted 11:45 a.m., 11" March, 2XXX by Alfie I have always wanted to be a (12) . Although it is a risky job, Ithink it is (13) and admirable to rescue people from burning buildings. Being a (14) is also a dream of mine. | will arrest criminals and make Hong Kong a safer place. | will stay (15) in unpredictable situations. Posted 12:35 p.m., 11" March, 2XXX by Helen Besides being a good writer, I'm an (16) talking to different people, so | think | would enjoy being a (17) I might also become a (18) . | hope | can speak for needy people in court. To make my dreams come true, | need to be (ia) in school and become knowledgeable. | must also learn to speak Putonghua and English (20) ; 8 person who loves Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types GA ©Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pto Lid Reading Comprehension Emily is watching a TV show. Host: Dr Chan: Host: Dr Chan: Host: Dr Chan: Host: Dr Chan: Host: Dr Chan: Humans are not the only ones who see doctors when they are sick — so do animals such as raccoons, lions and even snakes! This week, we have a zoo vet with us. Say hello to Dr Yvonne Chan! Hi, everyone. Dr Chan, can you tell us about what you do at work? 5 The other vets and | give regular check-ups to the animals. We weigh them and examine their eyes and teeth. We also examine their hearts and lungs using a stethoscope. Then, we speak to the zookeepers who are in charge of giving them food and water. They will let us know if the animals are not eating or drinking normally. 10 Sick or injured animals will be given injections or medicine. In more serious cases, surgery may be performed on them. What made you want to become a vet? Did anything inspire you? As a child, | enjoyed watching nature documentaries and spending time at the zoo. One day, | found an injured bird. | took it home and 15 looked after it. | was overjoyed when it recovered and could fly again. After this experience, | decided to become a vet. How do you feel about your job? Itis rewarding. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my patients become healthy again! 20 Do you have any advice for our viewers who want to become vets? Since you will need to know how to treat many different animals, you must study hard. You must keep a cool head during emergencies. Most importantly, you must love'taking care of animals! Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6h (OKidz Education & Bee Publishing Pre Lit pe. $2. c Blacken the correct answer. Which of the following is NOT done during Dr Chan's check-ups? OA. checking how heavy the animals are O B. feeding the animals OC. checking the animals’ dental health O D. checking the animals’ eyesight Read line 17. What does ‘this experience’ refer to? OA. Watching a nature documentary OB. Visiting a zoo OC. Seeing an injured bird OD. Helping a wounded bird Answer the questions in complete sentences. According to the text, what is a stethoscope used for? Read line 9. What does ‘them’ refer to? When the zoo animals are not well, how does Dr Chan treat them? When does Dr Chan feel most satisfied with her job? Which word in the text means ‘very happy’? Emily is talking. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable adjective. To become a zoo vet, you need to be (1) so that you can equip yourself with plenty of knowledge about animals. You also need to stay (2) , especially during emergencies. You need to be (3) Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A so that you can take care of the animals when they are ill. Ay 8 ‘OKidz Education & Bee Publening Pre Lid Apart from applying sunscreen on your face and body, you should also wear a.wide-brimmed hat that covers your head and neck to protect yourself from the sun. You should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes too. Avoid staying outdoors between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., which is the ho /A rays are more common than UVB ys. They cause sun spots and Before you go out to play, (a) to protect yourself from the sun's strong rays. Try to stay (b) during the hottest part of the day. (1) Underline the phrases ‘don't forget’ and ‘avoid staying outdoors’. Think about the “antonyms of “forget” and ‘outdoors’ (words that have the opposite meaning). (2) Think about the meaning of ‘minor’ Find its opposite in the text. Which word in the text is an antonym of ‘minor’? Read Part A again and blacken the correct answer(s). 1. This isa/an . OA. advertisement QB. brochure OC. blog entry OD. news report 2. What is the main purpose of this text? (You may choose more than one answer) QA. to explain how we can stay safe in the sun QB. to tell us when we can spend time safely in the sun QC. to inform us about why UV rays are dangerous OD. to explain how UV rays cause skin cancer Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A onan metticninn Pla LID Parts of the body and actions related to the body a. _ Fill in the blanks with the correct words. You use your (1) to think and to remember things. You breathe with your (2) , which take in oxygen from the air. Your (3) is always beating. It pumps blood to all parts of your body through the (4) Your (5) support your body and give you shape. You need (6) to do physical activities such as walking and running. Every part of your body is important, so please take good care of all of them! b. Fillin the blanks with the correct words. You may need to change the form of the words. cough chew sneeze swallow snore sweat yawn | was (1) while doing my homework yesterday. My eyes kept closing. | couldn't sleep the night before because my brother was (2) so loudly. To make things worse, my air conditioner isn't working, so | was (3)____— all night long. Vicky: Why don’t you (4)___ some gum while you are doing your homework? It can help you stay awake. Just be careful not to (5)___ it by accident! Eric: Thanks, Vicky. By the way, you were (6) in class just now. Are you okay? Does your throat hurt? Vicky: Yes, | think | have a cold. I’ve been (7) ia lot tae: Achool Eric: Bless you! You should see a doctor soon. Timothy is reading. Let’s beat the flul * Stay healthy A healthy body is better at fighting germs and viruses. Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet. Getting sufficient sleep and doing The annual flu season is here. Every year, many people come down with the flu between January and March due to the cooler and drier regular exercise will also keep the flu weather. virus away. The flu can spread to others when flu patients cough, sneeze or talk. Other people may * Practise good hygiene Your hands may pick up the flu virus from things that many people have touched, such as doorknobs and lift buttons. Keep your hands clean by washing them thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. You may also use hand sanitiser. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth so that the flu virus will not have a chance to enter your body. Keeping your belongings and your home clean is important too. become ill when they 5 breathe in the flu virus through their noses or mouths. Although the majority of patients recover in one to two weeks, the flu can be deadly to young children and the elderly. They should be more cautious during the flu season. If you have the flu, wear a mask so that you do not pass the flu to other people. 20 * Get vaccinated The best time to do this is in Keep reading for tips on how to avoid [a autumn, Check with your doctor. getting the flu. fa eu a. Blacken the correct answer. 1. The right page of the text is about . OA. flu symptoms OB. the causes of the flu OC. preventing the flu OD. tips for recovering from the flu Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A © kidz Education & Bee Publishing PL! Which of the following is TRUE? OA. The fiu virus is only spread by coughing and sneezing. OB. The flu virus can contaminate doorknobs. OC. The flu is a serious illness for most people. OD. The flu virus can only enter your body through your nose. Timothy is writing about the text. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. An (1) body cannot fight germs or viruses. Eat healthily and do not drink too (2) water. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Why does the flu virus spread more quickly in winter? If you do not wear a mask when you have the flu, what will happen? Read line 18. What does ‘they’ refer to? Which word in the text is a synonym of ‘enough’? Find the antonyms of these words in the text. 1, careless_o 2. hurriedly e. Match the descriptions with the headings. Write the letters in the boxes. 1. We should get a flu shot annually. A, Stay healthy 2. We should do physical activities regularly. B, Practise good hygiene 3. We should not rub our eyes. C. Get vaccinated Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A ©Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Lid & Comprehension Skills Understanding sequence Read the text and answer the question. The Fisherman and His Wife Reviewed by Sarah Wong This story is about a fisherman who catches a talking fish. The fish begs the fisherman to let it go, so he lets it swim away. When the fisherman’s wife finds out what happened, she is furious because the fish did not give them anything, The fisherman's wife orders her husband to ask the fish for more and more things. First, she wants a huge mansion, followed by a palace. Next, she wants to bea king, an emperor and then a pope. Finally, she wants to become as Powerful as God. Her wishes are all granted, except the last one. In the end, the fisherman and his wife find themselves back in their tiny wooden hut. thought the fisherman was kind, but | disliked his wife because she was so Greedy. This story teaches us to be content with what we have. | recommend this meaningful book by the Brothers Grimm to everyone! Arrange the sentences in the correct order. Write the letters in the boxes. A the fisherman's wife is wearing a (1) Look for words in the text that show sequence, e.g. ‘first’, ‘next’, “inally’. B. The fisherman and his wife are back to squ ne. | (2) Read carefully. C. The fisherman decides to release the fis | The sentences given are 'D. The fish gives the fisherman and his wife a big house. OO Read Part A again and blacken the correct answer, 1. This isa OA. story eee rown. usually rephrased. For example, when do you think she would be ‘wearing @ golden crown’? OB. diary entry OC. film review © D. book review 2. We can read Sarah’s comments in ‘ A: paragraph 1 OB. paragraph 2 Oc. Paragraph 3 OD. the title 3. What tense is used in paragraphs 1-22 OA. simple past O B. simple present Oc, future OD. past continuous Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Tynac &A min umble wicked fierce timid i Adjectives for describing book characters The children are talking about stories they like. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use each word ONCE. Tim: A hen is resting under a tree when a nut falls on her head. The (1) hen thinks the sky is falling! She hurries off to warn the other animals in the forest. The (2) animals run away fearfully. At last, a (3) owl finds out the truth and tells the animals to stop panicking. Zoe: A poor woodcutter drops his old axe into the river by accident. Suddenly, the god Mercury appears with a silver axe and a gold axe. He asks the woodcutter if the axes are his. The (4) woodcutter says they are not. Mercury returns the woodcutter’s axe and gives him the silver and gold axes as a reward. The woodcutter’s neighbour is a (5) man who wants only to get rich. Feeling (6)_______—_—__of the woodcutter’s good fortune, he throws his own axe into the river. When Mercury appears with the silver and gold axes, the (7)_________ neighbour lies that the axes are his. At once, Mercury disappears and the neighbour is left with nothing. Leo: A little mouse is caught by a lion. She begs the lion not to eat her, promising to do him a favour one day. The (8) ______lion, who thinks he is the king of the jungle, laughs at her but lets her go. The next day, the lion gets trapped in a hunter’s net. Suddenly, the (9) mouse appears and chews a hole in the net, freeing the lion. The lion becomes more (10) when he realises that even tiny creatures have their strengths. Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A Kidz Education & Bee Publishina Pte Lid & Louis wrote about a book. Charlotte’s Web Reviewed by Louis Lee ‘Charlotte’s Web’ is about a pig named Wilbur. As Wilbur is the smallest and weakest piglet in the litter, the farmer thinks that he will not survive and wants to kill him. The farmer's daughter, Fern, thinks this is cruel. She stops her father and adopts Wilbur. Under Fern’s care, Wilbur grows into a healthy pig. Then, he is sold to Fern’s uncle, who owns a nearby farm. At the farm, Wilour meets other animals, such as a wise old sheep, some proud lambs, a talkative goose and a selfish rat. One day, a spider named Charlotte spins her web above his sty. Wilbur 10 and Charlotte become good friends. When Wilbur hears that Fern’s uncle is going to eat him at Christmas, he is terrified. Charlotte wants to save him, so she comes up with a clever plan. She weaves words of praise for Wilbur in her web. When the humans see the words, they think a miracle has happened. Eventually, people from across the country are astonished by Wilbur and the words in the spiderweb. Fern’s uncle decides to let Wilbur live because of his popularity. Tragically, Charlotte dies soon after laying her eggs. Although Wilbur is very upset about losing his best friend, he protects Charlotte's eggs until they hatch. Three of the baby spiders stay behind to become Wilbur's new friends. This award-winning book by E. B. White teaches us about the value of friendship and kindness. My favourite character was Charlotte as she was generous, patient and intelligent. Her loyalty to Wilbur made me tear up. ‘Charlotte’s Web’ is a must- read for everyone, Powering Up: Comorehensian Stic 3 a. Blacken the correct answer. 