CV EN Mohamed Amine Sdiri (EU) Rev AS

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1. Proposed role in the project: PPP Expert

2. Category:
3. Staff of: JADE ADVISORY
4. Family name: SDIRI
5. First names: Mohamed Amine
6. Date of birth: November 12, 1986
7. Passport holder: Tunisian
8. Education:

Institution Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

(Date from - Date to)
Collège Des Ingénieurs, Mines Paris Tech, 2013 Post-graduate diploma in management and contemporary
world - Sciences Po Paris
National Engineering School of Tunis, 2011 Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering
Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of El Pre-Engineering College, specialization: Technology
Manar, 2007
Education equals at least [Bachelor’s] [Master’s] [PhD] degree (equal or above level [6] [7] [8] in European Qualifications
Framework or equivalent)
YES ☐ NO ☐ <Service Provider to tick as applicable>

9. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)

Language Reading Speaking Writing
English 1 2 1
French 1 1 1
Arabic 1 1 1
Reading, speaking and writing in English is excellent (level 1 in each)
YES ☐ NO ☐ (please tick as appropriate)

10. Membership of professional bodies: none

11. Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.)
12. Present position: Director
13. Years within the firm: 2
14. Key qualifications: (Relevant to the project)
Mohamed Amine Sdiri is a civil engineer with over 10 years of experience in infrastructure projects planning and
financing, PPPs and economic development in France, the Middle East and Africa. He is a Certified Public-Private
Partnership (PPP) Professional specialized in institutional and financial assessment. He has international experience in
countries such as France, Tunisia, Cameroon, Burundi, Mauritania, Central African Republic and Burkina Faso.
Prior to joining Jade Advisory, Amine worked as Project Director in a US State Department funded project designed to
help artisans in Tunisia by improving product quality, marketing, and branding.
From 2017 to 2019, he was an advisor to the Tunisian Minister of Development, Investment and International
Cooperation where he worked on the overhaul of the Investment Code, the reform of the PPP framework and
concession and the preparation of a PPP pipeline.
Amine started his career in 2011 in Tunisia as Transport Engineer then worked in the railway sector in France between
2013 and 2017. Mohamed Amine has worked on the different phases of infrastructure projects ranging from feasibility
studies to railway sites.
He is Tunisian and is trilingual (Arabic, French and English). He is based in Tunis and has very good knowledge of
major African infrastructure projects.
15. Specific experience in the region:

Country Date from - Date to

Several Countries in the 2017 - Today
Middle Est and Africa
Regions. Primary based
in Tunisia
France 2012 - 2017
Sweden 2011
16. Professional experience
Date from Location Company& reference Position Description
- Date to person1 (name &
contact details)
2023 - Togo – PPP expert Abidjan – Lagos Corridor PPP:
Ongoing Benin – The Economic The Abidjan - Lagos corridor is approximately 1028 km long and connects some of the largest and most economically dynamic cities in Africa, namely
Nigeria Community of West Abidjan, Accra, Cotonou, Lome and Lagos and covers a large part of the West African population. It also connects dynamic maritime ports serving
African States landlocked countries in the region, notably Burkina Fao, Mali and Niger.
(ECOWAS) The project aims to build a homogeneous 6-lane highway from Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire to Lagos in Nigeria via Ghana, Togo, and Benin. The route of the
motorway will, a priori, follow a new route, integrating sections of the existing route, if necessary, to ensure an optimization of the route. The new highway will
be a six-lane (2x3-lane) divided highway of approximately 1,038 km with a high level of safety, comfort, and travel time. Its layout will integrate related
services (service stations, rest areas, etc.).
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine Sdiri is accompanying the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on:
 Preparation of a note on the project funding and implementation strategy;
 Financial analysis of project implementation assistance;
 Project implementation support;
 Planning and resources mobilization.

