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Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna


Group #: __________
S.E Defense Date: May 06, 2023
De Guzman, Ivan Kervie G.


A New Model of The Student Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID Technology

The development of information technology today has been widely used to provide convenience, speed up, and
streamline work. Presence system that is still applied is the type of precession using manual presence using paper media
and is inefficient when viewed in terms of time, a recapitulation of data on the existence and accuracy or authenticity of
the data presented. There is still often the habit of leaving a signature as proof of an employee's presence. This study
aims to provide a new model for conducting of presence, a presence system that uses RFID technology. RFID will utilize
sensors to read data. The use of RFID is to facilitate lecturers and students in monitoring class attendance. On the RFID
card, there is a radio frequency mounted affixed to the reading machine; the system will automatically send student
data into the database. Thus, students can do it quickly, and data can also be agreed promptly and adequately. In
addition, students and lecturers are also motivated to arrive early because the system can store and display data

Based on the research conducted by the author through the needs planning stage, the process of modeling and
implementation, the conclusions can be obtained as follows: By using the student attendance system using RFID
technology, it is beneficial for lecturers in terms of lectures. Moreover, the data of absent students is directly stored into
a database on the server computer. With the student attendance system using RFID technology, the management of the
inputted data, and the archive of reports that often occur file loss no longer occurs because it has been stored in a
database. With the student attendance system using RFID technology, it can accelerate the attendance process of
students who previously still had to fill the attendance form with a signature.

To cite this article: Mutammimul Ula et al 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1807 012026

References J. F. Rusdi et al., “ICT Research in Indonesia,” SciTech Framew., 2019. Y. Hendriana and R. Hardi, “Remote
control system as serial communications mobile using a microcontroller,” in 2016 International Conference on
Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI 2016 - Proceedings, 2017. F. Klaus, RFID handbook Aplications,
Technology. 2003. N. Saparkhojayev, “RFID - Based Staff Control System (SCS) in Kazakhstan,” in Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, 2015. H. Singh, “Students Attendence Management System Using Rfid and Gsm Module,” 5th Int.
Conf. Adv. Eng. Technol., 2017. X. Zhang, D. Liu, and L. Hao, “An attendence system design based on wirless RFID,” in
Advanced Materials Research, 2012. ] L. Da Xu, W. He, and S. Li, “Internet of things in industries: A survey,” IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2014. L. K. Fiddes, J. Chang, and N. Yan, “Electrochemical detection of biogenic
amines during food spoilage using an integrated sensing RFID tag,” Sensors Actuators, B Chem., 2014. T. J. Fan, X. Y.
Chang, C. H. Gu, J. J. Yi, and S. Deng, “Benefits of RFID technology for reducing inventory shrinkage,” Int. J. Prod. Econ.,

M Ula, A Pratama, Y Asbar, W Fuadi… - Journal of Physics …, 2021 -

Automated Attendance Monitoring System using Android Platform

In today’s world, a paper-based approach is followed for marking attendance, where the students sign on the
attendance sheets. This data is then manually entered into the system. Managing the attendance of the students during
lectures is a difficult task and it becomes more difficult during the report generation phase. This is because the process
of marking attendance and maintaining the data is not fully automated and manual computation produces errors and
also wastes a lot of time. For this reason, the development of Attendance Monitoring System (AMS) using android
platform is proposed.

