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International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 136 (2019) 55–62

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Arsenite oxidation by a facultative chemolithotrophic Delftia spp. BAs29 for T

its potential application in groundwater arsenic bioremediation
Rimi Biswasa, Vivekanand Vivekananda, Anima Sahaa, Ashok Ghoshb, Angana Sarkara,∗
Department of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, 769008, India
Mahavir Cancer Institute and Research Center, Patna, India


Keywords: A superior arsenite [As (III)] oxidizing strain was isolated by enrichment technique from a shallow aquifer of
Arsenic Bhojpur district, Bihar, India. Along with high As (III) and arsenate [As (V)] resistance [up to 70 mM of As (III)
Arsenite oxidizing bacteria and 1000 mM of As (V), respectively], it showed high resistance to multi-metals and a superior ability to utilize a
Groundwater wide range of carbon sources. The gram-negative rod-shaped strain of Delftia spp. BAs29 was characterized
thoroughly for its As (III) oxidation ability. The strain showed mixed growth associated, facultative chemo-
lithotrophic As (III) oxidation process, releasing-67 kJ/reaction of free energy in an exergonic reaction. Testing
of cost-effective and natural bio-sorbents showed efficient As (V) removal from the contaminated water. Moringa
oleifera showed the maximum As (V) removal capacity of 57.89% among the tested bio-sorbents. This study
revealed a two-step approach for arsenic removal with 98.77% efficiency from groundwater using an indigenous
As (III) oxidizing strain combined with a natural bio-sorbent.

1. Introduction (III) from contaminated water is difficult due to its high magnitude of
solubility, while As (V) can be easily removed by some conventional
Increased level of arsenic (As) is a threat to mankind, affecting physicochemical methods like filtration, adsorption, reverse osmosis,
millions of people every year worldwide (Paul et al., 2015). The middle membrane filtration, and coagulation etc. (Bahar et al., 2012). A two-
Gangetic plain, including several districts of Bihar and West Bengal, step approach can be adapted to remove total As, wherein the first step
seem to be the worst affected areas, affecting around 40 million people. involved is the oxidation of more toxic As (III) to As (V) and the next
In this region, total As concentration is much greater than the pre- step is associated with the use of adsorbents for the removal of oxidized
scribed limit (0.01 mg/l) by WHO (Chakraborti et al., 2003). Long-term As (V). The oxidation step requires toxic chemical oxidants like ozone,
exposure to toxic levels of As leads to skin cancer, loss of appetite, skin chlorine or hydrogen peroxide which either produce hazardous by-
itching and cardiac problems (Banerjee et al., 2011). Geochemical products or are expensive. Alternatively, microbes in their metabolic
weathering of rocks, anthropogenic activities and volcanic emissions processes use As (III) as an efficient energy source, aiding the process of
are the primary causes of groundwater As contamination. Geo-micro- reducing the groundwater toxicity (Kamaluddin et al., 2003). Many
bial ecotoxicology is gaining prime importance in the field of en- potential As (III) oxidizing bacteria including Bacillus cereus, Alcaligenes
vironmental science and research (Gu et al., 2013). Microbial bior- faecalis, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Rhizobium spp., Pseudomonas spp.,
emediation of As is quite effective and depends on the intrinsic action of Agrobacterium tumifaciens, Escherichia coli, Clostridium spp., Rumino-
microbial activity to transform, volatize, reduce, immobilize or mobi- coccaceae spp., Klebsiella oxytoca and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus have
lize As through redox reactions, sorption, complexation, and bio- been reported to withstand high concentrations of As and can sub-
methylation (Dai et al., 2016; Gu, 2018). stantially aid in the bioremediation of As from groundwater (Sarkar
As mainly exists in four different valences in the natural environ- et al., 2014; Paul et al., 2015; Tripti and Shardendu, 2017; Liu et al.,
ment; elemental arsenic (0), arsenine (-III), arsenite (III) and arsenate 2018; Dai et al., 2016). Arsenite oxidizers may be either heterotrophic
(V). Among these, As (III) and As (V) are the two most abundant forms i.e. they oxidize As (III) only as a mode of detoxification while the
in the environment; with As (III) being the more toxic and more mobile chemolithotrophic As (III) oxidizers gain energy during this process
form than its counterpart (Aitio and Becking, 2001). The removal of As (Oremland and Stolz, 2005). In prokaryotes, As (III) oxidation is

