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Olivia gray
Jess Mawer
SCREENWRITER & assistant director
George ford
The Brief

ØThe brief we have been given is to create a 5-7minute suspense short-

film or a scene from a film inspired by Christopher Nolan, Jordan
Peele or Alfred Hitchcock. For this project we have decided to create
our own short-film as we wanted to make something completely from
scratch and to use our own creativity.
ØOur short-film is about a girl who is experiencing hallucinations and
can't differentiate between her hallucinations and reality.
ØOur short-film is rated a 15
The Story
Ø A girl who is suffering with mental health problems and is starting therapy
Ø She has recently been seeing and hearing things that aren't there
Ø When she is at home weird things start to happen around her and she feels as if something is
following her
Ø Things start moving about and a lot of noise is created
Ø She becomes stressed out and tries to escape the house, but she can't leave
Ø As the film goes on, she becomes more and more distressed (crying, shouting, running)
Ø All of a sudden, we hear a thud and we see her fall to the floor
Ø A dark figure lurks in the background of the shot and the film ends.
Target Audience
Target audience
ØThe target audience for our short film will be young adults (18-35)
ØPsychological thrillers are popular among the under 25's
ØThe audience for thrillers is usually young adults and adults . This is
because of the mature content that's included in the film, and it may be
disturbing for younger audiences.
ØThe gender we are aiming to reach is female as psychological thrillers
are more typically have more female viewers than male.

ØThe unique selling point for our short-film is that the audience can
interpret the ending any way they want.
ØThe way our film will end will have the audience creating their own
theories about the story.
ØThe film is going to make the viewer wonder what is reality or the
protagonist's imagination.
ØThe short-film also will build suspense and leave the viewers creating
American Horror Story Black Mirror Shutter Island
We were inspired by an episode of
American Horror Story where a character This was the main inspiration for our In this movie the guy sees things that
is stuck inside her house and can't get out. short-film as it often creates mind-f*ck
She tries leaving through the back door aren't there. From this film we gained
but ends up running around in a loop plots that leave you feeling confused inspiration of not knowing if
and disturbed. something was real or fake and
confusing the audience.
This is the mood board of scenes we
want to create for the film. These
pictures give a creepy and mysterious
vibe which is what we want.
Our Posters
Ø This mood board is to show
what we want the short-film to
look like visually. We want to
use a darker palette for our
project as it can relate to the
emotions of the character in the
Colour Palette
Jordan Peele
Ø Jordan Peele is a Director, Producer and
Screenwriter who has created some of the
most popular modern-day thrillers, such as
Us, Get Out and Nope
Ø He has been an inspiration for our group
because of his genre of thriller/suspense
movies. He has created a lot of
psychological thrillers which is a genre we
wanted to explore as a group.
Ø In his films he uses a lot of sound to build
tension which is what we are going to in
Ø In his films 'Get Out' and 'Us' were written
they both had older songs included to
portray danger. The songs used were “Run
Rabbit Run” and “Itsy-Bitsy Spider”. We
intend to use this technique in our project.
Thank you for
Any Questions?

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