Application Procedure SDC 38

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In order to start your application, please click on “Menu” on the right top of the webpage and choose “Secretariat”.
Please, click on “Application”.
Please, click on “Application”.
Please, select the Call for Application PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change.
Please, press “Confirm and Continue” in order to start your application.
Please, click on Upload new Identity Document in order to upload your ID. IMPORTANT: the document language can be: ITALIAN / ENGLISH / FRENCH /
GERMAN / SPANISH. If your national ID card is in another language please upload an identity document in one of the languages above.
Please, fill the form with your document details.
Please, select “Insert attachment” in order to upload your scan document.
IMPORTANT: please, upload a readable document and possibly in English or Italian.
Please, select a picture and click “upload”.
Please, select the Curriculum you want to apply for.

Please note that you are required to choose the preferred research topics later in the procedure.
Please, click on “Forward”; You will be asked later to enter the request for a disability aid (if required).
In this section, you are required to enter your Degree Details.
If you choose Laurea Magistrale, Laurea, Laurea Specialistica (Italian Academic Degree)

Please, select the University where you got your Degree.

Please, selct your Programme.
Please, state if you already obtained or NOT your Degree.

If “Obtained” please state the awarding date, the Academic Year and the Grade (out of). Please tick “Cum Laude”, if so.

Please note that the view of the screen could be diffent, according to the choosen University.
Foreing Academic Degree

Please, state if you already obtained or NOT your Degree.

If “Obtained” please state: Country, University Name, Kind of degree (if you can not find your degree type, please select “other”), Major, Duratin of the
Programme, Awarding date, Academic Year and Final Grade.

IMPORTANT: please, write the final score/ out of (e.g. CGPA 3/5 or 97/100); if you do not have a mark, write the final Judgment (e.g. “Good”).
Please, insert your Degree.
Please, insert the list of required documents; please tick “Yes” and “Forward”.
E.g. – Transcript of Second Level Degree.

Do the procedure again for all the documents you want to upload.
Please, select “Confirm and continue” in order to proceed with your application.

In the next page, you will required to fill the section “Further information and declaration”.
Please, choose your preffered reaserch topics, up to 3 and in order of preference.
Please, press “Next” in order to move to the next page.
Please, flag “Yes” if you are courrently awarded with a scholaship or felloships by an University or an Istitute (in the next page you will required to specify which
University or Institute).

IF NOT, please press “Next”.

Please, flag “Yes” if you are courrently employed by an Italian Public Administration (in the next page you will required to specify Public Administration).

IF NOT, please press “Next”.

Please, click on “Next” in order to proceede with your application.
Please, print your Summary and then confirm it (press the button “Confirm”).
Now your form “Further Information and Declarations” is confirm.

Important: the confirmation is about the Form, not about the Subission. In order to submit the appilcation, please click “Exit”.
Please, click on “Application”.
Please, click on “SUBMIT APPLICATION”.
Your application has been succesfully subitted. You will received a confirmation email of you submission.

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