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Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

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The science of plant-based foods: Approaches to create nutritious and

sustainable plant-based cheese analogs
Lutz Grossmann *, David Julian McClements
Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 01003, USA


Keywords: Background: There has been a growing interest in consumers around the world in adopting a more plant-based
vegan Cheese diet for health, sustainability, and ethical reasons. Many commercially successful products have already been
Cheese alternative developed, including plant-based meat and milk analogs. However, the production of plant-based cheese analogs
Imitation cheese
that consumers find desirable and acceptable has proved extremely challenging. This is mainly due to the
compositional and structural complexity of real cheese products, which is difficult to mimic using plant-derived
Emulsion gel ingredients.
alternative proteins Scope and approach: In this review article, we start by providing a brief overview of the production and properties
dairy-free of real dairy cheese. We then describe the plant-based ingredients and processing operations that can be used to
assemble cheese analogs that mimic the composition, structure, physicochemical properties, sensory, and
nutritional attributes of real cheese. We also consider in this review the potential impact of switching from
animal-based to plant-based cheese on the environment and human health.
Key findings and conclusions: Plant-based cheeses can be produced from plant proteins obtained using fraction­
ation or tissue disruption routes. These products are typically complex colloidal dispersions consisting of lipid
droplets embedded within a viscoelastic polysaccharide and/or protein network. These plant-based cheeses are
likely to be more environmentally sustainable and better for animal welfare than their regular counterparts.
More research is needed to identify appropriate ingredients and processing methods, including understanding the
changes in texture and flavor as well as creating appropriate melting behaviors. Moreover, further research is
required to improve the nutritional profile and test the health effects of plant-based cheeses.

1. Introduction Recently, however, there has been a growing trend towards the
production of cheese analogs manufactured from plant-based in­
“I’d had no idea that cheese was a miracle.” (Holm, 2014). gredients. For instance, the Good Food Institute, a nonprofit organiza­
Cheese is an extremely complex food. By one estimate there are more tion based in Washington D.C., reported a growth in plant-based cheese
than 1,000 cheese varieties that can be produced from the milk from analog sales of around 42% from 2019 to 2020, with $270 million being
different animals, as well as other raw materials, using a variety of sold in the USA alone in 2020 (Fig. 1). This trend in plant-based cheese
production and aging operations (McSweeney, Ottogalli, & Fox, 2017). sales is surprising because around a decade ago these products were
The great variety reflects the popularity of regular cheese with around 6 regarded as cheap and less nutritious imitations of the cheeses produced
and 10 million tons being produced in the USA and EU, respectively, from animal milk. Producers of such products were accused of deceiving
which is around three-quarters of the world’s production (USDA, 2020). customers by selling a low-quality product designed to mimic a high-
Cheese is generally acknowledged to be a nutritious food that is rich in quality one. For example, the BBC documentary “Food Factory” from
macronutrients, especially fat and protein, as well as micronutrients 2012 had an episode about “fake cheese”, which is “[…] quicker and
such as vitamin A, vitamin B2 and B12, calcium, phosphorous, selenium, cheaper to produce than the real thing.” (BBC One, 2012).
and zinc (SELF Nutrition Data, 2021). Moreover, cheese has a long However, this attitude has changed drastically over the past few
shelf-life with some varieties lasting several years, which facilitates its years with more and more consumers seeking out and purchasing plant-
storage, distribution, and sale. based foods. The trend in plant-based cheese sales is driven by several

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Grossmann).
Received 27 April 2021; Received in revised form 30 September 2021; Accepted 3 October 2021
Available online 5 October 2021
0924-2244/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

this research shows that plant-based cheese manufacturers should

emphasize the positive impacts of plant-based consumption habits while
positively emphasizing social patterns and trying to meet the taste and
price of real cheese, which have a strong influence on purchasing habits
(Szejda et al., 2020).
However, designing plant-based products that can accurately mimic
the full range of physicochemical, sensorial, and nutritional attributes of
real cheese is extremely challenging due to their compositional and
structural complexity. For the sake of clarity, the term “plant-based
cheese” will be used in this article but it has to be kept in mind that
regulations in many countries currently ban the use of dairy-related
descriptors for plant-based product names (CVRIA, 2017). In this re­
view, we mainly focus on processing approaches, health, and sustain­
ability considerations, whereas the sensory aspects of plant-based
cheeses have recently been reviewed by Short et al. (2021).

2. Cheese derived from animal milk

The production of cheese from animal milk is most likely one of the
oldest processes to preserve milk and the first cheese products were
already manufactured around 8000 years ago (Fox & McSweeney,
2017). Typically, cheese is classified according to its type (rennet
cheese, fresh cheese, processed cheese), its textural properties (soft,
semi-soft, medium-hard, semi-hard, and hard), and its origin (e.g., cow,
Fig. 1. Annual plant-based cheese sales in the USA according to (GFI, 2020). buffalo, or goat) but many more regional cheese classifications are
factors and is part of a larger change in consumption habits directed Cheeses are produced from milk, which is the nutrient-rich fluid
towards a general increase in plant-based food consumption (Asche­ produced by the mammary glands of mammals to feed their young (Fox
mann-Witzel et al., 2020). The reasons for this change are numerous but & McSweeney, 2017). The main aim of cheese processing is to obtain a
include food intolerances, environmental sustainability, health, and viscoelastic solid material from fluid milk by inducing a sol-gel transi­
animal welfare considerations, as well as social trends. Moreover, the tion and collecting the curd formed, which usually has around a 10-fold
number and quality of cheese analog products on the market are higher protein content than the original milk. The agglomeration of the
continuing to increase, which is increasing the acceptance and adoption caseins is induced by acidification and/or enzyme addition leading to
of these products. the formation of a curd, which is then separated from the
It is interesting to address the question: why should a new food non-aggregated whey part (Johnson, 2017). The main processing routes
product category (such as a plant-based cheese) be designed to mimic an used for cheese production are described in various references (Kam­
existing product (such as real cheese)? In principle, it is possible to use merlehner, 2009; Kessler, 2002; McSweeney, Fox, et al., 2017), but
modern technology to create entirely new food products that have not commonly involves a series of processes that may include: Pasteurization
been encountered before. This is also true for plant-based cheeses and → Standardization → Acidification → Coagulation → Curd processing→
conclusions about why these products are helpful to guide dietary Ripening. This process is varied to obtain different types of cheeses with
transitions can be drawn from plant-based meats. While there is no various characteristics. However, some general cheese properties are
consumer research on plant-based cheese yet, some studies on plant- also important for plant-based formulations, which are reviewed below.
based meats are helpful to understand some general mechanisms
involved. In general, it is accepted that a diet transition is eased by 2.1. Texture and melting
decreasing barriers to change (e.g., food neophobia, adverse taste, price
differences, lack of familiarity, general beliefs about diet, etc.) and All cheeses are viscoelastic materials, ranging from soft to hard
supporting positive drivers of change (e.g., health and environmental depending on cheese type. The texture is governed by the composition of
benefits, ethical concerns) (Szejda et al., 2020). For example, a UK study the milk (standardization), pretreatments such as homogenization (only
showed that around 40% of the surveyed consumers were considered to for some cheeses, such as blue cheese) and thermal processing, and
have some degree of food neophobia (Hoek et al., 2011), which limits operating variables such as rennet-, calcium-, and sodium chloride-
the adoption of new products by consumers, such as plant-based cheese. concentration, as well as pH, and amount of whey removed.
This might be overcome by several factors, e.g., by efficient product However, the main transformation from a springy texture to a ho­
marketing to decrease the barrier and by focusing on social impacts. mogenous soft or hard texture occurs during the ripening phase (Iru­
For example, a study has indicated that meat-eaters are more willing dayaraj, 1999). During ripening, the casein network is partly broken
to shift to a plant-based meat product, if the product closely resembles down, which releases peptides and functional groups. Depending on the
that of real meat in taste and texture (Michel et al., 2021) and this result pH and the water-to-casein ratio, the cheese may soften or harden during
may also be applicable for plant-based cheese. This study also showed ripening (Lawrence et al., 1987). Typically, cheddar cheese hardens as a
that the acceptance of meat analogs is strongly influenced by social result of proteolysis because the released functional groups bind more
factors, which are not directly related to the product itself but are based water. Here, the relatively low water-to-casein ratio fosters the forma­
on social patterns (e.g., it was found that meat analogs are less likely to tion of a more rigid structure (Irudayaraj, 1999). In contrast, the aging of
be consumed during a family dinner which commonly follows strict camembert gives rise to a more creamy texture through the same
social patterns) and social interactions (e.g., experienced judgmental mechanism but the relatively high water-to-casein ratio fosters the for­
behavior of others based on own diet or negative experience with people mation of a more viscous structure (Schlesser et al., 1992).
who follow a vegan diet). However, such results most likely have a The pH of cheese also plays an important role in determining its
strong regional connotation and may vary from country to country but texture because it alters the protein-protein interactions and calcium
solubility. Typically, a less hard structure is obtained for cheeses that

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

have a pH close to the isoelectric point (pI) of the caseins, because more acids, lactones, ketones, alcohols, and aldehydes (Ianni et al., 2020).
calcium is solubilized and so the casein network is weakened (Pastorino
et al., 2003). This effect is especially relevant for acid-coagulated cheese
2.3. Shreddability
but has also been demonstrated for rennet-coagulated cheeses, e.g., for
camembert cheeses produced with different pH values during draining.
The shreddability of cheese is a key material property that is of
Indeed, a low draining pH (e.g., pH 4.6) results in considerable calcium
particular importance for some specific cheese products, such as pizza
loss in the whey fraction. As the pH during ripening increases, the curd
cheese, because it facilitates their utilization and accelerates their
liquifies because the curd is low in calcium bridges, which results in an
melting (Apostolopoulos & Marshall, 1994). The shreddability of cheese
increase in protein solubility with increasing pH and as a consequence a
is influenced by a set of material characteristics and is mainly controlled
drop in viscosity during the ripening phase (Batty et al., 2019).
by a fine balance of its viscoelastic behavior. Soft cheeses, which have
One key material property of cheese is its melting behavior, which is
relatively high moisture contents, low storage moduli, and high surface
critical for many applications, such as pizza toppings and cheese slices.
energies, exhibit strong blade adhesion during cutting, which decreases
Cheese melting involves converting a predominantly elastic-like solid
their shreddability (Childs et al., 2007). In contrast, hard cheeses, which
cheese into a more viscous-like material by inducing a gel-sol transition
have relatively low moisture contents and high storage moduli may be
(Schenkel et al., 2013a). Most cheeses soften when heated and if the
too gummy and dry, which results in shattering into smaller particles
temperature is further increased, the cheese begins to flow. The melting
during the shredding process (Kindstedt, 1995).
behavior of cheese is commonly attributed to the melting of fat until 40