1. Louis is talking about OA. the sheep OB. the goose OC. the rat OD. the spider 2. What is the main message of the story? OA. It is better to be wise than to be foolish. OB. Do not look down on someone who is as foolish as a pig. OC. We should die for our friends. OD. True friends are valuable. $ b, Arrange the sentences in the correct order. Write the letters in the boxes. A. Wilbur sees Charlotte’s eggs hatch. B. Fern’s uncle is going to slaughter Wilbur. 'C. Charlotte thinks about how to rescue Wilbur. D. Fern’s uncle is shocked to see words in a spiderweb. OC LO Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Read line 20. What does ‘new friends’ refer to? 9 2. Read the last paragraph. How does Louis feel about the book? 3. Why does Louis say Charlotte was intelligent? 4. Who is the author of the book? d. Louis is talking about the book. Fill in each blank with ONE word from the text. You may need to change the form of the words. Wilbur is (1) to die. In the end, Wilbur becomes very (2) when he finds out he is going and therefore Fern’s uncle will never kill him. e Using dictionary skills Read the film review and blacken the correct answer. he peaceful forest. However, they start hearing noises at night. prints appear around their tents. Who or what could be living in 5 10 Read line 4. Which of the following is the best dictionary meaning of the word ‘break’? 1. break (verb) make something become two or more pieces ‘Be careful! Don’t break the teacup.’ (1) Think about whether “break’ in the text is 2. break (verb) stop for a short while to eat or rest @ verb or a noun. ‘We will break for lunch at noon.’ (2) Refer to the contextual 3. break (noun) a short holiday clues: ‘summer holidays’, ‘relaxing’. ‘We had a nice break in Thailand last month.’ 4. break (noun) a hole or gap in something “The moon could be seen through a break in the clouds." OA1 OB.2 Oc.3 Op.4 Read Part A again and blacken the correct answer, 1. What is the first paragraph about? OA. the reviewer's comments OB. the plot of OC. the genre of the film Plot of the film OD. the ending of the film 2. Who does not appear in the film? OA. Linda Fisher OB. Alan Wilson OC, Sarah Peters 3, Wet is the reviewer's least favourite part of the film? b A. the acting OB. the script OC. the special effects OD. the music Powering Up: Comprehensinn cuit. 0 =. — OD. Robin Lee Phrasal verbs Read these plot summaries of famous stories. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Change the form of the verbs when necessary. dress up fallout get away get into eos ich turn down al ‘turn into get on with Hua Mulan This folk tale is the story of Mulan, a young woman in ancient China. One day, she(1)____ that her elderly father must join the army to fight in a war. To save him, she (2) as a man and takes his place. She fights courageously and never (3) . When the war is over, Mulan (4) an important job in the emperor's court. Instead, she asks for a horse and goes home to her family immediately. Beauty and the Beast This fairy tale is about a prince who was (5) a frightening Beast. One day, he catches a man picking roses in his garden. He is furious and locks the man up. The man’s daughter, Beauty, (6) her missing father and finds him in the Beast’s castle. She offers to exchange places with her father. In the end, the Beast (7)______=—=— love with Beauty and becomes human again. The Great Race In this Chinese legend, the Jade Emperor decides to organise a race to choose twelve animals for the Chinese zodiac. Cat and Rat are good friends who @) each other very well. They agree to wake each other up on the morning of the race. However, Rat breaks his promise. Instead of waking Cat, he (9) ______for the finishing line by himself and wins the race. Cat flies into a rage! The two friends (10) with each other. To this day, cats and rats are enemies. 4 Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Ltd Emily is writing about a film. Film Review: The Magic Island Directed by Kate Anderson, ‘The Magic Island’ is about two children, Sam and Sandy, who live with their sick mother. Every day, the children catch fish to sell in the market. One day, Sam and Sandy find a bottle in their fishing net. Inside, there is an old map that shows the way to an island. A note on the back of the map says that the water from a spring on the island can cure any disease. As it is the children’s only hope, they set off in their little boat to look for the island. Along the way, the children are attacked by a ruthless pirate gang and their map is stolen! When they are about to give up, a kind-hearted fairy and a friendly dragon come across them and lend them a helping hand. The dragon carries Sam and Sandy to the island on his back. To their dismay, the pirates are on the island too! Can the children and their new friends stop the pirates’ 15 plan? See the film to find out! This animated film was co-written by the Jenkins siblings. | was amazed by the film's incredible soundtrack by Adam Chen. The characters’ unique appearances were the work of animator Ray White. Sam and Sandy were voiced by Russell Green and Naomi Lee respectively, who gave an impressive 20 performance. Regrettably, the special effects were a letdown. ‘The Magic Island’ is a heartwarming film about family and friendship! | recommend this film to people of all S » a. Fill in the table. $3. Blacken the correct answer. Why do the children want to go to the island? OA. They want to ask a fairy to help their mother. OB. They want to find a map. OC. They want to find a cure for their mother’s illness. OD. They want to stop the pirates from getting the magic medicine. Read line 6. ‘That’ refers to_____ OA. the bottle O B. the fishing ne net ae) C. the map OD. the note Read line 9. Which is the best dictionary meaning of the phrasal verb ‘set off’? ‘set off (phrasal verb) 1. to make an alarm start ringing “The smoke from the fire set off the alarm.’ 