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Topic / Lesson Textual Evidence and Writing a Position Paper

Facilitator Rica Angela B. Taub
November 14, 2022 (Monday) 8:30-10:00 AM
Date and Time
November 14, 2022 (Tuesday) 7:00-8:30 AM
Content Standards The learner understands the relationship of a written text and the context in which it was developed.
Performance The learner collaborates with their reading circles and determine the claim and demonstrate the skill
Standards of paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting in presenting textual evidence of a text.
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
Learning • gather textual evidence in support of an assertion about a text;
Competencies • use textual evidence to formulate claims and counterclaims; and
• recognize tips in writing a well-written position paper.
Time Allotment 3 hours (1.5 hours for the synchronous session; 1.5 hours for the asynchronous session)
PowerPoint Presentation
Materials Cartolina
The University of Arizona Writing Center. (n.d.). Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing.
Facilitator’s Tips
(Face-to-Face Schedule)

Opening Prayer
Checking of Attendance
After work Juan took his muddy boots off on the steps of the door.
Maria would check if the boots were placed on its rack. He then took
off his dirty clothes and placed them in the laundry basket. Maria told
him to clean himself before he can eat his dinner. Then, he went
straight to the bathroom and took a shower. Maria set the table and
dined with him after he was cleaned and presentable, as Maria had
often instructed.

What type of work does Juan do?

A. a lawyer
B. a doctor
C. a garbage man
D. construction worker

What type of person is Maria?

A. Care free and calm
B. sad and angry
C. messy and sloppy
D. meticulous and controlling

What type of relationship do Juan and Maria have?

A. They are colleagues.
B. They are neighbors.
C. They are brother and sister.
D. They are husband and wife. Place a brief explanation what the
preparation activity is about and how it
The teacher will ask the students: connects with the lesson proper.
• How were you able to answer the questions correctly?
• How were you able to come up with your answer?
• What strategies did you use to decide on what you will answer?
A. Activity:

The students will read the poem ‘Harlem” by Langston Hughes and
they will answer the questions below.

Guide Questions:
1. What does deferred mean?
2. How was dream compared to a raisin? rotten meat? and heavy
3. What are the authors’ descriptions of a dream deferred?
4. Based on the poem, what happens when you don’t go after
your dreams and you defer them at a later time?
5. If you were the author, how would you feel upon writing the
6. Do you agree with the author’s idea that a dream deferred
stinks like a rotten meat? Why?

B. Analysis:

The teacher will ask the students:

What is the claim of the author based on the text?

C. Abstraction:

Claim is a statement or series of statements for or against something.

Counterclaim is a statement or series of statements that is the
opposing point of view to one's claim.

Textual evidence is defined as the details given by the author in order

to support his/her claims. It reveals the position of the writer and
makes the reading more interesting. Evidences are details that
strengthen, add variety or weight to any argument.

Sample essay about the poem:

“Harlem” by Langston Hughes gives me the feeling, or mood of
anger and depression. It feels like the idea of deferring dreams is
hurtful and maybe even causes one to become resentful before
eventually being overcome by anger. I know this because the
poem uses the words “foster like a sore,” which gives me a feeling
of pain. Further, describing deferred dreams as if they “stink like
rotten meat” is an unpleasant image, giving me the feeling of
resentment. Finally, when the poem end with “Or does it
explode?” makes me think of a person who boils over in anger.

Finding textual evidence on a read text helps you make inferences

using concrete evidences on your claim. To support one’s claim, you
should explicitly cite the ideas that support your claim in your writings.

3 ways on how you can present textual evidence in

your writing

1. Paraphrasing (in other words)

- restating the text in your own words
- It is important to acknowledge you’re using ideas from others,
reworded to match your thinking and
argumentation/commentary so the reader can understand your
- Your aim when paraphrasing is to:
• include the ideas of others within your thinking and
consequently your writing.
• change the emphasis of ideas from the source material
to use them within your argument(s).
• ensure your writing has a clear voice that is you and is
not directly connected to other works.
In the poem “Harlem”, the author claimed that a person may
feel disappointed when dream deferred for he questioned the
reader’s feeling about withholding dreams.
(What happens to a dream deferred?)

2. Summarizing (
- stating in a shorter way the text and other relevant details to
support the idea

3. Quoting (word for word)

- directly restating a part of the text

Writing a Well-written Position Paper

A Position Paper is a kind of essay in which you express your opinion or

position regarding a particular subject matter. A position paper should
contain a smooth flow of thoughts and ideas that provide a rock-solid
evidence for your line of reasoning.

3 Major Parts of a Position Paper

Tips for Writing a Well-Written Position Paper


X’s and O’s

The students will cross their arms forming an x shape if they disagree with
the statement and they will make a circle shape with their arms if they agree
with the statement.

1. Claim is a statement or series of statements for something.

2. Textual evidence is defined as the details given by the author in order
to support his/her claims.
3. Paraphrasing is simply copying the words of others.
4. Summarizing stating in a shorter way the text and
other relevant details to support the idea.
5. A Position Paper is a kind of essay in which you express your opinion
or position regarding a particular subject matter.

Read the text from The Daily Inquirer’s Opinion Section entitled “Skip telling our
kids to dream high” by Daryl Pasion. Identify the assertion made by the author
and the textual evidences used to strengthen his argument. Write your answers on
the cartolina provided.


Textual Evidence:

For Group 1 & 2, you will use Paraphrasing in writing the textual

For Group 2 & 4, you will use Summarizing in writing the textual

For Group 5 & 6, you will use Quoting in writing the textual evidence.

Exit Ticket

The students will reflect on their learning by recalling their ideas prior the
lesson and the new ideas they learned after the lesson.

What were your thoughts or ideas I thought…

about the principles of textual
evidence prior to the discussion of
this lesson?
What new or additional ideas did I learned that…
you learn after taking up this
End of 1.5 hours
Facilitator’s Tips
(ODL Schedule)

A. Activity:

B. Analysis:

C. Abstraction:



End of 1.5 hours


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