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"Family" Test Unit 6 (Listening)

"Family" Test Unit 6 (Listening)

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Питання №1
Listen to the text. (track_6.2) For questions (1-5) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).

What does the speaker say about her great-grandfather?

He refused to talk about his family

А) He had no interest in his family history. Б)
He had little information about his family

Питання №2
When did the speaker's ancestors probably first move to London?

А) during World War II Б) in the 19th century

В) after her her great-grandfather was born

Питання №3
What is true about the speaker?

А) She has only one sibling. Б) She has no siblings.

В) She has several siblings.

Питання №4
Where did the speaker find some of her newly discovered relatives?

А) in Australia Б) in London
В) in the English countryside

Питання №5
What does the speaker plan to do after her wedding?

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"Family" Test Unit 6 (Listening)

А) continue her research with her husband Б) move to the UK

В) visit her husband's family

Питання №6
Complete the questions (1-5) with words the speakers used in exercise above. Don't write
the first letter, it is done for you.

1. When did your family first where s_____in the area where you live today?

2. How many first c______do you have? Are they the children of your father's or your mother's side?

3. Have any members of your family m____to another country? Where did they go?

4. Where would you go for the h________of your dreams after your wedding? Why?

5. Do you have brothers and sisters or are you an о___child? Which do you think is better?

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