2. to make a bomb explode ‘Do not move or you will set off the bomb.” 3. to cause someone to start doing something “Your baby sister finally stopped crying. Don’t set her off again!” 4, to start on a trip ‘We set off for the fair at eight o'clock.’ OA1 OB.2 Oc.3 OpD.4 4. How did Emily fee! about the film? OA. moved OB. excited OC. dismayed OD. shocked 5. Emily has a good opinion of the film except for the OA. script OB. soundtrack OC. character design O D. special effects c. Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What were the children doing when they found the bottle? 2. Why did the pirates attack the children? 3. How did the children get to the island in the end? 4. Which word in the text means ‘wicked’? ~ Comprehension S| Understanding one’s feelings Read the text and answer the question in a complete sentence. Kitty woke up to the pitter-patter of rain falling. hat the rain would stop soon. However, - tinued for the whole day. “The weather report says that -@ powerful storm is approaching Hong Kong,” Kitty’s mother said. Not long after, Typhoon Signal No. 8 was issued. Kitty's parents closed and locked all the windows. That night, Kitty's younger brother could not sleep. Neither could Kitty. She listened to the wind bowling outside. It sounded like a pack of puna wolves. ei How did Kitty feel about the typhoon? (1) What did Kitty think ‘and do during the typhoon? (2) How do you think she felt? Ss Ee Read Part A again. Blacken the correct answer for question 1 and complete the table for question 2. 1. This isa OA. book review OB. film review OC. story OD. diary entry OKidz Eduunation & Rae Dublchinn Pla Ltd Verbs and nouns related to natural disasters ES The children are talking. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use each word ONCE. ' ql aoa Toh , Jason: Did you see the news on TV? The Philippines was struck by a q)_. Many homes were (2)__ sib the strong wind. A lot of people have caught (3)__————from drinking unclean water. Many (4) are helping to (5) gs. supplies. Winnie: Oh, no! | was just reading a news article. There was a powerful (6)______in India. Hundreds of buildings collapsed and many roads are cracked. Although the weather is cold, the (7) have to sleep outdoors. There is not enough warm clothing for them. Ryan: Heavy rain in Thailand has caused severe (8) Many farmers have lost their (4) . Meanwhile, (10) have affected many African countries. People have nothing to eat because all the plants have (11) Danny: Millions of people must leave their countries because of violent wars. They become (12) in other countries, where it is very difficult for them to find jobs and homes. | feel sorry for them. Jason: Terrible (13) and wars are happening all over the world. We ought to help people who are not as fortunate as us. Winnie: Shall we collect (14) ___ from our family and friends? We can give the money toa (15)____ that will use it to help people in need. Danny: Good idea! | hope the people in those countries can (16) their homes’ soon. Powerina lin: Camnrehension Skills & Text Types 6A» ©Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Lid Serene is reading. Patrick was on a little boat. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. He clung tightly to the boat as it was tossed around by the rough sea. Suddenly, Patrick heard a voice calling his name. “Patrick! Patrick! Wake up!” his mother said worriedly. Patrick opened his eyes. He felt his bed wobbling. “Am | still dreaming?” he thought sleepily. Then, he saw the ceiling lamp swaying and his books tumbling off the shelves. Patrick realised that it was not a dream. He scrambled out of bed and crouched under the desk with his parents. At last, the shaking stopped. Patrick’s parents turned on the radio immediately. A tsunami warning had been issued! They needed to evacuate at once. Carrying only a rucksack of emergency supplies, Patrick and his parents set off towards higher ground. When they went outside, Patrick saw his neighbours moving as fast as they could. Everyone knew that the deadly wall of water might be just minutes away. Some time later, Patrick and his family arrived at the top of a hill. They had to stay there until they received the all-clear signal. It was still dark, So Patrick wrapped himself in a blanket, lay down and shut his eyes. However, he could not stop thinking about his house being swept away by the tsunami. It was a restless night for Patrick. Three hours later, the residents of the town were allowed to return to their fF homes. When Patrick saw his home, he felt as thou igh a weight had been $3, Serene is talking. Fill in each blank with ONE word from the text. During a typhoon last year, | watched the news and saw trees (1) in the wind and rocks (2) _____ down cliffs. It was scary! Blacken the correct answer. How did Patrick know that an earthquake was happening? OA. His mother told him there was an earthquake. OB. He saw his belongit falling onto the floor. OC. He saw his neighbours leaving their homes. OD. He was listening to the radio. How do you know Patrick and his family evacuated in a hurry? OA. Patrick clung tightly to the boat. OB. They crouched under the desk. OC. They carried only a rucksack of emergency supplies. OD. They arrived at the top of a hill. How did Patrick feel while he was waiting on top of the hill? OA. relieved OB. disappointed OC. impatient OD. anxious Which word in the text has the same meaning as ‘very dangerous’? OA. rough (line 3) OB. emergency (line 12) OC. deadly (line 14) OD. restless (line 20) Answer the questions in complete sentences. How did Patrick and his parents protect themselves from being injured during the earthquake? Was Patrick’s house swept away by the tsunami? Read the last line. How did Patrick feel? roinizam Gonmaneneon sunsaTenTypes6h OK: Eten 80 Pulaing PL & Looking for specific information ln the text Read the text and give short answers. - we — ~__Power Primary Sche Eco-friendly Sculpture Compe' Instead of throwing away disposable cups, plastic bottles and drink cans, why not turn them into something beautiful? Enter the Eco-friendly Sculpture Competition and save the environment! The ten most creative entries will win attractive prizes. You may get a registration form from your class teacher or the school office. Hand in your form to the school office by 7 April. All entries must be submitted at the art room on 10" May. The winners will be announced on 17* May and their entries will be displayed in the school hall. (1) Circle the dates in the text: ‘7 April’, “10 May’, ‘17"* May’ (2) Look for the keywords in the text: ‘winners’, ‘announced’. 