C, but it is also strongly influenced by changes in casein-casein in­
3. Plant-based cheese analogs
teractions. Hydrophobic interactions strengthen as the temperature is
raised, resulting in a contraction of the individual casein molecules,
Most likely the first plant-based cheese varieties were produced and
thereby weakening their interactions with other casein molecules,
consumed in China as fermented tofu. Reports about fermented tofu date
which leads to the formation of a weaker gel structure (Lucey et al.,
back to the 17th century and were called “furu” which might be trans­
2003). In general, any process that weakens casein-casein interactions
lated as “spoiled milk” (Shurtleff & Aoyagi, 2011). However, this already
tends to increase the meltability of cheeses by, e.g., washing the curd to
brings up the main question: what is plant-based cheese? Why is tofu
remove calcium or other processes that increase calcium solubility.
mostly regarded as a meat replacer, whereas fermented tofu is typically
Commonly, most cheeses melt in the temperature range from 30 to 75 ◦ C
qualified as a cheese analog? In this review, we will define plant-based
(Karoui et al., 2003; Ray et al., 2016; Schenkel et al., 2013b,a) but some
cheese as follows:
do not melt at all. Cheeses that do not melt are typically prepared by
utilizing milk that was heated longer than the common “Plant-based cheese is an edible material prepared from plant in­
high-temperature/short-time treatment followed by pH reduction below gredients that is designed to have a similar appearance, texture, and
5. This results in the formation of covalent bonds that are less affected by flavor as animal-based cheeses.”
heating and thus no melting behavior is observed (Lucey et al., 2003).
The meltability of cheeses is also influenced by additives known as Following this definition, the design principle behind plant-based
“emulsifying salts”, such as citrates (e.g., sodium citrate) and phosphates cheese production is to match the physicochemical and sensory attri­
(e.g., sodium phosphate), which are added during the manufacturing of butes of a specific conventional cheese (such as cheddar or mozzarella),
processed cheese types. This cheese variety is produced by melting which can be achieved by using a variety of different ingredients and
rennet-induced medium-hard to hard cheese types in the presence of structuring techniques depending on the properties required. Ideally, it
emulsifying salts (and other additives if required), followed by a cooling would be advantageous to use similar processing operations as used to
step. The effect of the emulsifying salts is threefold: (i) they sequester commercially manufacture regular cheeses, as then the same equipment
calcium and thereby weaken the casein network; (ii) they increase the and manufacturing facilitates could be utilized. In practice, this is
pH, which increases protein solubility; and (iii) they exert a salting-in extremely difficult because plant-derived ingredients behave very
effect. These effects improve the melting properties and foster the for­ differently from those found in animal milk.
mation of a stable network during the melting and cooling process The main difference between regular and plant-based cheese pro­
without fat and protein destabilization (Guinee, 2017). duction is that there is only one main ingredient in regular cheese (milk
from different sources) and the different cheese varieties are produced
by utilizing different processing routes. In contrast, plant-based cheese
2.2. Aroma
analogs are created from a range of different ingredients and so their
development requires both ingredient and process selection.
Ultimately, the aroma of a cheese is governed by the complex
mixture of volatile molecules produced during the cheese
manufacturing process. This aroma is a result of the composition of the 3.1. Raw materials
milk used, the type of processing operations employed, and the break­
down of the components within the cheese during the ripening phase. In this section, the main properties and compositions of the in­
First, cheese aroma is influenced by the species of animal the milk comes gredients that can be used to assemble plant-based cheese analogs will
from (e.g., cow, sheep, goat, or buffalo), but also by factors such as an­ be summarized. Only a brief overview will be given here since more in-
imal feed (fresh grass, silage, hay, or grain), age, and health status depth discussions on the extraction, characterization, and properties of
(Faulkner et al., 2018). Second, the different processing steps influence plant-derived ingredients can be found in recent reviews and books
flavor development. For example, a study performed with different types (BeMiller & Whistler, 2009; Day, 2013; Grossmann & Weiss, 2021;
of French cheeses (Brie, Camembert, Saint Nectaire, etc.) concluded that Kyriakopoulou et al., 2021; McClements et al., 2021, 2019; Nadathur
the use of raw milk for production led to a higher overall aroma intensity et al., 2016; Zia-ud-Din et al., 2017).
and also different flavors, especially flavor notes like sharp, butyric,
bitter, goaty and moldy, in most of the cheeses studied compared to 3.1.1. Polysaccharides
those produced with pasteurized milk (Chambers et al., 2010). Last, the Starches are one of the most commonly used polysaccharide-based
ripening of the freshly prepared cheese has a profound influence on the ingredients in plant cheese analogs (Table 1). They consist of long
aroma profile. The degradation of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates by chains of glucose units linked together by glycosidic bonds and come in
indigenous enzymes, exogenous enzymes (rennet), and the microflora two major forms: amylose (linear, α-1–4 bond) and amylopectin
produce an abundance of volatile compounds including carboxylic (branched, α-1–4 and α-1–6 bonds). The precise molecular

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements
Table 1
Selected plant-based cheese analogs and regular cow milk cheeses on the market and their composition in g per 100 g sorted by their main ingredient into two different processing routes. The websites were accessed in April
2021. Note that some products are combinations of the fractionation and tissue disruption route. Kcal = kilocalories; CHO = Carbohydrates; S = Saturated Fats.
Product Ingredients kcal Fat (S) CHO Protein Fiber Sodium Others Type Company Website

Material Fractionation Route

Field Roast: Filtered water, coconut oil, corn and potato starch, modified potato starch, 286 21 21 0 0 0.93 Calcium: Semi-hard,
Creamy Original: Chao fermented chao tofu (soybeans, water, salt, sesame oil, calcium sulfate), (21) 0% DV ripened flavor t/chao-block-creamy-original/
Block sea salt, natural flavor, olive extract (antioxidant used as a preservative),
beta carotene (color), powdered cellulose (to prevent caking).
Daiya: Filtered Water, Tapioca Starch, Coconut Oil, Vegan Natural Flavors, Pea 286 21 25 4 0 0.82 Calcium: Cheddar-style,
Medium Cheddar Style Protein, Expeller Pressed: Canola and/or Safflower Oil, Chicory Root (16) 0.48 semi-hard -foods/blocks/medium-cheddar
Block Fiber, Tricalcium Phosphate, Salt, Xanthan Gum, Lactic Acid (Vegan), Pea /
Starch, Vegan Enzyme, Cane Sugar, Annatto (Color), Yeast Extract,
Coconut Cream.
Follow Your Heart: Filtered Water, Coconut Oil, Modified Potato and Corn Starches, Potato 286 21 21 0 0 0.93 Calcium: Mozzarella-style,
Dairy-Free Mozzarella Starch, Sea Salt, Natural Flavor, Olive Extract, Beta Carotene for Color. (21) 0% DV semi-soft products/dairy-free-mozzarell
Blocks a-blocks/
Follow Your Heart: Filtered Water, Organic Palm Fruit Oil†, Modified Potato Starch, Expeller- 321 25 29 0 0 1.64 Calcium: Parmesan-style,
Dairy-Free Parmesan Pressed Canola Oil, Natural Flavors (Contains Autolyzed Yeast), Organic (13) 20% DV hard products/dairy-free-parmesan-
Shredded Vegetable Glycerin, Less than 2% of: Sea Salt, Calcium Phosphate, Bamboo shredded/
Fiber, Sodium Phosphate, Carrageenan, Lactic Acid, Nutritional Yeast,
Organic Chickpea Miso (Organic Handmade Rice Koji, Organic Whole
Chickpeas, Sea Salt, Water, Koji Spores), Sunflower Lecithin, Citric Acid,
Follow your heart: Filtered Water, Organic Expeller-Pressed Soybean Oil, Organic Soymilk 286 29 (5) 7 4 4 0.34 Calcium: Mozzarella-style,
Dairy-Free Mozzarella Powder (Organic Soybeans), Natural Flavors (Plant Sources), Inulin 0% DV soft m/products/dairy-free-mozzare
(Chicory Root Extract), Agar Agar, Sea Salt, Organic Soy Protein, Lactic lla-block-soy/

Acid (Vegetable Source)

Violife: Filtered Water, Coconut Oil, Potato Starch, Salt (Sea Salt), Glucono Delta 321 29 11 0 0 0.68 Calcium: Feta-style,
Just like Feta block Lactone, Flavor (vegan sources), Olive Extract, Vitamin B12. (25) 0.0 product/just-like-feta-block/
Vit. B12:
30% DV
Violife: Filtered Water, Coconut Oil, Potato Starch, Salt (Sea Salt), Glucono-Delta- 233 23 7 0 0 0.47 Calcium: Cream-cheese
Just Like Cream Cheese Lactone, Flavor (vegan sources), Olive Extract, Vitamin B12. (20) 0.0 style /product/just-like-cream-
Original Vit. B12: cheese-original/
30% DV
Bute Island Foods: Water, Coconut Oil (21%), Modified Potato Starch, Maize Starch, Gluten 292 23 19 0.5 5.1 1.7 (as Calcium: Gouda-style, https://www.buteisland.
Sheese Block Gouda Style Free Oat Fibre, Modified Maize Starch, Thickeners (Carrageenan, Guar (19) NaCl) 0.15 semi-hard com/products/sheese-bloc
Gum), Salt, Natural Flavourings, Acidity Regulators (Lactic Acid, Sodium ks/gouda-style/
Lactate), Yeast Extract, Color (Carotenes).

Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

Simply V: 53% cashew nut preparation (drinking water, 2% roasted cashews), 272 19 24 <0.5 2 (as Semi-hard
Fein cremige coconut oil, modified starch, starch, salt, potato protein, flavor, coloring (18) NaCl)
Genieβerscheiben food (carrot and apple concentrate), antioxidant: sodium ascorbate.
OATzarella: Original Mini water, organic steel cut oats, organic extra virgin olive oil, organic tapioca 179 16 11 0 0 0.68 Mozzarella-style,
Cheese Wheel flour, natural flavors, sea salt, organic agar agar, lactic acid (vegan). soft

Tissue Disruption Route

Fermented Tofu Tofu (98%) (soya beans, water, magnesium chloride, calcium sulfate), sea 116 8 5.15 8.15 2.87 Calcium:
salt, vegan yogurt culture: Str. Thermophilus. (depending on manufacturer) (1.16) 1.23 fdc-app.html#/food-details/
Kite Hill: Almond Milk (Water, Almonds), Salt, Enzymes, Tartaric Acid, Cultures. 246 21 (2) 9 9 4 0.40 Calcium: Ricotta-style,
Almond Milk Ricotta 0.1 semisoft food/artisanal-delicacy/
(continued on next page)
L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements
Table 1 (continued )
Product Ingredients kcal Fat (S) CHO Protein Fiber Sodium Others Type Company Website

Parmela Creamery: Nutmilk (Water, Cashews), Coconut Oil, Modified Food Starch, Potato 286 25 21 7 0 0.91 Calcium: Monterey Jack- https://www.parmelac
Nut Cheese Pepper Jack Starch, Sea Salt, Peppers (Jalapeno, Habanero), Natural Flavor, Annatto, (18) 2% DV Style, semi-hard
Slices Yeast Extract, Cultures
Catalyst Creamery: Hemp milk (filtered water, hemp hearts), organic apple cider vinegar, Not available Muenster-style, https://www.catalystcreamery.
Muenster Style H*mp Seed organic coconut oil, tapioca, nutritional yeast, kappa carrageenan, sea semi-soft com/cheesecave/muenster
Cheese salt, cultured cane sugar, organic mustard, organic onion powder, organic
smoked paprika
Cheeze & Thank You: Organic tofu (water, organic whole soybeans, calcium sulfate, magnesium 214 16 4 7 0 1.46 Calcium: Feta-Style https://www.cheezeandt
Artisanal Herbed Feta chloride), organic refined coconut oil, white wine vinegar, sea salt, less (11) 15% DV
than 2% of spice, vegan source lactic acid
Cheeze & Thank You: Organic soy milk (soybeans, water), organic refined coconut oil, tapioca 393 36 11 4 0 0.68 Calcium: Mozzarella-style https://www.cheezeandt
Artisanal Mozzarella Capri flour, less than 2% of garlic, sea salt, spice, kalamata olives, sundried (29) 2% DV
tomato, kappa carrageenan, vegan source lactic acid
Treeline Cheese: Cashew nuts, filtered water, vegan lactic acid, vegan L. Acidophilus, 500 39 (7) 18 18 4 0.45 Calcium: Soft-ripened https://www.treelinecheese.
Classic hickory smoked sea salt. 0.0 com/pages/classic
Treeline Cheese: Cashew nuts, filtered water, sea salt, lemon juice, vegan L. Acidophilus. 321 25 (4) 14 7 0 0.46 Calcium: Cream-cheese https://www.treelinecheese.
Plain 0.07 com/pages/plain
Happy Cheeze: Cashews (64%), water, salt, vegan fermentation and edible mold cultures. 359 27.3 13.3 13.9 1.2 (as Camembert- https://happy-cheeze.
Happy White (5.9) NaCl) style, soft- com/products/vegane-came
ripened mbert-kaese-alternative-dr-ma
The Frauxmagerie: Raw cashews, nutritional yeast, vegan probiotics, salt, bacterial culture, 440 36 (4) 12 16 4 0.26 Calcium: Blue-cheese https://thefrauxmagerie.
Botanic True Blue filtered water 4% DV style, soft- com/product/botanic-true-blu
ripened e/
Miyoko’s Creamery: Organic Cashew Milk (Organic Cashews, Filtered Water), Organic 393 29 (5) 25 14 4 0.71 Calcium: Farmstead

