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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Occidental Mindoro
District of Magsaysay



I. Objective
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the elements of literary and expository
Standards texts for creative interpretation.
B. Performance The learner uses information derived from texts in presenting varied oral and
Standards written activities.
C. Learning Provide evidence to support opinion/fact
Competencies) EN5OL-IIIf-3.5.1

distinguish fact from opinion
Cite situations that support fact or opinion as evidence.
write sentences that states fact
construct sentences that states opinion





III. (Learning
A. References
1. Teacher’s Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) p. 133
Guide Pages Curriculum Guide in English p. 53 and 61
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages pp.
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B.Other Learning Powerpoint presentation, video presentation, tarpapel
A.Review Use of game “CHOOSE THE ANSWER”
Previous Lessons Directions: Choose the correct be-verb in the box below to complete each sentence.
Am is are was were
1. I ______ ready to start my day.
2. She _______ waiting for me at the lobby last Friday.
3. Sir Ramon _______ teaching an English lesson today.
4. The children_______ happy when they got high score in the test.
5. My parents ________ going to the market this weekend.

B. Establishing *Use of ICT

purpose for the Let pupils watch the video presentation

- What is the video all about?
- What do you see in the video?
- What are the talents that dolphins can do?
C. Presenting *Localization and Contextualization
/instances of the Before reading the story,
new lessons Let pupils answer the following questions.
1. Do you have pet at home?
2. What pet do you have?
3. Do they have talents?


Dolphins are mammals. They have teeth, they breathe air, and are
warm-blooded. They can also grow to be over 30 feet long. I think dolphins like
people because they sometimes play around ships. But they probably like other
dolphins better. They always swim in groups with up to 100 others. Scientists
discovered that dolphins use whistles to communicate with others. That is
amazing! I think they probably say many interesting things to each other. Dolphins
are now being studied to find out how they “talk” underwater.

Let’s read the underlined sentences.

-Dolphins are mammals.
-Dolphins have teeth, they breathe air, and are warm-blooded.
-Scientists discovered that dolphins use whistles to communicate with others.
-I think dolphins like people because they sometimes play around ships.
-They always swim in groups with up to 100 others.
-I think they probably say many interesting things to each other.

-What is the title of the text?
-How dolphins communicate?
- What do you think that Dolphins are mammals?
D. Discussing new Use of game “WORD SEARCH”
concepts and
practicing new Directions: Find the following words in the grid.
skills #1.

A Fact is something that has actually happened or that people know to be true. You
can prove that a fact is true or correct.
-Dolphins are mammals.
-Dolphins have teeth, they breathe air, and are warm-blooded.
-Scientists discovered that dolphins use whistles to communicate with others.

An Opinion is something that a person believes to be true. It can tell what someone
thinks has already happened or might happen in the future. An opinion can tell
what someone thinks about an event, a person, or a thing.
-I think dolphins like people because they sometimes play around ships.
-They always swim in groups with up to 100 others.
-I think they probably say many interesting things to each other.

E. Discussing new Use of game “DEAL or NO DEAL”

concepts & Directions: Analyze the given statements. Say Deal if the statement is fact and No
practicing new Deal if the statement is opinion.
skills #2
1. Chocolate Cake tastes great!
2. English is the most fun subject in school.
3. A calculator is a tool for performing math functions.
4. A Dictionary is a reference source in print or electronic form
containing words usually alphabetically arranged.
5. Sharks are mean because they eat other fish.

Use of game “GIVE IT”

Directions: Below are sentences stating facts and opinions. Give at least two
supporting evidences for each.
1. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly
discovered coronavirus.
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________

2. Itchy hands mean you will have money.

a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________

F. Leads to *Use of Differentiated Activities/Instruction

Assessment 3) Group Activity
Group 1 EASY
Directions: Read each sentence. Determine if it is a FACT or OPINION and write
it on the line.

___________________1. New Year’s Day is celebrated every January 1 of the

___________________2. Reading is hard.
___________________3. 4 plus 5 equals 9
___________________4. Many people own dogs.
___________________5. Thursday comes after Friday.

Directions: Write five (5) examples of opinion.
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________

Directions: Write five (5) examples of FACT.
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________
*Integration of Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
*Infusion of Higher Order Thinking Skills


• Do you like our activity?
• Is our group activity easy?
• Why it became so easy?*HOTS

Numeracy: FACT
How many hours in a day?
How many weeks in a month?
How many months in a year?

G. Finding Use of game “LIKE or DISLIKE”

Practical Directions: Show and say LIKE if the statement is TRUE and DISLIKE if the
Applications of statement is FALSE.
concepts and
skills in daily
living 1. An Opinion is something that a person believes to be true.
2. A Fact is something that has actually happened or that people know to be
3. An opinion can tell what someone thinks has already happened or might
happen in the future.
4. An opinion can tell what someone thinks about an event, a person, or a
5. Rodrigo Roa Duterte, also known as Digong and Rody, is a Filipino
politician who is the current president of the Philippines is an example of
Use of game “FACT OR BLUFF”
Directions: Say FACT if the statement is FACT and BLUFF if it is OPINION.

1. Green is my favorite color.

2. There are 60 seconds in a minute.
3. Christmas is the best part of the year.
4. Manila is the Capital of the Phillipines.
5. There are 12 months in a year.

Discussion about current events

In your daily living can you give facts about COVID19?

Remember: Nowadays Fake news is spreading in social media. Fake news is false
or misleading information presented as news. Always do a fact-check to
investigate (an issue) in order to verify the facts.

H. Making
Generalizations & Let us find out how much you have learned.
about the lessons Directions: Fill in the blanks. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

A Fact refers to a (1) _________________________________________ while an

Opinion refers to (2) ____________________________________________.

I. Evaluating A. Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct
Learning answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following statements express an opinion?

A. Corazon C. Aquino is the first female President of the Philippines.
B. Dr. Jose P. Rizal is our national hero.
C. Rainy days are better than sunny days.
D. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals.

2. I think it will rain tomorrow. This statement states a/an _______________.

A. fact B. opinion C. question D. trivia

3. Which of the following statements express a fact?

A. Thirteen added by ten equals to thirty-five.
B. Thirty increased by ten equals to twenty.
C. Twelve added by twelve gives us twenty-four.
D. Twenty plus twenty-five totals to fifty.

4. I think Adobo is the best Filipino dish. This statement states a/an
A. fact B. opinion C. question D. trivia

5. Boys prefer basketball over soccer. This statement states a/an

A. fact B. opinion C. question D. trivia

B. Directions: Below are sentences stating facts and opinions. Give at least two
supporting evidences for each.
1. Education is a right, not a privilege.
a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________

2. The use of gadgets has certain limitations.

a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________

3. Voting age should be reduced to 15.

a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________

4. Rainy season is more fun than summer.

a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________

5. Jose Rizal is a great hero.

a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________

J. Additional Directions: Write five (5) examples of Fact and Opinion on your notebook.
activities for
application or
VI. Reflection
A .No.of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No.of learners who
requires additional
acts.for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
this work?)
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did
I used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher I

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