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List of questionaries

Part 1: Personal Question

1. What year are you at Dong Nai University? (multiple-choice)

 Freshmen

 Sophomore

 Junior

 Senior

2. What is your major at Dong Nai University? (open-ended)

3. What is your gender? (multiple-choice)

 Male

 Female

 Do not want to answer

4. How old are you? (multiple-choice)

 18-20

 21-23

 >23

Part 2: Overview

1. How often do you use electronic devices? (multiple-choice)

 Always

 Frequently
 Occasionally

 Rarely

 Never

2. Do you use electronic devices during the study? (multiple-choice)

 Yes

 No

3. Do you believe that you utilized technological devices more frequently in college?


 Yes

 No

 Maybe

Part 3: Main content A

1. What are the positive effects of electronic devices on learning? (tick-all-that-apply)

 Store a lot of study materials

 Easily gain access to research information

 Actively register and participate in an online class

 Help us learn lessons effectively with explanations, sounds, and pictures

 Via applications, you may quickly and effectively connect with others

2. Do you believe that learning is made simpler by using electronic devices? (multiple-


 Yes

 No
 Maybe

3. Indicating how you feel about the following statements: (Likert-scale)

 Technology has more positive effects than negative ones

 Using electronic devices helps to study better.

 The introduction of electronic devices into learning and teaching

 Reduce the cost of printing documents when using electronic gadgets for


Part 4: Main content B

1. What are the negative effects of electronic devices on learning? (multiple-choice)

 Distraction from studying: playing games, texting, surfing the web

 Using electronic devices for a long period of time causes fatigue and harm to the


 Excessive use of technology causes a lazy way of thinking, resulting in passive


 Easy to cause cheating in exams

2. After answering question 1, please write down one or two negative impacts of using

social media that affect you most in learning. (open-ended)

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