Aged Sharp English Chickpea Miso (Organic Rice Koji (Organic Rice, Koji Spores), Organic 0.04 cheese style ducts/vegan-cheese-wheel
Farmhouse Cashew Milk Whole Chickpeas, Sea Salt, Water), Nutritional Yeast, Sea Salt, Natural
Cheese Flavors (derived from Oregano, Plum, Flaxseed), Cultures
Miyoko’s Creamery: Organic Cashew Milk (Filtered Water, Organic Cashews), Organic Coconut 214 18 4 4 0 0.75 Calcium: Mozzarella-style,
Organic Cashew Milk Oil, Organic Tapioca Starch, Sea Salt, Organic Agar, Mushroom Extract, (11) 0.04 soft products/fresh-vegan-mozza
Mozzarella Organic Konjac, Cultures. rella-cheese
Miyoko’s Creamery: Miyoko’s Cultured Vegan Milk (Oat Milk (Filtered Water, Organic Oats), 250 16 18 11 0 0.96 Calcium: Farmstead-style,
Cultured Vegan Cheddar Navy Beans, Organic Garbanzo Beans, Cultures), Filtered Water, Organic (13) 0.52 semi-hard ucts/cultured-vegan-farmhous
Cheese Block Coconut Oil, Faba Bean Protein, Potato Starch, Organic Tapioca Starch, e-cheddar-chunk
Contains Less Than 2% Of Sea Salt, Calcium Sulfate, Natural Flavors,
Organic Yeast Extract, Organic Annatto, Organic Cultured Dextrose,
Konjac, Organic Locust Bean Gum

Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

Nuts for Cheese: Organic cashews, organic coconut oil, organic coconut milk, water, 467 43 17 10 3 0.67 Calcium: Brie-style, soft-
Organic Un-Brie-Lievable organic quinoa rejuvelac (water, organic quinoa), sea salt, nutritional (20) 0.03 ripened an-cheese-products/
Wedge yeast, organic chickpea miso (organic rice, organic chickpeas, sea salt,
water, koji spores), fermented organic oregano extract (water, organic
oregano, organic raw cane sugar, active cultures)

Regular cheese from cow milk

Camembert Pasteurized Milk, Salt, Starter Cultures, Non-animal Rennet. (depending 300 24 0.5 20 0 0.84 Calcium: Soft-ripened USDA (2021)
on manufacturer) (15) 0.39
Vit. A: 241
Vit. B12:
1.3 μg
(continued on next page)
L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

characteristics of the amylose and amylopectin (such as molecular

weight and degree of branching), as well as their ratio, depend on the
source of the starch. Most commonly, tapioca, potato, and corn starches
are used in plant-based cheese formulations (Table 1). Tapioca starch is
Company Website
extracted from the root of Manihot esculenta, commonly called cassava or
USDA (2021) manioc, by a series of processing steps to obtain isolated starch granules

USDA (2021)

USDA (2021)
with diameters of around 4–35 μm. The roots are washed, chopped into a
slurry, and the starch granules are separated by a sequence of screens
with decreasing pore size, hydrocyclones, and decanter centrifuges,
followed by a drying step (Breuninger et al., 2009). Similarly, potato
starch is produced by grinding potatoes with subsequent separation of
the starch granules and fibers from the potato juice by decanter centri­
fuges. The fibers (80–500 μm) are removed from the granules (1–120

μm) by a series of centrifugal sieves, followed by refinement in centrif­



ugal separators and hydrocyclones and a drying step to produce the

starch powder (Grommers & van der Krogt, 2009). Corn starch is ob­
tained by soaking the corn in an aqueous solution, followed by a series of
Vit. A: 316

Vit. A: 203


Vit. B12:

Vit. B12:

1071 IU wet milling, cyclone, screening, centrifuging, and filtration steps to


Vit. A:
1.1 μg

1.7 μg



release the starch from the kernel, mill the endosperm, and separate the


granules from the germ, proteins, and fibers (Eckhoff & Watson, 2009).
Starches are used in plant-based cheeses because of their ability to

form a viscous paste or gel upon heating (gelatinization) and cooling



(retrogradation/setback), which entraps fluids and other ingredients

within the 3D-polysaccharide network formed (Kasprzak et al., 2018).

Starch gelatinization occurs when the starch granules are heated in the

presence of water. Initially, the starch granules absorb water and swell,
which leads to an increase in viscosity. However, above a particular

temperature, the starch granules are ruptured, which results in the




release of starch molecules (mainly amylose). Here, the pasting tem­

perature (maximum viscosity during heating) depends on the starch



type, being 63 ◦ C for tapioca, 64 ◦ C for potato, and 80 ◦ C for corn, and is

influenced by the amylose-to-amylopectin ratio (Taggart & Mitchell,

Fat (S)

2009). Upon cooling, the solubilized amylose may form a gel due to the





formation of hydrogen bonds between helical regions on their back­

bones, which is known as retrogradation or setback. Amylose solutions




have a low viscosity but are able to form strong irreversible gels due to a
high retrogradation rate, whereas amylopectin has a strong effect on the
viscosity but only forms weak and reversible gels upon heating and
cooling because of a low retrogradation rate (Schirmer et al., 2015).
Milk, Salt, Cultures, Enzyme (Rennet). (depending on manufacturer)

Pasteurized Cows Milk, Salt, Non-animal rennet, Starter cultures.

However, the overall viscosity is not only influenced by the amylose to

amylopectin ratio, but also by the granule size with larger granules (as in
potato) typically having high thickening powers, especially during
Milk, Salt, Animal Rennet. (depending on manufacturer)

heating (Schirmer et al., 2013). For plant-based cheese production, the

starches should gelatinize into a stretchy and formable mass and build a
viscoelastic gel upon cooling via partial retrogradation. Tapioca starch
has recently been shown to exhibit these desirable attributes (Mattice &
Marangoni, 2020).
Commonly, different starch types are combined to obtain an opti­
mum degree of retrogradation, softening temperature, and final gel
(depending on manufacturer)

strengths as well as viscoelastic properties which ultimately relates to

the amylose:amylopectin ratio, the corn size, and also the modifications
of the starch (Breuninger et al., 2009; Schirmer et al., 2015). For
example, corn starch has a high tendency of retrogradation, whereas
potato and tapioca starch have a much lower one, which influences the

final texture of the plant-based cheese (Jackson, 2003). Waxy starches (i.
e., high amylopectin content) are often used in plant-based cheese for­
mulations most likely because of their low tendency for retrogradation,
which enables the formation of a more soft texture. For example, waxy
potato and rice starches but also tapioca starches have been described as
exhibiting excellent melting properties, especially when combined with
Parmigiano Reggiano
Table 1 (continued )

plant proteins such as proteins from soy (Bergsma, 2017). Moreover, the
starches used in plant-based cheeses are modified to various degrees to
alter their physicochemical and functional properties. For example, acid

hydrolysis is carried out to decrease the paste viscosity during gelati­


nization and increase the gel strength upon retrogradation, octenyl

succinate derivatization is carried out to minimize oiling-off effects, and

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

cross-linking increases the heat and shear stability of the starch granules cross-linking enzymes such as transglutaminase, peroxidase, laccase,
(Klemaszewski et al., 2016; Taggart & Mitchell, 2009). and tyrosinase (Gui et al., 2020).
• Nut and seed proteins: Generally, nuts are seeds that consist of a hard
3.1.2. Proteins shell and an edible kernel. Thus, strictly speaking, almonds and
The proteins used in plant-based cheeses are mainly derived from cashews should not be considered to be nuts but for the sake of
pea, soy, lupin, potato, nuts, and corn. The proteins need to fulfill clarity, they will be discussed in this section. In general, much less
different physicochemical and functional attributes with emulsification, information is available for protein derived from nuts as for some
gelation, water holding, and flavor pre-cursor properties being the most other protein sources, and more research is needed to fill this gap.
important ones. Some of the most critical properties that are important Proteins derived from cashew kernels have a minimum solubility in
to know about plant proteins are their solubility at different pH- and the pH range from 4.0 to 5.0 (Neto et al., 2001; Ogunwolu et al.,
ionic strengths, their interfacial activity and stabilization behavior, their 2009). Moreover, it has been shown that cashew proteins undergo a
thermal denaturation temperature, their ability to form networks that sol-gel transition after heat treatment at 100 ◦ C with a least gelling
can entrap water and oil, and their susceptibility to enzymatic modifi­ concentration of 6.5–13.5% (Ogunwolu et al., 2009). Typically, nut
cations such as proteolysis and crosslinking. In the remainder of this proteins have an oil absorption capacity in the region of 3–4 g oil per
section, we briefly discuss some of these properties but the reader is g of protein (Jitngarmkusol et al., 2008; Ogunwolu et al., 2009;
referred to other articles that have focused on plant proteins for more Sharma et al., 2010; Sze-Tao & Sathe, 2000). This value might be
details (Day, 2013; McClements & Grossmann, 2021; Nadathur et al., higher or lower compared to soy protein, depending on the soy raw
2016). Moreover, the emulsifying and gelation properties of plant pro­ material. However, most nut proteins have been reported to already
teins have been reviewed recently (Grossmann & Weiss, 2021). gel at lower concentrations than soy proteins (typically between 4
and 14%) while especially proteins found in cashew kernels possess
• Legume proteins: Pea, soy, and lupin belong to the family of Fabaceae, high thickening powers (Sathe & Sze, 1997; Sharma et al., 2010).
also known as legumes, and the proteins are mainly (50–90%) • Zein: Zein is the major prolamin fraction (soluble in aqueous ethanol
comprised of salt-soluble globulins (Day, 2013). When being solutions) in the endosperm of corn with a concentration of around 60%
dispersed at low ionic strengths, the 7S globulins have a minimum of the total protein. It is extracted from milled corn with different sol­
solubility at pH 4.5–7.0 and a high solubility in more acidic and vents that solubilize the α-zein, β-zein, γ-zein, and δ-zein, with α-zein
alkaline regions. The 11S globulins have a broader minimum solu­ being the most abundant fraction (Anderson & Lamsal, 2011). The
bility at pH 4.0–7.5 at low ionic strengths. In contrast, the 7S glob­ α-zein (molecular weight 21–26 kDa) is a hydrophobic protein that
ulins have a solubility >90% at pH 3–9, while the solubility of most forms a triple helix with a hydrophobic core, which can be used to
11S globulins is low up to a pH of 5–6 (only soy 11S has no clear solubilize and stabilize hydrophobic bioactives, such as lutein
minimum solubility and a high solubility (>80%) above a pH of 3–4) (Anderson & Lamsal, 2011; Momany et al., 2006). Zein has also been
at high ionic strengths (Grossmann & Weiss, 2021; Kimura et al., employed to entrap other hydrophobic substances such as vitamins and
2008; Ruiz & Hove, 1976). Soy glycinin (11S) denatures at 78–94 ◦ C nutraceuticals, and zein particles have been used to stabilize
at pH 7.6, depending on the ionic strength, whereas β-conglycinin the oil-water interfaces in emulsions through the Pickering effect
denatures between 67–87 ◦ C (Lakemond et al., 2000; Murphy, 2008). (Fathi et al., 2018). Zein has a glass transition temperature of 139 ◦ C in a
Pea legumin denatures at around 87 ◦ C, whereas the total pea dried state but water plasticizes the protein, which enables the for­
globulin (legumin and vicilin/convicilin) fraction was reported to mation of rubbery stretchable textures at sufficiently low temperatures
have a denaturation temperature of 76–82 ◦ C depending on pH, ionic (Madeka & Kokini, 1996; Mattice & Marangoni, 2020). However, there
strength, and extraction conditions (Chihi et al., 2016; Mession et al., is currently a lack of data about how zein could stabilize an oil-phase in
2013; O’Kane et al., 2004). Finally, lupin globulins were reported to plant-based cheeses, whereas it is known that zein is not susceptible
denature in the region of 94–114 ◦ C (Sousa et al., 1995). Commonly, to enzymatic cross-linking with transglutaminase but to tyrosinase
pea, soy, and lupin proteins are susceptible to transglutaminase (Glusac et al., 2018; Mattice & Marangoni, 2020).
cross-linking but adverse processing during protein extraction may
impair their crosslinking potential (Ceresino et al., 2021; Ionescu 3.1.3. Fats
et al., 2009; Sun & Arntfield, 2011; Yasir et al., 2007). Lastly, the oil The fats in real cheese play an important role in determining their
binding capacity is commonly reported to be highest for soy followed formation, texture, sensory quality, and nutritional profile. Triglycerides
by lupin and pea protein (Tömösközi et al., 2001). are by far the most common fats found in milk, which are comprised of
• Potato proteins: Potato protein is composed of the glycoprotein three fatty acids attached to a glycerol via ester bonds (Brady, 2013). The
patatin (88-kDa dimer) and other proteins including various protease most common fatty acids in milk are saturated (around 70%), mono­
inhibitors (5–25 kDa) (Ralet & Guéguen, 2000; Zhang et al., 2017). unsaturated (around 25%), and polyunsaturated (around 2.3%), but
Patatin has a minimum solubility at a pH of 3.5 and I = 200 mM, but short-chain fatty acids (such as butyric and caprylic acid) are also present,
it can be enhanced at low ionic strengths (I = 0.15 mM). In contrast, a which make an important contribution to the flavor profile of cheese after
high solubility under acidic conditions and at neutral to alkaline ripening (Macedo & Malcata, 1996; Månsson, 2008). However, this
conditions has been reported for this fraction (Ralet & Guéguen, composition may change depending on the season, region, and breed. The
2000; van Koningsveld et al., 2001). Interestingly, the 16–25 kDa relatively high levels of long-chain saturated fatty acids in milk fat
fraction was reported to have a very high solubility across a broad (>25%) mean that it tends to be partially crystalline at temperatures
pH-range from 2.5 to 12 (Ralet & Guéguen, 2000). Patatin has a low around ambient and below, which is important for the formation of
thermal denaturation temperature of around 59–60 ◦ C at I = 10 solid-like structures in cheese. Indeed, the fat crystals tend to interact
mmol L− 1 and a pH of 7, whereas the protease inhibitor fraction has a with each other to form a 3D-network that contributes to the mechanical
slightly higher denaturation temperature of 66–68 ◦ C (Creusot et al., properties of real cheese. The variation of the solid fat content (SFC) of
2011; Koningsveld, 2001; van Koningsveld et al., 2001). Potato milk fat with temperature is therefore an important functional attribute,
proteins have been shown to be susceptible to a range of which is desirable to mimic using plant-based fats (Fig. 7).