2020- Cameroo PPP Expert PPP for the Highway between Yaoundé, Douala and Kribi
Ongoing Ministry of Public The project is the sum of three distinct sections:
Works  Section 1: the motorway section between Pk 100 and Pk 134 of the Yaounde-Douala link, including the east section to Edéa ;
 Section 2: the motorway between Edea and Douala; and
 Section 3: the motorway between Edea and Kribi.
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine Sdiri accompanies the client in:
 Preparation of the tender documents for the PPP project with the specifications and the draft contract and its appendices;
 transaction advisory;
 review of the private bidder financial offer

2022- Tunisia Ministry of Equipment PPP expert PPP of the Bousalem – Algerian border motorway section
Ongoing and Housing The Trans-Maghreb highway is a highway project that should cross Mauritania, Western Sahara, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. It is made up of an
Atlantic axis from Nouakchott to Rabat and a Mediterranean axis from Rabat to Tripoli via Algiers and Tunis.
On the Tunisian side, with the commissioning of the "Tunis - Oued Zarga" section and the completion of the works of the "Oued Zarga - Bousalem" section,
the "Bousalem / Algerian Border" section is the last missing link of the Tunisian side of the Trans-Maghreb highway. The section linking Bousalem to the
Algerian border (Bousalem-Jendouba-Fernana-Algerian border) is about 75 km long and is currently in the detailed preliminary design phase.
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine is part of a team of experts that has supported the client in:
 Conducting the Project feasibility based on several aspects (including market study, stakeholders’ involvement, construction programme, benefits, risks
analysis, etc.) and providing implementation conditions, including for legal aspects;
 Preparing the financial studies for the implementation of the project;
 Controlling, monitoring and technical assistance of studies;
 Analysing the different possible scenarios and mechanisms for financing the project (private, public-private partnership, concession, BOTs, etc.);
 Carrying out a multi-criteria financial analysis that will be used as a tool to support the choice of the most appropriate funding mechanism.
2022- Tunisia National Waste PPP expert PPP of the hazardous industrial waste treatment center in Jradou
Ongoing Management Agency To treat and dispose hazardous waste while respecting the environment, the Government of Tunisia, with the support of the German KfW, had set up a
(ANGeD) national hazardous waste treatment center, which is located in Jradou, Governorate of Zaghouan, with 2 reception, storage and transfer centers in Sfax and
Gabes, but - due to different reasons - has been shut down for nearly 10 years. The main objective of the study is to determine the security measures to be
implemented on the Jradou site and to develop technical and organizational solutions with the aim to put the plant into operation again.
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine is part of a team of experts that is supporting the National Waste Management Agency (ANGeD) in the
development of the tender documents for the PPP through:
 The preparation of the preliminary study;
 The preparation of the financial impacts’ evaluation study;
 Conducting a detailed study of the selected option of PPP structuration;
 The preparation of all documents needed for pre-qualification and tendering procedure;
 Elaborating the tendering procedure, tender evaluation as well as preparation of an evaluation report including recommendations of selected
2022- Egypt AFD/ Ministry of Supply PPP expert PPP of a Greenfield Wholesale Market in Ismailia
Ongoing and Internal Trade To meet the needs of the ever-growing Egyptian population, to guarantee food safety and security to all, to reduce food waste and to stabilize the prices of
(MoSIT) of Egypt basic commodities, the project aims to the creation of a rationalized network of modern logistical hubs dedicated to food trade, focusing on the Ismailia and
Sharkeya Governorates. The project cost estimate is EUR 165m.
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine is supporting the MoSIT and AFD on the technical, environment and social, legal, fiscal and financial aspects of the
Project through:
 Site selection
 Conducting the Project feasibility based on several aspects (including market study, stakeholders’ involvement, construction programme, benefits, risks
analysis, etc.) and providing implementation conditions, including for legal aspects
 Analysing the opportunity to implement a PPP (concession), assessing the possible impacts and risks, studying the technical, legal and financial
feasibility of the arrangement and defining a legal and financial strategy to be adopted
 Conducting a detailed study of the selected option of PPP structuration
 Providing technical Assistance for the preparation of Tender Documents for the Commissioning of the Pilot (including construction, operation,
maintenance, supervision and PPP model for the Pilot).
2022- Malawi Malawi Public-Private PPP expert PPP for office complex for the Malawi Investment and Trade Center (MITC)
Ongoing Partnership The Government of Malawi, through the Ministry responsible for Natural Resources and the Malawi Trade and Investment Centre, has requested the PPP
Commission (PPPC) Transaction Advisory Services for the office complex for the Malawi Investment and Trade Center (MITC).
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine’s mission is to provide financial support and PPP expertise to the Malawi Public-Private Partnership Commission for
the feasibility study and procurement of the PPP project. In collaboration with a team of experts, Mohamed Amine will take charge of the technical aspects of
the preparation and procurement of the PPP transactions of the two project.
2022- Malawi Malawi Public-Private PPP expert PPP for the National Herbarium and Botanical Gardens (NHBG)
Ongoing Partnership The Government of Malawi, through the Ministry responsible for Natural Resources and the Malawi Trade and Investment Centre, has requested the PPP
