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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 637 – 646

Laminar burning velocity of hydrogen–methane/air premixed flames

V. Di Sarli a , A. Di Benedetto b,∗
a Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy
b Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione, CNR, Via Diocleziano 328, 80124 Napoli, Italy

Received 9 January 2006; received in revised form 19 May 2006; accepted 30 May 2006
Available online 24 July 2006

The laminar burning velocities of hydrogen–methane/air mixtures at NTP conditions were calculated using the CHEMKIN PREMIX code
with the GRI kinetic mechanism. The equivalence ratio and the fuel composition were varied from lean to rich and from pure methane to pure
hydrogen, respectively.
The results show that the values of the blends laminar burning velocities are always smaller than those obtained by averaging the laminar
burning velocities of the pure fuels according to their molar proportions. Moreover, in lean mixtures the hydrogen addition enhances the methane
reactivity slightly, while a strong inhibiting effect of the hydrogen substitution by methane is observed at rich conditions. These findings are
attributed to changes of both, the H radicals concentration and the reactions involving such atoms.
It was attempted to correlate the calculated laminar burning velocities by means of a Le Chatelier’s Rule-like formula. A good prediction
is obtained, except for rich mixtures with high hydrogen contents. With this limitation, the proposed formula is successfully applied also to
mixtures at higher than normal values of initial pressure (up to 10 atm) and temperature (up to 400 K).
䉷 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydrogen–methane blends; Laminar burning velocity; Le Chatelier’s Rule

1. Introduction hybrid flames has to be acquired, not only for laminar propa-
gation itself, but also for the understanding of turbulent flames.
Hydrogen–methane blends are receiving attention as alterna- In most practical applications as well as in explosions, turbu-
tive fuels for power generation applications for two main rea- lent premixed flames are involved that may be considered as
sons. The first reason is related to the opportunity of adding a set of stretched laminar-like flamelets whose characteristics
hydrogen to methane in order to improve performance, to ex- are the fundamental input parameters for modeling turbulent
tend operability ranges and to reduce pollutant emissions of combustion [15–17].
lean combustion in both stationary [1–5] and mobile [6–9] sys- The laminar burning velocity of hydrogen–methane/air
tems. The second reason is due to concerns about global warm- premixed flames has been experimentally measured at dif-
ing and the prospect of using hydrogen in both, fuel cells and ferent values of equivalence ratio and fuel composition
combustion devices [10–13]. However, stringent problems of [14,18–25].
safety and storage strongly complicate the use of pure hydro- In 1959 Scholte and Vaags [18] carried out the first mea-
gen. To bypass these difficulties, substitution of hydrogen with surements by means of the tube burner method. Together with
methane or other hydrocarbons has been proposed as an interim the more recent work by Liu et al. [22], this is the most ex-
solution towards a fully developed hydrogen economy [14]. tensive experimental study since it investigates a wide range
The effective and safe use of hydrogen–methane mixtures of equivalence ratios at hybrid fuel compositions varying from
requires that the physiochemical properties of such hybrid fuels pure methane to pure hydrogen. All the other experimental
have to be determined. In particular, knowledge about laminar papers may be classified into two categories. The first deals
with the study of the effect of hydrogen addition to methane
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 81 7682947; fax: +39 81 7622915. [20,21,23–25] and the second with the effect of substitution of
E-mail address: (A.Di. Benedetto). hydrogen by methane [14,19].