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Biswas), (V. Vivekanand), (A. Saha), (A. Ghosh),, (A. Sarkar).
Received 31 May 2018; Received in revised form 12 October 2018; Accepted 12 October 2018
0964-8305/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
R. Biswas et al. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 136 (2019) 55–62

controlled by a periplasmic As (III) oxidase enzyme (Andreoni et al., of 7.1. For each sample, two different sterile polypropylene bottles were
2012). With respect to highly expensive and conventional As removal used. In one sample, nitric acid was added to avert the metal from
technologies which are ineffective for the removal of low As con- microbial degradation, adsorption and precipitation while the second
centration, extensive technological developments that are highly se- sample was kept at 4 °C on ice for further microbial analysis.
lective and economically competitive are strongly in demand. Since
natural microorganisms have intrinsic abilities to detoxify toxic As
species, it is of immense importance to identify and characterize such 2.2. Enrichment and isolation of As resistant bacteria
organisms and their As detoxification mechanisms.
Solid adsorbents are more popular in As (V) adsorption due to the Isolation of As resistant bacteria was done directly from the As
economic and technical limitations for the use of standard flocculation contaminated water as well as enriching it with As (III) (10 mM) and As
and precipitation methods. Activated -carbon, -alumina and -bauxite (V) (1 mM) for 7 days, 120 rpm at 30 °C (Sarkar et al., 2013). The initial
are some of the adsorbents used for the study of As removal from growth and enrichment of the strain was done in Reasoner's 2A (R2A)
aqueous solutions (Lim et al., 2014). Usage of natural adsorbents such agar medium under aerobic conditions at 30 °C. Throughout the in-
as leaves, sand, red mud etc., are gaining momentum, aiding the As cubation period, counting of the number of bacterial colony forming
removal process. They are highly impactful as they do not produce any units (CFU's) was done at definite time intervals. A morphologically
hazardous by-products and are cost effective. distinct isolate was selected based on its highest As resistance for fur-
Although a thorough geochemical characterization has been carried ther characterization. The isolate was purified by sub-culturing re-
out in the middle Gangetic plains of Bihar (Particularly, Bhojpur dis- peatedly in a suitable medium and stored at 80 °C a glycerol stock.
trict), the reports on the characterization of As transforming bacteria is
limited. As per our knowledge, this is the first time a thorough research
is elucidating a two-step approach of As removal, where a test strain is 2.3. Arsenic transformation screening assay
exploited to transform more mobile and toxic As (III) to its less toxic
and mobile form As (V), following its adsorption on eco-friendly and Determination of As (III) oxidation was done on a chemically de-
inexpensive natural bio-sorbents. This approach could be highly effi- fined agar media (CDM) amended with 10 mM sodium arsenite was
cient in the bioremediation of As, aiding significant contribution in the used as an electron donor while 5 mM sodium arsenate in the same
process of total As removal from any As contaminated groundwater. medium was used as an electron acceptor, along with 0.5% dextrose,
acting as a carbon source to determine the As (V) reduction ability of
2. Materials and methods the isolate. The plate was incubated aerobically for 72 h at 30 °C re-
spectively. Flooding the plate with 0.1M silver nitrate (AgNO3) fol-
2.1. Collection of samples and storage lowing bacterial growth resulted in the formation of colored precipitate
due to its reaction with As (III) and As (V). A brownish colored pre-
The water samples were collected in the early winter season from cipitate revealed the presence of silver arsenate (Ag3AsO4) due to the
two different As contaminated sites of Dubechaapra (25.6462670N, result of oxidation of As (III) to As (V) (Simeonova et al., 2004). Ar-
84.6742670E) and Gajiapur villages (25.6869780N, 84.6366080E) of senate concentration was measured using ammonium molybdate
Bhojpur district in Bihar lying in the middle Gangetic plains (Fig. 1). method (Dhar et al., 2004).
The inherent temperature of the groundwater samples was 25 °C at a pH

Fig. 1. Arsenic contaminated groundwater sample collection sites from Bhojpur district, Bihar, India.

