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Awal semester, bermain hunt a treasure

Group A :
- This object is in front of you, the teacher writes everything here, use boardmarker to write
on it. Big and white (give to them)
- Your teacher can’t sit without this object, near the whiteboard (whiteboard)
- You can see outside the class without go out from the class, the curtain will beautify this
object, look each of them, you will find the clue (chair)
- Same like the object before it, you have to pass this object so you can go out from your
class, its in front of the class, there’s only one. Look on the back side or the front side, you
will find it (window)
- There’s the only one table outside the teacher office in this school, teachers sit here
everyday, if you want to take phone, you might go to this table to get the permission (door)
- You can see any information in this board, its on the teachers room, you can see the lesson
schedule too (meja piket)
- Go to your teacher, answer her question to go to next clue !
Make sentence by using this word : tall , body, my boyfriend, very
- Go to previous room, it might be the table of your favorite teacher, this table is in the front
part of the room, beside the wall, look for the white cup, you will find it (give to them)
- This is the object which mis fira very need so much, she can’t live without this thing, look
inside its purple case, you will find the last clue (white cup mr dian)
- Congratulation !, go to mis fira’s loker to take the treasure! Don’t forget to meet mis fira
first to take the loker’s key ! (mis fira case)

Group B :

- It’s in this room, you sit in this object, your class have this object so much, but look on the
front side in your right side. (give to them)
- Your teacher need this object to write while their sit, you can put boardmarker, eraser, book
or class journal on this thing, its in front of you. (front chair)
- This thing is dirty, but you can throw the rubbish in this thing, you will need this after you
broom the class. It in front of the class near the door class (teacher table)
- Go to mis fira and ask her question
Make question with these words : beautiful, have, girlfriend, smile
- You can’t open the door without touch this part, its in the door. You have to hold and push
it under so the door can open (give to them)
- You can see any information about school here, your school have this thing. You can find it
when you use stairs, when you go to teacher’s room and outside the TU office. Look each
part, where is the clue? (handle pintu)
- Mis fira use this to make any school assignment and her work, its tinier than the usual size,
its blue and have a word ACER above it, look at mis fira’s table on the office (madding
samping TU)
- Don’t go away from your position now, this flower is barely dead, it’s mis fira’s flower on her
table, look on below its vase. (laptop)
- Congratulation ! go to mis fira’s table in the office and open the box under its table, but you
have to meet her first to take the treasure !
2. Teaching technique to learn UTBK
a. Suruh mereka menulis kata sulit satu buah di papan tulis, cari terjemahan Bersama-sama.
b. Mencoba memahami maksud teks sesuai dengan kata sulit yang diterjemahkan
c. Menerjemahkan pilihan jawabn
d. Bersama-sama menjawab
e. Melihat kunci jawaban
f. Dan guru membahas

- Buat metode role play

- Perkelompok diberikan satu teks dan terjemahan, suruh mereka menjawab teks mereka
- Tiap kelompok memberikan teks dan soal mereka ke kelompok lain
- Kelompok lain menjawab
- Terlebih dahulu memilih kelompok mana yang akan menjawab, dua kelompok saling
memberi soal

a. Berikan satu teks dan terjemahannya

b. Masing-masing akan membuat soal berdasarkan teks tersebut
c. Dijelaskan dulu bentuk soalnya (main idea, synonym, antonym, main idea on certain paragraph,
dll), make two opyions only
d. Buat soal dikertas selembar, dikumpulkan
e. Masing-masing siswa akan mengambil soal dan menulis jawaban nya dipapan tulis
f. Sang pembuat soal akan langsung menilai jawaban temannya, yang benar akan diberikan reward

- Role play
- Siswa akan dipasang-pasangkan
- Satu menjadi dokter, guru, perawat dll

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