Commission (PPPC) Transaction Advisory Services for Botanical Gardens Development, Investment and Management to the National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens (NHBG
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine’s mission is to provide financial support and PPP expertise to the Malawi Public-Private Partnership Commission for
the feasibility study and procurement of the PPP project. In collaboration with a team of experts, Mohamed Amine will take charge of the technical aspects of
the preparation and procurement of the PPP transactions of the project.
2022- Egypt International Fund for PPP expert PPP support to the Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation
Ongoing Agricultural As part of a program launched by the Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation (MoIC) to initiate actions to mobilize international climate finance for
Development (IFAD)/ projects that address the country's climate challenges, build the resilience of vulnerable systems and promote sustainable development, Jade Advisory is
The Egyptian Ministry providing advisory services to IFAD and MoIC aimed at reviewing the Water-Food-Energy Nexus (NWFE) Strategic Concept Note and identify entry points
for PPPs.
of International
Activities Performed: The role of the expert is to determine a mechanism that allows to identify PPP projects that can be eligible for climate financing with
Cooperation (MoIC) focus on agriculture related projects and on programs linking the sectors of water, food and energy.
2022- Burundi European Union / PPP expert Support for the promotion of public-private partnerships in Burundi
Ongoing Support Agency for To contribute to the promotion of public-private partnerships in Burundi, the project aims to:
the Implementation of  Analyse the institutional, legal and regulatory framework relating to PPPs and suggesting recommendations for improvement.
Public-Private  Develop a PPP promotion strategy for the Support Agency for the Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Contracts (ARCP).
Partnership Contracts The mission will focus in particular on PPPs relating to the following priority areas: i) Energy; ii) Hydraulics (drinking water); iii) Protected areas (biodiversity);
(iv) Agriculture; (v) Health.
Activities Performed: As a senior PPP expert, Mohamed Amine is supporting the project team in the development of a PPP promotion strategy for the
PPP Contracts Support Agency (ARCP) and an action plan for their implementation through the realisation of the following missions:
 Analysis of the capacities and experiences of ARCP staff and proposal for capacity building
 Organization of three exchange trips with three African countries
 Identification of good PPP contracting approaches in Burundi
 Identification of major obstacles to the development of PPPs in Burundi.
2022- Mauritani MPEM (The Ministry PPP expert PPP for Mauritania’s service area dedicated to hydrocarbons
Ongoing a of Petroleum, Energy The Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines (MPEM) wishes to develop a strategy to create favourable conditions to attract petroleum services and related
and Mines) activities to the country to support the development of the hydrocarbon sector, create jobs and fostering the birth of a national petroleum services industry.
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine is supporting the project team in charge of assisting the ministry in the preparation of a strategy for the
creation of a service area dedicated to hydrocarbons through, among others:
• Studying the relevant options for attracting oil service companies and accelerating the development of the local oil service sector;
• Realising an inventory of comparable development zones, special economic zones, industrial parks in Africa and around the world,
focusing on models applicable to Mauritania;
• Proposing the appropriate option for Mauritania;
• Defining the priority activities and services that the area should promote;
• Developing a roadmap for setting up and building the area to be proposed.
2020- Cameroo European Union PPP expert Urban development of the Yaoundé bypass and organization of the donors' round table
2022 n Main project features:
The city of Yaoundé, "city of the seven hills" is the political capital of Cameroon. It is located in the south of the central region of the country. It
is located at the crossroads of several sub-regional transport axes, the most important of which is that which connects the ports of Kribi and
Douala on the one hand, to Chad and the Central African Republic on the other hand, by serving the Cameroon hinterland.
Despite competition from rail, road remains the main mode of transporting goods on the Douala / Kribi-Bangui / Ndjamena, Ndjamena-Yoko-
Djoum-Ouesso-Brazzaville (and later Kinshasa) and Ndjamena-Yoko-Ambam-Libreville.
The Yaoundé bypass route is located in the metropolitan area and totals more than 67 km. The overall objective of the Yaoundé bypass
construction project is the facilitation of international and local transport. The Yaoundé bypass will also have to support future urban
developments. A large part of the city's local traffic can then be transferred to the Yaoundé bypass via a grid of radial lanes which will be
developed for this purpose.
Activities performed:
Mohamed Amine carried out with Jade's team a study which aims to technically support the Cameroonian authorities in: (i) Reflection on an
overall development logic on the rights-of-way of the adjacent Yaoundé bypass road at the main intersections and hubs with intercepted
roads to make the area of direct influence a real vector of planning and sustainable development for the whole of Greater Yaoundé; and (ii)
The organization of a round table of donors for the financing of the Yaoundé bypass project in PPP and other projects which contribute to
regional integration in Central Africa. The mission includes training on PPP in general and PPP for urban development projects in particular.
2022 Tunisia IGPPP/ Expertise PPP Expert Concession of the Casino of Hammam Lif
France/ Municipality of The “Casino” was previously a hotel, then a casino, then a restaurant located in the city of Hammam Lif few kilometers to the south of Tunis. It was built in