0360-3199/$ - see front matter 䉷 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
638 V. Di Sarli, A.Di. Benedetto / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 637 – 646

A normalized stream tube cross-sectional area in Sl_H2 laminar burning velocity of pure hydrogen in
Eq. (1) Eqs. (2) and (14), cm/s
CA air mole fraction in the unburned mixture in Sl_LC laminar burning velocity evaluated according
Eqs. (10) and (11) to the Le Chatelier’s Rule-like formula (14),
CF methane mole fraction in the unburned mixture cm/s
in Eqs. (10) and (11) Sl_linear laminar burning velocity evaluated according to
CS hydrogen mole fraction in the unburned mix- the linear combination of Eq. (2), cm/s
ture in Eqs. (10) and (11) XH2 hydrogen mole fraction in the hybrid fuel in
ki pre-exponential factor in Arrhenius kinetics of Eqs. (2) and (14)
the elementary step i in Eq. (3) xCH4 methane mole fraction in the reactive mixture
M total mass flow rate in Eq. (1) in Eq. (3)
NTP normal temperature and pressure
R2 regression factor Greek symbols
RH relative amount of hydrogen addition to  ratio between the maximum value of the H rad-
methane defined according to Eq. (11) ical mole fraction in the reaction zone and the
SF i sensitivity factor of methane mole fraction to corresponding value for pure methane/air flame
the elementary reaction step i defined accord-  fuel equivalence ratio
ing to Eq. (3) F effective methane equivalence ratio defined ac-
Sl laminar burning velocity, cm/s cording to Eq. (10)
Sl_CH4 laminar burning velocity of pure methane in u unburned mixture density in Eq. (1)
Eqs. (2) and (14), cm/s  laminar burning velocity normalized by the cor-
Sl_CHEMKIN laminar burning velocity calculated by means responding value for pure methane/air flame
of CHEMKIN simulations, cm/s

According to these results when hydrogen is added to of hydrogen addition on methane combustion [24,26,27,29,30]
methane, a linear increase of the laminar burning velocity and the inhibiting effect of methane on hydrogen [28].
occurs with increasing the hydrogen mole fraction in the fuel All the cited works deal with the simulations of laminar
(XH2 ) up to values equal to about 0.7. Furthermore, the en- flames on the methane rich side [23–27,29–31] or on the hy-
hancement is slight, especially at lower equivalence ratios. On drogen rich side [14,28], without identifying a global behavior.
the contrary, at high hydrogen molar contents (XH2 > 0.85), In particular, no theoretical studies of the laminar burning ve-
methane addition has a strong inhibiting effect on hydrogen locity at intermediate hydrogen molar content in the blend have
reactivity. On increasing the methane content, a linear decrease been performed to clarify how the transition between the two
takes place that becomes steeper at rich conditions. extreme behaviors takes place.
The experimental results obtained by Sierens and Rosseel Up to now, correlations for evaluating the laminar burning
[8] on an internal combustion engine using lean blends of velocity of hydrogen–methane/air mixtures as a function of
natural gas and hydrogen, are consistent with the effects of equivalence ratio and fuel composition have been proposed by
the addition of hydrogen and methane on the hybrid mixtures Yu et al. [21] and El-Sherif [30] only for the low hydrogen
laminar burning velocity. In particular, they have shown that content side.
there is a very limited improvement in the engine efficiency It is not yet established how to calculate the laminar burning
and emissions for hydrogen molar contents in the fuel up to velocity at intermediate and high hydrogen contents. Indeed,
20%. On the other hand, high efficiency and low emissions the behavior of the hybrid mixtures laminar burning velocity is
without abnormal combustion (backfire and knock) have been not easy, and raises the question whether the laminar burning
found starting from hydrogen substitutions by natural gas equal velocity may be obtained from the values of the individual
to 20% (mol). constituents at the same conditions by varying the hydrogen
On the computational side, simulations of the premixed hy- content in the blend.
brid flames have been performed extensively [14,23–31]. Most The objectives of the present theoretical work are,
of these computations were carried out with the CHEMKIN therefore, (i) to calculate the laminar burning velocity of
[32] or the COSILAB [33] laminar premixed flame codes in hydrogen–methane/air flames over a wide range of unburned
which detailed kinetic schemes were implemented [34,35]. mixture compositions; (ii) to clarify the effects of radicals
These efforts are aimed at reproducing experimental results interactions on the observed trends; (iii) to obtain a correla-
and to gain insight. There is an agreement that chemical effects tion for the laminar burning velocity at different values of
dependent on H radicals play a role in both, the promoting effect equivalence ratio and hydrogen content in the fuel.
V. Di Sarli, A.Di. Benedetto / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 637 – 646 639