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

Plant-based fats and oils tend to exhibit a wide range of different phenolic substances and organic acids); and by employing structural
fatty acid compositions depending on their botanical origin and the design principles (such as interfacial engineering) (Jacobsen, 2015;
methods used to isolate them, which leads to different melting charac­ Jacobsen et al., 2013; McClements & Decker, 2018).
teristics. In general, the melting point of edible fats tends to increase as A wide variety of plant-derived fats have been used to formulate
their chain lengths increase and the number of double bonds decreases. plant-based foods, such as avocado, canola, cocoa, coconut, corn, palm,
Many common plant-based oils (such as sunflower, corn, and canola vegetable, safflower, sesame, soybean, and sunflower oils (Sha & Xiong,
oils) contain substantial amounts of unsaturated fatty acids so they tend 2020). Only a few of these are solidified at room temperature (cocoa,
to be liquid at ambient temperature and cannot form fat crystal net­ coconut, and palm oils) and so can be used to generate desirable textural
works. Historically, these liquid oils were often converted into solid fats attributes in cheese analogs. The SFC versus temperature profile and
using hydrogenation, since this reduced the number of double bonds textural attributes of the cheese analogs can be optimized for particular
present. However, this process is less popular now because it converts products by blending these solid fats with liquid oils, as mentioned
healthy unsaturated fats into unhealthy trans- and saturated ones if the earlier.
process is not carefully controlled, which may be associated with an
increased risk of cardiovascular disease (Hu et al., 2001). Instead,
manufacturers of cheese analogs often blend natural sources of 3.2. Processing routes
plant-based solid fats (e.g., coconut oils) with liquid oils to obtain the
required SFC versus temperature profile (Fig. 7) and hence obtain the An important goal in the successful production of plant-based cheese
required textural and melting characteristics. It should be noted, how­ analogs is to induce a sol-gel transition that generates a viscoelastic solid
ever, that these oils also have relatively high amounts of saturated fats with textural characteristics similar to those found in regular cheese.
that might also have adverse effects on human health (Ludwig et al., This can be achieved by utilizing different ingredients and processing
2018). routes.
It should also be noted that the fatty acid profile of plant-based fats Fig. 2 compares the overall principles of regular and plant-based
also influences their nutritional attributes and chemical stability cheese production by starting from the initial energy source and
(McClements & Decker, 2017, chap. 5). Unsaturated fats, particularly describing the main phase transitions induced during production. In
polyunsaturated ones (like flaxseed or algal oils), may have beneficial principle, the value chain begins for all cheese types by the "harvesting"
health effects (Saini & Keum, 2018; Shahidi & Ambigaipalan, 2018). On of light energy by plants and it is important to realize that photons are
the other hand, they tend to be liquid at room temperature and are the primary energy source for all cheese types (just like as for many
highly susceptible to lipid oxidation, which can reduce the acceptability other foods). For regular cheese, sunlight drives the growth of the feed
of a product due to the creation of rancid odors (Arab-Tehrany et al., material (e.g., grass or cereals) through photosynthesis, which is then
2012; McClements & Decker, 2017, chap. 5; Nogueira et al., 2019). A consumed by the cow. The cow then breaks down the feed material
number of different approaches have therefore been developed to try to through its digestive system operating in symbiosis with the gut mi­
overcome this problem, such as minimizing the exposure of the unsat­ crobes residing there. This process releases energy and the building
urated lipids to oxygen, heat, or light by controlling the storage condi­ blocks that the cow can absorb and use to assemble milk within the cells
tions or packaging; minimizing pro-oxidant contamination (such as in its mammary glands. After being expressed from the cow, the liquid
transition metal ions); utilizing antioxidants or chelators (such as milk is then further treated using a variety of processing operations, such
as pasteurization, standardization, acidification, coagulation, curd

Fig. 2. Flow chart comparing the overall processing steps from the raw material to the final regular cheese and plant-based cheese (fractionation and tissue
disruption route) into a solid viscoelastic material based on phase transitions.

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

Table 2
Overview of studies that investigated the formation of plant-based cheese analogs.
Ingredients Pretreatment Sol-gel transition Properties Reference

Fractionation Route: Starch or protein-based emulsion gels (oil/fat crystal dispersed phase)

waxy non-modified potato starch, potato gelatinization → setback, semi-hard, melting Bergsma (2017)
protein, sunflower oil retrogradation
modified, pregelatinized high-amylose corn gelatinization, melting → setback, semi-soft, good shredding, poor meltability Zwiercan et al.
starch, shortening, buffering salts retrogradation, crystallization (1987)
different starches, fat, carrageenan, xanthan, gelatinization, melting → setback, Atapattu and Fannon
guar gum, buffering salts, and others retrogradation, crystallization (2014)
Zein, high oleic sunflower oil, coconut oil, self-assembly, plasticizing, melting, high stretchability, weaker structure at Mattice and
starch, xanthan gelatinization → plasticized protein elevated T Marangoni (2020)

Fractionation Route: Protein-based emulsion gel (filled/particulate)

Zein, potato protein, olive oil Enzymatic crosslinking (Tyrosinase) shear-thinning behavior, crumbly texture Glusac et al. (2018)
Zein, pea protein, corn oil Enzymatic crosslinking (Tyrosinase) paste-like structure Glusac et al. (2019)
Soy tofu, soy protein isolate, maltodextrin, Enzymatic crosslinking Cream-cheese style Lim et al. (2011)
palm oil (Transglutaminase)
Pea-globulins, sunflower cream fraction, Enzymatic crosslinking Holz-Schietinger
glucose (Transglutaminase) + Acidification by et al. (2014)
starter cultures
Soy globulins, sunflower oil/moong bean 8S, Heat Heat-aggregation/acidification with Melting, stretching properties Holz-Schietinger
palm oil, buffering salts/soy globulins, pea treatment starter cultures et al. (2014)
globulins, pea prolamins, xanthan

Tissue Disruption Route: Protein-based emulsion gel (filled/particulate)

Cashew-, soy milk analog Heat- Ion gelation with multivalent cations Semi-hard, protein content in dry matter up Oyeyinka et al.
treatment to 64% (2019)
Lupine paste, oil, emulsifying salts Heat aggregation Protein content up to 14.9%, increased oil Awad et al. (2014)
separation, firmness, and a lower
springiness compared to control
Soy milk analog Heat- Acidification with starter cultures Further processing to a soft cheese analog Matias et al. (2014)
Soy milk analog Heat- Acidification with starter cultures, ion Semi-hard, hardness higher compared to Chumchuere et al.
treatment gelation (CaSO4) commercial sample (2000)
Soy milk analog, coconut oil, carrageenan, Heat- Acidification with starter cultures/ Cream-cheese-type, protein content up to Li et al. (2013)
emulsifying salts treatment glucono-delta-lacton 19.5%
Soy milk, soy oil, okara Heat- Acidification with starter cultures Cream-cheese-type, protein content up to Giri et al. (2018)
treatment 17.6%
Soy milk Heat Acidification with starter cultures L. rhamnosus ferments soy oligosaccharides Liu et al. (2006)
Soy milk, pigeon pea milk Heat Acidification with starter cultures, ion Up to 58.7% protein in dry matter Verma et al. (2005)
treatment gelation with multivalent cations
Soy milk Heat Acidification with starter cultures, ion Hard-cheese type, fat content of 11.80% (El-Ella, 1980)
treatment gelation with multivalent cations (Ca2+- after 3 months ripening
Soy milk Heat Ion gelation with multivalent cations Cream-cheese type after blending with palm Zulkurnain et al.
treatment (CaSO4), acidification with citric acid oil and polysaccharides (2008)
Soy milk Heat Ion gelation with multivalent cations Chikpah et al. (2015)
treatment (alum)
Macadamia-almond nut milk analog Heat Acidification with starter cultures, Fresh-, salted-, soft-ripened cheese types Holz-Schietinger
treatment enzymatic crosslinking et al. (2014)
Soy milk Heat Enzyme-rich Moringa oleifera extract soft-white cheese Sánchez-Muñoz et al.
treatment (2017)
Soy milk Heat Plant and microbial proteases Only curd production Murata et al. (1987)
Cashew kernels Acidification with fermented quinoa brie, red, herb, cheddar, and blue cheese- Chen et al. (2020)
dispersion like types

formation, and ripening. Thus, the two main phase transitions that occur guar gum, locust bean gum, or cellulose), seaweed (e.g., agar, algi­
during regular cheese production are solid (feed) → liquid (milk) → solid nate, and carrageenan), or microbes (e.g., xanthan gum). Plant-based
(cheese). In contrast, more phase transitions are typically required to fats, which may be liquid or semi-solid at ambient temperature, are
create plant-based cheeses with two main processing approaches that often obtained from coconut, palm, cocoa, soy, sunflower, or rape­
can be distinguished being: seed. Proteins and polysaccharides are usually isolated using a liquid
extraction step followed by a drying step to yield the final ingredient
• Fractionation Route: The raw plant-based material is treated to isolate (with the exception of dry fractionated proteins). Thus, the solid raw
and purify refined functional ingredients, such as polysaccharides, plant material is dispersed in an aqueous solution to extract and
proteins, and fats. Proteins are commonly extracted from soybeans, dissolve the desired ingredients, followed by a drying step to convert
peas, beans, lupines, and potatoes. Starches are isolated from corn, them into a powdered form. The fractionated protein and/or poly­
pea, tapioca, and potato. Other functional polysaccharide-based saccharide ingredients are then often solubilized in water and
hydrocolloids may be isolated from terrestrial plants (e.g., pectin, blended with oil to create a plant-based emulsion. Finally, this

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

mixture may be solidified using a variety of approaches, including These two main processing routes will be described in more detail in
heating, chilling, pH adjustment, enzyme addition, or salt addition. the following sections. It is important to note that these two processing
During these various processes, proteins are often solubilized, de­ routes are distinguished by the primary actor that induces the sol-gel
natured, and/or aggregated, starches are often gelatinized, fats are transition. The sol-gel transition in the “fractionation route” is facili­
emulsified, melted, and/or crystallized, and gums may undergo coil- tated by fractionated and mostly isolated plant ingredients coming from
helix transitions, with the precise processes occurring depending on different origins that are recombined in the process, whereas the sol-gel
the nature of the ingredients and processes used. Thus, this pro­ transition in the “tissue-disruption route” is mainly induced by the in­
cessing route employs numerous phase transitions to yield the final gredients coming from the initial raw material that is used as a whole (e.
cheese analog: solid (plant raw material) → liquid (extraction/frac­ g., nut paste) or has undergone only a limited number of separation steps
tionation) → solid (dried ingredients) → liquid (emulsion) → solid (i.e., a plant-based milk). The curds obtained can be classified depending
(plant-based cheese) (Fig. 2). on the coagulation process employed: self-associated-, enzymatic-, acid-,
• Tissue Disruption Route: In this route, a whole plant-based raw ma­ ionic-, and thermal-curd, as well as combinations of these (this is similar
terial serves as a basis for plant-based cheese production. For to the classifications used for conventional cheese products, such as
example, soybeans, peas, or nuts are employed. The plant-based raw acid- or rennet-curd).
materials are soaked to soften them and then broken down to form a Studies that have employed these processing routes to obtain plant-
colloidal dispersion, which may contain oil bodies, plant tissue based cheeses will be discussed in the following sections and are sum­
fragments, dissolved biopolymers, sugars, and salts. This dispersion marized in Table 2.
can then be converted into a cheese analog by inducing a sol-gel
transition using the same methods described for the fractionation 3.2.1. Processes based on the fractionation route
route. Thus, this processing route only employs two phase transitions In the fractionation route, a selection of functional ingredients (such
to yield the final cheese analog: solid (plant raw material) → liquid as isolated proteins, polysaccharides, and fats) is blended in an appro­
(emulsion) → solid (plant-based cheese) (Fig. 2). It should therefore priate ratio to form an oil-in-water emulsion, and then a sol-gel transi­
be more energy efficient than the fractionation method, which was tion is promoted using one of various means to form a semi-solid cheese
also highlighted in a recent study that compared different strategies analog (Fig. 3). Two of the most common ingredients that have been
for the production of protein-rich ingredients from plants and found used to form a three-dimensional gel network in commercial products
the highest impact for highly refined ingredients (Lie-Piang et al., are starches and proteins (Table 1).
2021). However, actual data for specific plant-based cheese products Polysaccharide-based cheese analogs: Starch is the most common
is currently missing, which highlights the need for more research in polysaccharide-based ingredient used to form gelled structures within
this area. cheese analogs, but other polysaccharides can also be used for this
purpose, including alginate, carrageenan, or guar gum. There is

Fig. 3. Flow process chart comparing the different processing routes for plant-based cheese production for the material fractionation route based on extracted
polysaccharides (left) or proteins (right) from different raw materials.