Hammam Lif the late 19th century with a neo-Moorish style. As a part of a safeguarding and enhancing the cultural heritage policy, the municipality of Hammam-Lif has
decided to concession the Casino and bring the protected historical monument back to life. The municipality has issued an RFP to select the private partner
that will restore, reconvert, finance, operate and maintain the heritage building.
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine is providing his PPP expertise to the different public stakeholders through:
 The development of a financial and economic model for the concession of the Casino de Hammam Lif project;
 The evaluation of the received financial offer;
 The provision of procurement and PPP expertise.
2021 Togo Agency for the PPP Expert Architectural and technical studies of the Kara Agropark and preparation of the tender documents
Promotion and The Togo Agri-Food Transformation Project (PTA-Togo) is part of the new agricultural policy which aims to create more added value through
Development of production, processing and exports, while ensuring the social inclusion and environmental protection. It advocates the development approach
Agropoles based on the promotion of agropoles, coupled with the use of innovative financing mechanisms, particularly in the form of private investments
and public-private partnerships (PPP).
Through the Kara agropole, the objective is to create, in a small and developed area, the conditions for private investors to take an interest in
the agricultural sector and settle in the agropark .
Activities Performed:
Mohamed Amine carried out the following missions:
 Carrying out summary and detailed technical studies
 Carrying out the study on the RAP resettlement action plan specific to the Agropark
 Establishing of the tender documents for the consultation of construction companies
 Preparing the financial investment model of the project.
2020- Libya Libyan PPP Company PPP expert Operationalization and establishment of the Libya PPP Company
2021 and African Main project features:
Development Bank The Libyan economy stands at a critical juncture as the government faces daunting challenges of stabilizing the economic environment and
implementing much needed reforms after a long period of turmoil in the country. The economic infrastructure has deteriorated considerably
over the past nine years, the Libyan authorities should tackle issues such as unemployment, institutional capacity building, improving the
quality of education, reconstruction infrastructure, the establishment of an effective social safety net and the development of financial
markets. Aware of the importance and role of the private sector and in order to establish a structured framework for the development of
PPPs in Libya and to govern their fields of action, the Ministry of Finance has decided to create for the first time an integrated public-private
partnerships (PPP) unit within the Ministry. The legal framework allowing the operation of this unit has not yet been regulated.
Activities performed:
Mohamed Amine is part of a team that will set up the framework of the new Libyan PPP framework, as well as the determination of the
necessary capacity building for the various stakeholders involved in the work carried out by this company, by identifying the challenges of its
operationalization and the actions proposed to achieve the objectives, and bringing the experience and lessons learned from other countries
in the region and beyond. This could be summed up in 3 components: (i) Creation of a PPP unit and development of capacities and transfer
of skills; ii The development of a legal and institutional PPP framework; and (iii) Identify a first pipeline of PPP projects and prepare pilot PPP
2021 Mali UEMOA (West PPP expert PPP for the irrigated perimeter of Kandiourou and Touraba
African Economic and As part of achieving food security through the implementation of the EU Agricultural Policy (PAU), the UEMOA Commission has taken action
Monetary Union) to develop areas with high agricultural potential in the Member States. In this context, the Malian State has allocated two parcels of land to
the UEMOA Commission, Kandiourou and Touraba, in the Niono Circle of the Niger Office Zone, in the form of a 50-year renewable
emphyteutic lease. The two parcels total an area of 11,288 ha. The implementation of the project, mainly funded from the own resources of
the UEMOA Commission, achieved a physical implementation rate under Component 1 "Infrastructure Development", estimated at 83% by
the Implementation Agency.
Activities Performed: Mohamed Amine has been part of a team who will assess the costs of completing the works on the Touraba plot;
updating the costs of carrying out works on the Kandiourou plot; the production of a financing file with effective PPP options for the
management and operation of hydro-agricultural perimeters, with proven success in the field; and the preparation of a Bidding Document for
the recruitment of a private partner.
2020- Morocco ONCF and European PPP expert PPP for the high-speed rail link between Tetouan and Maloussa
2021 Investment Bank Main project features: The future rail line has a linear line of about 39 km from the existing Tanger Med line north of the Renault plant and its
arrival to the city of Tetouan.
14 viaducts totalling of 5.36 km are planned as well as a covered trench of 1.7 km and a tunnel of 4 km will cross the mountain. The
infrastructure will have two lanes of traffic (one per direction) and will be scheduled for commissioning in 2030. Commercial speed of sill be
up to 160 km/h and the new line will connect Melloussa to Tetouan in about 47 minutes.
Activities performed:
The overall objective of this mission is to prepare a pre-feasibility study of the construction and operation of the Melloussa-Tétouan line in
public-private PPP with one or more components of the Project, by conducting a comparative analysis of the various alternatives including
PPP, concession, design-build and design-bid-build. The mission includes a cycle of PPP trainings in particular on rail projects (including the
rail franchise model in the United Kingdom).
