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Anwar Al-Majd International School

Boys – Girls

English and Social Studies

Name: ________________ Grade: six
Term 3
Social Studies Revision Sheet

Governmental Systems:

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1- A government is a group of people that manages a village. ___F___
2- A government takes important decisions and performs different functions.
_____ T_
3- Republics are governed by kings. _____F____
4- Monarchies are governed by elected presidents. ____F___
5- The Republic of Sudan is an example of a monarchy. ____F____
6- In a Full Presidential Republic, the president takes all the decisions. ___T__
7- The head of the state in a Presidential Republic is called a president.
8- The head of the state in a Monarchy is called a king or a queen. ____t____
9- A Full Presidential Republic and a Semi- Presidential Republic are examples
of Republics. ___T____
10- A parliamentary Republic and a Single Party Republic are not
examples of Republics. __f___
11- Thailand and Myanmar are examples of Military Dictatorship.
12- The three types of government are Democratic, Dictatorial, and
monarchical. ___t___
13- Democracy is the oldest form of government. ___f___
14- Monarchy is the most popular form of government today. ____f___
15- The laws in a constitution do not protect and organize matters in a
country. __f__
16- The most common example of a dictator in history is Adolf Hitler.
17- Monarchies are hereditary. ___t___


Absolute and Constitutional Monarchies:

B. Complete each statement by choosing the correct word:

1- Absolute and ___ are kinds of monarchies. ( Republic- Constitutional-
2- _______ is the oldest independent state in the Arab World. (Sudan- Oman-
3- Qaboos Bin Said Al Said acted as Oman’s ______, prime minister and
Foreign Minister. (Sultan- King- Prince)
4- Qaboos Bin Said Al Said took power as the Sultan of Oman in ____.( 1940-
1970- 2020)
5- Saudi Arabia is a _____. (Monarchy- Republic- Parliament )
6- Saudi Arabia uses _____ as its constitution. (Legal System- Judicial Office-
the Holy Qur’an)
7- ____ is a system of government in which a monarch shares power with a
constitutionally organized government. (Constitutional Monarchy- Absolute
Monarchy- Militarily Dictatorship)
8- One of the following countries is not one of the constitutional monarchies
in the Arab world:_____ (Jordan- Morocco- Syria)
9- _______ is an African country. (Jordan- Morocco- Bahrain)
10- ____ is officially called The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. (Jordan-
Morocco- Bahrain)
11- In ___ the king holds wide executive and legislative powers. . (Jordan-
Syria- Kuwait)
12- ____ is a constitutional emirate with semi- democratic political
system. . (Jordan- Morocco- Kuwait)
13- ____ suffered from two invasions in its history. (Jordan- Morocco-
14- The Kuwaiti “freedom of press” law which is considered the strongest
in the Arab World was issued during the reign of ( Sheikh Sabah- King
Mohammad VI- Al Khalifa)
15- _____ is an Arab constitutional monarchy ruled by Al Khalifa family.
(Jordan- Morocco- Bahrain)
16- ____ is expected to be the first amongst the other oil-producing Arab
countries to dry up. (Jordan- Morocco- Bahrain)
17- On June 17, 2011, King Mohammad VI announced a series of reforms
that transformed ___ into a constitutional monarchy. . (Jordan- Morocco-

Best of Luck

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