R. Biswas et al. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 136 (2019) 55–62

2.4. Maximum tolerance concentration (MTC) assay for As and other blasted in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) da-
heavy metals tabase for getting the homology sequences. CLUSTALW multiple
alignments were done to align the retrieved sequences from the NCBI
The maximum tolerance concentration (MTC) was tested for the database along with the sequence of the test strain. Using neighbor-
isolate, using the agar dilution method for arsenic as well as for other joining method, the phylogenetic tree was constructed in MEGA-7
heavy metals (Sarkar et al., 2013). Graded concentrations of As salts, As (Kumar et al., 2008).
(III) (NaAsO2) or As (V) (Na2HAsO4.7H2O) were amended to the R2A
agar medium for MTC assay. They were further cultured in R2A media 2.8. Arsenate adsorption using natural bio-sorbents
amended with As [15–70 mM As (III) and 100–1000 mM As (V)].
Moreover, the highly As resistant strain was tested for diverse heavy Different bio-sorbents such as red mud, construction site sand,
metal resistance [ZnCl2, Cu(NO3).23H2O, NiCl2.6H2O, Cd(NO3).24H2O, Moringa oliefera (Drumstick leaves), Psidium guajava (Guava leaves),
HgCl2, and Cr(NO3)3], with varying concentrations of 2.5 mM–30 mM; Cocos nucifera coir (Coconut coir), Bambusoideae leaves (Bamboo
[Merck, Germany]. The strain was grown up to log phase and streaked leaves), sawdust and Sapindus mukorossi (Soap fruit) were used in order
on each metal amended plate followed by its incubation for 24 h - to develop a cost-effective and a natural adsorbent. The samples were
36 h at 30 °C. sun-dried and converted to powder form to increase the surface area for
adsorption. A test As (V) solution of 100 mM was prepared and 2 g each
2.5. Biochemical and physiological characterization of the collected natural adsorbents were added to the 10 ml of prepared
As (V) stock solution. The As (V) solutions with added adsorbents were
Gram staining was done using the standard Gram staining kit left undisturbed for a period of 15 days. After the incubation period, the
(Himedia, India). The cellular structure of the isolate was examined As (V) concentration in the adsorbents was measured using the mo-
under a bright field microscope. Morphological properties of the se- lybdenum blue complex formation. The experiment was conducted in
lected strain were characterized using Environmental Scanning Electron triplicates and the final As (V) concentrations were measured spectro-
Microscopy (ESEM, Quanta FEC 250, Pfeiffer, Netherland) in terms of scopically. Scanning electron microscopes coupled with energy-dis-
its appearance, colony size, surface texture, margin elevation and persive X-ray (SEM-EDX) was performed for the two adsorbents,
general surface structure. Following bacterial growth on R2A media, showing their maximum As (V) adsorption capacities.
temperature and pH sensitivity was monitored at different incubation
temperatures (4 °C - 42 °C) and varying pH (6–10). Standard carbohy- 2.9. Designing of a two-step approach for total As removal
drate discs (25 μg sugar/disk) and antibiotic discs (Himedia, India)
were used to test the capability of the bacterial strain to metabolize A two-step experiment was performed in batch condition involving
different carbon sources and to see the diverse antibiotic sensitivity of As (III) oxidizing Delftia spp. BAs29 as oxidizing agent and Moringa
the isolate in phenol red agar plates. The oxidative ability of the strain oliefera as bio-sorbent. In the first step, the strain was incubated over-