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

Fig. 4. Different viscoelastic emulsion gels

are formed during plant-based cheese pro­
duction. Starch structures are produced from
the fractionation route, whereas protein-
based may be produced from the fraction­
ation and tissue disruption route. Depending
on the process, protein-based structures can
be distinguished as coming from a diluted
colloidal dispersion (i.e., a plant-based milk)
process that involves separation of insoluble
particles or coming from a concentrated
colloidal dispersion (i.e., a plant-based paste
for example ground nuts) using the whole
seed material.

Fig. 5. Flow process chart comparing the different processing routes for plant-based cheese production for the tissue disruption route based on concentrated (i.e., a
seed paste often based on nuts; left) or diluted (i.e., a plant-based milk; right) colloidal dispersions.

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

Fig. 6. Schematic representation of the interaction

potential between two proteins modeled as colloidal
spherical particles showing the primary minimum
(1st Min), secondary minimum (2nd Min). For
protein-based plant-based cheese production, the
energy barrier has to be lowered by reducing elec­
trostatic repulsion (ionic screening, pH near iso­
electric point) and/or increasing hydrophobic
interactions (thermal treatment) to induce aggre­
gation or facilitate enzymatic/ionic crosslinking by
bringing molecules in close proximity.

cheese types can be described as polysaccharide-based viscoelastic

emulsion gels with the polysaccharide forming the 3-dimensional
network that entraps water and oils. The oils might partially coalesce
or when fats being used (e.g., coconut oil) it partly or fully crystallizes
with partial coalescence upon cooling, giving the plant-based cheese its
characteristic texture (Fig. 4A and B).
In one patent, the main ingredients used were 15–22% waxy non-
modified potato starch, 0.5–8% potato protein, 15–35% fat (short­
ening), and 35–74.5% water (Bergsma, 2017). These ingredients were
then heated at 70–90 ◦ C while mixing to induce starch gelatinization.
The overcooked starch emulsion obtained was then poured into a mold
and cooled to induce a sol-gel transition, leading to the formation of a
semi-solid cheese analog. In another patent, pregelatinized modified
high amylose corn starch was utilized as a plant-based gelling agent
(Zwiercan et al., 1987). In this case, the cheese analogs were prepared by
mixing starch (>20%), fat (22.8%), buffering salts, and water at a
temperature at which the fat was melted, followed by cooling to 4 ◦ C to
solidify the system. Another patent used a similar procedure but pro­
posed a variety of different kinds of starches as gelling agents, including
native starch, acid-treated corn, octenyl succinate-modified starch, and
hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate (Atapattu & Fannon, 2014). More­
over, the mixture also contained hydrocolloids (such as carrageenan and
guar gum) to provide texture and buffering salts to control the pH at
around 5 to 6. The plant-based cheese analog was produced using a fat
with a melting point between 30 and 52 ◦ C. The fat, water, and various
functional ingredients were mixed to form an oil-in-water emulsion that
Fig. 7. The solid fat content (SFC)-temperature profile of edible fats depends on
was heated to around 83 ◦ C to melt the fat and gelatinize the starch. This
the fatty acid composition, which is determined by their biological origin.
emulsion was then cooled, which promoted the formation of a semi-solid
Plant-based fats should mimic the SFC profiles of animal-based ones.
texture mainly due to fat crystallization and starch crosslinking.
Depending on the plant-cheese type required, it was recommended that
currently a lack of research published in the scientific literature that use
the water content could range from 20 to 80% water and the fat content
starch as the main gelling agent to form plant-based cheese analogs but
from 15 to 30%.
several patents have been filed that describe this process (Atapattu &
Protein-based cheese analogs: Dairy proteins, especially caseins, play a
Fannon, 2014; Bergsma, 2017; Klemaszewski et al., 2016; Schelle et al.,
critical role in the production and the formation of the characteristic
2020; Zwiercan et al., 1987).
properties of regular cheeses. For this reason, there has been great in­
In general, the production of plant-based cheeses with starches as the
terest in the utilization of plant proteins to provide the required func­
main gelling ingredient is based on starch gelatinization at elevated
tional, sensorial, and nutritional attributes in cheese analogs. However,
temperatures (i.e., a thermal curd) followed by a sol-gel transition dur­
it is extremely challenging to find plant proteins that can accurately
ing cooling through entanglement, setback, and retrogradation of the
mimic the structure and behavior of casein micelles. This is mainly
starch molecules (Taggart & Mitchell, 2009). The structure of these
because casein molecules, and the micelles they form, are highly

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

unusual structures in nature (Lamichhane et al., 2018). The individual analysis and stretchability tests. However, it has to be noted that zein
casein molecules have an open structure with a high degree of flexibility, has a relatively poor nutritional value (PDCAAS score) because of its low
which is different from the tight compact globular structure of most level of bioavailable essential amino acids (Boye et al., 2012). To
plant proteins. Moreover, the casein molecules have regions with overcome this shortcoming, other researchers have mixed zein with
numerous phosphate, sugar (κ-casein contains glycated residues that can other proteins, such as those from potato and pea, to form plant-based
consist of mixtures of N-acetylgalactosamine, galactose, N-acetylglu­ cheese analogs.
cosamine, N-acetyl-neuraminic acid (O’Riordan et al., 2014)), or In these studies, emulsification and enzymatic crosslinking were
non-polar groups attached, which provides them with unique func­ employed to form plant-based cheese analogs (Glusac et al., 2018,
tionalities, such as the ability to bind calcium, to associate into clusters, 2019). The protein-coated oil droplets formed by homogenization were
or to generate repulsive interactions. Casein micelles typically have an crosslinked by tyrosinase to simulate the aggregation processes that
average diameter of around 200 nm but actually exhibit a broad range of occur in milk after rennet is added. Tyrosinase was used rather than
sizes ranging from around 50 to 600 nm. In contrast, individual plant transglutaminase, because it was better able to crosslink the zein mol­
proteins are typically much smaller than this. For example, the 7S and ecules (Mattice & Marangoni, 2021). These emulsions were fabricated
11S soy globulin protein fractions have dimensions below 6 nm (radius by homogenizing an aqueous phase containing pea or potato protein
of gyration) (Glantz et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2012). However, it is known with an oil phase containing zein and then incubating them together
that these globular plant proteins can be made to form colloidal particles with tyrosinase, which led to a final emulsion with an oil concentration
with dimensions of around 200 nm similar to casein micelles by pro­ of 40% and zein concentration of 0.8% (Glusac et al., 2018, 2019). The
moting their controlled aggregation, e.g., by heating under specific pH results showed that zein increased the elastic properties of the emulsions
and ionic strength conditions. The drawback is that these plant protein gels, which were further enhanced by the crosslinking action of the
aggregates typically behave differently from casein micelles because of tyrosinase. The mixture of pea and zein protein induced a crumbly solid
their different surface chemistries, which leads to different kinds of texture, whereas the combination of potato and zein protein yielded a
aggregation behavior and gelation properties (Chen et al., 2019). viscous paste. A similar cross-linking approach has been utilized for soy
Nevertheless, current research shows that the dimensions of plant pro­ proteins. In this study, a plant-based cream cheese analog was produced
tein aggregates have an important influence on their gelling properties. when soy tofu was recombined with around 10–20% of soy protein
For instance, the water holding capacity of gels prepared from soy isolate and maltodextrin followed by incubation with transglutaminase
protein aggregates produced by controlled heat treatment has been re­ for 24 h (Lim et al., 2011). The soy-based cream cheese produced was
ported to depend on their size, as well as the crosslinking agent used to more solid-like at room temperature, but less elastic at refrigerated
promote their gelation (Wang et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2019). The impact temperature than real cream cheese. The enzyme crosslinking approach
of crosslinker type is likely to be related to the nature of the functional coupled with acidification has also been utilized by Holz-Schietinger
groups exposed on the surfaces of the proteins (Ni et al., 2015). et al. (2014) to produce plant-based cheese analogs from pea proteins.
Consequently, it is important to be able to control the dimensions and These authors used 4% pea globulins, 20% of a sunflower cream frac­
surface chemistry of any plant protein aggregates that are going to be tion, and a standardized starter culture. After 1 h of incubation, trans­
used to mimic the behavior of casein in cheese. It should also be noted, glutaminase was added and the dispersion was incubated for 12 h to
that plant protein aggregates have been reported to evoke a gritty reach a final pH of 4.2 and to induce the sol-gel transition. After the
mouthfeel that is undesirable to consumers, especially in fresh-cheese removal of the plant-whey fraction, the plant-based cheese produced
analogs (Li et al., 2013). Therefore, it is also important to be able to was transferred into molds and stored at 4 ◦ C.
design casein-micelle mimetics that do not exhibit this undesirable A heat-treatment approach for creating plant-based cheese analogs
sensory attribute. was described in the patent of Holz-Schietinger et al. (2014). Melting
Several researchers have tried to mimic the properties of real cheeses plant-based cheese curds were obtained by a simple heat treatment
using different plant proteins and processing methods following the applied to a homogenized mixture of 6% soy protein globulins and 20%
fractionation route based on knowledge of casein micelles and the curds sunflower oil to 95 ◦ C. Another approach combined acidification with
they form when they aggregate. The overall processing scheme is shown thermal treatment resulting in a reversibly melting cheese by using a
in Fig. 3. mixture of 4% moong 8S proteins at pH 7.4 and 50 mM sodium chloride,
In general, gels with different properties can be produced from the mixed with 20% palm oil and inoculated with commercial starter cul­
same protein using different gelation techniques, as demonstrated by tures and 3% sodium citrate after heating to 95 ◦ C. Similarly, a stretchy
Ben-Harb et al. (2018). The authors used enzymatic (chymosin and cheese was obtained by utilizing a mixture of soy globulins (4%), pea
transglutaminase), acid (glucono-delta-lactone), and thermal treatments globulins (2%), and pea prolamins (2%) after heating to 95 ◦ C and
to induce gelation of a 15% pea protein dispersion. They concluded that inoculation with starter cultures after heating. The authors related the
all treatments resulted in a sol-gel transition but the elasticity was stretchy and melting behavior of the cheese analogs especially to the
highest in the acid-induced gels and the highest resistance to strain was presence of the prolamins.
in the enzymatic-induced gels. Thus, by carefully controlling the gela­ In summary, a number of different fractionated plant-based in­
tion conditions, different structures ranging from soft to hard gredients, used in isolation or in combination, have been shown to form
plant-based cheeses might be obtained. However, the structures formed cheese-like structures. The creation of gelled textures can be achieved
as described below are typically known as semisolid emulsion gels, that using a variety of physicochemical mechanisms, including gelatinization
consist of a continuous protein network that entraps liquids (oil/fat, of starch and controlled aggregation of proteins through physical,
water) and other ingredients, such as polysaccharides (Fig. 4C). chemical, and enzymatic crosslinking methods. The limited number of
Some researchers have utilized the self-association tendency of studies that have been carried out so far show that it is possible to create
hydrophobic proteins when dispersed in aqueous solvents, such as zein materials with cheese-like textures by carefully controlling the types and
(the prolamin of maize), to mimic the aggregation behavior of casein amounts of functional plant ingredients used, as well as the processing
micelles upon the addition of proteolytic enzymes (Glusac et al., 2018, operations employed to induce structure formation. Nevertheless,
2019; Mattice & Marangoni, 2020). For instance, Mattice and Mar­ knowledge about some important processing operations, sensory prop­
angoni (2020) employed a 30% zein dispersion mixed with 1.5% fat, erties, and nutritional aspects of these materials is still lacking. Espe­
2.8% starch, and 0.7% xanthan. The dispersion was mixed and heated to cially there is a lack of studies carried out on ripening conditions and
80 ◦ C for 5 min to allow for plastification, followed by cooling. The processes that enhance the food safety, such as pasteurization. More­
resulting plant-based cheese analogs had similar properties to regular over, there is a lack of data published about what kind of structures are
cheddar cheese with comparable values obtained through texture profile formed. Most likely, viscoelastic emulsion gels with continuous starch or

