The Option Writing Income Traingle

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Despite One can generate consistent Income writing Banknifty Weekly Option, most traders not

even start; they find it hard to manage:

1. The theoretical unlimited loss. I will show you a way.

2. The high margin requirement. I will show you a way.
3. The Option Greeks are a must. I will show you a way.

There are just seven tricks you need to know to generate an 88%-win rate and consistent weekly
income in bank nifty weekly option writing

Become a Successful Banknifty Weekly Option Writer

Learn How to gain a success rate of 88% writing Banknifty

Weekly Option without exposing you to unlimited risk even
when you only want to trade at 50% less margin bypassing
the need of knowing confusing option Greeks

I am Ashis, and I am the Author of this E-Book. I will teach you how you can become successful
Writing Banknifty Weekly option. If you have any questions while reading this E-book, Please Feel
Free to Ask in my WhatsApp at 9339494323

Chapter Topic Covered

1 You, as an option writer, are born to win if you do not make things complicated.

2 Income Matrix for Option Writer

3 P&L behaviour for the option seller

4 Managing the margin, how you can trade at much lower margin

5 The Naked Option Writing Opportunity Tringle

6 How to defend the naked option writing risk

7 Why you should not need to learn option Greek to be successful if you know this secret

8 What it takes to Generate a Stream of INR 1700 to INR 3200 Per week
with 88% accuracy
The Put Writing Opportunity Tringle
Chapter 1:

You, as an option writer, are born to win if you do not make things complicated.

Statistically, a very high percentage of the out-of-the-money option will expire worthlessly and
become zero at expiry.

So, if you are a writer of the out-of-the-money option, the statistics favor you from the winning side.

Out of the money, options are born to become zero; you need to ensure not making things
complicated to get a higher percentage of winning trade to create a consistent income writing
(selling) option.

Besides, the statistics favoring the option writer here are few more advantages of writing the out-of-
the-money option.

Unlike other forms of trading (Cash or Future or, say, buying option), your loss does not start as
soon as the price starts moving opposite to your entry.
Unlike another form of trading (Cash or Future or say buying option), You can win even Market does
not move in your favor. Let me explain with a table.

Scenario Market Movement Other form of trading Writing Option

1 In your favor, the You will Win: You will You will Win: You will
Market moves up for make money equal to make money similar
long, and the Market the difference to the Premium credit
moves down for short. between your entry you received
and favored
2 Market becomes You may or may not You will Win: You will
sideways Win: Depending on make money equal to
where you exit the the Premium credit
trade, you may win you received
little or lose a little
3 The Market moves You will lose You still can Win: You
opposite to your will make money
direction equal to the Premium
credit if the Market
stays above the
breakeven level. Only
below the breakeven
level you will start
losing (refer to note 1)

Note 1: At this point, the theoretical risk becomes unlimited. Yet this is a misconception. I will
discuss this in chapter 5 more on that. I will introduce to you the concept of “Exposer.” Practically by
reducing Exposer, we can alter this unlimited risk to turn it limited.

As a writer of an option, you change the rule of the game. Unlike all other forms of trading
(Cash/Future/Buying option), you are not betting on.

Making money if something happens

Here, as an option writer, you are betting on making money if something does not happen, mostly.
It turns the game in your favor, and you enjoy a higher percentage of win rate.

All these factors I discussed with you validate, “You as an option writer are born to win if you do not
make things complicated.”
Chapter 2:

Income Matrix for Option Writer

A quick overview

There is nothing much to discuss on it. It is self-explanatory and the above diagram clearly depicting
the possible scenario you will make money or lose.