was tested using standard oxidase discs. Characterization of general night at 30 °C in 100 ml of groundwater containing 100 μM As (III) for
biochemical properties such as indole test, methyl red test, citrate uti- evaluating its oxidation ability. In second step, following As (III) oxi-
lization and Voges-Proskauer's test was done using manufacturer's dation, 2 g of Moringa oliefera was added to the same flask for studying
protocol (Himedia, India). Biofilm formation study was carried out by its adsorption efficiency. Arsenate concentration was finally measured
spectrophotometric method using dimethyl methylene blue (Pui et al., before and after each step using ammonium molybdate method in the
2017). effluent (Dhar et al., 2004). Bio-adsorption was further confirmed by
SEM-EDX analysis.
2.6. Stoichiometry of As (III) oxidation
2.10. Statistical analysis
Arsenite oxidation by the selected strain was observed during
growth of the strain in R2A medium. For studying the growth, the se- All the biological studies have been conducted using triplicate
lected strain was grown on R2A medium and incubated at 37 °C for sampling. The graphs have been represented only after statistical ana-
24 h. The samples were collected in triplicates for every 1 h and optical lysis. Two-way ANOVA analysis in OriginPro 8.5 has been performed
density was measured at 600 nm spectroscopically. Standard spectro- for data representation.
scopic assay of molybdenum blue complex formation was used to de-
termine the concentration of As (V) species in the supernatant (Dhar 3. Results and discussion
et al., 2004). The CFU count for bacterial growth and dry cell biomass
weight were also observed at specific time intervals, followed by stoi- 3.1. Isolation and screening of As (III) oxidizing bacteria
chiometry and mass balance estimations.
Initially, sixty-eight morphologically distinct bacterial strains were
2.7. DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis isolated from the As contaminated groundwater samples (Data not
shown). Finally, a highly superior As resistant strain BAs29 was chosen
Isolation of genomic DNA was done using the manufacturer's pro- for further characterization. Bacteria develop some detoxification me-
tocol (Himedia, India). Amplification of 16S rRNA gene was done using chanisms to overcome the growth restriction when under selective
the genomic DNA of the test strain as a template and 27F (5′-AGAGT stress such as high concentration of As for a prolonged period of time
TTGATCMTGGCTCAG-3′) and 1492R (5′-TACGGYTACCTTGTTACGA- (Huang et al., 2010). Members of Proteobacteria, such as Hydro-
CTT-3′) as universal primers. PCR was performed with an initial step of genophaga and Acidovorax have been identified previously in the con-
denaturation for 5 min at 94 °C, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at taminated groundwater of the region, revealing the high As tolerance
the same temperature, annealing at 52 °C for 50 s and elongation at nature of these bacteria (Ghosh et al., 2014).
72 °C for 1.5 min, respectively with a concluding extension step of
10 min at 72 °C. PCR amplified products were purified using Genetix 3.2. Arsenic and other heavy metal tolerance by the selected strain
Gel Extraction Kit (Genetix Biotech Asia Pvt. Ltd., India) followed by
sequencing of 16S rRNA gene from Eurofins sequencing service Silver nitrate screening assay revealed As (III) oxidizing nature of
(Eurofins Genomics India Pvt Ltd., Bangalore, India). After sequencing, the strain BAs29. The strain also showed high resistance to As (III) and
the sequences were processed using BioEdit tool (BioEdit v7.0.5) and As (V) up to 70 mM and 1000 mM. It was further studied for its multi-