2020- Mauritani Permanent PPP expert PPP of the G5 Sahel group railway line
2021 a Secrétariat G5 Sahel Main project features:
In 2015, the G5 Sahel Heads of State decided to build a railway line linking Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.
A study was commissioned by the G5 permanent secretariat of the Sahel to propose the sketch of a line of a railway going from Nouakchott
to Ndjaména via Bamako, Ouagadougou and Niamey according to the optimal technical, economic, financial, environmental and social
solutions for construction and operation.
Activities performed:
Mohamed Amine is part of a team that prepared a feasibility study of the PPP project. He prepared the cost assumptions (investment and
operating), income and financing. He built a financial model for the project and recommended the optimal PPP option.
2020- Madagas Madagascar PPP PPP expert PPP of the highway linking Antanarivo to Toamasina
2021 car Unit Main project features:
The highway project connects Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar in the centre of the country, to Toamasina, which is on the east
coast. The project aims to build a 250 km highway with a base speed of 110 km/h. It will be with 2 x 2 lanes of 3.50 meters wide each
separated by a central island of 1 to 2 meters and 2 shoulders of 2.00 meters wide.
Activities performed:
Mohamed Amine is part of a team that prepared a PPP pre-feasibility study of the project. The PPP structure proposed for the realization of
the project aimed at attracting capital from the private sector to finance the construction and operation of the project estimated at $ 2.5 billion
is bankable. The team recommended dividing the project into two phases so that its size is in line with similar PPPs considered in the
benchmark analysis.
2020 Cameroo Ministry of Public PPP expert PPP of the highway linking Yaoundé to Douala Kribi
n Works Main project features:
The project consists of building the Yaoundé - Douala highway from the Pk100 and the Edéa - Kribi ramp. The project is the sum of three
distinct sections:
- section 1: the motorway section located between Pk 100 and Pk 134 of the Yaoundé - Douala link, including the east ramp to Edéa;
- section 2: the section between the east exit of Edéa and Douala, including the west ramp to Edéa and the exit ramps to Douala;
- section 3: relating to the motorway between Edéa and Kribi.
Activities performed :
Mohamed Amine is part of a team that Prepared the tender documents for the PPP project with the specifications and the draft contract and
its annexes.
2020 Tunisia IGPPP / OMPP PPP expert PPP for the Ro-Pax terminal in Bizerte
Main project features :
The project (80 million dinars) aims to create a Ro-Pax terminal on the south shore of the port of Bizerte. It includes: (i) a port area: ferry
terminal, bonded area, docks; and (ii) a socio-cultural and commercial zone (shops, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, etc.) not communicating
with the port zone and open to the city. The project aims to remedy the saturation of passenger and ro-ro traffic at the port of La Goulette
with the impossibility of extending berths in this port. Bizerte will thus be the closest Ro-Pax port to Europe. The location is favourable,
offering deep waters and a great potential space to develop the new terminal.
Activities performed :
Mohamed Amine is part of a team of technical consultants who reviewed the preliminary design and provided recommendations and who
prepared a pre-feasibility study of the PPP project.
2019- Uganda French Development Project Kampala-Jinja highway
2020 Agency (AFD), Director Main project features :
Uganda National The project includes reviewing the tender dossier before issuing it to selected bidders for a PPP based on the availability of a new road of
Roads Authority approximately 100 km between Kampala and Jinja.
(UNRA) Activities performed :
Mohamed Amine is part of a team providing financial and technical know-how to review the documentation of the tender dossier, including
the financial model.
January Tunisia FHI 360 Project  Project Director for Collaborative Action for Handicraft Development (ACEA), a $5.6 M U.S. Department of State funded project designed
2020 – Director / to assist craftsmen in Tunisia via improved products quality, marketing and branding. ACEA mission is to promote Tunisian exportation of
March Country handicrafts.
2022 Representat  Led the design of two $1.5 M project extension proposals.
ive  Business Development actions aiming to develop FHI360 projects portfolio in Tunisia.
 FHI360 legal representative in Tunisia including administrative, financial and HR follow-up.
October Tunisia MINISTRY OF Minister's  Development, monitoring and reporting of priority projects of the ministry including investment strategies, regional development and
2017 - DEVELOPMENT, advisor international cooperation
Decembe INVESTMENT AND  PPP promotion including development of country projects pipeline, preparation of pitches for several international investment forums and
r 2019 INTERNATIONAL engaging with private sector stakeholders.
COOPERATION  Infrastructure financing
 Establishment of a Delivery Unit at the ministry level
 Ministry Reorganization Project (Organization Chart Revision)
 Planning of the various actions, visits and meetings of the Minister
 Relations with the members of parliament and different public and private bodies
June France ABYLSEN / Technical Line 15 “south” Metro Project
2016 - Autonomous Parisian coordinator  Coordination of studies and works on the project of adaptation of seven metro stations connected with the new line 15
Septemb Transportation of the The tasks included the technical management of interfaces between the different master contractors, project financial forecasting and
er 2017 Administration railway conflicts management
(RATP) project
January France GESER BEST / Cost control PPP of the Nîmes-Montpellier Bypass
2014 - SNCF and Project to build a new high-speed line with five junctions to the existing network.
May planning Planning and follow-up studies and works under Primavera P6, internal resources forecasting, control of the project’s expenditures, financial
2016 engineer reporting, budget 150M€

