Global City

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Addressing the Issue

Global cities are most likely to consume the environmental threats. Their
progress in economic and social growth continues to rise due to their influential factor.
As they continue to develop the cities in building infrastructure and developing their
urbanization more, the outcome will be the threats to the environment and well-being of
people. Since they are cities with world-class systems, we often can’t see the problems
behind them. The conditions under cities which they have developed that currently
function are changing. The rapid pace of urbanization and economic growth in global
cities generally has an environmental impact due to the high level of consumption that is
associated with urban development.

Environmental threats in global cities are a major concern due to their negative
impacts on human health and well-being as well as on ecosystems. Industry, and
energy production contribute significantly to air pollution (Robinson, 2000). Thus,
addressing air pollution is crucial for protecting public health and promoting overall
well-being in global cities. This includes implementing policies and regulations to reduce
emissions from transportation, industry, and energy production, as well as promoting
sustainable urban planning and increasing public awareness of the importance of
reducing air pollution. The contamination will usually be caused by industrial activity as
well as the disposal of waste, making water pollution a significant issue in cities. To
action these types of pollution, cities need to focus on the use of cleaner technologies
and methods in order to reduce contamination and its impact on the environment. This
can include better waste management systems, reduced emissions, and mindful
regulations on industrial activity.

As the world continues to revolve and rotate, progression in a city also happens.
That is why in a global city, there are various challenges that arise and one of them is
the environmental threats. Environmental threats significantly affect global cities which
have become an issue that needs to be addressed. One of the reasons why
environmental threats are an issue to global cities is urbanization. Urbanization
contributes to current environmental degradation as it still continues to grow and
increase across the world (Global Environment for Cities - GEO for Cities: Towards
Green and Just Cities - World, 2021b). Whereas in urban areas environmental threats
are growing especially in cities in developing countries (Galanis, 2017). Furthermore,
urban sprawl greatly affects the environment since places and cities that are not
urbanized are being developed and expanded making it a cause for traffics and land
deterioration. Also, as the number of population increases in cities, the amount of
natural resources to consume also increases which can cause damage to our
environment that brings a variety of environmental threats in global cities. However,
there is always a solution to every problem. Making a step, creating a change and
building a world that progresses and at the same time value the resources and
environment given to us to create a better home for everyone.
II. Articles to Explain Further Topic

A global city is an important hub for the creation of the specialized financial and
producer services necessary for the operation of the globalized economy where
corporate services and financial innovations served an essential part in the recent
restructuring of the global economy, which is now commonly referred to as globalization.
Cities like Rome and Constantinople served as centers of commerce and culture in
history, and moment's global cities like New York, London, and Tokyo continue to play
an essential part in the global frugality and artistic exchange. In contemporary times, the
current cycle of globalization has led to the emergence of distinctive, technical, and
aspirational cities. These cities are frequently compared to larger megacities and are
higher- income cities within their separate regions, seeking to work their effective
structure, better quality of life, better security, and environmental performance. The
growth of global metropolises gave rise to new problems similar as the conversion of
marketable land into invention- led exertion, which was common among globalizing
Cities. Nevertheless, global cities have assumed a governance part at the original scale
and within wider configurations of what some observers have nominated the “
globalization ” of state institutions. Greg Clark's book, Global cities, identifies the
emergence and elaboration of global cities as a significant factor in shaping world
history and explores the ontology of global megacity elaboration along with patterns,
forms, and trends of development. Thus, global metropolises have played a significant
part in shaping world history and continue to do so in the present day.