Different methods and principles have been applied to effectively monitor the attendance of the students. A
system providing an improvised electronic card and card reader serially interfaced to the digital computer system was
proposed, which is an embedded computer based attendance management system (Shoewu, O. O. M. Olaniyi, and
Lawson et al, 2011). A wireless attendance management system used the iris of the individual for authentication (Kadry,
S. and M. Smaili et al, 2010). All processes like capturing the image of iris recognition, extracting minutiae, storing and
matching used an off-line iris recognition management system. Authentication of the individuals for attendance
management has also been carried out with the help of passwords. A system that uses passwords for authentication was
designed and implemented (Cheng, K., L. Xiang, T. Hirota, and K. Ushijimaa et al, 2005), but, this type of system allows
for impersonation since the password can be shared or tampered with. Passwords can be forgotten at times thereby
preventing the user from accessing the system. Attendance monitoring systems are also developed using biometric
system as a mode of authentication and marking the attendance of the students. Authors in (Shoewu, O. and O.A. Idowu
et al, 2012) designed and implemented a system that uses fingerprints to mark the attendance and generate the reports
at the end of the semester. RFID system has also been used to develop an attendance and monitoring system. RFID
system basically consists of two components: the first one consists of tags and readers, and the second is a computer
software or application. The main function of the reader is to provide the means of communicating with the tags and
enabling data transfer. The two forms used for establishing communication between hardware and software are: Start
Listening and Stop Listening. Each time the system receives a request from the hardware, it connects to the database
using an SQL connection, checks the data to verify whether or not an access granted. At the same time, the application
stores all log info in order to provide later on monitoring while the user has the opportunity to track all the requests. All
this is done based on detailed queries created within the application during the development phase (A. Kassem, M.
Hamad, Z. Chalhoub and S. El Dahdaah et al, 2010).

In this paper, we proposed a new system for monitoring attendance of the students using android platform. The
results showed improvements in accuracy as compared to using user-based paper-based approach. Moreover the
proposed technique provides an easy way for generating reports.

Akshay A. KumbharȦ* , Kunal S. WanjaraȦ , Darshit H. TrivediȦ , Anay U. KhairatkarȦ and Deepak SharmaȦ
ȦDepartment of Computer Engineering, K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, India. Accepted 10 April 2014,
Available online 25 April 2014, Vol.4, No.2 (April 2014)

References Shoewu, O. O. M. Olaniyi, and Lawson (2011), Embedded Computer-Based Lecture Attendance
Management System, African Journal of Computing and ICT (Journal of IEEE Nigeria Computer Section), 4(3):27 – 36.
Kadry, S. and M. Smaili (2010), Wireless Attendance management System Based on Iris Recognition. Cheng, K., L. Xiang,
T. Hirota, and K. Ushijimaa (2005), Effective Teaching for Large Classes with Rental PCs by Web System WTS, Pro. Data
Engineering Workshop (DEWS2005), 1D – d3 (in Japanese). Shoewu, O. and O.A. Idowu (2012), Development of
Attendance Management System using Biometrics, Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 13(1):300-307. A. Kassem,
M. Hamad, Z. Chalhoub and S. El Dahdaah (2010), An RFID Attendance and Monitoring System for University
Applications, International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems.

M Ula, A Pratama, Y Asbar, W Fuadi… - Journal of Physics …, 2021 -

A Students Attendance System Using QR Code

Fadi MasalhaFaculty of Information Technology Applied Science University

Smartphones are becoming more preferred companions to users than desktops or notebooks. Knowing that
smartphones are most popular with users at the age around 26, using smartphones to speed up the process of taking
attendance by university instructors would save lecturing time and hence enhance the educational process. This paper
proposes a system that is based on a QR code, which is being displayed for students during or at the beginning of each
lecture. The students will need to scan the code in order to confirm their attendance. The paper explains the high level
implementation details of the proposed system. It also discusses how the system verifies student identity to eliminate
false registrations.

These days it is required to keep up with the latest technologies, especially in the field of education. Educational
institutions have been looking for ways to enhance the educational process using the latest technologies. Looking at the
existing situation, we have thought of using the mobile technology to efficiently benefit from the complete assigned
time assigned to a lecture. Time taken by instructors to take attendance may be viewed sometimes as a waste of the
lecture time, especially when classes are big. For that, we have proposed a way to automate this process using the
students’ devices rather than the instructor’s device. In other words, the instructor need not do anything extra during
the class beyond presenting the slides of the subject to be taught to the students.