April - France TRACTEBEL Railway  Bidding for several railroads’ projects in France.
Septemb ENGINEERING Infrastructur  Creation of a railway technical referential based on SNCF and RFF indexes and UIC references
er 2013 COYNE ET BELLIER e Engineer
January - Tunisia IDEACONSULT, Transport  Technical and economic studies for several transport projects in Africa
Septemb STUDI GROUP engineer  Traffic Census, future transports demand forecasting
er 2012  Economic evaluation of the proposed arrangements using HDM4 and risk analysis

Septemb SWEDEN TRAFIKVERKET, Planning Planning of road maintenance works and safety installation projects
er - SWEDISH engineer

February Tunisia IDEACONSULT, Diploma Economic feasibility study of the missing links in the Dakar-Djibouti corridor: 7800 km of roads and 9000 km of railways
- June STUDI GROUP project
July - AUSTRIA ILF CONSULTING Internal Technical assistance to the Romanian authorities in the rehabilitation and extension of sewerage and drinking water networks in the county of
August ENGINEERS Bacau
17. Information to contact the expert:

Phone: +216 20 72 13 86

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge this CV accurately describes me, as well as my qualifications and
professional experience; I undertake to be available to carry out the assignment, in the event that the Contract is awarded to me.
Any false declaration or information provided incorrectly in this CV may justify my disqualification or my dismissal, and / or
sanctions by the Client.

Name of Expert Signature


Mohamed Amine Sdiri

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