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Establishment deployed to:

Department of Tourism- Cordillera Administrative Region

Company Name: Department of Tourism- Cordillera Administrative Region (DOT-CAR)

Mandate: The Department of Tourism shall be the primary planning, programming,

coordinating, implementing and regulatory government agency in the development and
promotion of the tourism industry, both domestic and international, in coordination with
its attached agencies and other government instrumentalities. It shall instill in the
Filipino the industry’s fundamental importance in the generation of employment,
investment and foreign exchanged

Mission: The Department of Tourism (DOT) shall be the primary government agency
charged with the responsibility to encourage, promise, and develop tourism as a major
socio-economic activity to generate foreign currency and employment and to spread the
benefits of tourism to both the private and public sector.

Vision: To develop a globally competitive, environmentally sustainable, and socially

responsible tourism industry that promotes inclusive growth through employment
generation and equitable distribution of income thereby contributing to building a
foundation for a high trusted society.


The Department of Tourism-CAR in the Philippines is a government organization that

regulates and promotes tourism. They are responsible for encouraging people to
develop and improve their places for tourism engagement. Their work purpose is not
only to help blooming tourism destinations but also to increase the employment status in
the Philippines.

The Department of Tourism (CAR) implement different approaches to promote tourism.

Seminars like “Front Office Operations,” “Tour Package Development and Delivery
Seminar,” “Tourism Awareness,” and many more, are conducted as a fundamental
training ground for Tourism and Hospitality workers. Other trainings are also available
for establishment owners and workers like; “Community Guiding Seminar,” “Basic Life
Support,” “Filipino Brand of Service Excellence,” etc. Brochures, flyers, and videos of
tourist destinations, seminars, and establishment information is also a part of their

Another of the many responsibilities of DOT is to accredit different Tourism and

Hospitality establishments. Accreditation is not an effortless process. It takes time,
training, and the proper requirements to be DOT accredited. DOT assures that
companies that apply for accreditation reach or exceed the set standards.
Data Input The webinar held by our

Encoding teachers from the SIHTM about

Planning Department how to use editing applications

Making calls

All around and other software was very

Applied Business Tools and Overall, I give myself a 10/10 The student is very mature

Technologies because I did my best on my towards work. (I thought she
entire internship. I learned a lot was on her senior practicum).
of things from the best to the
least, even from my mistakes. I
gave my 100% to adjust and
accomplish all assigned tasks,
and from this, I know I became
a better person.

Being a Tourism student at the University of Baguio meant you must do your best
all the time. Present yourself respectfully and professionally, look your best and do your
best all the time. Majority of the Tourism and Hospitality establishments in Baguio City
expects students from the SIHTM-UB to meet or exceed the set standards of their
organization. I was nervous and pressured because of this stereotype. I wanted to do
well and not be compared to past UB interns.

First days are always full of HOWs and WHAT Ifs, luckily our superiors made it
easy for us to adjust. As time pass by, we have fully coped up with the work given to us.
I was nervous and excited at the same time being in the Planning department. At first, I
thought there was a lot of work cut out for me, but no, most of the work was confidential
and could only be accomplished by our supervisors in that department. I was trained to
show initiative and help in other divisions after I finished my work. I usually help in the
Training Department because they have a lot of tasks to complete. I go around making
employees sign papers, edit programs, make calls, Help the training department get
ready for their trainings/ seminars, and other tasks I could do to help. Exhausting as it
is, I got used to the fact that I am an all-around intern. Not because I was placed in a
specific department, I can’t help the others.

I learned a lot from my bosses, they all had their difference in how they handle
work. My supervisor in the planning department was quite the perfectionist, she is strict
when it comes to work. I understood how important it is that take your work seriously,
because one mistake can cause a lot of damage to a project. To conduct trainings and
seminars is not easy, a lot of planning and brainstorming should be done. After
planning, they should make sure that everything is doable and a part of their budget. I
also admire our supervisor in the training department, she is more approachable and
calmer. Their work is also very stressful because most of their tasks are field work, but
somehow, she lightens our mood a little by talking to us about random things
sometimes while we are working. I love how working at DOT improved me to be a better
person and employee in the future. I know that I became wiser and stronger after my
experience there.

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