2. Model description and validation hydrogen–methane blends by comparing the computed values
of the laminar burning velocity with experiments at low values
The calculation of the laminar burning velocities of of equivalence ratio (0.63  0.73) and of hydrogen mole
hydrogen–methane/air mixtures was carried out by means of fractions in the fuel (0 XH2 0.08).
simulations of the one-dimensional, planar, adiabatic, steady, In the present work further validation of the reaction mecha-
unstretched, laminar flame propagation. The Sandia PREMIX nism was attempted for stoichiometric and rich conditions and
module [32] of the CHEMKIN package was used by imple- at higher hydrogen contents in the hybrid mixtures.
menting the detailed reaction scheme GRI-Mech version 3.0 Only stretch-free data obtained at NTP conditions were
[34]. used [14,21,25]. The experiments by Law and Kwon [14]
The code that adopts a hybrid time-integration/Newton- were conducted at equivalence ratio values equal to 0.6, 1 and
iteration technique to solve the steady-state mass, species, 1.67 and at high values of hydrogen molar content in the fuel
and energy conservation equations, was set up to simulate a (0.85 XH2 1). The measurements by Yu et al. [21] were ob-
freely propagating flame with mixture-averaged formulas for tained at equivalence ratios and hydrogen mole fractions in the
evaluating the transport properties. fuel varying in the ranges 0.51 1.37 and 0 XH2 0.7,
Initial and boundary conditions were assigned to define the respectively. The recent experiments by Halter et al. [25] were
problem environment. carried out at equivalence ratios ranging from 0.7 to 1.2 and
The initial flow rate of the unburned mixture was chosen hydrogen mole fractions up to 0.2.
equal to 0.04 g/cm2 s, according to the measurement of stoi- Law and Kwon [14] and Halter et al. [25] used the flow
chiometric methane/air flame speed by Egolfopoulos et al. [36]. configuration of the outwardly propagating spherical flame.
To start the iteration the temperature profile estimation obtained Yu et al. [21] adopted a symmetrical, adiabatic counterflow
by Van Maaren et al. [37] for a stoichiometric methane/air flame twin-flame arrangement. For this type of flow configuration,
was adopted, as suggested by Uykur et al. [31]. The temper- Vagelopoulos et al. [40] have shown that if the nozzle sepa-
ature profile resulting from the first simulation step was used ration distance is too short, the laminar burning velocity can
for the next step. be overestimated. Indeed, as reported by Halter et al. [25] the
At the inlet boundary temperature (300 K), pressure (1 atm) comparison between their results and the ones by Yu et al. [21]
and composition of the unburned mixture were assigned. confirms this trend. However, in the literature the data by Yu
At the exit boundary it was specified that all gradients et al. [21] are the only stretch-free results covering the range
vanish. 0.20 < XH2 0.7.
As shown by Smooke et al. [38], for freely propagating Fig. 1 shows the experimental versus the calculated laminar
flames the total mass flow rate (M) is an eigenvalue solution burning velocities. A good agreement is found except at high
of the physical problem that has to be determined. Therefore, hydrogen contents. This is probably related to the used kinetic
an additional constrain is required that was assigned by fixing scheme. The maximum error is reached for the stoichiometric
the location of the flame, and in particular, the point at which pure hydrogen flame and it is about 15%. However, we do think
the flame temperature reaches 400 K. The distance of the point that this error is not able to significantly affect all the results
was calculated from the initial temperature profile estimation and conclusions of the paper.
of the code. This choice assures that, for all the investigated
flames, the species and temperature gradients nearly vanish at
the inlet. Indeed, if this condition is not met some heat is lost
through the inlet boundary, thus decreasing the total mass flow
rate [39].
Law & Kwon [14]
The laminar burning velocity (Sl ) was obtained from the 300 Yu et al. [21]
continuity equation (1): Halter et al. [25]