1. When will the students know who won the competition? 2. Where should students hand in their entries? (1) Circle the places in the text: ‘school office’, ‘art room’, ‘school hall’. (2) Look for a word in the text with the same Meaning as ‘hand in’. Read Part A again and blacken the correct answer, 1. This isa/an OA. leaflet OB. magazine article OC. letter OD. advertisement 2. The main aim of the event is to OA. educate the students about the need for recycling OB. encourage students to recycle OC. inform the students about how disposable things harm the environment % OD. encourage the students to appreciate art Powering Up: Camnrahan«ta. Words related to pollution and environmental protection Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use each word ONCE. Air pollution is caused by (1) from vel and(2)___ from factory chimneys. Some large cities are often covered with (3) , which can lead to health problems such as asthma and lung disease. Rubbish buried in (4) and (5) thrown carelessly on the ground can cause land pollution. It makes the natural environment dirty and unsightly. Water pollution occurs when (6) from factories and ”) from homes is released into rivers, lakes and seas. Water sources may become contaminated and unsafe for drinking. (8) from boats and ships can harm and kill sea creatures. b, _Fillin the blanks with the correct words. Rules for a Greener Life Do not throw away paper, cans and bottles. (1) putting them into the correct bins. Use fewer plastic bags. Take reusable (2) with you when you go shopping. + Use fewer (3)_____= products. Use (4) instead of tissues and (5) batteries instead of single-use ones. * Buy (6) appliances as they use less electricity. Always (7) your appliances when they are not in use. Use fans instead of (8) Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A ©Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Ltd & The children are reading. Power Primary School Earth Week Spend your summer holidays wisely! To encourage our students to care for the environment, the Green Club is organising our school’s first-ever Earth Week from 16" to 19" July. © Recycled Fashion Show Date and Time: 16" July, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Venue: School hall Can you make a fashionable outfit using only the provided recycled materials? Participants will be given two hours to create their outfits. After that, one student from each group will model the outfit on stage. 3 winners from each level (Primary 1-6) will be chosen. Each group should have no more than 5 students. Please register with Stella Chan of Class 6C by 20" June. & Recycled Crafts Workshop Date and Time: 17" and 18'" July, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Venue: Art room Join us.on these two days and learn to make useful pencil holders and lovely bracelets respectively! Tools and recycled materials will be provided. Sign up with your Art teacher before July. Each session is limited to 30 students. & Neighbourhood Clean-up Date ‘and Time: 18'* July, 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Venue: Around the neighbourhood Anyone who wants to join us may gather outside the school office at 8:20 a.m. We will split into teams and pick up litter in the neighbourhood around our school. © Tree-planting Day Date and Time: 19% July, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Venue: Sunny Park ‘Trees purify the air by removing dust and harmful gases. They produce oxygen Tor living things to breathe and shelter us from the sun. Let's plant trees | together! Tree seedlings and gardening tools will be provided. Interested students, _ Please submit your forms to your class teacher by 30" June. Important note: Indoor activities will take place regardless of weather conditions. Outdoor ones may be subject to change. Powering Up: Gomprehension Skills & Text Types GA ‘Okidz Education & Ras Banvcninn Bia Td $2. Blacken the correct answer. Nathan is only free in the mornings during Earth Week. Which activity can he join? OA. Tree-planting Day OB. Neighbourhood Clean-up OC. Recycled Crafts Workshop OD. Recycled Fashion Show What is NOT true about the Recycled Crafts Workshop? OA. It may or may not be held depending on the weather. OB. A total of 60 students can take part in it. OC. Students can make jewellery on 18" July. OD. The deadline for registration is in June. In the text, which is NOT mentioned as a benefit of trees? OA. Trees clean the air. OB. Trees provide fruit. OC. Trees provide oxygen. OD. Trees give us shade. Which of the following is TRUE? OA. Students are allowed to prepare their outfits a day before the Recycled Fashion Show. OB. Students should bring their own spades on Tree-planting Day. OC. Students do not need to register for the Neighbourhood Clean-up. OD. Emily can sign up for the Recycled Fashion Show with 5 of her classmates. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Has Power Primary School organised Earth Week before? What is the main aim of the event? Paul wants to take part in the Neighbourhood Clean-up. Where is the meeting point? What can the clothes in the Recycled Fashion Show be made from? How many winners in total will be chosen at the Recycled Fashion Show? Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A ©Kidz Education & Beo Publishing Pte Ltd § Understanding the connection between ideas Read the text and answer the questions in complete sentences. “| used to be selfish. | neither shared with others nor helped others. Since joining the ‘Young English Teacher Programme’ this summer, | have found that helping people is meaningful. Moreover, it was a joyous experience to see my ‘students’ reading English books by themselves! Now, | am leading a more positive life. lam taking not only guitar lessons but also arts and crafts lessons. One day, I hope | can be a ‘guitar teacher’ or an ‘art teacher’ to those in need!” — Jack, 12 years old 1. What didn’t Jack do before that summer? {Look out For connecting He did not words such as ‘neither ... nor’ (two things that are eae a nee tac ee SE te OR both not done or not 2. How does Jack feel about helping others? possible), ‘moreover’ (also) and ‘not only ... but also (in addition to). (2) Pay attention to the tense of your answer. 3. What is Jack learning now? Read Part A again and blacken the correct answer. 