Impacts of Global City

Global City, also known as world cities that have a major impact on the global
economy by acting as “nodes” in the global network of economic activity (Sassen,
2001). They serve as important centers of economic growth, innovation and
employment generation, contributing significantly to the growth and development of the
world economy (Florida, 2005). In terms of innovation and creativity, global cities are
known for their ability to attract and retain talented individuals from around the world,
fostering a culture of innovation and creativity (Florida, 2005). They serve as hubs for
research and development and offer a fertile ground for new ideas and approaches to
emerge. Global cities are also important platforms for cultural exchange, which allowing
people from different cultures and backgrounds to come together and share their
experiences and ideas (Sassen, 2012). They promote the exchange of knowledge and
ideas, leading to greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures and

However, the environmental impact of global cities cannot be ignored. They

consume a large amount of energy and resources and generate a significant amount of
waste and pollution (Buckley & Koppell, 2011). The rapid pace of urbanization and
growth of global cities has led to environmental degradation and a decline in biodiversity
(McGranahan et al., 2001). Global cities also have a significant social impact, attracting
people from all over the world and providing opportunities for social and economic
mobility (Sassen, 2012). However, they can also exacerbate social and economic
inequalities, leading to the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few
(Buckley & Koppell, 2011).

Therefore, global cities have a significant impact on the world, both positive and
negative. While they are important drivers of economic growth and innovation, they also
pose significant challenges in terms of environmental degradation and social and
economic inequality. It is essential to address these challenges through sustainable and
inclusive urban development strategies to ensure that global cities can continue to play
a positive role in shaping the world.

Environmental problems of urbanization

The vast development and adaptation of the world to the benefits of urbanization,
arouses together the probable threats to the environment. This was supported by WEF
(World Economic Forum, 2020) that rapid urbanization, which strains basic
infrastructure, coupled with more frequent and extreme weather events linked to global
climate change is exacerbating the impact of environmental threats. Common
environmental threats include flooding, tropical cyclones (to which coastal cities are
particularly vulnerable), heat waves and epidemics. Furthermore, Reliefweb (2021)
added that global environmental challenges also affect the value of essential city
infrastructure and the quality of life of urban residents. Environmental changes in air,
fresh water, biodiversity, oceans, coasts and land, even in far-flung but connected
places, affect human aspects such as health, equity and food security at the city level.
Moreover, urban activities contribute to current environmental degradation, both
within and beyond their boundaries. These environmental impacts primarily result from
energy and material use in cities (particularly in transport and buildings), increasing
consumption patterns, including for food, and the generation and management of waste
(Reliefweb, 2021). Also, developing countries are becoming richer and more urban, and
their levels of consumption are close to those in developed countries. As a result, they
rapidly and significantly contribute to the global problem of resource depletion and
climate change (Galanis, 2017).

Additionally, according to the study of Galanis (2017), urban environmental

problems are mostly inadequate water supply, wastewater, solid waste, energy, loss of
green and natural spaces, urban sprawl, pollution of soil, air, traffic, noise, etc. The
increasing chemicalization and mechanization of agriculture in the cities, poisoning the
soil through contaminated air and precipitation and changes in the quality of land use for
sealing. Growing cities are changing hydrological relationships and thereby influence
the size and frequency of floods. In addition, WEF (2020) suggested that making cities
more resilient against these environmental threats is one of the biggest challenges
faced by city authorities and requires urgent attention.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Global City

One advantage of a global city is that its economy is growing significantly, its
infrastructure is better, its public population is better, and there are more people who are
working age there. The disadvantages include poverty, overpopulation, smog, and
pollution. If one has a reliable source of money, city living can be wonderful. However, it
can be quite challenging to live in a city unemployed, which may encourage some
people to turn to unlawful means of earning a livelihood. Therefore, it is advised to move
to the city with a secure job or a business idea that you can grow.

The foundation of globalization are cities. They were necessary for civilization
and culture. The world's cities have an impact on society, culture, and the economy.
They were crucial for the division of labor and for organizing the demands of the
populace because they permitted the centralization of power and information. However,
if there is a rapid urbanization, climate change-related events may exacerbate the
effects of environmental threats. For many nations, there will be a shortage due to the
expanding population. The loss of green space can have a severe impact on livelihood,
and if food costs rise, the poor would be particularly hard struck. Now, if these issues
arise in a future global city and there is difficulty in finding solutions, it may hinder their
development and operations and can also be their downfall.

III. Concept Map


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Reliefweb, (2021, November 23). Global Environment for Cities - GEO for Cities:
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Robinson, J. (2000). Global and world cities: a view from off the map.

Sassen, S. (2012). Cities in a world economy (5th ed.). Sage Publications.
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