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Management Report

BiziMobile Inc.
For the period ended December 31, 2021

Prepared on
January 20, 2023

For management use only

Table of Contents

Profit and Loss .................................................................................................................................................3

A/R Aging Detail ...............................................................................................................................................4

Sales by Customer Summary ..........................................................................................................................5

Profit and Loss
January - December 2021
Discounts given -44,941.75
Sales 355,007.50
Total Income 310,065.75
GROSS PROFIT 310,065.75
Accounting Costs 6,150.00
Advertising 52,591.54
Bank charges 4,084.88
Computer & Internet Expense 41,076.94
Interest expense 938.74
Interest on Long-Term Debt 4,243.48
Legal and professional fees -2,422.58
Other Professional Fees 78,891.00
Radias Contracting Services 94,893.81
Zezel L.L.C. Contracting Services 67,050.22
Total Legal and professional fees 238,412.45
Legal Fees 350.00
Meals and entertainment 237.75
Merchant Fees 12,793.66
Office expenses 2,387.28
Rent or lease payments 2,799.83
Research and Development 26,485.00
Telephone Expense 6,426.84
Travel 6,298.16
Amortization 234.00
Total Expenses 405,510.55
Other Income 40,235.71
Total Other Income 40,235.71
Exchange Gain or Loss -1,710.21
Total Other Expenses -1,710.21
PROFIT $ -53,498.88

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A/R Aging Detail
As of December 31, 2021

Date Transaction Type # Customer Due Date Amount Open Balance Foreign Amount Foreign Open Balance Currency Exchange Rate

91 or more days past due

06-03-2015 Invoice 1001 Guimond Webmedia 21-03-2015 4,746.00 2,486.00 4,746.00 2,486.00 CAD 1.00

20-11-2015 Payment 0844-14948744-1 Canada Revenue Agency 20-11-2015 -322.12 -322.12 -322.12 -322.12 CAD 1.00

31-12-2015 Journal Entry 22 Guimond Webmedia 31-12-2015 -2,486.00 -2,486.00 -2,486.00 -2,486.00 CAD 1.00

31-12-2015 Journal Entry 22 Canada Revenue Agency 31-12-2015 322.12 322.12 322.12 322.12 CAD 1.00

31-12-2018 Journal Entry 81 Receiver general. 31-12-2018 3,079.45 3,079.45 3,079.45 3,079.45 CAD 1.00

31-12-2019 Journal Entry 107 Receiver general. 31-12-2019 20,756.87 20,756.87 20,756.87 20,756.87 CAD 1.00

31-07-2020 Journal Entry 124 Receiver general. 31-07-2020 -23,836.32 -23,836.32 -23,836.32 -23,836.32 CAD 1.00

31-12-2020 Journal Entry 137 Receiver general. 31-12-2020 9,220.66 9,220.66 9,220.66 9,220.66 CAD 1.00

27-01-2021 Journal Entry 140 Receiver general. 27-01-2021 -9,220.66 -9,220.66 -9,220.66 -9,220.66 CAD 1.00

Total for 91 or more days past due $2,260.00 $0.00


31-12-2021 Invoice 1603 Dr. Dan Auprix 31-12-2021 7,910.00 7,910.00 7,910.00 7,910.00 CAD 1.00

Total for Current $7,910.00 $7,910.00

TOTAL $10,170.00 $7,910.00

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Sales by Customer Summary
January - December 2021
Claudia Chan 38,238.00
Dr. Akeel Al-Dabboos 6,428.00
Dr. Amir Khadivi 18,900.00
Dr. Chuck Le 23,340.69
Dr. Dan Auprix 56,276.00
Dr. Diana Bueno 8,477.80
Dr. Greg Olivieri 6,047.25
Dr. Jackie Korol Dental 5,989.00
Dr. Kyle Nawrot 22,788.00
Dr. Maheen Bilal 2,778.00
Dr. Matthew J Vierra 10,072.79
Dr. Michael Cohen 20,400.00
Dr. Pierre Obeid 17,600.00
Dr. Russ Grover 30,773.00
Dr. Steven Millman 19,584.00
Dr. Woo 11,195.00
Jonathan Verroche 10,800.00
TOTAL $309,687.53

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