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Apostles Lutheran School

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September 12, 2011


Mrs. Crofts Classroom Newsletter

Were Learning Some More In Week # 4!
School pictures
will be taken this week on Wednesday, September 14. For record-keeping purposes your child will be photographed regardless of whether you choose to order or not. The order form was sent home last week. Please be sure to return it no later

Zoo-Phonics News
This week we will finish focusing on Catina Cat. I will also be using some days both this week and next week to sit with each student individually to assess your childs progress. I will report my findings on the upcoming progress report that is scheduled to go home next week.

8:15 AM Wednesday morning. You can also order online at using the

Other Classroom News

access code apostles11as.

We have two two months:

field trips

coming up in the next

In our Bible lessons this week we will study Abraham and Sarah learning to be patient waiting for Gods perfect time to keep His promises. We will also learn about Jacobs Lie which reminds us that we all make sinful choices, but what joy we have in Jesus who came to take those sins away! On Tuesday Mr. Washburn will talk with the children in grades Jr. K-2 about bullying in order to equip them to properly identify and deal with that type of behavior. As a preventative measure Mr. Washburn is speaking to the whole school on this matter. We have divided up according to grade level groupings so the topic can be presented in an age-appropriate manner. In math we will focus on matching, sorting and shapes in addition to our continued calendar work.

1. On

the kindergarten classes will be going to Uesugi Farms Pumpkin Patch in Morgan Hill. second trip on

Friday, October 21,

2. The


November 17

will take us to the Flint Center in Cupertino. This is the theater on the De Anza College campus. We will see a live performance of Charlottes Web. We are required to pay in advance to reserve tickets for the theatrical performance. Therefore, we will be collecting the money for this field trip first, followed on Sept. 26 by the details of the pumpkin patch trip. A Field Trip Permission Form for the theater performance is attached. Please return it no later than

Upcoming Events
Sept. 12: Complimentary Hearing Screening 9AM Sept. 14: School Pictures 9AM Sept. 16: Scholastic Book Orders Due (optional) Sept. 23: Theater Field Trip Permission Forms Due; Midterm Progress Reports; Teacher Collaboration Meeting kindergarten classes dismiss at 11:45 AM, the rest of the school dismisses at noon. Homeroom is available until 6PM. Oct. 2: Kindergarten classes sing--11:15 AM service Oct. 7: Harvest Festival 6-9 PM; Pumpkin Patch Field Trip Forms Due

Friday, September 23.

Checks should be made payable to Lynelle Schleusener, our kindergarten teacher who is organizing this trip. You may also pay with cashexact change only please.

Dont forget you will need to have taken the Keeping Our Kids Safe Class in order to chaperone.
Please check with the church office or online calendar for upcoming scheduled classes.

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