R. Biswas et al. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 136 (2019) 55–62

Table 1 competing in the microbial community (Hoeft et al., 2007).

Oxidizing efficiency and biomass yield of strain BAs29 with respect to time.
Time(h) Factors 3.4. Phylogenetic analysis
As (III) Oxidizing Bacterial growth Biomass
concentration efficiency (%) (log10 CFU/mL) yield (mg/ The BLAST analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene sequence of the su-
(μM) ml) perior As (III) oxidizing strain BAs29 in NCBI showed its homology with
several Delftia spp., particularly with Delftia lacustris, member of β-
0 100 0 0.08 0.001
proteobacteria belonging to Comamonadaceae family. The 16S rRNA
5 97.67 2.33 1.07 0.004
10 71.34 18.66 3.12 0.063
gene sequence retrieved in this study has been submitted to the NCBI
15 19.12 81.37 4.89 0.32 GenBank with the accession number MH198130. Neighbor-joining
20 3.05 88.67 4.96 0.36 based phylogenetic tree revealed its closeness with several As (III)
25 1.4 88.72 5.04 0.37 oxidizing strains of the same genus including Delftia spp. A2i
30 1.2 89.14 5.67 0.39
(KT835041), Delftia tsuruhatensis T7 (AB075017), Delftia acidovorans
NAT (AM180725), Delftia acidovorans ATCC 15668 (AF078774) and
metal tolerance, showing superior resistance up to 30 mM. The strain Delftia TS40 isolated from As contaminated soil, Bangladesh (Cai et al.,
showed biofilm forming ability. This phenomenon can be well ex- 2009; Sultana et al., 2012; Sanyal et al., 2016) (Fig. S1). This genus has
plained by the adsorption of heavy metals on the bacterial cell surface, already been previously isolated from diverse environmental sources
forming a complex with the exopolysaccharides which can serve as a such as activated sludge, marine and freshwater, soil, clinical samples
major detoxification mechanism (Anwanyu and Ugwul, 2010). With the and infected plants (Cai et al., 2009; Sultana et al., 2012; Sanyal et al.,
increasing concentration of heavy metals, multi-metal resistance ability 2016). Arsenic resistant and oxidation ability of this genus is well
of the selected strain will be highly effective in remediating the heavy known. Furthermore, the phylogenetic tree also revealed its relation
metals from contaminated sites. Moreover, the bacteria can gain energy with other heavy metal [Cr (VI), Pb (II), Se (IV) etc.,] resistant, trans-
and enhance their growth rate during the respiratory transformation of forming and hydrocarbon degrading Delftia spp. (Prakash et al., 2010;
these toxic metals (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Ubiquitous exopoly- Juárez-Jiménez, 2010; Ubalde et al., 2012; Wu et al., 2016).
saccharide from bacterial biomass also serve as an economic, efficient
and sensitive approach of heavy metal ion removal. Having several 3.5. Arsenite oxidation of the strain BAs29 during growth
controlling factors and distinct dynamics, bio-sorption through exopo-
lysaccharides is a complex phenomenon in itself. Duration of interac- Strain BAs29 showed the highest ability of oxidizing in batch test.
tion, adsorbent dosage and initial metal ions govern the metal-polymer The strain showed 91.04% oxidation of 100 μM As (III) during 16 h of
interaction. Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans, a gram-negative bacterium its growth with a doubling time of 1.13 h. Oxidation of As (III) by the
has been found to induce or initiate the formation of biofilm in response strain was initiated after 6 h of incubation with a considerably long lag
to high As exposure and also scavenge As ions through exopoly- phase (Table 1). The efficiency of As (III) oxidation revealed that more
saccharides (Marchal et al., 2010). Trapped As ions in exopoly- than 80% of the initial As (III) concentration was oxidized during the