Chapter 3

P&L behaviour for the option seller

P&L Behaviour for the Call Option Seller

You need to make the necessary judgments based on the call option seller's P&L profile. The
concept of the option’s intrinsic value will apply to this.
Selling a call option with the strike at 35000

Serial No. Possible values of spot Premium Received Intrinsic Value (IV) P&L (Premium – IV)
01 34400 + 100 34400 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
02 34500 + 100 34500 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
03 34600 + 100 34600 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
04 34700 + 100 34700 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
05 34800 + 100 34800 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
06 34900 + 100 34900 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
07 35000 + 100 35000– 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
08 35090 + 100 35090 – 35000= 90 = 100 – 90 = +10
09 35100 + 100 35100 – 35000 = 100 = 100 – 100 = 0.00
10 35300 + 100 35300 – 35000 = 300 = 100 – 300 = -200
11 35400 + 100 35400– 35000= 400 = 100 – 400 = - 300
12 35500 + 100 35500 – 35000 = 500 = 100 – 500 = - 400

Before we get into the details of the table above, keep in mind the following:

1. A cash inflow (credit) to the option writer is shown by a positive sign in the ‘premium
received' column.

2. Regardless of whether a call option buyer or seller, the inherent value of an option (at
expiry) stays the same.

3. For an option writer, the net P&L calculation differs significantly; the theory is as follows:

An option seller obtains a premium (for example, INR 100) when he sells options.

Only after he had lost the entire premium would he suffer a loss.

Meaning, if he loses INR 90- after collecting a premium of INR 100, he is still in profit of INR

To incur a loss as an option seller, he must first lose the premium he has received; any
money he loses over and above the premium received is his true loss.

As a result, the P&L would be ‘Premium – Intrinsic Value.'

The same argument can be used to the option buyer. Because the option buyer pays a
premium, he must first recoup that premium; hence, he will be profitable over and above
the premium amount received; thus, the P&L calculation will be ‘Intrinsic Value – Premium.'

You should now be familiar with the table above. Let's take a look at the table and make
some generalizations (do bear in mind the strike price is 35000) –

The option seller makes money as long as underlying remains at or below the strike price of
35000 – that is, he keeps the entire premium of INR 100. However, keep in mind that the
profit stays at INR 100.
As long as the spot price remains at or below the strike price, the call option writer makes a
maximum profit equal to the premium received (for a call option)

When the underlying starts to climb above the strike price of 35000, the option writer loses

As the spot price moves over and above the strike price, the call option writer begins to lose
money. The higher the loss, the further the spot price deviates from the strike price.

Based on the preceding two generalizations, it is reasonable to assume that the option seller
can make limited profits and suffer endless losses. (We will discuss in chapter?, how this
should not be a concern for option writer and how we will manage it)

We may use these generalizations in a formula to estimate a Call option seller's profit and
loss –

P&L = Premium – Max [0, (Spot Price – Strike Price)]

Going by the above formula, let’s evaluate the P&L for a few possible spot values on expiry –

1. 34900
2. 35090
3. 35100
4. 35200

The solution is as follows –

If at expiry it close in 34900

= 100 – Max [0, (34900 – 35000)]

= 100 – Max [0, -100]

= 100 – 0

= 100

The answer is in line with Generalization 1 (profit restricted to the extent of premium

If at expiry it close in 35090

= 100 – Max [0, (35090 – 35000)]

= 100 – 90

= +10
The answer is in line with Generalization 2 (Call option writers would experience a loss of
either the part of the portion of premium he received as credit and after he exhausted all
the credit, he starts to lose capital as and when the spot price moves over and above the
strike price plus the premium received as option writing credit)

If at expiry it close in 35100

= 100 – Max [0, (35100 – 35000)]

= 100 – Max [0, +100]

= 100 – 100

= 0.00

If at expiry it close in 35200

= 100 – Max [0, (35200 – 35000)]

= 100 – Max [0, +200]

= 100 – 200

= -100.00

Though the spot price is higher than the strike, the call option writer still seems to be
making some money here.

I’m sure you would know this by now, this is because of the ‘breakeven point’ concept,
which we discussed in the previous chapter.

Anyway, let us inspect this a bit further and look at the P&L behaviour in and around the
strike price to see exactly at which point the option writer will start making a loss.

