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Post Reconstruction Period In The US


The post-reconstruction period was marked by various forms of oppression, including racism,

poverty-inducing corruption, and vast industrial injustices, but it also marked the beginning

of the United States as an economic giant as the country became politically stable.

Industrial injustice

The objective of the Omaha platform was to allow the farmers to control the pricing

of their products. Farmers who use the Omaha platform, which allows them to set their prices

for their products, will be able to compete more effectively in the market. As a result, they

would be required to pay income taxes, as outlined in the Omaha Platform (Halpin,2017).

These people valued an eight-hour workday and senators elected directly rather than through

state legislative bodies. This was done to assist rural and low-income Americans... When

made in industrial cities with a high concentration of residents, the appeal had less of an


As modern civilization progresses, the negative consequences of unequal wealth

distribution become more apparent. These are not unintended consequences of progress, but

tendencies that must be reversed; they are not self-curing, but will worsen unless their root

causes are addressed, reverting us to barbarism in the manner of every previous civilization.

It is not a natural law that is to blame; rather, it is social maladjustments that disregard natural

laws that are to blame. By removing this source, we will be able to move much faster. The

distribution of opportunities for all citizens should be equitable, with no one group receiving

preferential treatment. When a country develops holistically rather than incrementally, its

chances of success improve.


As a result of industrialization, the United States underwent significant changes.

Prosperous capitalists, middle-class managers, and unionized industrial and agricultural

workers all encountered a new work and labor environment at the turn of the twentieth

century. Even though many people benefited materially from technological advancement,

strikes, protests, and political warfare wreaked havoc on American life as workers adapted to

the new industrial order. The sources listed below shed light on the thoughts and feelings of

Americans who have been thrust into a new world of centralized capital and industrial labor.

The legal guarantees that a person's rights to exercise his or her powers for his or her benefit

will not be violated are referred to as liberty. Human competition shifts from one based on

violence and brute force to one based on industrial virtues such as industry, energy, skill,

frugality, and other industrial virtues as a result of civil liberties. Inequalities do not disappear

as a result of the new world order.


Despite their dire living conditions, poor immigrants were overlooked due to

disparities in living standards. Riis advocated for adequate lighting and sanitation in the city's

lower-class housing, claiming that the fortunate were unconcerned about the living conditions

of their less fortunate neighbors. He pleaded with the wealthy and middle-class citizens to

help the poor (Hubbard, 2018). These restrictions had a significant impact, forcing the more

dangerous tenements to close. In addition, he advocated for legislation to assist immigrant


Effects of reconstruction

Following Reconstruction, African-Americans were denied political and civil rights by

Southern state governments. Due to the federal government's refusal to grant freedmen land

titles after the Civil War, the majority of African-Americans in the South remained

subservient to their former masters. After their liberation, freedmen were frequently

employed as sharecroppers.

Following Reconstruction, the South developed a racialized and white supremacist social

system. Due to their low literacy rates, freedmen found it difficult to compete on an equal

footing with whites.


Furthermore, new research indicates that the abolition of slavery in the United States in 1865

was far from complete. That was not the case where I grew up in the Deep South. An

African-American citizen can be charged with anything, imprisoned for begging, and then

vanish without a trace. When prisons began renting out their slave labor, they developed a

profit motive. Legal did not imply that it was or could be enforced uniformly on paper.

Liberty was a foreign concept to some.



Halpin, D. P. (2017). Reform or Repression: Organizing America's Anti-Union Movement by

Chad Pearson. Journal of Southern History, 83(3), 716-718.

Hubbard, A. (2018). Bread and Repression, Too: The Battle for Labor’s Memory and the

Lawrence Textile Strike of 1912.

Roper, A., & Scales, D. (2020). A Realm of Descendant History: African American Families

Homesteading the Great Plains. Black History Bulletin, 83(2), 48-55.

Vogelius, C. H. (2021). The Multilingualism of Jacob Riis’s Imagetext. Photography’s

Materialities: Transatlantic Photographic Practices over the Long Nineteenth

Century, 115.

Yuscavage, C. T. (2018). From the Picturesque to the Politicized: Franco-American relations

and the reconstruction of Normandy’s tourist gaze post-WWII.

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