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NARRATOR (ALEXIS): Once upon a time, a girl name Joanne went for hiking trip with a group of
other people. Joanne wasted a lot of time and hence, she missed a lot of things always.
ALMYRA: Girls, let’s go or we will miss the beautiful sunset at the top of the mountain!
EDRIAN & IVY: Yes, Ma’am! Let’s go!
JOANNE: Ahmm, Coach, I need some time to get ready.
ALYMRA: You should have been ready by now, Joanne comeback fast! We are waiting for you.
JOANNE: Yes, Ma’am.
IVY: Joanne! Please hurry up! You’re wasting your time and everybody else’s time too.
EDRIAN: We can’t wait for you anymore.
JOANNE: I’m here. Let’s go!
NARRATOR (ALEXIS): Everybody climbing the mountain while Joanne is lagging behind as she is
wasting her time.
ALMYRA: Where is Joanne? I can’t see her.
EDRIAN: Coach, she is resting there.
ALMYRA: Joanne! Hurry up!
NARRATOR (ALEXIS): Joanne gets up and walks toward the group slowly. Everybody starts moving
too as they are assured Joanne is behind them. As everybody is climbing the mountain, Joanne loses
track of the group again because she was wasting time. She starts panicking as she was lost. She
somehow finds her way and reaches the top of the mountain. But when she reaches, the sun had
already set and everybody was walking down the mountain. Everybody else looked so happy as they
had watched such a beautiful sunset but Joanne starts crying as she missed it.

T-Series Kids Hut

Group Members:
Alexis Arzaga, Ivy Ognita, Joanne Tabalan, Edrian Joy Tuazon and Almyra Villaluz

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