M = u Sl A, (1) 250
Model results

where u is the unburned mixture density and A is the cross- 200

sectional area of the stream tube encompassing the flame nor-
malized by the burner area. A was assumed to be constant along 150
the spatial coordinate and equal to unity.
In the computations the windward differencing on both 100
convective and diffusion terms was used. The gradient and
curvature values were fixed equal to 0.2. The total length of 50
the calculation domain, starting 2 cm upstream of the reac-
tion zone, was chosen equal to 12 cm. Further increases in 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
mesh resolution and domain-size resulted in less than 1 cm/s Experimental results
difference in the calculated flame speeds.
Ren et al. [23,24] implemented the GRI-Mech in the Fig. 1. Model versus experimental results of the laminar burning velocity of
PREMIX code and validated this kinetic mechanism for hydrogen–methane/air mixtures (cm/s), at NTP conditions.
640 V. Di Sarli, A.Di. Benedetto / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 637 – 646

Sl linear interpolation tions. This implies the presence of strong non-linear effects in
80 chemical kinetics that emphasize the weight of the more slowly
I regime II regime III regime
reacting methane in the composite fuel combustion.
60 φ =0.6 From Fig. 2, at all the equivalence ratios, it is possible to
Sl (cm /s)

identify three regimes in the hybrid flame propagation depend-

40 ing on the hydrogen mole fraction in the fuel.
At low hydrogen contents (0 < XH2 < 0.5), a regime of
20 methane-dominated combustion takes place being character-
ized by a linear and slight increase of the methane laminar
300 burning velocity on adding hydrogen.
At high hydrogen contents (0.9 < XH2 < 1), a regime of
φ =1
methane-inhibited hydrogen combustion occurs corresponding
Sl (cm /s)

200 to a linear and sharp decrease of the hydrogen laminar burning

velocity on increasing the methane presence in the fuel.
The two linear trends found in both these regimes have been
100 widely recognized in the literature.
At intermediate hydrogen mole fractions (0.5 XH2 0.9),
a transition regime is found.
In order to get insight into the role of radicals interactions in
φ =1.5 the observed behaviors, a sensitivity analysis was performed. In
particular, the methane mole fraction sensitivity factors, defined
Sl (cm /s)

according to
ki jxCH4
SF i = , (3)
100 xCH4 jki
were calculated, thus evaluating the major steps affecting the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 combustion of the blends.
The factors lower than −2 and higher than 2 are plotted in
Fig. 3 by varying the hydrogen content at the three equivalence
Fig. 2. Laminar burning velocity of hydrogen–methane/air mixtures as func- ratios of Fig. 2.
tion of the hydrogen content at three values of the equivalence ratio, at NTP It results that the following elementary reaction steps con-
conditions. tribute to the kinetic control of the hybrid mixture combustion:

H + O2 + H2 O ⇔ HO2 + H2 O, (4)
3. Results and discussion
H + O2 ⇔ O + OH, (5)
3.1. Laminar burning velocity calculations and sensitivity
analysis OH + CO ⇔ H + CO2 , (6)

OH + CH4 ⇔ CH3 + H2 O, (7)