Serial No. Possible values of spot Premium Received Intrinsic Value (IV) P&L (Premium – IV)
01 35000 + 100 35000 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = 100
02 35090 + 100 35090 – 35000 = 90 = 100 – 90 = 10
03 35099 + 100 35099 – 35000 = 99 = 100 – 99 = 1
04 35110 + 100 35110 – 35000 = 110 = 100 – 110 = - 10
05 35200 + 100 35200 – 35000 = 200 = 100 – 200 = -100

Clearly even when the spot price moves higher than the strike, the option writer still makes
money, he continues to make money till the spot price increases more than strike +
premium received. At this point he starts to lose money, hence calling this the ‘breakdown
point’ seems appropriate.

Breakdown point for the call option seller = Strike Price + Premium Received

For the above example,

= 35000 + 100

= 35100

So, the breakeven point for a call option buyer becomes the breakdown point for the call
option seller.

Call Option seller pay-off

In fact, the same can be observed if we plot the P&L graph of an option seller. Here is the

The P&L payoff of the call option seller resembles the P&L payoff of the call option buyer.
The following points, which are in line with the discussion we just had, can be seen in the
graphic above -

1. The profit is limited to INR 100 as long as the spot price is below the strike price of 35000.

2. We can observe the earnings decreasing from 35000 to 35100 (breakdown price).

3. We can see that there is no profit or loss at 35100.

4. When the price of a call option rises over 35100, the seller begins to lose money. In
reality, the slope of the P&L line plainly demonstrates that when the spot value goes away
from the strike price, the losses begin to mount.

Now we will discuss about selling Put Option

Please keep in mind that the calculation of the option's intrinsic value is the same whether
you're writing or buying a put option. The P&L calculation, on the other hand, changes, as
we'll see momentarily. We'll make various assumptions about the expiration date and see
how the P&L reacts.
Selling a Put option with the strike at 35000

Serial No. Possible values of spot Premium Received Intrinsic Value (IV) P&L (Premium – IV)
01 34400 + 100 34400 – 35000 = 600 = 100 – 0 = -500
02 34500 + 100 34500 – 35000 = 500 = 100 – 0 = -400
03 34600 + 100 34600 – 35000 = 400 = 100 – 0 = -300
04 34700 + 100 34700 – 35000 = 300 = 100 – 300 = -200
05 34800 + 100 34800 – 35000 = 200 = 100 – 200= -100
06 34900 + 100 34900 – 35000 = 100 = 100 – 100 = 0
07 35000 + 100 35000– 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
08 35090 + 100 35090 – 35000= 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
09 35100 + 100 35100 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
10 35300 + 100 35300 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
11 35400 + 100 35400– 35000= 0 = 100 – 0 = +100
12 35500 + 100 35500 – 35000 = 0 = 100 – 0 = +100

I'm guessing you'll be able to easily generalize the P&L behaviour upon expiry by now,
especially because we've done the same thing for the call option.

The goal of selling a put option is to collect premiums and profit from the market's
optimistic outlook.

As a result, as long as the spot price remains above the strike price, the profit remains flat at
INR 100 (premium collected).

Put option sellers benefit as long as the spot price remains at or above the strike price. To
put it another way, only sell a put option if you are bullish on the underlying or feel the
underlying will not continue to decrease.

The position begins to lose money as the spot price falls below the strike price 35000.

Clearly, there is no limit to the amount of loss the seller can suffer in this situation
(however, as a writer you need not to fear for this fact. There is a way, and I will discuss
this), and it could theoretically be endless.

When the spot price falls below the strike price, a put option seller start losing money.

Here is a general method for calculating the profit and loss from a Put Option position. Keep
in mind that this method only applies to positions that are kept until they expire.