1. This is a OA. diary entry OB. film review OC. report OD. testimonial 2. The main purpose of this text is to OA. tell others that Jack is very helpful now OB. point out how bad Jack was in the past OC. thank and praise the ‘Young English Teacher Programme’ OD. encourage others to equip themselves with new skills Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types GA ©Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte L'd Charity work Cathy is writing a diary entry. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use each word ONCE. You may need fo change the form of the words. collect raise donate stall second-hand ee raffle ticket crafts flag sponsor homeless 5'" September, 2XXX Sunny Yesterday, my school held a charity funfair to help needy families in Hong Kong. My class decided to run a (1) selling handmade (2, such as bookmarks and picture frames. Many people bought our creations and soon they were sold out! Another class (3) old clothes, books and toys in good condition and sold them at their (4) stall. What a good way to save the environment and give to charity at the same time! | bought a (5) and won a hamper. In the end, my school (6) more than $80,000! Last night, | saw a news report about an earthquake in Indonesia. The natural disaster destroyed many houses, causing hundreds of people to become (7) . They do not have enough food, water or medicine. | want to help the earthquake victims, so | have signed up for a charity walk. | will ask my family members and relatives to (8) some. Fill dico"evceurdge'thamito (9) to charities that help victims of Natural disasters. fasts S ts 2 Tovt Tynes 6A ‘©Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Lid Some people are reading a text. A monthly newsletter by Grace Community Centre July 2XXXx. Summer Volunteer Programme Next month marks the 10" anniversary of our Summer Volunteer Programme. In this programme, our volunteers run stalls at a funfair, visit Rainbow Elderly Home and take part in an English programme for orphans. Volunteers aged 10 and above are welcome! (Deadline for registration: 18 July) 5 This year's funfair is on 4 August. We are joining hands with an international charity, Friends of the World, to put on this event. All proceeds will go to victims of natural disasters. Raffle tickets will be sold at our centre from 9" July. The winning tickets will be drawn during the funfair. Our volunteers will pay a visit to Rainbow Elderly Home on 18 August. They willbe 10 responsible for either a magic show or a game session. This year's English programme for orphans will be held from 3% August to 13 August. Read what our volunteers and participants have to say about last year's Programme) “My English was very poor when I was 7. | could neither spell nor Pronounce English words correctly. Thanks to the volunteers, now 15 ! can not only speak good English but also write stories in English!” — Chi Man, 10 years old “Running a second-hand stall was tough but enjoyable! |hed te aan and sell the old books and toys people had donated. Moreover | needed to collect and record all the funds raised, | had fun while supporting a good 20 cause.” — Emily, 12 years old “Not only did we sing songs for the elderly residents, we also made desserts with them! As | have a sweet tooth, | was thrilled!” — Mark, 16 years old a. Joe is also sharing his thoughts. Put his sentences in the correct order. us with a stunning ink ‘painting after our performance. B. The elderly residents applauded loudly at the end of our performance! We rehearsed for weeks before our visit so that we could put on our best show. D. We not only cheered up the elderly residents, but also felt our hearts grow pac Li-Ey-L eo b. Blacken the correct answer(s). 1. Mr Chan buys a raffle ticket. When will he know the results of the raffle? OA. on 4 July OB. on 18% July OC. on 4% August OD. on 18" August 2. Chi Man 7 OA lives with his parents OB. is a volunteer OC. cannot speak English now OD. has joined the English programme before $3. What did Emily do at the funfair? (You may choose more than ONE answer) OA. donated old books OB. sorted old toys OC. sold old books OD. donated money OE. purchased books 4, When Emily says she was ‘supporting a good cause’, she means that OA. she collected a lot of money OB. she spent her time meaningfully OC. she had lots of fun OD. her stall was very successful 5. ‘Have a sweet tooth’ (line 23) means that Mark OA. likes eating desserts OB. is good'at making desserts OC. has a toothache OD. has braces on his teeth ¢. Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. For how long has the Summer Volunteer Programme run so far? 2. Who will organise the funfair this year? $3. What couldn’t Chi Man do four years ago? $a, What did Mark do at Rainbow Elderly Home last year? Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types GA ©Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Ltd & orld ‘ TTT Interpreting idioms Read the text. Blacken the correct answer. Holi, the Festival of Colours, Background How people celebrate Holi Holi is celebrated in India. It On the eve of the festival, bonfires are lit falls in March and marks the to represent the victory of good over evil. beginning of spring. On this The next day, everyone lets their hair down! day, people hope to wipe the They run around and throw coloured water slate clean. They mend their and powder at one another. People sing, relationships with family and dance and let go of their worries. In the friends so that they can have evening, they put on clean clothes and a harmonious year ahead. visit their relatives and friends. 1. At Holi, people OA. make new friends © B. clean their homes OC. forgive others OD. love their family (1) What do you think the idiom ‘wipe the slate clean’ means? (2) Read the sentences around the idiom: ‘mend their relationships’ 2. Read the underlined words. How do people feel at Holi? OA. amazed OB. fearful ‘harmonious year ahead’. OC. furious OD. relaxed Read the sentences around the idiom. How do you think the people| feel? Read Part A again and blacken the correct answer, 1. This text is a OA. letter OB. book review OCC. factual description OD. biography 2. This text’s purpose is to a festival. OA. present information about OC. discuss the advantages of OB. share feelings about OD. retell the Story of & Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Tvnes 6A Awe = ete Festive traditions Mandy is writing an e-mail to her pen friend. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Dear Paula, Thanks for your e-mail! | would be happy to help you with your school project. Let me tell you about festivals in Hong Kong. People prepare for Chinese New Year by cleaning their homes and ()__ them with flowers and red paper. At Chinese New Year, they dress in new clothes and visit their relatives and friends. (2) festive food such as turnip cakes and (3) are eaten. In the past, people would set off (4) . They believed that the loud noise would drive away bad luck. However, it is now illegal in Hong Kong. (5) are performed to bring good luck. In the evening, there is a spectacular (6) with huge, colourful floats. | always look forward to seeing the gorgeous (7)___ lighting up the night sky! At the Ching Ming Festival, people visit the (8)_____———_of their ancestors and dead relatives to pay their respects. After pulling up the weeds and (Cy the graves, people leave special food and (10) of flowers in front of them. They also light (11) and place them in front of the graves. The Mid-Autumn Festival usually falls in September or October. During this festival, people light (12) of all shapes and sizes. Sometimes, (13) are written on them. People eat (14) =a tarfruit with their families while gazing at the full moon. What festivals do you celebrate in Brazil? Please tell me about them! Yours, Mandy Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Ltd Louis is reading. Saying ‘Hello’ to the New Year A new beginning The start of a new year is a chance to turn over a new leaf. It is a time to think about how we can improve ourselves. Let’s look at how some countries celebrate the New Year. Japan go Scotland People in Japan usually In Scotland, the ‘first-foot’, who is the spend New Year's Eve first person to enter a house on watching music New Year’s Day, must bring bread, performances on TV. =< salt and coal as these are thought to Buckwheat noodles in soup are eaten. _ be lucky items. When the clock strikes Some say the long noodles represent —_ midnight, people burst into the well- longevity. Others believe that breaking _ loved Scottish song, “Auld Lang Syne’. the noodles with chopsticks symbolises letting go of the hardships of the past See ~ Spain year. Not eating all the noodles is At midnight on New Year's Day, I ii in eat twelve grapes » twelve months of rape is eaten at each It is believed that rosperity. considered unlucky. ‘As midnight approaches, the Japanese traditionally set off for temples and shrines to pray for better fortune in the coming year. Some people also have a blast at countdown parties! Denmark)? 915) In Denmark, people start climbing conto chairs just before midnight, When the clock strikes twelve, they jump off and ‘leap’ into the new year! ng tl with new 8 Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A ©Kidz Education & Bea Publishing Pte U9 $2. $1. Blacken the correct answer. What mustn't Japanese people do on New Year's Eve? OA. visit temples OB. watch a popular music show OC. cut their noodles OD. have leftover noodles In the section titled ‘A new beginning’, ‘to turn over a new leaf’ means OA. to be environmentally friendly OB. to become successful OC. to change to become a better person OD. to enjoy good luck Which of the following is TRUE? OA. Going to shrines is not the only year-end activity for Japanese people. OB. Scottish people think that coal is a gift that brings bad fortune. OC. Spanish people eat twelve grapes all at once on New Year’s Day. OD. Danish people leap onto chairs on New Year's Day. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Read the section titled ‘Japan’. What does ‘have a blast’ mean? It means to What is usually sung on New Year's Day in Scotland? What does the underlined ‘this’ refer to? Which word in the text means ‘comes near’? Louis is reading another text about Chinese New Year in Hong Kong. Fill in each blank with ONE word from the text. During Chinese New Year in Hong Kong, many people like to decorate their homes with red paper with the Chinese character ‘Fuk’ so that they will have good (1) . Some people eat dried scallops that symbolise wealth and (2) , as they look like old Chinese coins. Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A ©Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Ltd » Emily is reading. Super Sloths Spending most of their lives hanging upside down in the rainforests of South America and Central America, sloths are among the slowest animals in the world. A sloth moves through the treetops at about 4 metres per minute. Surprisingly, sloths are good at swimming. They can 5 swim three times as fast as they move on land! Sloths can be divided into two groups — two-toed sloths, which have two claws on each front foot, and three-toed sloths, which have three. No matter which type they are, sloths have three claws on each back foot. Sloths have neither good hearing nor good eyesight, but their other senses are sharp. 10 Apart from eating, sleeping and climbing are the main activities of sloths. They feed not only on leaves but also on twigs and buds. While they usually stay up in the treetops where it is safer, they do come down occasionally. Sloths can live for 20 to 30 years. Sloths’ slow movement is actually an advantage. Predators such as eagles 15 and jaguars often do not notice them. Moreover, the green algae that grow on sloths’ fur help them camouflage themselves in the jungle. Some human activities harm sloths. Sloths are hunted illegally for their meat and fur. Baby sloths are captured and sold as pets. Worst of all, humans are cutting down rainforests so that they can build roads, houses and farms. 20: This is destroying sloths’ homes and food sources. If we do not protect sloths, they will become few and far between. a. Blacken the correct answer. This is " QA. an infermation report OB. a book review GERVATRUTETIND) OC. a biography OD. a testimonial 2. How fast can a sloth move in water? OA. 3 metres per minute OB. 12 metres per minute OC. 20 metres per minute » OD. 30 metres per minute Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A Kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte Lid Comprehension Skill: Looking for specific information in the text 3. Which of the following is TRUE? OA. Two-toed sloths have two claws on each foot. OB. Sloths eat only leaves. OC. Sloths seldom eat. OD. Sloths have a good sense of smell. ‘Comprehension Skill: Understanding the connection between ideas 4. Read line.10. Which of the following is the best dictionary meaning of the word ‘sharp’? T. sharp (adjective) able to cut and pierce ‘A rose plant has sharp thorns.’ 2. sharp (adjective) able to notice things quickly ‘Dogs have very sharp ears. 3. sharp (adverb) at an exact time ‘The lesson will start at eight o'clock sharp." 