The laminar burning velocities of hydrogen–methane/air
mixtures at 300 K and 1 atm were calculated by varying the H + CH4 ⇔ CH3 + H2 , (8)
equivalence ratio from lean to rich conditions and the fuel
composition from pure methane to pure hydrogen. H + CH3 + (M) ⇔ CH4 + (M). (9)
In Fig. 2 the computed values (Sl ) are plotted versus the However, the above listed steps are not simultaneously in-
hydrogen mole fraction in the fuel (XH2 ), at three values of volved by varying the equivalence ratio. At lean conditions re-
equivalence ratio ( = 0.6; 1; 1.5). In the same plot the linear action (8) does not play any role as well as steps (4) and (6)
combination of the laminar burning velocity of the pure fuels for stoichiometric mixtures. Moreover, at rich conditions only
is also shown, calculated as follows: steps (5), (8) and (9) hold.
Sl_linear (, XH2 ) = Sl_H2 () · XH2 In the first regime (0 < XH2 < 0.5), independently from
+ Sl_CH4 () · (1 − XH2 ), (2) stoichiometry, the methane conversion is dominated by step
(5) whose relevance in hydrocarbons combustion is well
where Sl_H2 and Sl_CH4 are the laminar burning velocity of documented in the literature [24,26,27,30,41,42]. For lean
hydrogen and methane evaluated at the same equivalence ratio methane/air flames with small hydrogen addition, Ren et al.
of the hybrid fuel (). [24] have found that methane is mainly consumed via reaction
It appears that the computed values of the mixture laminar (7) that requires hydroxyl radicals OH, thus explaining the
burning velocity are always well below those obtained by aver- high sensitivity of the burning rate to step (5). Accordingly,
aging the flame speeds of the constituent gases in molar propor- in a recent work Dagaut and Nicolle [42] have shown that for
V. Di Sarli, A.Di. Benedetto / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 637 – 646 641

H+CH3+(M)=CH4+(M) φ=0.6

xH =0.95
H+CH4 =CH3+H2 2
xH = 0.9
xH = 0.85
OH+CH4 = CH3+H2O xH = 0.7
xH = 0.5
xH = 0.3
OH+CO =H+CO2 xH = 0

H+O2 =O+OH


-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6


H+CH4=CH3+H2 xH =0.95
xH = 0.9
xH = 0.85
OH+CH4 =CH3+H2O xH = 0.7
xH = 0.5
xH = 0.3
OH+CO=H+CO2 xH = 0

H+O2 = O+OH

H+O2+H2O= HO2+H2O

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

H+CH3+(M)=CH4+(M) φ=1.5

H+CH4 = CH3+H2

xH =0.95
OH+CH4 = CH3+H2O xH = 0.9
xH = 0.85
xH = 0.7
xH = 0.5
xH = 0.3
H+O2 = O+OH xH = 0

H+O2+H2O= HO2+H2O

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

Fig. 3. Sensitivity factors of the methane molar fraction as function of the hydrogen content at three values of the equivalence ratio, at NTP conditions.

lean hydrogen-enriched natural gas blends, the methane com- In the second regime (0.5 XH2 0.9), the sensitivity factors
bustion mostly proceeds through reactions with OH radicals. of step (5) decrease and assume values comparable or lesser
Moreover, they have found that the main agent of methane than those corresponding to the other steps. More precisely, at
oxidation is reaction (7) and their sensitivity analysis also all the equivalence ratios, starting from hydrogen mole fraction
confirms the importance of step (5) among those forming values equal to 0.7–0.85, step (5) does not play anymore the
OH radicals. main role in controlling the methane combustion.
642 V. Di Sarli, A.Di. Benedetto / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 637 – 646

12 accelerates the overall rate of combustion by increasing the

H radicals concentration and, then, the net amount of chain
10 branching from this step. However, the increase of the laminar
burning velocity is still slight, the H radicals pool being not
8 αH
sufficiently increased.
σ or α H

6 A significant enhancement of the laminar burning velocity

coupled to that of the H radicals concentration occurs only start-
4 ing from hydrogen mole fraction values higher than about 0.5
and, then, starting from the second regime when the sensitivity
2 factors of step (5) decrease. Consequently, it comes down that
8 only at these values of fuel compositions the methane request
of H radicals can be compensated by the hydrogen presence in
φ=1.0 the blend.
6 From Fig. 4 it turns out that, whatever the hydrogen con-
tent in the mixture, the increase of the laminar burning velocity
σ or α H