P&L = Premium Received – [Max (0, Strike Price – Spot Price)]

Let us pick 2 random values and evaluate if the formula works –

• 34940
• 34840
• 35040
If at expiry spot close at 34940

= 100 – Max (0, 35000 -34940)

= 100 – 60

= +40

If at expiry spot close at 34840

= 100 – Max (0, 35000 -34840)

= 100 – 160

= -60

If at expiry spot close at 35040

= 100 – Max (0, 35000 -35040)

= 100 – 0

= + 100

Clearly both the results match the expected outcome.

Further, the breakdown point for a Put Option seller can be defined as a point where the
Put Option seller starts making a loss after giving away all the premium he has collected –

Breakdown point = Strike Price – Premium Received

For the Bank Nifty, the breakdown point would be

= 35000 – 100

= 34900

So, according to this definition of the breakdown point, the put option seller should gain no
money or lose no money at 34900. It's worth noting that this means he'll forfeit the full
Premium he's earned at this point. Let's put the P&L formula to the test and calculate the
P&L at the breakdown point –

= 100 – Max (0, 35000 – 34900)

= 100 – Max (0, 100)

= 100 – 100

The result obtained is clearly in line with the expectation of the breakdown point.

Here are a few highlights from the chart above; keep in mind that the strike price is 18400.

1. The seller of a Put option loses money only if the spot price falls below the strike price
(35000 and lower to cover his premium credit)

2. The potential loss is theoretically limitless (however, there is a way we can deal with it)

3. When the spot price trades above the strike price, the Put Option seller will benefit (to
the amount of the premium received).

4. Gains are limited to the amount of the premium obtained.

5. The put option seller makes no money or loses money at the breakdown point (34900).
He does, however, give up the entire premium he has gotten at this point.

With these points in mind, you should have a good understanding of what could happen if
you sell Put Options.

We've looked at both the call and put options from the seller's perspectives.

Chapter 4

Managing the margin, how you can trade at much lower margin

Nothing can be a quick and easy way to show you how to reduce margin requirements by offering an

First, check the margin requirement for selling a 36400 PE.

When I checked it in a reputed broker in India, you can check the margin requirement for selling
36400 Call option comes around INR 1,40,000

Now, if you also buy a further out of the money call option of 37000, let us check what the total
margin benefit you can get is

You can check you are getting a considerable margin benefit around INR 1,08,000, and your net total
margin requirement comes down to around INR 31,500

Here are a few key points to note

1. As you will write the Option, you need to open the far out of the money CE buy first (here 37000)
2. This way, you will reduce your margin significantly. Yet you need to forgo a bit of your profit
because when you exit your original Option write position (36400), the premium of your buy
position (37000) will reduce.

3. However, you can increase the lot size by reducing the margin requirement to keep a balance in
your income potential.

4. Few prominent and renowned brokers in India restrict individual traders to take far out of the
money option, yet plenty of brokers allow the same. You must check this factor before you start
trading with your broker.

Chapter 5:

The Naked Option Writing Opportunity Tringle

Let’s define the game we will play and the few aspects of the game you need to know as a naked
option writer.Most traders do not even try to trade naked option writing because of the potential
unlimited theoretical loss inherent in this form of trading.

Here is a big idea.

Think of the health insurance company, what they do? What is their business?

All the health insurance companies are in the business of naked option writing. They collect a
premium as credit upfront (the health insurance premium you pay), writing an option that they
will pay the bill if you have, in unfortunate case any medical emergency.

Now think the premium you pay is small (range between INR 3K to 5K) compared to the
potential bill if you are hospitalized (range between INR 3 lac to 5 lac) the insurance company
might have to pay back.

Theoretically, the insurance company assumes a huge risk. Yet have you ever know a health
insurance company became bankrupt because their clients were hospitalized at large?

The naked option writing business is precisely the same as the health insurance business. As a
naked option writer, you are the owner of a health insurance company.

You need to manage the risk and the business calculatedly, the way a health insurance
company operates.

I will teach you how you can still the method of Health Insurance Company to run your
profitable option writing business.

Yet, Naked option writing, if you think of it as a business, is a profitable one over a period of
time with almost certainty.
Chapter 6:

How to defend the naked option writing risk

Whenever we talk about “RISK” we should do it with the context of another term and that is
Here is a big idea.

