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Essentials of HRM

April 2023 Examination

Q1. The VP - HR manager of ‘Gyan Tutors Ltd’, an online language-teaching website,

decides to launch a new job analysis system for its employees, across all branches. As a
part of his team, you are in-charge of handling the implementation of this new program.
Discuss the scope for job analysis in this organisation. Give some examples, in the given
context. (10 Marks)

Ans 1.


Job analysis is how we identify and report specific job information. It is a required process to
identify the organization's advancement and growth scope. In this process, we need to choose
the understanding, capacities, skills, and responsibilities of the job owner for effective
performance in the details job. We must collect comprehensive information about the
position to recognize the job owner's performance associated with his profession. Gyan tutors
restricted have decided to introduce a new program related to job analysis for its employees
throughout all the branches, and I have the responsibility to handle the implementation of this
new program as a part of the team. I need to analyze the information, truths, nature of the job,
and staff members' skills as part of the implementation team regarding this new program. The
job holders must comply with some behavioral aspects related to job performance.

Concepts and Applications

The extent of job analysis needs systematic exploration, study, and recording of the job's
responsibilities, duties, abilities, liabilities, work environment, etc. It involves both physical
and emotional skills. The extent of job analysis in this company is detailed as it will cover all
the employees throughout all its branches. It will consider the staff members' abilities, skills,
and responsibilities in their particular job. It will boost workers' confidence as they feel they
are part of the company and their needs are considered. Staff members will be required as
their responsibilities, responsibilities, and accountabilities will be related, and they will seem
like an indispensable part of the company. Implementing this new job analysis program in
this organization will be helpful, as every staff member's demands will develop an essential
part of this program. In this, we must take care of the personal capabilities of the staff
members as per their specific job performance. If the selected person is suitable for the job
based on the demands, the results are rewarding.

It is considerable to see the working problems under which the job is being executed. A
person should have the knowledge, abilities, and capabilities to do a specific job. We can
recognize the job's worth for an organization through a job analysis program. It aids in
establishing job relatedness in terms of abilities, capacities, training, recruitment, selection,
etc. We can improve staff members' job performance by presenting this new job analysis
program. HR choices must promote the development and development of the company.
Through a job analysis program, we can specify the company's duty, context, problems, and
performance criteria. It can recognize the tasks anticipated to be executed by the workers. It
likewise gives a various understanding of the behavioral facets of the jobs. It assists in
making job-related work decisions in the organization. Job analysis is the foundation of
anticipating the requirements of the company's workers and preparing tasks such as training,
promotion, and transfers.

Simply put, job analysis aids in implementing human resource planning. It advertises
performance, decreases overlapping and risks, and so on. It assists in streamlining the job
process by supplying information connected to the job. Job analysis supplies information
referring to jobs that establish the company's standardization. It helps to figure out the job
components, environment, and conditions in which the staff members work and do their jobs
connected to their job.

The job analysis gives all the relevant information about jobs, which figures out the
organization's range of development and development. We can evaluate the job specification
swiftly through job analysis. When this new program is implemented, it will enhance the
general performance of the organization. The staff members will enjoy and contribute more
to the company's advancement as they feel they belong to the company through this new job
analysis program.


Job analysis sustains all the other administration tasks such as employment, choice, training,
performance analysis, assessment, promotion, job requirements, job description, job
assessment, job enrichment, and access and exit of the skill in the organization. The scope of
job analysis is comprehensive, and it helps improve the organization's overall performance. If
this company applies for this new job analysis program effectively, it will increase and
expand. It is vital to consider as my responsibility that this new program is carried out
throughout all the branches for all employees. Job analysis programs will cultivate the growth
and advancement of the employees as their capabilities, working problems, and
responsibilities will be considered.

Q2. Healthcare Hospitals is expanding its business from a 200-bed hospital to an 500-
bed hospital. However, it needs to gather certain information for new job analysis. As
their HR Consultant, explain in detail what information under different categories is
required for job analysis. Add some examples for these different types of information.
(10 Marks)

Ans 2.