4 compared to methane flames is equal to that of the H radicals

concentration only at stoichiometric conditions. On the con-
trary, it is lower for non-stoichiometric mixtures with hydrogen
2 mole fraction values higher than 0.5.
This can be explained by the fact that H radicals also partic-
ipate in the termination reactions (4) and (9) that compete for
H atoms with the chain branching reaction (5) at lean and rich
φ =1.5 conditions, respectively. The sensitivity factors of both these
steps are positive, as reported in Fig. 3, since they obstruct the
methane conversion through subtraction of H atoms.
σ or α H

Fig. 3 shows that at stoichiometric conditions step (4) is

40 not involved, while step (9) plays a little role only for low
hydrogen contents. This suggests that, with respect to lean and
20 rich flames, at stoichiometric conditions H atoms are much
more inclined to consume methane rather than to be involved in
the reactions (4) and (9) which decrease the global reactivity. It
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 is saying that for a lean hydrogen–natural gas blend Dagaut and
Nicolle [42] have also evidenced the relevant effect of reaction
(4) on slowing down the methane oxidation.
Fig. 4. Normalized laminar burning velocity () and maximum H concentra- In Fig. 4 it appears that the differences between  and H are
tion in the reaction zone (H ) as function of the hydrogen content at three higher at rich rather than at lean conditions. Fig. 4 also shows
values of the equivalence ratio, at NTP conditions. that, for the same fuel composition, the H radicals concentration
is greater in the rich flames rather than in the lean flames. Then,
a larger fraction of H atoms can be lost by the reaction with CH3
In the third regime (0.9 < XH2 < 1), step (7) kinetically dom- radicals (9) at rich conditions compared to that participating in
inates the lean combustion, while step (8) controls both the the reaction (4) at lean conditions.
stoichiometric and rich flames. From Fig. 4 it results that in the third regime, starting from
Fig. 4 shows the laminar burning velocity () and the maxi- pure hydrogen and increasing the amount of methane added in
mum value of the H radicals mole fraction in the reaction zone the fuel, a sharp decrease of both  and H takes place at all
(H ), both normalized by means of the corresponding values the equivalence ratios.
for pure methane flames, as function of the hydrogen content In the literature it is well known that the high burning velocity
at different equivalence ratios. of hydrogen/air premixed flames are due to the occurrence of
It appears that the burning velocity of the blends and the H fast exothermic reactions in the low temperature flame regions
radicals concentration are strictly related,  following the H that require H atoms furnished by diffusion from the flame front
trend. according to the propagation mechanism of such flames [28,43].
In particular, up to hydrogen mole fractions equal to 0.5 and, In contrast, methane/air premixed flames propagate thanks to
then, in the first regime  is very close to H at all the equiva- the thermal energy transported by conduction from the high to
lence ratios, meaning that both the laminar burning velocity and the low temperature regions, hence having much lower flame
the maximum H atoms concentration with respect to the case speeds [43].
of pure methane flames increase almost by the same factors. In the third regime, hydrogen substitution by methane leads
Since step (5) controls the methane conversion in this to the removal of H radicals and, then, to the inhibition of the
regime, it can be deduced that the hydrogen addition to methane hydrogen combustion.
V. Di Sarli, A.Di. Benedetto / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 637 – 646 643