Let’s give you an example, going out during pandemics is risky. One may catch the infection.
Now suppose a person A who stays out for an average of 8 hours.

And person B only moves out in case of any emergency and stays out only for 8 min or less on

In this example, the risk of staying out is equal to both of them. However, as person B exposing
himself less (only for 8 min.), his chance to catching an infection is minimal.

So, if we hold a Naked option for, say, a period of 6 hr. only, then by exposing ourselves for only
6 hr. of adverse movement of the price, we can limit the risk. One of the strategies I
recommend is to trade a Banknifty weekly option only Wednesday at 2.45 PM to enter and exit
on Thursday at 2:45 PM the next day. This way, you keep your unlimited theoretical risk in
check and put a limit even in your naked option writing.

Chapter 7:

Why you should not need to learn option Greek to be successful if you know this secret

I will not make this complicated to confuse you.

Suppose you find someone the body temperature is 100-degree Fahrenheit. Then you will conclude
that the person has fiver.

The temperature has gone above the cut-off point, and without you even analyzing the symptom,
i.e., Cough, headache, or body ache or weakness, you conclude that, whatever may be the symptom,
they are aligned such a way so that the body temperature has reached above a certain degree.

Here, the symptom is the option Greeks, and the body temperature is the option premium.

My point here is, there is a way to understand and keep a watch on a specific option premium so
that we can conclude that the same option is suitable to wright assuming that the option Greeks are
aligned such a way that the premium is trading at this price.

I have mentioned a Course at the end of this E-Book where, if you wish, you can learn more about
my research and experience on this.

Only if you wish, it is your choice.

Chapter 8:

What it takes to Generate a Stream of INR 1700 to INR 3200 Per week

with 88% accuracy

There are just seven things you need to learn to generate INR 1700 to INR 3000 /Lot Writing Weekly
Banknifty Put, Without Paying the large margin almost 88% of the time.

1. At what date and time, you should write the Banknifty option
2. How to decide you should we write CE or PE
3. What will be our strike price?
4. When we will exit the trade
5. What target price to set
6. What you will do if target not hit
7. Where you should stop and what you should do if you start losing, Manging the risk in case
something goes wrong

The Ultimate Bank Nifty Weekly-
Wednesday Option Trading Formula
How to win 88% of your option trade, The Different Framework
for Making a Solid Weekly Income that Works
There are just seven tricks you need to know to generate an 88%-win rate and consistent weekly
income in bank nifty weekly option writing

Here’s What you will get

Today I want to tell you about an exciting different way to produce income on every Wednesday
from selling weekly Bank Nifty Option.

It's a different trading routine called “Weekly-Wednesday Option Trading Formula”. If you want
consistent income with less headache and stress, this is for you.

Here’s What It’ll Do for You

What's great about “Weekly-Wednesday Option Trading Formula” is
1. You know precisely every Wednesday at 3 PM the option strike that will going to worthless
tomorrow at weekly expiry with 88% accuracy (based on 2021 result so far, refer the table
for more details)
2. Setting the strike price correctly, you will find the strike and premium you need to write(sell)
3. And in rare scenario what you will do if something goes wrong
4. And this different Framework help you to do it faster than you could do it on your own using
an objective mathematical formula
5. And a different price action based on Wednesday trading framework to trade Weekly-
Wednesday Banknifty Option Trading.

This lets you earn more income in less headache without having to do any manual labour studying so
many things and analysis leading to confusion. In fact, it's so clear about everything you need to do
you will enjoy it.

Here’s How It Works

“Weekly-Wednesday Option Trading Formula” a different mathematical formula and price action
that uses the optimal balance between the maximum premium credit, chance of the strike being
OTM at expiry, and best direction to sell the option CE or PE to generate income with high accuracy
while you relax.