Job analysis can be specified as gathering and evaluating information concerning a specific
job setting, such as the required everyday obligations, responsibilities, certifications, hard and
soft skills, the interaction required, anticipated results, required physical abilities, working
conditions, and nature of supervision. Among the most typical ways to use the results of a job
analysis is for our job summaries. Still, the information and numbers can likewise be made
use of differently.

Conducting a job analysis supplies an overall view of one of the most crucial requirements of
a duty to ensure we are working with the best skill and helping our existing workforce
succeed. For example, if we don't conduct a job analysis before employing a person, we may
wind up hiring a misfit person as he may not have specific skills that are important for this
function. Falling short of conducting a thorough job analysis also leads to employee
discontent, reduced engagement, and high turnover rates if we often employ the wrong
individual or advertise teams unsuited for the duty.
Concepts and applications

As pointed out in the question, Medical care hospitals are expanding their business from 200-
bed hospitals to 500-bed hospitals. The development requires numerous workings to separate
the responsibilities amongst them and make it smooth and successful.

The hospital is preparing to expand its operations by about 150 percent, which is greater than
double its previous business operations. It would require various teams of other employees to
handle the job pressure and help the business achieve its goals and purposes.

Previously, businesses utilized to run with little technology and were successful, yet in
today's world, the majority of companies require a correct innovation department headed by a
capable person with experience and knowledge in the very same. Different departments take
care of various aspects of the company and make the business successful. These departments
include human resources, advertising, operations, fina, and house.

Healthcare hospitals are looking to expand their business, so it would require focusing on
boosting the performance of these departments by employing competent talents. Allow's talk
about it-.

Human resources- This department is accountable for employing in-shape employees for
different roles who can involve much more ability for the company to take care of numerous
business tasks.

As an example- To suit HR, a person should have good communication skills, recognize how
to reveal himself, comprehend one more person's thoughts without hearing him speak just
from his expressions, etc. If a person satisfies all these traits, he fits the setting. But it isn't
easy to locate this sort of individual, so HR can work with a person he assumes can learn
these characteristics with time under his supervision.

Marketing department: This is just one of the most crucial departments in a business. This
department is accountable for bringing business to a firm and increasing its earnings.
For example, suppose a firm is seeking to employ an advertising and marketing ability. In
that case, it should look for someone who can convince an additional individual even without
attempting—this talent he should have.

Finance department: As the name suggests, this department is concerned with money and
funds. An individual should be a finance fanatic. He should understand taxes, mutual funds,
supplies, equity, etc. He should understand precisely how to maintain a firm's funds risk-free
and how to increase them by buying a fund. Money is associated with saving and spending.
They also have to work in the direction of reducing expenditures to ensure that they can boost
their profit margin.

Operations: Operations can be specified as day-to-day activities. It consists of handling the

daily jobs required to keep the business running efficiently. In our instance, we are running a
hospital, which will include recording the information of the present people, their expenses,
their food supply, medical professional's see planning, etc.

Law department- This is critical for the company as it can aid the firm in staying clear of
legal problems the business faces. Whether the business is guilty or otherwise, the
department's primary function is to stroll the business's nonguilty.

IT department- The only department a business cannot expand in today's world is the IT
department. Its crucial function is to boost the technology department of the business to
ensure that it can boost the individual's experience. Every business today focuses on boosting
modern technology to attract more clients by making their internet site experience great.
From food delivery to resort businesses, all businesses require a superb modern technology
department to transform the business's working design from ancient to modern-day.


Expanding a business is a difficult task, however satisfying. It requires assisting the firm in
achieving its expansion goals of development. Other than skilled employees, a firm requires
funds and financing to grow its business and make purchases. Acquisitions require a lot of
funds and preparation and aid the companies to enter a field they are not in so that they can
acquire something from there. It's constantly good to appropriately think, plan and, after that,
carry out the concept and achieve it with proper research and planning.

Q3. Pradeep is a fresher in a marketing firm. This is his first job and he was asked to
make a presentation on the recruitment policy. However, he was quite confused with the
different types of factors affecting recruitment methods. Therefore, he went to the HR
department for more clarification. Help him answer the following questions:

a. Explain to him what are the different internal factors affecting recruitment of a
Give examples. (5 Marks)

Ans 3a.