Table 1 proposed by Yu et al. [21] for hydrogen mole fraction in the

Normalized slopes of the linear trends of the laminar burning velocity on fuel up to 0.7. The authors have been able to linearly corre-
increasing the hydrogen mole fraction in the fuel at the methane rich side
and on decreasing the hydrogen mole fraction at the hydrogen rich side
late the laminar burning velocity of the hybrid flames with
the burning velocity without hydrogen addition and a single
 Slope of  at the Slope of  at the parameter indicating the extent of the hydrogen content. More
methane rich side hydrogen rich side
precisely, hydrogen has been considered to be present only in
0.6 0.87 −17.6 stoichiometrically small quantities, its combustion requiring
1 1.05 −21.3 four times less oxygen than methane. Consequently, they have
1.5 2.14 −129.3 assumed that there is enough air to facilitate a complete oxi-
dation of hydrogen, while the remaining air is used to oxidize
methane. An effective methane/air equivalence ratio, F , has
The consumption of H radicals due to methane addition to been therefore defined as follows:
hydrogen takes place by means of steps (8) and (9). The former
CF /[CA − CH /(CH /CA )st ]
involves the direct reaction of H atoms with methane to give F = , (10)
CH3 radicals. In step (9) H atoms react with CH3 radicals (CF /CA )st
produced by the kinetically controlling reactions that are steps while the relative amount of hydrogen addition, RH , has been
(7) and (8) at lean and rich conditions, respectively, and both expressed according to
for stoichiometric flames.
For the three explored equivalence ratios, the slopes of the CH + CH /(CH /CA )st
RH = , (11)
linear trends of  are reported in Table 1 on increasing the CF + [CA − CH /(CH /CA )st ]
hydrogen mole fraction in the fuel at the methane rich side
(positive values) and on decreasing the hydrogen mole fraction where CA , CF and CH are the initial mole fractions of the
at the hydrogen rich side (negative values). air, methane and hydrogen, respectively (the subscript ‘st’ de-
In qualitative agreement with the literature results, it appears notes the stoichiometric conditions). In the explored ranges of
that the addition of hydrogen to methane has a weaker pro- F ( and RH (0.0.5), the laminar burning velocity
moting effect with lean mixtures, while the inhibiting effect of (Sl ) has been then correlated by the following equation:
methane on hydrogen is stronger at rich conditions. Sl (F , RH ) = Sl (F , 0) + 0.8RH (m/s). (12)
These trends are related to the observed strong dependence
of the laminar burning velocity of the blend on H radicals. More recently, El-Sherif [29] has numerically reproduced the
They can be explained by considering that, whether increas- experimental results by Yu et al. [21] at F ranging from 0.62
ing or decreasing the hydrogen mole fraction in the fuel starting to 1.2 and RH varying up to 0.4. In this parameters range he
from a fixed composition, the corresponding variations of the H has proposed the following correlation:
radicals concentration are higher on increasing the equivalence
ratio. Sl (F , RH ) = 0.38−0.35
F exp[−5.5(F − 1.1)2 ]
Furthermore, the significant relevance of step (4) on the over- + 0.84RH (m/s), (13)
all reaction of lean mixtures with low hydrogen contents, evi-
denced in Fig. 3, also contributes to the less efficient increase of with F and RH defined according to (10) and (11), respec-
the laminar burning velocity with hydrogen addition observed tively. Eq. (13) is similar to Eq. (12), but it presents the explicit
on decreasing the equivalence ratio. dependence of the laminar burning velocity without hydrogen
On the other side, at high hydrogen contents the greater sen- on the fuel/air equivalence ratio (F ).
sitivity of the methane conversion at rich conditions to steps Eqs. (12) and (13) are able to take into account the linear
(8) and (9) compared to that of lean and stoichiometric flames trend of the laminar burning velocity with hydrogen addition
to steps (7) and (8) (see Fig. 3) enhances the inhibition of the on the methane rich side. Due to the expressions of the param-
blend combustion by hydrogen substitution with methane on eters F and RH defining the composition of the hybrid fuel/air
increasing the equivalence ratio. mixtures, these equations are intrinsically valid only for low
More precisely, in this fuel composition range the lower hydrogen contents.
presence of oxygen in the rich flames compared to lean and In order to obtain a correlation of the laminar burning ve-
stoichiometric conditions allows the formed CH3 radicals ac- locity of hydrogen–methane/air mixtures valid also at interme-
celerating the termination step (9) with respect to the oxidation diate and high hydrogen contents and at different values of
reactions. This determines the subsequently more significant equivalence ratio, we tested the feasibility of a Le Chatelier’s
decrease of the burning velocity of rich mixtures. Rule-like formula expressed according to
Sl_LC (, XH2 )
3.2. Correlation of the laminar burning velocity 1
= . (14)
XH2 /Sl_H2 () + (1 − XH2 )/Sl_CH4 ()
A correlation for evaluating the laminar burning velocity
of hydrogen–methane/air mixtures at NTP conditions as a In Figs. 5 and 6 the laminar burning velocity as calculated by
function of equivalence ratio and fuel composition has been means of Eq. (14). (Sl_LC ) is plotted versus the value obtained
644 V. Di Sarli, A.Di. Benedetto / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 637 – 646