You simply place the order during every Wednesday between 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM checking
everything is right with a simple 15 min chart and a calculator in your hand before you want the
press the entry button.

The average income range between INR 1,700 to INR 3,400 takes 12 seconds to decide everything,
which is faster than any strategy ever you can learn. It is precise, clear and objective.

Here are the modules you get

1. The Secret to a Consistent Income Using Banknifty weekly option

a. The Core Strategy-I, a mathematical formula that will help you decide the optimal
strike price to write based on chance of that strike become OTM at expiry and the
Income as premium credit
b. The Core Strategy-II, a price action-based setup to decide the Call or Put option what
is best to write to improve accuracy level close to 90% (data of this years showing a
rate of 88%)

2. The Formula for How to Win 88% of Your Option Trades

a. A secret Technique Using Delta, learn how to determine the probability your trade
will be successful before you even place the trader.
b. Trade Example Using Delta, 26 Trade Example using the Delta Technique

3. The Secret for Selecting the Best Option Trades, three criteria you will use to determine the
highest probability trades.
4. Full Trade Example, A complete trade example is demonstrated from setup to exit for the
year 2021.

5. What to do when Things Go Wrong, How the strategy stacks the odds in favour of you, and
what to do when things don’t go as planned.

Here’s What You need to Do Next

If you want more consistency in your trading Income and less confusion, worry, stress and tension,
you must join in our One-On-One coaching program The Ultimate Bank Nifty Weekly-Wednesday
Option Trading Formula.

Our mission is to help you with trading strategy that actually works.

If you say ‘Yes, I want consistent Income.’ tell me by sending a WhatsApp @ 82695 50333, just say
‘hi, interested on Wednesday weekly option’. When you've done that, we will discuss about best
offer you can avail for course fees, and your class will be schedule right away.

Here’s Why You Should Do It Now

The Course That Takes the Confusion Out of your Journey towards Professional Trading.

There’s never been a course to show you -- step-by-step -- exactly how to grow as a Professional
Trader. Until now. Literally, right now!

Here's why you should enrol today to prove to gift you lot of peace of your mind, when you have a
way to generate income in trading avoiding the frustration of draining, you’re your heard earned
money from your trading account.

Check the Previous Trade Win rate of this year 2021

Date E-Wave Strike Write Option Win/Loss

06-Jan Up 32300 CE Win
13-Jan Up 33000 CE Win
20-Jan Down 32100 PE Win
27-Jan Down 29900 PE Win

03-Feb Up 35200 CE Loss

10-Feb Down 35200 PE Win
17-Feb Down 36600 PE Win
24-Feb Up 36800 CE Win

03-Mar Up 36800 CE Win

10-Mar Down 36600 PE Loss
17-Mar Down 34000 PE Loss
24-Mar Down 33000 PE Win
31-Mar Down 33000 PE Win
07-Apr Up 33600 CE Win
28-Apr up 34000 CE Win

05-May Down 33600 PE Win

12-May Down 32200 PE Win
19-May Up 34300 CE Win
26-May Down 34300 PE Win

02-Jun Down 34900 PE Win

09-Jun Up 35700 CE Win
16-Jun Up 35600 CE Win
23-Jun Down 34300 PE Win
30-Jun Up 35600 CE Win

07-Jul Up 36100 CE Win

14-Jul Up 36100 CE Win


1. After learning the strategy if you are not able to identify and check the accuracy is not that
high as per the result above, we are happy to refund your course fees.
2. Weekly-Wednesday Option Trading Formula is for committed and serious traders only. If
you're not fully committed to this wonderful trading routine, then it would make sense to
ask about a refund policy. We don't offer one, because the only reason you wouldn't want to
keep do it because you just not committed.
3. If you're not going to use it, please don't order.

If you say ‘Yes, I want consistent Income.’ tell me by sending a WhatsApp @ 82695 50333, just say
‘hi, interested on Wednesday weekly option’. When you've done that, we will discuss about best
offer you can avail for course fees, and your class will be schedule right away.

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