REFERENCES Smartphone Users Around the World – Statistics and Facts, visited on February 12, 2014 Jamil, T. ; Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng.,
Sultan Qaboos Univ., Al Khod, Oman, Automatic attendance recording system using mobile telephone ,
Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2011 19th 1297 - 1299 Shehu, V. ; Contemporary Sci. & Technol., South East Eur.
Univ., Tetovo, Macedonia ; Dika, A. , Using real time computer vision algorithms in automatic attendance management
systems, Information Technology Interfaces (ITI), 2010 32nd International Conference on 397 – 402 Saraswat, Chitresh;
Kumar, Amit, An Efficient Automatic Attendance System using Fingerprint Verification Technique. International Journal
on Computer Science & Engineering . 2010, Vol. 2 Issue 2, p264-269 [5] Qinghan Xiao ; Interdept. Biometrics Working
Group, Gov. of Canada, ON ; Xue Dong Yang, A facial presence monitoring system for information security,
Computational Intelligence in Biometrics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, 2009. CIB 2009. IEEE Workshop on,
March 30 2009-April 2 2009 , 69 - 76 Indoor Positioning: visited on January 10, 2014 Location-based
Sensor Fusion
visited on January 10,

Teacher Attendance Monitoring System Teaching with QR-Code and Geo Location using Android Platform

The world of education has a good level of reputation if it has a professional educator staff and with high
integrity, one of the examples is that educators must be hardened on time and not truant to teach students at school. So
that the stigma of students and the community does not give a negative value.The role of the principal is also very
important to build high integrity, a principal must always monitor every day the teachers who enter the class. But the
limitations and the many teaching hours of teachers that must be monitored make the principal difficult because of
limited time and other busyness. So the need to design and build an Android platform-based application that is intended
to monitor the schedule, and the presence of teachers in real-time called Teacher Attendance Monitoring System
Teaching with QR-Code and Geo-Location. SoftwareThe software is intended to make it easier for principals to monitor
teachers who teach in class in realtime. Black box testing results show 100% for functional testing of systems and for
testing the application interface has a 100% success rate. Then the software is feasible to use.

Teachers have a very important role in the world of education, Wijaya and Rusyan (in Suprastowo P: 2013)
mention the teacher is a very dominant and most important actor informal education in general because, for students,
teachers are often used as role models and even become self-identification figures, by because it requires good
supervision from the school. according to Renata (in Kristiawan: 2019) argues there was a significant influence of
headmasters’ supervision toward effective teachers. The headmaster should upgrade the supervision of teachers where
they would actualize the effective teachers. According to Sutisna (1989) supervision is an administrative function in
which the administrator ensures that what is done by what is desired. Supervision will include inspection activities,
whether all goes according to the plan made, instructions issued, and principles that have been set (Aedi, 2014). One
supervision that needs to be done by the school is the presence of teachers. The school is monitoring the presence of
the teacher should not only when the teacher enters school, but there is more important that needs to be monitored
also the presence of the teacher when he enters teaching and being present in class. A problem faced by several
schools, the lack of supervision and control by the party or school staff towards the teacher’s attendance at the time of
teaching due to the vastness of the school, the number of classes and the many hours of teaching that need to be visited
by officers in conducting a teaching absence system Based on these problems, with the development of technology
there needs to be a solution that is by making a digital-based presence application that can identify teacher attendance
quickly and in real-time and with high integrity, related to presence attendance has done a lot of research on attendance
applications. Among them has conducted a study entitled ”QR Code Based Smart Attendance”, the study conducted
smartphone-based attendance by scanning the existing QR Code on students to teachers to confirm their presence. has
conducted a study entitled ”QR Code, Face Recognition, and Google Location as Alternative Solutions for Attendances in
Private Coloring Studio”, the study of employee attendance using Android applications by utilizing QR-Code technology,
Face Recognition, and Google Map Location. (Rizal M et al., 2017) conducted a study entitled ”Smart Attendance System
Applying QR Code”, the study of automatic student attendance systems using QR-Code used in vocational schools.
(Kumbar A et al, 2014) conducted a study entitled ”Automated Attendance Monitoring System using the Android
Platform”, the research was about developing an Attendance Monitoring System (AMS) using the android platform with
the System Development Life Cycle research approach using the spiral model method

Conclusions from the results of research Teacher Attendance Monitoring System Teaching with QR-Code and
Geo Location using the Android Platform can be done. The process of making software includes starting from analysis,
design, testing, and is implemented in vocational schools based on spiral software development methods. Besides being
able to streamline the time and resources of the software, it can simplify the process of monitoring the presence of
teachers in teaching at school.