4. sharp (adjective) clear and easy to see ‘This camera takes very sharp pictures.” OA1 OB. 2 OES OD.4 5. Read the last line. What does ‘they will become few and far between’ mean? OA. they will not see one another often OB. they will face many dangers OC. they will become very rare OD. they will die out b. Emily is talking about sloths. Fill in each blank with ONE word from the text. Comprehension Skil Using dictionary skills Comprehension Ski idioms Interpretit Comprehension Skill: Understanding the connection between ideas Sloths can survive in the jungle not only because of their slow (1) , but also their excellent (2) c. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Comprehension Skill: 1. Does a sloth often sleep? Looking for specific information in the text 2. Read line 21. What does ‘this’ refer to? Conbrenension suite "Making references ; A , “ ty Which word in the text is an antonym of ‘regularly’? “eas Looking for antonyms A Powarine Pamnrahaneinn Stille & Tavt Tunes RA Aide Eahinatinn 8 Ban A. (CS (2)a. weird b, various BC 8 ©. a. (1)leb coat (2) safely glasses (3) beaker (4) thermometer (6) funnel (6) test tube (7)microscope _(8) fire extinguisher (9) first-aid box b. (1) Light bulbs (2) Its (8) vacuum cleaners (4) Steam irons (6) Air conditioners (6) dehumidifiers (7) photocopiers (8) fax machines (2) digital cameras (1) electricity (2) brass b()C (2D GC (4B (6A c. (1) They used ostrich feathers to make fans. (2) We should not use air conditioners too often or set the temperature below 25°C. (8) He passed away in 1950. d. (1) fortunate (2) plant 1A. (1) Itrefers to different countries. | @c t B. (1)B (ac } C. (1) creative (2) fashion designer | @)accountant (4) accurately | flight attendant (6) attentive | @)earing (8) patiently | @curious (10) astronaut | (11) engineer (12) firefighter. (13) courageous _—_(14) police officer (15) calm (16) outgoing (17) journalist (18) lawyer (19) hard-working (20) fluently D. a (1)B (2)D b. (1) It is used for examining the animals’ hearts and lungs. (3) She gives them injections or medicines, or performs surgery on them. (4) She feels most satisfied when she sees her patients become healthy again. (6) ‘Overjoyed’ means ‘very happy’. ¥ | | | (2) Itrefers to the animals. | | | (@2)calm | ©. (1) hard-working (3) caring | Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 6A ~ ©Kidz Education 8 Bee Publishing Pte Ltd (1) a, remember (2) Major is'an antonym of ‘minor’ b. indoors 8 (Ac a. (1) brain (2) lungs (3) heart (4) blood vessels (5) bones (6) muscles b. (1) yawning (2) snoring (3) sweating (4) chew (6) swallow (8) coughing (7) sneezing a (10 (2)B b. (1) unhealthy (2)ittle ¢. (1) It spreads more quickly in winter because the weather is cooler and drier. (2) IF! do not wear @ mask when | have the flu, | will pass the flu to other people. (Q) Itrefers to young children and the elderly. (4) ‘Sufficient’ is a synonym of ‘enough’ d. (1) cautious (2) thoroughly e. (1)C (2)A @B ‘A.C DPADB 8. ()D @c @)B C. (1) silly (2) timid (8) wise (4) truthful (5) greedy (6) jealous (7)dishonest (8) proud (9) loyal (10) humble D. a. (1)C (@D b. B->C->DPA . (1) Itrefers to three of the baby spiders. (2) He feels touched / that the book is touching. (suggested answer) (8) Louis says Chariotte was intelligent because she came up with a clever plan to save Wilbur. (suggested answer) (4) The author of the book is E. B. White. d. (1) teritied (2) popular AC B. (1)B QA (3)8 C, (1)finds out (2) dresses up (8) gives up (4)turns down (5) turned into (6) looks for (7)fallsin (8) get on with (9) sets off (10) fall out & _ Answers D. a. (1) Kate Anderson (2) the Jenkins siblings (8) Ray White (4) Russell Green ()NaomiLee (6) Adam Chen 7 b ()C (Cc @D A _ ()D ©. (1) They were catching fish (in their fishing net) / fishing when they found the bottle. (2) The pirates attacked the children to steal their map / because they wanted to steal B. the children’s map. ie (8) They gottto the istand bby dragon /1on a dragon inthe end. (4) 'Ruthless’ means ‘wicked’ D. She felt scared B.C ‘tightened / afraid of the typhoon _athome/at Kitty’shome _b. Kitty (2) destroyed (3) diseases (6) distribute (6) earthquake 8)floods (9) crops 11) withered (12) refugees ~ (14) donations (16) charity. D. a. (1) swaying (2) tumbling @B (Cc @)D (4)C . (1) They crouched under the desk to protect A. themselves. B. (2) No, it was not swept away by the tsunami. G & (3) He felt relieved. ‘A. (1) On 17" May. (2) Atthe art room. D. B. (A 2)B C. a. (1) exhaust fumes (2) smoke (8) smog (4) landfills (6) litter (6) toxic waste (7) sewage (8) Oil spills b. (1)Recycle (2) bags (8) disposable (4) handkerchiefs (6)rechargeable (6) energy-efficient (2) unplug (8) air conditioners Da()B @A (3B (4)C b. (1) No, Power Primary School has not organised Earth Week before. (2) The main aim of the event is to encourage the students of Power Primary School to care for the environment. (9) Itis outside the school office. (4) They can be made from the provided recycled materials. (5) 18 winners will be chosen at the Recycled Fashion Show. & b. fen x Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 64 (1) share with others or help others. (2) He feels that helping others is meaningful and joyous. (3) He is learning to play the guitar and do arts and crafts. ()D (2c (1) stall (2) crafts (3) collected (4) second-hand (6) raffle ticket (6) raised (7) homeless (8) sponsor (9) donate a. CBP APD b.(C 2D BC (4)B A ©. (1) Ithas run for 9 / nine years. (2) Grace Community Centre and Friends of the World will organise the funfair this year. (3) He could not spell or pronounce English words correctly four years ago. (4) He sang songs for the elderly residents and made desserts with them. ac (2D ac QA (1) decorating (2) Traditional (3) melon seeds (4)firecrackers (6) Lion dances (6) parade (7) fireworks: (8) graves (9) sweeping (10) bouquets —_(11) joss sticks (12) lanterns (13)ridales (14) moon cakes a. (1)D @c @)A b. (1) have a lot of fun / an enjoyable time / a very good time. (2) ‘Auld Lang Syne’ is usually sung on New Year's Day in Scotland. (8) Ittefers to walking around the neighbourhood with an empty suitcase. (4) ‘Approaches’ means ‘comes near. ¢. (1)fortune (2) prosperity lar (A (2)B (3)D (4)B jc (1) movement (2) camouflage (1) Yes, it often sleeps. (2) Itreters to cutting down rainforests (by humans). (8) ‘Occasionally’ is an antonym of ‘regulary’. ©kidz Education & Bee Publishing Pte b---------------------------

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