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Magnesium (Mg) Página 1 de 4

The element
Symbol Mg
Element name Magnesium
Periodic table row Row 3
Periodic table column Column 2
Atomic number 12
Atomic weight 24,3 kg/kmol
Date of discovery ("-" = BCE) 1808
Group Alkaline Earth metals

Electronic structure
Electronic structure [Ne] 3s2
Valence 2
First ionization energy 7,65 eV
Second ionization energy 15 eV
Electronegativity (Pauling) 1,31

Crystal structure Hexagonal close packed
Crystal structure image

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Space group P63/mmc

Lattice parameter, a 0,321 nm
Lattice parameter, c 0,521 nm
Atomic radius 0,16 nm
Atomic volume 2,32e-29 m^3
Molar volume 0,014 m^3/kmol
State at 300K (Metal / Non-metal) Metal
Phase at 300K (Solid / Liquid / Gas) Solid

Geo-economic data
Typical exploited ore grade 0,143 - 0,158 %
Minimum economic ore grade 0,1 - 0,2 %
Abundance in the Earth's crust 2,33e4 - 2,81e4 ppm
Abundance in seawater 1,2e3 ppm
Annual world production 1e6 tonne/yr
Main mining areas (metric tonnes per year)
Brazil, 16e3
China, 800e3
Israel, 28e3
Kazakhstan, 21e3
Malaysia, 5e3
Republic of Korea, 9e3
Russia, 30e3
Serbia, 2e3
Ukraine, 2e3

Eco properties
Embodied energy, primary production 310 - 342 MJ/kg
266 MJ/kg (Ecoinvent v2.2); 385 MJ/kg (Dhingra, Overly, Davis, 1999)
CO2 footprint, primary production 44,2 - 48,7 kg/kg
19 kg/kg (Tharumarajah and Koltun, 2007); 73.8 kg/kg (Ecoinvent v2.2)
Water usage, pure ele ment 930 - 1,03e3 l/kg

Critical materials information

In EU Critical list?
In US Critical list?
Abundance risk level Very low
Environmental country risk Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) 4,02
Environmental country risk level Very high
Sourcing and geopolitical risk Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI 4,37
Sourcing and geopolitical risk level Very high
Price volatility 34,2 %
Price volatility risk Very low

Physical properties
Density at 300K 1,74e3 kg/m^3

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Mechanical properties
Young's modulus at 300K 44,4 GPa
Shear modulus at 300K 17,7 GPa
Bulk modulus at 300K 35,4 GPa
Poisson's ratio 0,3
T- dependence of modulus -0,49

Thermal properties
Melting temperature 649 °C
Boiling point 1,09e3 °C
Heat of fusion 8,95 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization 127 kJ/mol
Cohesive energy 148 kJ/mol
Thermal expansion coefficient at 300K 26,1 µstrain/°C
Specific heat capacity 1,02e3 J/kg.°C
Debye temperature 127 °C
Thermal conductivity at 300K 156 W/m.°C

Diffusion data
Pre-exponential, lattice self-diffusion 1e-4 m^2/s
Activation energy, lattice self-diffusion 135 kJ/mol
Pre-exponential, g-boundary diffusion 5e-12 mm^3/s
Activation energy, g-boundary diffusion 92 kJ/mol

Surface energies
Surface energy, liquid 0,559 J/m^2

Electrical and superconducting properties

Electrical resistivity at 300K 4,38 µ
T - dependence of resistivity 0,0042 /°C
Free electron concentration/unit volume 8,6e19 /mm^3
Electron mobility 0,0017 m^2/V.s
Hall coefficient, RH -8,28e-11 m^3/C
Work function 3,7 eV
Standard electrode potential -2,37 V

Magnetic properties
Magnetic classification Paramagnetic
Magnetic susceptibility 1,18e-5

Nuclear properties
Neutron absorption cross section (0.025 eV) 0,063 Barns
Neutron scattering cross section (0.025 eV) 3,42 Barns
Binding energy per nucleon 8,26e3 keV

Principal uses and substitutes

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Principal uses and substitutes

83% used in refractory material in furnace linings for iron, steel, nonferrous metals, glass, and cement production.
Alternative: none

6% used for environmental purposes in water treatment and stack-gas scrubbing.

Alternative: lime. Quality: exemplary

5% used in agriculture as a micronutrient.

Alternative: none

6% other uses including magnesium metal uses (e.g., in aluminum-based alloys used in packaging and
transportation, structural uses, and desulfurization of iron and steel), welding fluxes, and chemicals.
Alternative: N/A.

1. USGS (2009) Mineral Commodity Summaries (U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geolo gic al Survey, Reston, Virginia).
2. Roskill (2005) The Economics of Magnesium Compounds and Chemicals (Roskill Information Services, London).

Energy conversion factors
* To convert energy from kJ/mol to kJ/kg multiply by 1000 / (Atomic weight in kg / kmol).

* To convert energy from kJ/mol to J/atom multiply by 1000 / (Avogadro's number).

Avogadro's number is the number of atoms or molecules in a kmol, 6.02 x 10^23.

* To convert energy from kJ/mol to kJ/m^3, multiply by 1000/(Molar volume in m^3/kmol)

* The energy unit eV is a unit of convenience. The SI unit is J (1 eV = 1.6 x 10^-19 J).


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