A. Manori, N. Devnath, N. Pasi, and V. Kumar, “QR Code Based Smart Attendance System,” Int. J. Smart Bus.
Technol., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–10, 2017. O. Wongso, “QR Code, Face Recognition, and Google Location as Alternative
Solution for Employee’s Attendance in Small Companies,” J. Tek. Inform. dan Sist. Inf., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 309–318, 2016. B.
Boehm, “A Spiral model of software development and enhancement,” Softw. Manag. Seventh Ed., pp. 37–48, 2007. M.
Vishwas and K. J. Satao, “Comparing Various SDLC Models And The New Proposed Model On The Basis Of Available
Methodology,” Int. J. Adv. Res. Comput. Sci. Softw. Eng., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 2277–128, 2012. Shailendra, M. Singh, M. A.
Khan, V. Singh, A. Patil, and S. Wadar, “Attendance management system,” 2nd Int. Conf. Electron. Commun. Syst. ICECS
2015, no. Icecs, pp. 418–422, 2015. R. Joshi, V. V Shete, and S. B. Somani, “Android Based Smart Learning and
Attendance Management System,” Int. J. Adv. Res. Comput. Commun. Eng., vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 256–260, 2015. A. A.
Kumbhar, K. S. Wanjara, D. H. Trivedi, A. U. Khairatkar, and D. Sharma, “Automated Attendance Monitoring System using
Android Platform,” Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1096–1099, 2014. M. B. Miran Hikmat, “Attendance
Checking System Using Quick Response Code for Students at the University of Sulaimaniyah,” J. Math. Comput. Sci., vol.
10, pp. 189–198, 2014. M. surahman I Amirulloh, I d Iskandar, Y Apriyani, “No TitleTeacher Attendance Monitoring
System Teaching with QR-Code and Geo Location using Android Platform,” 2020. R. Hendry, M. N. A. Rahman, and A. H.
Seyal, “Smart Attendance System Applying QR Code,” pp. 1–5, 2017. A. Mishra and D. Dubey, “A Comparative Study of
Different Software Development Life Cycle Models in Different Scenarios,” Int. J. Adv. Res. Comput. Sci. Manag. Stud.,
vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 2321–7782, 2013. S. Barjtya, A. Sharma, and U. Rani, “A detailed study of Software Development Life
Cycle ( SDLC ) Models,” Int. J. Eng. Comput. Sci. ISSN, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 22097–22100, 2017. R. Arora and N. Arora,
“Analysis of SDLC Models,” Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 2277–4106, 2016. S. K. Dora and P. Dubey,
“Software Development Life Cycle ( Sdlc ) Analytical Comparison Software Development Life Cycle ( Sdlc ) Analytical
Comparison and Survey on,” Natl. Mon. Ref. J. Res. Sci. Technol., vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 22–30, 2017. S. Cohen, D. Dori, and
U. de Haan, “A software system development life cycle model for improved stakeholders’ communication and
collaboration,” Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 20–41, 2010. B. Boehm and P. Bose, “Collaborative
spiral software process model based on Theory W,” Int. Conf. Softw. Process. Proceeding, pp. 59–68, 1994. A.
Alshamrani and A. Bahattab, “A Comparison Between Three SDLC Models Waterfall Model, Spiral Model, and
Incremental/Iterative Model,” IJCSI Int. J. Comput. Sci. Issues, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 106–111, 2015. S. T. ind, Karambir, “A
Simulation Model for the Spiral Software Development Life Cycle,” Int. J. Innov. Res. Comput. Commun. Eng., vol. 03, no.

05, pp. 3823–3830, 2015

Fingerprint Based Student Attendance System Using GSM

In this paper provides the design method of portable fingerprint based student attendance system using GSM.
The system includes terminal fingerprint acquisition module and attendance module. It can realize automatically such
functions as information acquisition of fingerprint, processing, wireless transmission, fingerprint matching and making
an attendance report. After taking the attendance, this system sends the attendance of every student to their parent’s
mobile through GSM. Attendance system facilitates access to the attendance of a particular student in a particular class.
This system eliminates the need for stationary materials and personnel for the keeping of records. The proposed system
scanned the fingerprints placed on the device sensor and compared them against those stored in the database
successfully. The performance of the system was acceptable and would be considered for full implementation especially
because of its short execution time and reports generation. This system takes the attendance of the student and sends
this attendance to their parent’s mobile through GSM.