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

protein networks are formed as shown in Fig. 4, but it is unclear to what grinding them. This dispersion was then mixed with oil (17.5%),
extend filled or particulate (aggregated droplets) gels are formed (Far­ emulsifying salts, and water (11.8%) and heated at 85–90 ◦ C for 10 min.
jami & Madadlou, 2019). The resulting plant-based curd was hot molded and stored for up to 3
months. Compared to regular cheese, the lupin-cheese exhibited
3.2.2. Tissue disruption route increased oil separation, increased firmness, and lower springiness. The
The previous section outlined approaches to generate cheese-like plant-based cheese had also acceptable sensory scores but these were
structures from fractionated plant ingredients that were recombined to lower than those found for regular cheese.
generate specific compositions. Another approach is to employ non- In contrast, the most well-known plant-based cheese is fermented
fractionated plant-based ingredients. In this case, whole plant mate­ tofu, which is produced from heat-treated soymilk combined with an
rials (such as seeds) are broken down into a colloidal dispersion of small ion-gelation or an acidification approach. Commonly, soy milk is first
particles and dissolved molecules (a “plant-based milk” or a “plant- heated to 65–95 ◦ C to induce denaturation of the globular proteins and
based paste”), which is then converted into a cheese analog by pro­ exposure of the hydrophobic and other functional groups as explained
moting a sol-gel transition (McClements et al., 2019). There are a before. After the heat treatment, a sol-gel transition is induced by the
number of commercial cheese analog products that are produced using addition of either calcium ions (to promote ion bridging of the soy
the tissue disruption route that generate a plant-based milk first globulins and charge screening) and/or by lowering the pH (to promote
(Table 1). For instance, soy, pea, lupin, oat, and nut milk have all been isoelectric precipitation of the soy globulins) (Zhang et al., 2018; Zheng
utilized as starting materials to form this kind of product. Afterwards, a et al., 2020). Despite the fact that soy proteins have many sulfhydryl
number of different processing steps are required to convert these groups, disulfide bridges are not thought to be important in stabilizing
plant-based milks into cheese analogs. Some of the most commonly used tofu structures (Kohyama et al., 1995). The resulting curd is pressed and
manufacturing operations employed to promote the sol-gel transition either soft or hard tofu can be produced depending on the properties of
are heat treatment, acidification, enzymatic crosslinking, and the gel network and the amount of soy whey removal (Kao et al., 2003).
salting-out, either alone or in combination. After pressing, the tofu is typically diced into cubes and then aged for up
The formed structures are emulsion gels with a continuous protein to several months with various strains of Actinomucor spp., Rhizopus
network, which entraps the liquids and other particles. In principal, spp., or mold Mucor spp. The fermentation induces proteolysis of the soy
these structures are obtained from either a diluted (i.e., a plant-based protein (mainly the 7S and 11S globulins in tofu) by different enzymes or
milk, Fig. 4C) or a concentrated (i.e., a plant-based paste, Fig. 4D) proteases from microorganisms, followed by secondary proteolysis and
colloidal dispersion that is transformed into an emulsion gel by different enzymatic or chemical conversion of amino acids into derivatives (Liu
principles as outlined below and in Fig. 5. Here, the main difference is et al., 2018). This process is therefore analogous to the structural
that the diluted dispersion is characterized by the removal of insoluble breakdown and volatile generation that occurs due to microbial
particles, such as larger protein fragments or insoluble polysaccharides fermentation in regular cheese. However, the final textures and aromas
such as cell wall material, whereas the concentrated dispersion is pro­ produced are often quite different from those in cheese made from an­
duced from the whole seeds (e.g., nuts) without separating any com­ imal milk. For this reason, there is still an interest in creating plant-based
pounds and thus insoluble materials and particles remain within the cheese analogs using other processing routes and starting materials so as
plant-based cheese and commonly no whey is separated. However, to more closely mimic real cheese. For example, fermentation has been
overall this tissue disruption processing approach is more closely related carried out using other kinds of plant proteins, as well as other types of
to the production of cheese from regular milk. microbes. Other studies demonstrated that such ion-gelation ap­
The sol-gel transition is induced by various means and foremost it proaches used in tofu production are also useful for converting other
has to be mentioned that most studies use a combination of heat treat­ plant-based milk into plant-based cheeses. For example, a combination
ment combined with other techniques that induce the formation of a 3- of soy- and cashew nut milk with the aim of improving the nutritional
dimensional protein network (Table 2). As described earlier, globular value over traditional soy-based products has been used (Oyeyinka
proteins become more susceptible to aggregation after heat denatur­ et al., 2019). The plant-milks were obtained by a typical soaking, mill­
ation because this increases the attraction between them by exposing ing, and filtration process scheme. An optimum sensory acceptance was
more hydrophobic and other functional groups (Fig. 6) (Ni et al., 2015). reported for cheese analogs produced from 60% soy milk and 40%
These unfolded proteins are more susceptible for interactions and to cashew nut milk. The sol-gel transition was achieved by heating the milk
form a gel by the addition of calcium or other salts (electrostatic at boiling temperature, followed by the addition of ammonium
screening and calcium bridging of carboxyl groups) or by lowering the aluminum sulfate to induce coagulation (Table 2). The curd produced by
pH close to the isoelectric point (reduction of electrostatic repulsion) this method was filtered, pressed, and cooked again with salts and
(Zhang et al., 2018; Zheng et al., 2020). Thus, a heat-treatment spices. The resulting plant-based cheese had a protein content of 64%
commonly “activates” the proteins by unfolding and exposing more and a lipid content of 6% in the dry matter. The authors concluded that
functional groups but does not induce enough attractive potential to mixing two kinds of plant-based milk might be a feasible option for the
induce a sol-gel transition, if carried out carefully. By implementing sensory acceptance and nutritional profile of soy-based cheeses.
another step, such as adding ions, or altering the pH of the colloidal Some studies have used a lactic acid fermentation (i.e., acid curd
dispersion, the attractive interaction becomes strong enough for the preparation) approach to produce cheese analogs from colloidal dis­
proteins to interact. Such behavior may be modeled in a first approxi­ persions of plant materials. For instance, a soy milk has been used as a
mation by describing the interaction potential between two spherical starting material and the overall process was similar to tofu production
colloidal particles that are influenced by van der Waals, electrostatic, but the sol-gel transition was achieved by using starter cultures (Matias
steric, and hydrophobic interactions as shown in Fig. 6. Nonetheless, the et al., 2014) and not glucono-delta-lactone or calcium addition, as
heat treatment step is commonly part of the dispersion preparation and described before (Zheng et al., 2020). Similarly, the soy milk was heated
is also used to inactive enzymes like lipoxygenases to minimize the to 95 ◦ C for 10 min and incubated with strains of Bifidobacterium animalis
production of off-flavors and it is not well understood what the effect of subsp. lactis Bb-12, L. acidophilus La-5, and the starter S. thermophilus.
the heat treatment on the structure formation in plant-based cheeses The authors obtained two different structures, depending on the final
actually is. pH. A quark-type cheese structure was produced when the pH was
However, a heat treatment approach without any salt addition has lowered to 5.7 and a soy-cheese was obtained at 4.8 after the removal of
been successfully used in the study of Awad et al. (2014) who used lupin the plant-whey fraction (Matias et al., 2014). This reveals that the type
seeds as a starting material for the plant-based cheese. Initially, lupin of structure formed is influenced by the pH and thus the magnitude of
seeds were transformed into a colloidal dispersion by soaking and the electrostatic repulsion interactions between the protein moieties. In

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

this study, the soy-cheese was further processed with soy cream and desirable properties required.
hydrocolloids to obtain a product similar to petit-suisse, a cream cheese. Enzymatic cross-linking has been employed in a series of ap­
In another study, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus fermentum proaches to produce plant-based cheeses as described in different pat­
were employed to obtain a semi-hard cheese based on soy milk fer­ ents and studies (Brown et al., 2013; Holz-Schietinger et al., 2014;
mented to a pH of 4.5 after heat treatment to 63 ◦ C for 30 min and Murata et al., 1987; Sánchez-Muñoz et al., 2017). In the patents, mac­
pressing. While the plant-based cheese had similar textural properties as adamia and almond nuts were soaked in boiling water for 30 s, followed
its dairy counterpart, the sensory scores were lower (Chumchuere et al., by 16 h hydration, and blending to disrupt the plant tissue structure
2000). Similarly, spreadable and firm plant-based cheeses were pro­ (Brown et al., 2013; Holz-Schietinger et al., 2014). The emulsified
duced by fermenting soy milk with Lactobacillus casei ssp. casei to reach a slurries were then centrifuged to remove insoluble solids and the
final pH of 6.3 or by utilizing a combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus resulting skim and cream phases were recombined at different ratios,
and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis together with depending on the cheese type. The plant-milk was subsequently
glucono-delta-lactone to reach a final pH between 4.7 and 7.2 (Giri pasteurized and cooled before further processing. The plant-based
et al., 2018; Li et al., 2013). Giri et al. (2018) achieved spreadability by cheese types prepared with this milk were for example fresh,
mixing the curd with soybean oil to achieve a fat content of around 25% soft-ripened, and salted (cheddar-like) plant cheeses. The curds for these
and a protein content of 18%. Moreover, it was demonstrated that three plant cheese types were prepared following the same overall
papain could be employed to improve the sensory scores of soy-based procedure. The milk was first fermented with mesophilic starter cultures
cheese spreads by lowering the colloidal protein particle size and (and Geotrichum candidum, Penicillium candidum, and Debaromyces han­
therefore most likely reduce the grittiness (Li et al., 2013). Last, a senii for soft-ripened cheese). The curds formed had a pH of 5.6 after 1 h
soy-based plant cheese was produced by inoculating soy milk with and a pH of 4.4 after 12 h of fermentation. The crosslinking enzyme
Lactobacillus rhamnosus and fermenting the plant-based milk to a pH transglutaminase was then added and the system was incubated at room
between 4.7 and 5.2. The curd was cut, pressed, and salted for further temperature for another 12 h to induce the sol-gel transition. The
analyses (Liu et al., 2006). On a final note, the production of plant-based resulting curd was cut into diced pieces of around 1.3 cm and around
cheese by lactic acid fermentation has been mainly reported for 40–50% of plant-whey was removed followed by a whisking step for 10
soy-based products but should be expanded also for other raw materials. min. Depending on the cheese type, the cheese was molded with addi­
New research could leverage from findings on the fermentation of tional pressure (fresh cheese and salted cheese) or without pressure
plant-based milks derived from lupin and others (Canon et al., 2020; (soft-ripened cheese) to obtain the necessary weight loss ratio. The
Tangyu et al., 2019). cheeses were subsequently brined for 30 min at 10 ◦ C. The fresh cheese
The interactions and structural organization of the molecules in was packed without ripening after draining, whereas the soft-ripened
plant-based cheese analogs obtained using the heating → pH- cheese was aged for 17 days at temperatures between 10 and 16 ◦ C
precipitation processing sequence are typically considerably different and relative humidities between 75 and 90%. The salted cheese was
from that present in regular cheeses. For instance, the structures in aged for 3 weeks at 13 ◦ C and 55% relative humidity followed by
cheeses obtained from rennet curd are stabilized by calcium bridges, smoking or waxing. The authors of this patent also highlighted that the
hydrogen bonds, and hydrophobic interactions (Paula Vilela et al., addition of exogenous proteases and lipases to the milk or the curd
2020), whereas those in such plant-based cheese analogs as described in improved the textural and sensorial attributes, most likely by similar
the previous section are mainly stabilized by hydrophobic attraction processes as during the ripening stage of regular cheeses. Moreover, they
(Fig. 6). Thus, other studies have utilized either the addition of multi­ evaluated the effect of fermentation on the production of different vol­
valent cations described above for the tofu production (Chikpah et al., atile compounds typically attributed to cheese, such as fermenting with
2015) or a combination of acid- and ion-gelation (i.e., a combination of Staphylococcus xylosus and Brevibacterium to generate 3-methyl butanoic
lowering the pH and the addition of calcium) to prompt the sol-gel acid and dimethyl trisulfide, respectively (Holz-Schietinger et al., 2014).
transition (Table 2) (El-Ella, 1980; Verma et al., 2005; Zulkurnain Another enzymatic approach was taken by Murata et al. (1987). Instead
et al., 2008). In this case, the amount of calcium bound to the soy pro­ of inducing covalent crosslinks via enzymes, the authors studied
teins depends on the pH used and is typically decreasing as the pH is different proteases to induce a sol-gel transition by proteolysis. Thus,
lowered because then there are fewer ionized carboxyl groups (-COO-) this approach is more similar to regular milk curdling and the study
present (Canabady-Rochelle et al., 2009). One early study used revealed that a proteolysis induced a sol-gel transition in soy milk at pH
heat-treated soy milk that was subsequently inoculated with Lactococcus 6.1 for most proteases used, except for Aspergillus saitoi proteases,
lactis (El-Ella, 1980). After the initial fermentation, the sol-gel transition rennin, and pepsin.
was induced by the addition of calcium lactate. The curd was pressed, Finally, some commercial products use fermented nut paste (i.e.,
salted, and ripened for up to three months. Results showed that the acid curd preparation), often cashew nuts as a raw material, for pro­
plant-based cheese had a flat flavor after 1 month of ripening, which ducing plant-based cheese analogs, typically camembert-style cheeses.
turned to a slightly acid and cheesy flavor after 2–3 months. In another This approach has the advantage that ingredients that are known to have
study, pigeon pea milk and soy milk were used to produce a plant-based a positive impact on food structure and stability are not separated. For
cheese. The milk was prepared by grinding, followed by filtration and example, phospholipids and fibers are retained which may improve
inoculation with Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii emulsifying and oil-holding properties (Nikiforidis, 2019;
subsp. bulgaricus. The plant-based curd was obtained through coagula­ Sánchez-Zapata et al., 2009). The main difference in this approach
tion of the fermented milk by the addition of calcium (0.02% CaCl2) and compared to the previous ones is that the whole kernels are used to form
a heat treatment (up to 95 ◦ C, 15 min), followed by filtration and a concentrated dispersion, whereas the aforementioned approaches
pressing of the curd (Verma et al., 2005). The authors carried out ex­ have typically removed the solids (insoluble proteins and poly­
periments to identify the optimum processing conditions to promote saccharides) during the plant-based milk production step, which yields a
good curd production. This study used a combination of heat denatur­ diluted colloidal dispersion (Fig. 4C and D). Here, the nuts are soaked in
ation, pH reduction, and calcium addition to produce a plant-based boiling water for several hours to ease the blending and reduce the
cheese curd. However, other studies carried out with tofu have microbial load of the kernels. The nuts are then blended into a
showed that the breaking energy and storage moduli are fairly similar concentrated colloidal dispersion with the addition of water and inoc­
for curds obtained with glucono-delta-lactone and calcium sulfate ulated with mesophilic lactic acid bacteria and with fungus, such as
(Kohyama et al., 1995). Thus, the question remains how specific mo­ Penicillium camemberti, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, and Lactococcus
lecular and colloidal interactions influence curd formation and proper­ lactis subsp. cremoris (Fig. 5). The cheese curd is fermented at optimum
ties and how these can be manipulated to create cheese analogs with the conditions for mesophilic bacteria to grow for around 24 h, formed, and