300 300
φ≤1 Simulations
250 Le Chatelier's Rule
250 xH = 0.95
Sl_LC (cm/s)


Sl (m / s)
x = 0.85

100 150
P = 1 atm
P = 5 atm xH = 0.7
50 100 2
P = 10 atm
φ >1 50 xH = 0.5
xH = 0.1
Sl_LC (cm/s)

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

150 φ

100 Fig. 7. Computed and correlated values of the laminar burning velocity as
function of the equivalence ratio at different values of the hydrogen content,
50 at NTP conditions.

50 100 150 200 250 300
Sl_CHEMKIN (cm /s)
at all the pressure and temperature values investigated the re-
gression factors, R 2 , are equal to 0.995 at  1 and to 0.83
Fig. 5. Laminar burning velocity calculated with Eq. (14) versus computed at  > 1. As a consequence, at lean and stoichiometric con-
values at P = 1, 5 and 10 atm and at T = 300 K. ditions, the agreement is quite good, whatever the hydrogen
content. On the contrary, with rich mixtures, more significant
differences between the simulations results and the values
300 predicted by Eq. (14) can be observed.
φ ≤1 Fig. 7 shows the laminar burning velocity at different values
of hydrogen content in the fuel (XH2 = 0.1; 0.5; 0.7; 0.85 and
0.95) versus the equivalence ratio, as obtained by means of the
Sl_LC (cm/s)

CHEMKIN computations and of Eq. (14) at P = 1 atm and
150 T = 300 K. It appears that at lean and stoichiometric conditions
a good prediction is obtained. This applies also to the rich
T=300 K mixtures with low hydrogen contents (XH2 < 0.7).
50 T=350 K The obtained results are consistent with the findings on the
T =400 K
flammability limits of hydrogen/methane mixtures by Wierzba
and coworkers [44–46]. These authors have experimentally
φ >1 evaluated the lean [44] and rich [45,46] limits in air for upward
vertical flame propagation at atmospheric pressure. They have
Sl_LC (cm/s)

investigated the entire composition range of the hybrid fuel by
150 comparing the measured values with those calculated accord-
ing to the Le Chatelier’s Rule. Interestingly, they have observed
100 that the Le Chatelier’s Rule well reproduces the lower flamma-
bility limits, while the rich limits can be accurately predicted up
to a hydrogen percentage in the fuel equal to about 70% molar.
We do think that differently from the linear formula (2),
50 100 150 200 250 300
the Le Chatelier’s Rule-like formula (14) is able to take into
Sl_CHEMKIN (cm /s) account the kinetic interaction between radicals. However, at
rich conditions when dealing with high hydrogen (and then H
Fig. 6. Laminar burning velocity calculated with Eq. (14) versus computed radicals) contents the interaction is too strong to be reproduced
values at P = 1 atm and at T = 300, 350 and 400 K.
by Eq. (14) and a more sophisticated formula is required.

by means of simulations (Sl_CHEMKIN ) for lean and stoi- 4. Conclusions

chiometric conditions ( 1) and for rich conditions ( 1)
at different values of inlet pressure (1, 5 and 10 atm) and The laminar burning velocities of methane–hydrogen/air pre-
temperature (300, 350 and 400 K), respectively. It results that mixed flames were calculated by means of the CHEMKIN
V. Di Sarli, A.Di. Benedetto / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 637 – 646 645

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