The main purpose of this project is to monitor the student attendance in lecture, tutorial and laboratory sessions
in more efficient way and send this attendance to their parents. This system resists students from bunking classes
through SMS sending feature to parents. Biometrics has been used effectively for more than a decade for time and
attendance system. Fingerprint attendance system is a cost effective simplified system that uses fingerprints for
identification. The fingerprint is unique to each individual and cannot be shared.

Pallavi Verma1 Namit Gupta2 1 M.E. (student) Embedded system & VLSI design, SVITS, Indore (M.P.), India 2
Prof. & Head of Dept., Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, SVITS, Indore (M.P.), India

Murizah Kassim, Hasbullah Mazlan, Norliza Zaini, Muhammad Khidhir Salleh “Web-based Student Attendance
System using RFID Technology” 2012 IEEE. Rasagna, Prof. C. Rajendra “SSCM: A Smart System for College Maintenance”
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, May 2012. “What is GSM?” Online
Available: [Accessed: Sept. 17, 2013]. L. Rajasekar, S. Vivek

Pallavi Verma: ME in Embedded System & VLSI design from Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology & Science,
Indore (M.P.) BE in Electronics & Instrumentation from Indore Institute of Science & Technology, Indore (M.P.). Prof.
Namit Gupta is PhD(pursuing) from school of electronics DAVV Indore (M.P), M. Tech in Embedded system from school
of electronic, DAVV Indore (M.P), MBA from school of management DAVV Indore (M.P), BE in Electronics &
Telecommunication from SSGMCE Shegaon Maharashtra. He has published 25 international and national journal/
conference paper. His field of interest in Embedded system and nanotechnology.
(Jacinto Jeson el at, 2020), It was concluded that the Scan Attendance Manager is a reliable

application wherein teachers could conveniently use to monitor class attendance by simply scanning the QR

code embedded to each student's ID. As expected, this application provides efficient data output from

detecting absent students to generating reports; thus, it is advisable to use.

(Angeline Carreon el at, 2019), Many students got failing grades by skipping classes. They are always

absent in class and sometimes they do not participate in class. Many students from this generation never

realized the importance of education. They are contented of having a 75 in their grade. But few of the students

are grade-conscious; they study hard to get a higher grade.

Singh, 2016 analyzed QR code from the perspective of their significance and uses. It was

recommended to increase awareness about the usefulness of the QR codes, to make public aware and be

familiar with the QR code.

According to (Asare and Asare, 2015) For a QR code campaign to be successful, the study suggests a

company needs to have clear objectives, know who they are targeting, provide valuable contents, place code

at appropriate locations for ease of scanning, decide on the right time for the campaign and finally execute it in

a creative way that anyone could efficiently adapt the system. It's been proven that the use of this two-

dimensional QR code is one of the best to use compared to barcode and RFID (RadioFrequency

Identification). It can also be used in different teaching strategies depending on the like of the teachers like

games, reading, science, in math and many more.

In the study carried out by Durak et al. (2016) though it is easier to use QR Codes, it is not

possible to use them without technological necessities, so, QR Codes would increase in line with the increase

in the related technologies like smartphones and tablets. The propagation of the smartphones and tablet PCs


soon be the first choice when surfing and scanning quick response codes with the support of internet


The study of Rizal et al. (2016) concludes that Smart Attendance System Applying QR Code enables to

speed up the process of taking attendance and would save us valuable teaching time. He further stressed that

this initiative helps students avoid consequences that may result from poor attendances that should be

stipulated in the policy and academic regulations of the school.

There are many other ways you can use QR codes in school are becoming a popular tool in modern

education. (Lamey, 2018 and Santisteban, 2017). Teachers of the 21st century are generally enthusiastic to

embrace the used of modern technologies, considering a sound fiscal allocation and management. Teachers
are more likely wanted simplicity and efficiency with combine speed, ease, and novelty with the capacity is to

hold a large amount of data that can actually do a lot to enrich such classroom management (Lamey, 2018).

Dana, Jewel Zhaira J.