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

further fermented for several weeks at a temperature from around 12 to the addition of such additives to isolated ingredients, the manufacturers
18 ◦ C and a relative humidity >80% until the required characteristic can specifically tune and design the functional, textural, and sensorial
flavor profile is developed and the surface is covered with mold. For attributes of the plant-based cheese. However, consumers often prefer
example, a recent study prepared different cheese types based on not to have long ingredient lists and such formulations might not be in
grounded cashew kernels that were inoculated with a fermented quinoa line with clean-labeling efforts.
dispersion and chickpea miso, depending on the final plant-based cheese Plant-based cheeses produced following the tissue disruption route are
type (Chen et al., 2020). The authors concluded that the ‘brie’ and ‘blue’ typically based on soy- and hemp milk or are produced using whole
cashew plant-based cheeses became dominated by Lactococcus, Ped­ cashew nuts (Table 1). While there are some plant-based cheeses that
iococcus, and Weissella genera. Moreover, the allergenicity decreased only contain a limited number of ingredients (e.g., cashews, water,
with fermentation. However, it is still unclear what kind of structure is starter cultures, and salt), other products also contain coconut oil,
formed upon acidification in such plant-based cheeses prepared from thickening agents, and flours to optimize the textural attributes that
concentrated dispersions. Most likely, a viscoelastic filled emulsion gel is have been produced by employing the tissue disruption approach. Thus
formed in which the fat droplets are embedded in an aggregated protein these products are produced by a combination of the fractionation and
matrix that is further enriched with polysaccharides. However, the disruption routes. However, the protein contents are typically higher
advantage of this approach is that no whey fraction is generated and all compared to products based on starches and are responsible for forming
the nutrients in the original nuts are incorporated into the cheese the continuous 3-D network in many products. Nonetheless, the overall
analog. Thus, this plant-based cheese is rich in proteins and fats protein content is still lower compared to real cheeses. In contrast, plant-
(Table 1). based cheeses based on cashew nuts often have lower contents of satu­
In conclusion, it should be mentioned that there is currently a lack of rated fats and salts, which will be discussed in more detail in the
published data on the important physicochemical parameters of most following section.
plant proteins (i.e., denaturation state, aggregation state, surface
chemistry, and impurities), which prevents fine-tuning of processing 5. Sustainability, health, and ethical considerations
parameters to create the structures desired in plant-based cheeses. The
few examples presented here show that there should be more research Current estimates indicated that reducing the proportion of animal-
on every stage of the plant-based cheese analog process to establish the derived food products in the human diet would have a positive impact
molecular, physicochemical, material, and process parameters required on many environmental sustainability factors, including a reduction in
to generate a blueprint for the structuring process as well as to generate greenhouse gas emissions and pollution (Clark et al., 2019; Willett et al.,
the desired flavor. Currently, there is a lack of knowledge of the mo­ 2019). Current studies estimate that 34% of total greenhouse gas
lecular events occurring during processing and structures formed, which emissions are related to the food system (Crippa et al., 2021). It should
limits further improvement. In the future, the structure and texture of be noted that animal-based foods can be produced on marginal lands
the cheese analogs could be further tuned by carefully controlling the that are unsuitable for growing arable crops and that they can utilize
colloidal interactions through balancing the degree of denaturation, pH, side streams from food production, thereby converting waste materials
ionic strength, or by the addition of crosslinking enzymes. into food (Cassidy et al., 2013; Salter, 2017; Shahid & Al-Shankiti, 2013;
van Zanten et al., 2016). Consequently, there are sustainability argu­
4. Products on the market ments for maintaining some level of animal production for food. A
limited number of studies exist that have investigated production ca­
There is a growing market for plant-based cheeses, which is expected pacities using such measures and these studies report that every day
to increase appreciably in the future as their quality improves and more between 7 and 27 g per animal-based protein per capita could be pro­
consumers are willing to purchase them (Fig. 1). The products currently duced using for example marginal land or byproducts of food production
available have been created using both processing approaches outlined (Hal et al., 2016, p. 137). Nonetheless, recent studies indicate that there
in this article: the fractionation route and the tissue disruption route. are substantial opportunity costs for using pastures for ruminant meat
Some current products sorted by their main ingredient into two different and dairy production, because less carbon is sequestered through
processing routes are given in Table 1. While this table provides a broad ecosystem restoration when used as feedstock (Hayek et al., 2021).
overview of products on the market at the time of writing this review, it However, the increase in awareness of the relationship between the food
is certainly not complete. Even so, it does provide a good overview of system and environmental sustainability as well as health are major
cheese analog types, ingredients, and nutrient compositions. A variety of drivers for the development and release of plant-based cheese products.
plant-based cheese analogs has already been developed and marketed, While it is beyond the scope of this review to outline the research carried
including cheddar-, gouda-, mozzarella-, camembert-, provolone-, and out on the sustainability of the food system and healthy diets over the
parmesan-style cheeses. Overall, however, there is still a lack of diversity past decades, we want to briefly discuss some important recent de­
in the product range compared to regular cheese, which might change in velopments. In addition, we briefly highlight some of the ethical issues
the future with emerging processing approaches and ingredients being that are also important to some consumers.
developed. This is in line with a study carried out on commercial plant-
based cheeses in the UK that identified 109 products on the market with 5.1. Global warming
the majority of 74% of them being coconut-oil based, 10% of them nut-
based, 6% of them palm-oil based, 5% rice-based, 3% soy-based, and 2% Plant-based cheeses are typically designed to mimic a regular cheese
sunflower oil-based (Nicolás Saraco & Blaxland, 2020). type and thus the environmental sustainability should be compared to
Products following the fractionation route are mainly based on regular cheese. As cow cheese is the most often consumed cheese type,
starches and coconut or palm oil (Table 1). It has to be emphasized that we will focus on this type but results may vary by the source of the milk.
these products may successfully mimic the functional and textural at­ In general, the global warming potential of regular cheese is mainly
tributes of regular cheese but they do not deliver the same nutrients as influenced by the production of milk, which typically accounts for
regular cheese, which will be discussed in more detail in the following around 65–98% of CO2-eq emissions (average 82%) of the cheese,
section. Because these products are designed with high amounts of co­ depending on the type of cheese and the boundary conditions used (Bava
conut and palm oil, they also contain high amounts of saturated fatty et al., 2018; Finnegan et al., 2018; González-García et al., 2013; van
acids. Moreover, because isolated ingredients are used in these formu­ Middelaar et al., 2011; Üçtuğ, 2019). The environmental impact of the
lations, thickening agents (e.g., methylcellulose, carrageenan, or agar), production and retail stage was mainly influenced by the type of energy
colorants, and flavors are commonly added (Nakamura et al., 2016). By source, wastewater treatment, packaging, and logistics used (Bava et al.,