saccharides induced Thiomonas spp. CB2, a β-proteobacteria; to secrete initial log phase [Fig. 2(a)]. Moreover, As (III) supplemented in the
biomolecules for the formulation of biofilms (Marchal et al., 2011). It growth medium enhanced the growth up to 40% with respect to control
indicates that in response to heavy metals, these bacteria induce the while the addition of As (V) reduced the growth rate by 12%. Increase
synthesis of exopolysaccharides which can effectively be used to adsorb in growth rate during the As (III) oxidation phase, pertains to the fact
the heavy metals. that they may gain energy in the presence of As (III), acting as the rate-
limiting step (Fig. S2). This process is indicating the chemolithotrophic
3.3. Physiological and biochemical characterization of the isolate nature of the strain. In this study, the As (III) oxidizing chemolithotroph
gains sufficient energy through the oxidation process of As (III) which is
Physiological analysis revealed that the isolate BAs29 was meso- a thermodynamically exergonic reaction, releasing −67 kJ/reaction of
philic (30 °C) in nature and survived under slight alkaline environment free energy:
(pH-7.5). Previous researches have reported the mesophilic nature
CH2O + 0.704 AsO33−→ 0.235 CH1.79O0.5N0.2 + 0.704 AsO43--
within several As (III) oxidizing bacteria (Kinegam et al., 2008). Strain
0.126 O2+ 0.79 H2O (1)
BAs29 was seen to be gram-negative and rod-shaped in colony mor-
phology. The strain showed positive result in biofilm formation assay. It where, Biomass yield (YS) = 0.247.
showed negative result to indole and methyl-red test and positive to
Voges-Proskauer's and citrate utilization test. Moreover, it utilized Energetic product yield (EP) = 0.88.
oxidase to a considerable extent. The antibiotic resistance properties
within the test strain seem to be an interesting finding. Strain BAs29 The oxidation of As (III) is done in the periplasm of the bacteria,
showed high resistance to Doxycycline hydrochloride, Neomycin, Ce- catalyzed by As (III) oxidase. The presence of As (III) is sensed by a
fadroxil, Cefotaxime, Ciprofloxacin, Tetracycline, Ceftazidime, Tri- sensor kinase AoxS which further activates a regular protein AoxR
methoprim, Gentamicin, Chloramphenicol and Cloxacillin while was (Fig. 3). In association with RpoN (a RNA Polymerase alternative), the
sensitive to Vancomycin, Roxithromycin, Ampicillin, Rifampicin, Me- expression of aox operon is controlled by AoxR (Koechler et al., 2010).
tronidazole and Norfloxacin. Antibiotic sensitivity of the strain en- There are two basic mechanisms of As (III) extrusion in bacteria. One is
hances its suitable application in bioremediation. Carbohydrate utili- by an As (III) translocating ATPase and the other is via an As (III)
zation test revealed that the strain BAs29 efficiently utilized multi- carrier efflux protein where the membrane potential of the cell supplies
carbons including Sorbitol, Mannitol, Xylose, Maltose, Salicin, and the required energy (Oremland and Stolz, 2005). Since the first re-
Fructose. Due to continuous change in physiochemical conditions in ported As (III) oxidizing bacterium Bacillus arsenoxydans, several other
their inherent habitat, the use of various organic carbons is a beneficial As (III) oxidizing strains have been reported till date. In most of the
strategy within compelling environments, apart from As (III) coupled cases, the isolated bacteria were usually heterotrophs, utilizing As (III)
growth for the strains (Sarkar et al., 2014). Under unfavorable condi- oxidation as a method of detoxification (Martin and Pederson, 2004).
tions, their chances of survival increases by using the limited nutrients Mostly the chemolithotrophic bacteria isolated till date belong to the
available by acclimatizing their metabolism, making them more Agrobacterium or Rhizobium genus (Santini et al., 2000). First time this