A Students Attendance System Using QR Code

Fadi Masalha et. al
Smartphones are becoming more preferred companions to users than desktops or notebooks. Knowing
that smartphones are most popular with users at the age around 26, using smartphones to speed up the
process of taking attendance by university instructors would save lecturing time and hence enhance the
educational process. This paper proposes a system that is based on a QR code, which is being displayed for
students during or at the beginning of each lecture. The students will need to scan the code in order to confirm
their attendance. The paper explains the high level implementation details of the proposed system. It also
discusses how the system verifies student identity to eliminate false registrations.
Taking students’ attendance by university instructors during each class is a time consuming process
especially when classes are big. Some faculty policies require this task to be performed by the instructor in
each lecture. In other words, out of the total hours that are assigned to a given course, which is typically
forty-five hours per semester, up to eight hours may be lost to perform this process that usually takes around
ten minutes per lecture.
This way, the system will save not only time but also efforts that were supposed to be put by
instructors during each lecture. It will speed up the process of taking attendance and leave much time for the
lecture to be given properly.

A RFID Based Automatic Attendance System in Educational

A.A. Olanipekun Et. Al.

As a result of the challenges of the manual method of taking attendance in schools and colleges in Nigeria, an
automated attendance system needs to be adopted. The challenges include difficulty in keeping the attendance list over
a long period of time, unnecessary time wastage during writing or signing, improper documentation, students forgetting
to write or sign the attendance paper, lecturers forgetting the attendance list in the classroom, students writing or
signing illegally for an absentee among others. This paper implements Radio frequency identification (RFID) automatic
attendance system in Nigeria educational institutions which provides the functionalities of registering students,
recording attendance, making decision on the eligibility of a student to sit for an examination in a course and other
functions. This work eradicates the deficiencies associated with the manual attendance system with an automated
approach implemented through Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. The case study is Federal University of
Technology, Akure, Nigeria.

Some students do not come to classroom due to one reason or the other and because of this they do not
perform well in their examination, so there is need to monitor student attendance in the classroom to enhance their
academic performance. Students are expected to attend 60 percent of the class before they are allowed to sit for the
course examination. The manual method of taking attendance in schools and colleges in Nigeria over the years has
become a thing of concern. In the manual method of taking attendance students are required to write down their names
and sign the attendance list. The problems associated with this method vary from unnecessary time wastage to
improper documentation, students forgetting to put down their names on the attendance list or students writing on
behalf of other students that are absent from the class. To eradicate the deficiencies associated with the manual
attendance system, an automated approach is implemented through Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology.
The RFID based automatic attendance system includes the RFID reader, RFID tags, computer system, and host system
application. The RFID based automatic attendance system is used for automatically taking students’ attendance and
giving warning to students on cases of low attendance which could degrade the performance of student or prevent the
student from taking the course examination, if the class attendance percentage is less than 60.

IoT Based Smart Attendance System (SAS) Using RFID

Soumil Nitin Shah Et. AL
This work introduces a new paradigm of monitoring student attendance using Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) based on the Internet of Thing (IoT). Educational institutes are concerned about student
irregular attendance. Truancy can affect a student's overall academic performance. The traditional method of
taking attendance by calling names or signing on paper is very time consuming and inefficient. RFID based
attendance system using IoT system is one of the solutions to handle the problem. The proposed work
comprises of two most popular trend in technology research; IoT and RFID.