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

2018; González-García et al., 2013; Dalla Riva et al., 2017; Tar­ final conclusion on these preliminary assumptions.
ighaleslami et al., 2020).
The raw materials used are likely to have the greatest impact on the 5.2. Health aspects
environmental impact of plant-based cheeses compared to regular
cheeses. Typically, cow’s milk has a global warming potential of around Plant-based cheeses may become an important part of diets in the
1.39 kg CO2-eq per L (min: 0.54; max: 7.50 kg CO2-eq per L) (Clune future for consumers who follow a plant-based or mainly plant-based
et al., 2017). It has to be noted that this value highly depends on farm diet or try to reduce their intake of animal-based products. With more
management practices, geographical region, study design, allocation of and more people switching to an increase in consumption of plant-based
other products, and other issues (Baldini et al., 2017). However, because foods, plant-based cheeses may become a more important factor in
1 kg of cheese requires commonly 4–10 L of milk (depending on cheese people’s diets on a daily basis. Thus, we want to briefly elucidate the
type) the impact of the raw milk per kg of cheese is in the range of 1.62 possible effects of such diet shifts. We begin by briefly discussing some
(fresh cheese) to 8.3 (semi-hard cheese) kg CO2-eq per kg of cheese, general findings regarding plant-based diets that have been published in
resulting in total average emissions of 8.86 (min: 5.33; max: 16.35) kg the last few years, followed by a review of the health impacts of cheese
CO2-eq per kg of cheese (Clune et al., 2017; Finnegan et al., 2018). consumption. Lastly, we briefly elaborate on the possible health effects
The comparison of these values to plant-based cheeses is challenging of the consumption of plant-based cheeses based on the ingredients
at the moment because there is currently a lack of life cycle assessments used.
(LCAs) on plant-based cheese production, probably because of the lack In general, an increase in consumption of healthy plant-based foods
of producers. However, because the raw material has the greatest impact (e.g., whole-grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, tea, and coffee
on the environmental sustainability of regular cheeses (Bava et al., 2018; (Kim et al., 2018)) has been associated with positive health outcomes in
Finnegan et al., 2018; González-García et al., 2013; van Middelaar et al., observational studies, such as a decrease in all-cause and cardiovascular
2011; Üçtuğ, 2019), a reasonable comparison might be drawn based on disease mortality whereas an unhealthy plant-based diet (e.g., refined
the life cycle assessments (LCAs) carried out on the raw materials used grains, fruit juice, sweets, sugar sweetened beverages) seems to have no
for plant-based cheese production and further studies are needed to such positive effects (Kim et al., 2018, 2019; Satija et al., 2017).
compare the impact of processing on the greenhouse gas emissions of Moreover, a comprehensive meta-analysis of observational studies
plant-based cheese products. concluded that a vegetarian diet is associated with a lower incidence
For some raw materials mentioned in this review, the global warm­ and/or mortality from ischemic heart disease and incidence from total
ing potential in kg CO2-eq per kg or L has been reported as: almond and cancer but there was no correlation with all-cause mortality and mor­
coconut milk 0.42 (min: 0.39; max: 0.44), soy milk 0.88 (min: 0.66; max: tality from cancer (Dinu et al., 2017). The same effects might be true for
1.40), soy protein isolate 2.4 per kg protein, pea milk 0.387, cassava starch vegan diets, but comprehensive meta-analyses are still missing due to a
0.594, tree nuts 1.42 (min; 0.43; max: 3.77), palm oil 1.4–2.0, and sun­ lack of studies.
flower oil 0.8 (Braun et al., 2016; Clune et al., 2017; Henderson & However, these reported positive effects are based on some studies
Unnasch, 2017; Schmidt, 2015; Usubharatana & Phungrassami, 2015). that concluded a lower risk for specific causes of death, the occurrence of
It has to be noted that these findings may be somewhat limited by the diseases, and also all-cause mortality in vegetarians compared to meat-
functional unit employed and the number of published studies. For eaters but some other studies could not replicate these findings in
example, almond and coconut milk have lower nutritional values (e.g., population-based studies and some even found enhanced risks for some
protein) and therefore a conclusive comparison based on volume or diseases such as stroke (Appleby et al., 2016; Mihrshahi et al., 2017; Mj
mass is not always applicable. Moreover, the conversion ratios of et al., 2013; Tong et al., 2019). These contradicting results are
plant-based milk to plant-based cheese have not been reported yet, i.e., commonly explained by the fact that early studies did not distinguish
how much plant-based milk is needed to produce one kg of plant-based between healthy and unhealthy vegetarian/vegan diets and that the
cheese, which may limit the conclusions at the time of writing this foods eaten in vegetarian diets have turned more towards unhealthy
review. foods in recent years (Magkos et al., 2020; Mihrshahi et al., 2017). For
However, based on the data reported, it may be concluded that the example, a diet based on starchy and sugar-rich plant-based foods is still
global warming potential of plant-based cheese ingredients is lower than considered vegetarian/vegan but may have adverse health effects. These
regular cow’s cheese. Assuming a similar conversion ratio of milk to findings are especially relevant for processed plant-based foods. Some
cheese, plant-based cheeses may have lower CO2 emissions than regular plant-based cheese types mainly contain processed ingredients such as
cheese. For example, cheeses based on nuts may have lower CO2 emis­ starch and oils (Table 1) and further studies need to elucidate their ef­
sions because the whole kernels are used, enabling a direct comparison fects on human health in this food matrix. Such methodological gaps
between these two products. Therefore, the presented data may already have been closed by using plant-based diet indices (Kim et al., 2018,
show that there is a potential to reduce the CO2 emissions by employing 2019; Satija et al., 2017). In these studies, the food intake of different
nuts as a base ingredient for plant-based cheeses: 1.42 kg CO2-eq for 1 kg cohorts was evaluated based on plant-based diet indices that group
of nuts vs. 6.5–8.3 kg CO2-eq for milk produced for soft to semi-hard cow certain foods as either plant- or animal-based (= plant-based diet index)
cheeses (Clune et al., 2017; Finnegan et al., 2018). and additionally as “healthy” or “unhealthy” (= healthy/unhealthy
The assumption that plant-based cheeses have a lower global plant-based diet index). It has to be noted that in these studies even
warming potential is further reinforced by life cycle assessments carried participants in the group with the highest consumption of plant-based
out on soy-based tofu, which has comparable processing operations foods consumed on average some animal products such as meat. How­
compared to regular cheese and has a reported global warming potential ever, in these studies, all animal-based foods are categorized in one
of 0.98 kg CO2-eq per kg tofu (which equals to 9.8 kg CO2-eq per kg group whereas it is known that not all animal-based foods have the same
protein) using a farm to factory gate approach (Mejia et al., 2018). As association with negative health outcomes, such as dairy foods (Fardet &
already mentioned, this value is lower than commonly reported values Boirie, 2014; Mazidi et al., 2019; Schwingshackl et al., 2017). Thus, it
of cheeses with a mean of 8.86 (min: 5.33; max: 16.35) kg CO2-eq per kg was hypothesized that well-controlled omnivore diets with a lower
cheese (Clune et al., 2017). However, the difference might be smaller amount of animal-based foods (e.g., the Mediterranean diet) may have
when calculated based on the same product category (e.g., semi-hard similar effects (Magkos et al., 2020).
cheese types) and on actual nutrient values such as protein or the con­ The case of cheese is similarly not straightforward. While most
tent of essential amino acids, which has been shown to have a strong observational studies indicate that there is no link between cheese
influence on data interpretation (Tessari et al., 2016). In conclusion, life consumption and higher mortality or higher risk of cardiovascular dis­
cycle assessment studies on plant-based cheeses are needed to draw a ease (de Goede et al., 2016; Farvid et al., 2017; Guo et al., 2017;

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

Hjerpsted & Tholstrup, 2016; Mazidi et al., 2019; Pala et al., 2019), Parmigiano-Reggiano contain high amounts of sodium (typically
some authors note that controlled studies are missing to support this 600–1500 mg of sodium per 100 g of cheese) while swiss cheese and
statement (Sacks et al., 2017). The fact that most observational studies ricotta contain less (typically 100–200 mg of sodium per 100 g of
could not find a link is surprising because cheese has a high content of cheese) (USDA, 2021). It is well accepted that increased sodium intakes
saturated fatty acids (e.g., 100 g of gouda contains around 18 g of can increase blood pressure, which in turn can lead to higher rates of
saturated fat), which has been linked to higher all-cause mortality and coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and kidney failure (Cho­
an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases due to its LDL banian & Hill, 2000; Farquhar et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2020). However,
cholesterol-raising effect especially when consumed instead of fats rich this notion came again under discussion recently especially the effects of
in mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids but not when replaced with very low sodium intakes (Adedinsewo et al., 2021; Messerli et al., 2020).
mostly refined carbohydrates (Sacks et al., 2017). However, there is still However, the blood pressure raising effect is especially pronounced in
an ongoing debate about whether saturated fat is actually detrimental to people grouped as “salt-sensitive”, which affects 30–50% of the hyper­
human health and which fatty acids provoke these effects (Heileson, tensive and 25% of the normotensive subjects (Balafa & Kalaitzidis,
2020; Lawrence, 2021). Nonetheless, it has been supposed that 2021; Gholami et al., 2020). Thus, a decrease in salt intake (around 2.3 g
food-matrix effects may impact the influence of certain ingredients on for adults per day) is part of many international and national initiatives
human health. For example, cheese contains high levels of calcium, (Santos et al., 2021). The plant-based cheeses shown in Table 1 also
protein, some beneficial fatty acids, such as conjugated linoleic acid, and contain significant concentrations of salt, except for some formulations.
many more compounds that all together may have a totally different This indicates that future plant-based cheese formulations should also
effect on the body (Hjerpsted & Tholstrup, 2016; Magkos et al., 2020). focus on decreasing the sodium content in their products.
Most likely, more well-controlled observational and clinical studies are
needed to finally answer these questions. 6. Future directions
Now, the question remains about what the health consequences of
increased plant-based cheese consumption would be. First, it has to be Plant-based cheeses are a promising future food that has the poten­
noted that there are no studies as of the writing of this review that would tial to serve as a nutritious and sustainable alternative for regular
allow drawing a definite conclusion based on actual data for plant-based cheese. To further improve the quality and expand the variety of plant-
cheeses. However, based on the ingredients used in plant-based cheeses based cheese types, while ensuring a nutritious and sustainable food
(Table 1), some assumptions can be made that need to be further eval­ product, a few important future directions for research and development
uated in future studies. Animal-based cheese is a food rich in nutrients are highlighted here.
such as protein, fats, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamin B12
(Górska-Warsewicz et al., 2019). These compounds are highly • Structuring: This review outlined the main structuring approaches
bioavailable to the human body. For example, milk has a high protein currently utilized to produce plant-based cheese structures. Howev­
quality with caseins having a digestible indispensable amino acid score er, there is still a lack of targeted approaches to extract and structure
(DIAAS) of 1.29, which is considerably higher than proteins from plant plant proteins that would enable a rational-design based formulation
sources, which is partly because of the absence of protein inhibiting approach. Current techniques are mainly based on trial-and-error
antinutrients such as protease inhibitors found in plants (Guillin et al., attempts but a more in-depth understanding is needed to design
2021; Mathai et al., 2017). Additionally, a relatively high fraction of the structures that mimic all cheese classes, ranging from fresh soft
calcium in dairy foods (around 30%) is absorbed, whereas a lower cheese to matured hard cheese. At the moment there is no blueprint
fraction is absorbed in plant-based foods, which is mainly due to the available that would enable scientists and manufacturers to set up
presence of antinutrients such as oxalates and phytates (Yang et al., processes based on plant protein properties, which prevents the
2012). rational design of processes to structure proteins. For example, there
Plant-based cheese that is mainly based on starch and oils may fail to is a lack of understanding of how molecular and colloidal in­
deliver the same beneficial nutrients as regular cheese, namely calcium, teractions influence the texture of plant-based cheese analogs
protein, vitamin A, and vitamin B12. Moreover, cheese analogs often created by different structuring approaches, which is holding back
contain relatively high amounts of saturated fatty acids and refined the design and production of higher quality and more diverse
carbohydrates, which might be detrimental to human health if eaten on products.
a regular basis. There is also some debate about whether the oils used in • Aging and sensory analysis: Cheeses are aged to obtain the desired
cheese analogs, such as coconut oils, have the same detrimental effects structure and flavor. At the moment there is a lack of data on how
on LDL levels as other fats that contain high levels of saturated fatty plant-based cheeses could be fermented to obtain desirable flavors
acids (Eyres et al., 2016; Hewlings, 2020). and structures. Some preliminary data shows that the inoculation
Nevertheless, plant-based cheeses based on proteins and unsaturated with the same microbial communities results in totally different
fats may have a positive impact on human health. For example, nuts are sensorial attributes, depending on the composition of the gel (e.g.,
rich in nutrients and lower in saturated fatty acids and are associated pea vs. milk) (Ben-Harb et al., 2020). Moreover, some cheese flavors
with positive health outcomes (Chen et al., 2017; Fardet & Boirie, 2014; have been produced using soy milk by employing specific microor­
Schwingshackl et al., 2017). Commonly used cashew nuts are mainly ganisms (Holz-Schietinger et al., 2014) and it is also known that
comprised of monounsaturated fatty acids (mostly oleic acid), along fermentation can reduce off-flavors, such as beany and earthy notes,
with around 18% of protein and 3% of fibers. Moreover, they contain and the antinutrients found in many plant-based foods (Tangyu et al.,
important vitamins (B1, B5, B6, K) and minerals (e.g., zinc, iron, mag­ 2019). However, there have only been a few comprehensive studies
nesium, copper, selenium, phosphorus) (USDA, 2021). One strategy that on the sensory attributes of plant-based cheese products, which have
can be used to improve the nutritional profile of plant-based cheeses and been reviewed recently by Short et al. (2021). It is very likely that
match the profile with their animal counterpart is to fortify them with different starter cultures will be needed to obtain the desired
the micronutrients normally found in real cheese, such as calcium, different flavor profiles in plant-based cheeses. This should be a focus
vitamin A, and vitamin B12. In addition, they could be fortified with of future research because there is currently very little data on the
other health-promoting ingredients, such as omega-3 fatty acids or impact of different starter cultures on the processing, physicochem­
nutraceuticals. However, since most plant-based cheeses are calorie-rich ical properties, and sensory attributes of these products.
foods, they should still only be consumed in limited quantities. • Melting: Melting is a key quality attribute of regular cheese. A survey
Another micronutrient that is rich in most regular cheeses is salt. of commercial plant-based cheeses found a lower meltability than
Especially, cheeses such as cheddar, feta, gouda, camembert, and regular cheese, which was attributed to the use of thermo-

L. Grossmann and D.J. McClements Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 207–229

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