Employees are a source to a firm; just these properties can be accomplished. Every company
wishes to work with the best talent, which is possible with an effective employment plan.

Formulation and creation of recruitment plan managed by professional specialists from

internal or outside the HR department, personnel workers, candidates, and commonly
experimentation experience with candidates. The main reason for applying a recruitment plan
is the efficiency of analysis criteria to assess treatments and analyze recruitment performance.

Concepts and applications

The internal factors affecting the recruitment of a company are-

a) Size of the organization- The dimension of the company is among the factors which
affect the recruiting tasks taken on by human resource management. Small-scale companies
discover it much more intricate to draw in applicants than large organizations. A firm with
one lakh employees will locate itself recruiting skilled candidates more typically than an
organization with one thousand rupees. Right here is a distinction between a firm with several
workforces and a considerable number of individuals who looked for uninhabited positions.
On the other hand, a company with a handful of pressures will need to market or contract out
the vacant position.
b) Employment condition- Among the most significant variables that affect employment is
the employment problem in the area where the company is located. For example- If the firm
remains in a remote location where individuals are not highly informed and they are great
with their business problems will not obtain a practical application from the place as opposed
to if the business remains in an area where individuals are Porche and educated and are fit for
the job.

c) Salary- Everyone works for money. And when somebody works in a company, they are
rewarded with a wage. Income is additionally one of the elements that influence recruitment.
Some organizations supply massive salaries to their employees. At the same time, some
companies need to supply their employees with affordable commissions. So, the business that
supplies excellent wages will bring in more applicants than the business that offers a smaller

d) Benefits packages- It is an attractive tool to retain employees and attract new ones to join
the company. This consists of paid leave, insurance coverage, fuel repayment, etc. People
should sign up with the companies that offer benefits bundles and focus less on those firms
that do not use these points.

E) Image and goodwill- It takes years to develop brand photos and goodwill- It is only
possible for some companies to have more significant goodwill. Goodwill suggests the
condition of the company in terms of regard. People that have regard for some businesses
indicate they have higher goodwill. So, candidates will be more likely to apply for a firm with
high goodwill than a company with reduced goodwill.


We have discussed the internal aspects that affect the recruitment of a firm.

b. He was also quite curious about the external factors affecting recruitment plans in
the organisation. Elaborate these with examples. (5 Marks)

Ans 3b.


As discussed earlier, human resources are an essential part of any business as the efficiency
of doing jobs decides the company's future.
Concepts and applications

Let's discuss outside factors that affect recruitment to the firm-

a) Political, social and legal environment-The outside environment of business is also an

influencing variable that affects recruiting. A company has a sound social, political, and legal
setting. Suppose a company has an excellent social, political and lawful environment. In that
case, the applicants will be more likely to relate to that company over companies with
deficient social, political, and legal atmospheres.

b) Unemployment rate- The price additionally plays a considerable function in affecting

recruiting initiatives. HR management of any company considers the unemployment rate as a
factor that encourages and affects recruitment in the company. Human resource management
takes care of the current joblessness rate is high in the place, and the HR manager will
discover the best candidate with lower remuneration.

c) Competitors- Rivals are constantly attempting to have equal-quality workers and expand
from where they can maximize their profits by enhancing the company's profit margin and
growth price. The rival is also among the crucial factors that impact hiring factors made by
the HR manager of the company just how to see the deals the competitors provide for the
vacancies they are seeking. HR managers constantly update their understanding concerning
the opportunity and profit of the applicant.

d) Human resources planning - is likewise one of the critical factors influencing recruiting
elements. Different companies plan for the existing and future personnels. Demand while
keeping in mind that point company's human resources management tasks for recruitment,
they have a strategy that within the details period, they will employ several staff members in
their company and will have the ability to employ some prospects.

e) Growth and expansion- is also crucial factor affecting recruiting. The HR management
department takes care of raising revenues and focuses on the development and expansion of
the business. They consider and prepare their hiring initiatives according to the growth and
growth of the company.

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