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The Advantages :

1. You'll be able to concentrate harder on your learning because there’ll be less distraction than if
you were at home.
2. You can gain greater understanding, stories and real-world examples from teachers and other
3. You have a greater chance of completing your course successfully by doing it in a classroom
situation. (Completion rate of teacher-led classes is almost 5x higher than that of on line
4. You may feel more comfortable and learn more easily in a familiar, traditional classroom
5. You can access more information and richer understanding through teacher and other students’
body language and voice.
6. You have the opportunity to connect with, problem-solve, and network with other students from
a wide range of backgrounds.


The Advantages :

1. You can study in the comfort of your own home, or wherever you want
2. It costs less – no need to travel for training, and no parking expenses
3. Courses fit around your life, family and other things you do, convenience and flexibility, the
resources are available from anywhere and at any time.
4. You will avoid being late to class, or getting distracted in class
5. You can learn from your peers
6. You have access to the course 24/7
7. It may be more relaxed for you than in a classroom setting
8. You are able to build up your skills interacting with technology
9. It suits if you have different learning styles
10. The delivery methods are different and engaging
11. You are able to link the various resources in several varying formats.
12. It is a very efficient way of delivering courses online.
13. Web-based learning promotes active and independent learning.
14. Through discussion boards and chats, you are able to interact with everyone online and also
clear your doubts if any.
15. The video instructions that are provided for audio and video learning can be rewound and seen
and heard again and again if you do not happen to understand the topic first time around.

Access anywhere and anytime

Since mobile learning is all about studying through mobile using the internet, it can be accessed from
anywhere in the world and anytime.

Covers a huge distance

The main benefit of mobile learning is that it covers a huge distance, so even if you are in Canberra,
Australia or in California, United States of America, you can access the same content or tests at the
same or different times. Distance is not an issue in mobile learning.

Variety of content

A lot of content is present online. Due to its huge variety, it becomes very easy for people to access
it; and also, a huge amount of people from different corners of the world can access it for different
topics or related to different subjects.

Encourages students

There are many educational apps that use online quizzes to keep track of your progress (daily,
weekly or monthly, depending on firm to firm). The study is presented in such a way that it attracts
the students; hence, there are game quizzes that encourage students to perform better from their
previous score.

Tests your knowledge

As discussed in the above point, online quizzes are made and solving these quizzes, puzzles or riddles
helps you expand your knowledge. Apart from just study material, there are different types of other
quizzes, puzzles, multiple-choice questions, etc. that are available on the internet; playing these
games you can test your knowledge and even increase your IQ level.

The Disadvantages:

1. Most of the online assessments are limited to questions that are only objective in nature.
2. There is also the problem of the extent of security of online learning programs.
3. The authenticity of a particular student's work is also a problem as online just about anyone can
do a project rather than the actual student itself.
4. The assessments that are computer marked generally have a tendency of being only knowledge-
based and not necessarily practicality-based.

Software issues

Software is an application that runs on a device according to the instructions embedded in the
software at the time of coding. Even though it seems like the life of software is smooth, there are
other external factors that hinder its smooth life span. These external factors are changing trends in
the field of IT. Software compatibility issues, not upgrading to a new version, regular system crashes,
etc. are some of the issues that hinder the working of the software, thereby interrupting your
smooth mobile learning experience.

Hardware issues

Unlike the software, hardware uses physical devices. The physical devices used can wear out after a
period of time. They can wear out due to overuse, dust, using the device roughly, etc. These are
some factors that interrupt the smooth working of the mobile or other devices.


Using mobile learning, also, creates a lot of distraction. Many students open the mobile to learn
something and end up using social media websites, chatting, sharing pictures or playing video
games. These types of distractions waste one’s time, which could have been used to perform a
meaningful task.


Many students also misuse the device for different purposes. Some misuse it just for fun, and some
have secret, evil intentions which are definitely not good and need to be prevented.

Lack of internet connection or electricity

This can be a problem in rural areas and in areas where the usage of the internet and electricity is
not yet prevalent. When you have a device, but you do not have the electricity or the internet
required for you to run the device and avail the facility of mobile learning, then what’s the fun? In
order to enjoy your experience of mobile learning, make sure you have met all the requirements
needed to have the best experience for mobile learning.



Your thoughts

Make some notes on the following questions. These will be discussed in an open forum on course:

What experience have you had with face-to-face instruction? Think of your most positive and
negative experiences.

What do you think is the biggest advantage and disadvantage of face-to-face learning in your
current/future instructional role?


Instructors are able to keep learners engaged and motivated through the use of instructional
strategies and techniques.

Instruction can be customised to meet learner needs or certain situations.

Learners are able to network with their peers and learning can become a social enterprise.

Instructors are able to work individually with learners to clarify learning in real time.


Requires a significant amount of preparation and planning by the instructor.

Instructors who lack confidence presenting can find the task challenging.

Time constraints can infringe on the instructor's ability to meet learner's needs.

With large groups, learners can become faces instead of names.



Due to its convenience and flexibility, resources are available anywhere, anytime.

Web-based learning promotes active and independent learning.

Through forums (discussion boards) and chats, you can interact with others to clarify doubtful points
and share ideas (peer learning).


You have to be mindful of the security of online learning programs.

Assessments that are computer marked are often purely knowledge-based and not necessarily

It can be difficult to motivate and engage learners.

Your thoughts

Make some notes on the following questions that will be discussed in an open forum on course:

What experience have you had with online learning? Think on your most positive and negative

Do you believe that online learning will have a critical role in the future of education and training
within Army? Justify your response.

What is the biggest advantage and disadvantage of online learning in your current/future
instructional role?


Your thoughts

Make some notes on the following questions that will be discussed in an open forum on course:
What has been your experience with blended learning? Think on your most positive and negative

Would you agree that there is some learning content that cannot be taught by utilising blended

What is the biggest advantage and disadvantage of blended learning in your current/future
instructional role?


BL takes the best aspects of online learning and combines them with the best aspects of traditional
F2F learning.

Allows flexibility in how learning is delivered

Research suggests that BL enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of learning experiences.

Being able to manage learners and learning resources in a digital environment leads to cost


Requires a significant amount of preparation and planning by the instructor.

Instructors and trainees who lack digital competence can find the concept challenging.

It can be difficult to design, develop and source resources.

ICT issues can severely impact lessons.

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