Automated Attendance Monitoring System using Android Platform

Akshay A. Kumbhar Et. Al.
In today’s world, a paper-based approach is followed for marking attendance, where the students sign
on the attendance sheets. This data is then manually entered into the system. Managing the attendance of the
students during lectures is a difficult task and it becomes more difficult during the report generation phase. This
is because the process of marking attendance and maintaining the data is not fully automated and manual
computation produces errors and also wastes a lot of time. For this reason, the development of Attendance
Monitoring System (AMS) using android platform is proposed.
Different methods and principles have been applied to effectively monitor the attendance of the
students. A system providing an improvised electronic card and card reader serially interfaced to the digital
computer system was proposed, which is an embedded computer based attendance management system
(Shoewu, O. O. M. Olaniyi, and Lawson et al, 2011). A wireless attendance management system used the iris
of the individual for authentication (Kadry, S. and M. Smaili et al, 2010). All processes like capturing the image
of iris recognition, extracting minutiae, storing and matching used an off-line iris recognition management
system. Authentication of the individuals for attendance management has also been carried out with the help of
passwords. A system that uses passwords for authentication was designed and implemented (Cheng, K., L.
Xiang, T. Hirota, and K. Ushijimaa et al, 2005), but, this type of system allows for impersonation since the
password can be shared or tampered with. Passwords can be forgotten at times thereby preventing the user
from accessing the system. Attendance monitoring systems are also developed using biometric system as a
mode of authentication and marking the attendance of the students. Authors in (Shoewu, O. and O.A. Idowu et
al, 2012) designed and implemented a system that uses fingerprints to mark the attendance and generate the
reports at the end of the semester. RFID system has also been used to develop an attendance and monitoring
system. RFID system basically consists of two components: the first one consists of tags and readers, and the
second is a computer software or application. The main function of the reader is to provide the means of
communicating with the tags and enabling data transfer. The two forms used for establishing communication
between hardware and software are: Start Listening and Stop Listening. Each time the system receives a
request from the hardware, it connects to the database using an SQL connection, checks the data to verify
whether or not an access granted. At the same time, the application stores all log info in order to provide later
on monitoring while the user has the opportunity to track all the requests. All this is done based on detailed
queries created within the application during the development phase (A. Kassem, M. Hamad, Z. Chalhoub and
S. El Dahdaah et al, 2010).

A New Model of The Student Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID Technology
Mutammimul Ula Et. AL.
The development of information technology today has been widely used to provide convenience, speed
up, and streamline work. Presence system that is still applied is the type of precession using manual presence
using paper media and is inefficient when viewed in terms of time, a recapitulation of data on the existence and
accuracy or authenticity of the data presented. There is still often the habit of leaving a signature as proof of an
employee's presence. This study aims to provide a new model for conducting of presence, a presence system
that uses RFID technology. RFID will utilize sensors to read data. The use of RFID is to facilitate lecturers and
students in monitoring class attendance. On the RFID card, there is a radio frequency mounted affixed to the
reading machine; the system will automatically send student data into the database. Thus, students can do it
quickly, and data can also be agreed promptly and adequately. In addition, students and lecturers are also
motivated to arrive early because the system can store and display data directly.


(Jacinto Jeson et al, 2020), It was concluded that the Scan Attendance Manager is a reliable
application wherein teachers could conveniently use to monitor class attendance by simply scanning the QR
code embedded to each student's ID. As expected, this application provides efficient data output from
detecting absent students to generating reports; thus, it is advisable to use.
(Angeline Carreon et al, 2019), Many students got failing grades by skipping classes. They are always
absent in class and sometimes they do not participate in class. Many students from this generation never
realized the importance of education. They are contented of having a 75 in their grade. But few of the students
are grade-conscious; they study hard to get a higher grade.
Singh, 2016 analyzed QR code from the perspective of their significance and uses. It was recommended to
increase awareness about the usefulness of the QR codes, to make public aware and be familiar with the QR
According to (Asare and Asare, 2015) For a QR code campaign to be successful, the study suggests a
company needs to have clear objectives, know who they are targeting, provide valuable contents, place code
at appropriate locations for ease of scanning, decide on the right time for the campaign and finally execute it in
a creative way that anyone could efficiently adapt the system. It's been proven that the use of this two-
dimensional QR code is one of the best to use compared to barcode and RFID (RadioFrequency
Identification). It can also be used in different teaching strategies depending on the like of the teachers like
games, reading, science, in math and many more.
In the study carried out by Durak et al. (2016) though it is easier to use QR Codes, it is not possible to
use them without technological necessities, so, QR Codes would increase in line with the increase in the
related technologies like smartphones and tablets. The propagation of the smartphones and tablet PCs could
soon be the first choice when surfing and scanning quick response codes with the support of internet access.
The study of Rizal et al. (2016) concludes that Smart Attendance System Applying QR Code enables to speed
up the process of taking attendance and would save us valuable teaching time. He further stressed that this
initiative helps students avoid consequences that may result from poor attendances that should be stipulated in
the policy and academic regulations of the school.

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