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Art of irony

Reading Gulliver's Travels, I recall the British writer Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's

Travels, and I learned that Gulliver, who loved sailing and adventure, traveled around

the world four times. Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift, is the story of Gulliver's

four voyages around the world and the thrilling and interesting encounters he had.

Gulliver's Travels is one of the great satirical novels in American literature, and even

Gorky, Voltaire, and Lu Xun(Chinese writer, thinker) admired Swift's work. I also

worshipped Lu Xun, who pointed his yellow but thin finger in the direction of youth

advancement, so I looked in that direction on Gulliver's Travels.

The first stop on Gulliver's adventure is Lilliput. In such a small country, all wars

and battles are remarkably small. Neighboring countries not only want to defeat and

serve each other, but also argue over trivial "principles". Later, Gulliver went to the

Kingdom of Lords, and a dialogue between him and the Kingdom of Lords not only

constituted a critique of Britain but also showed two different ideas and made them

comment on each other.

In 1710 Gulliver met the humane, honest and friendly Hui Cs when he visited the

island of Hui Cs on a boat to North America. In Hui SI country language no "lie" and

"cheat" words, in their country everything is so real, thorough.

Swift through the contrast of Yehu and Hui SI to criticize the British ruling group

of sin and social vice. Si Kuk is not Swift s ideal country, but it reflects his

conservative ideology.

The positive ideal expressed in Gulliver's Travels is not in line with the law of
social development. He yearned for the social system of Hui Si Kingdom and Mongo

Kingdom, which showed his tendency of retroism.

I think Swift exposed the anatomy of the Lilliput court, satirized the British

ruling class and exposed the internal contradictions of the ruling group through

Gulliver's experience. All the lines in the world are capable of laughing and scolding.

Depict the real, into the wood.

The satirical art of Gulliver's Travels is outstanding, and the author's satirical

techniques are also varied. He has created some hateful and grotesque images such as

Yehu, Laputans and immortal people with caricature exaggeration skills. He also

described the life and struggles of Lilliput with a serious attitude and vivid details,

which successfully reflected the reality of England at that time. As Swift put it, "The

laity is often the enemy of science." He was clearly criticizing British colonial policy,

but he insisted that it had nothing to do with the British nation. Irony enables the

reader to more deeply understand the author's original intention.

Just as a classic comment: exaggerating the anger of The Times, denouncing the

shortcomings of The Times through absurdity; In hate and pessimism behind, should

be a bitter sorrow of the world feelings.

I think Swift satirized the characteristics of Britain at that time: "Greed,

partisanship, hypocrisy, dishonesty, brutality, anger, madness, resentment, jealousy,

lust, insidiousness and ambition.

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