R. Biswas et al. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 136 (2019) 55–62

Fig. 2. As (III) oxidation potential of the strain BAs29 (a), Lineweaver Burke plot for estimation of kinetic parameters Km and Vmax (b), Luedeking-Piret model for
product formation kinetics (c). Data points are the average of three independent experiments.

R. Biswas et al. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 136 (2019) 55–62

3.6. Adsorption of As (V) using natural bio-sorbents

Among all the bio-sorbents used such as Red mud (Riverside),

Construction site sand, Moringa oleifera, Psidium guajava, Cocos nucifera
coir, Bambusoideae leaves, Sawdust and Sapindus mukorossi, Moringa
oleifera showed the maximum As (V) removal capacity of 57.9% from
the As (V) enriched media (100 mM) [Fig. 4(a)]. The highest removal
efficiency was achieved up to 86.25% for 100 mM at pH 6, time 48 h.
Further adsorption isotherm was performed to evaluate the optimum
conditions for As (V) adsorption (Data not shown). The use of ad-
sorbents such as activated carbon, polymer resins, and mineral oxides
have been in commercial use for As bioremediation for a prolonged
period of time but are on the expensive side and their regeneration is
difficult (Sinha et al., 2011). Eguez and Cho reported that activated
charcoal adsorbed 2.5 wt% of As (V), much lower than the natural
adsorbents (Eguez and Cho, 1987). Activated carbon with high ash
content aids the removal of As (V) from contaminated water; being
moderately effective. Presence of other contaminants in the water also
decreases their As (V) adsorption efficiency (Baig et al., 2015). Recent
research showed natural absorbent like rice husk, to be successfully
used for As (V) removal (Asif and Chen, 2017). Therefore, prime im-
Fig. 3. Mechanisms of As (III) oxidation by Delftia spp. BAs29.
portance should be given to affordability, high As removal efficiency,
geographic compatibility, applicability and the reliability of the pro-
cess. These natural adsorbents such as Moringa oleifera, red mud and
study indicates strain BAs29 to be a facultative chemolithotrophic As guava leaves besides being inexpensive and easily available in many
(III) oxidizer, utilizing As (III) and glucose as the sole electron donor underdeveloped regions throughout the world, can perform well both
and carbon source respectively, validating the experimental calcula- in laboratory and field conditions.
tions. From the stoichiometric equation, the chemolithotrophic As (III) The high As adsorption capabilities by these natural adsorbents can
oxidation is further confirmed from the negative oxygen demand be attributed to the fact that their phenolic, carbohydrate and the
coefficient (Eqn. (1)). So, it is clearly vivid that the strain BAs29 utilizes protein components have functional metal binding groups such as
As (III) instead of oxygen as an electron donor during its chemolitho- amino, arsenate sulfate, hydroxyl and carboxyl groups (Mohan and
trophic growth. The resultant sigmoid curve with a saturation phase Pittman, 2007). The complexion of these materials on their surface
was obtained when As (III) oxidation rates were plotted as a function of pores may enhance the adsorption process or the removal of metal ions
subsequent As (III) concentrations. The maximum rate of As (III) oxi- from the solution. Salim et al., used 15 different species of plant for the
dation (Vmax) by the strain BAs29 was calculated to be 0.657 μM/min, removal of Zn from aqueous solutions (Salim et al., 2003). Dried plants
suggesting an adequate number of As (III) molecules is being catalyzed and fruit materials serve as potent low-cost abundant adsorbents as
per second. A Km value of 21.97 mM is the result of an increasingly there is no technicality or environmental stress involved in these ad-
higher affinity towards As (III), indicating that BAs29 gains energy in sorbents for As removal.
the presence of As (III) [Fig. S3 and 2(b)]. Being chemically similar to SEM Analysis revealed the morphological changes within the ad-
phosphate, the toxicity of As (V) oxyanion is primarily based on the sorbent Moringa oleifera [Fig. 4(b) and (c)]. The surface structure of the
competitive inhibition of proteins that uses phosphate during oxidative adsorbent was uneven and rough before adsorption but post As (V)
phosphorylation and intermediary metabolism. However, most cells are adsorption, an enhanced pore structure was revealed, distributed over
comparatively insensitive to As (V) as the intracellular phosphate the entire surface with a progression of rough activities. The porosity
concentration is usually quite high within the cells. A modified Monod got increased at a higher temperature due to the disintegration of the
model could express the growth of Delftia spp. incorporating inhibitions lignocellulosic material and the loss of volatile components. Hence, the
by As (V) in the broth culture. The Monod model followed by Lue- uptake rate of the adsorbent got amplified due to the increase in surface
deking-Piret model suggests the mixed-growth associated production of area by physiochemical activation. Along with As peak, the EDX results
As (V) during the exponential phase, stating that all the cells in the also showed the difference in the amount of oxygen and carbon in the
juvenile and maturation phase could oxidize As (III) following a uni- adsorbent post adsorption [Fig. 4(d) and(e)]. The most effective ad-
form pattern [Fig. S4 and 2(c)]. Arsenite oxidizing ability was also sorbent is said to have the least amount of oxygen and the highest
observed in Delftia tsuruhatensis T7 (AB075017), Delftia acidovorans amount of carbon (Xiong et al., 2013). Moringa oleifera revealed more
NAT (AM180725) and Delftia acidovorans ATCC 15668 (AF078774) amount of carbon and As (V) as compared to other tested adsorbents,
(Sultana et al., 2012). Klebsiella pneumonia and K. variicola have been implicating Moringa oleifera to be a more effective adsorbent for the
reported to oxidize 87% and 83% of As (III) within 72 h of growth (Butt removal of organic pollutants, dyes, and heavy metals from aqueous
and Rehman, 2011). With adherence to the cell membrane or in- solutions. Hence a two-step approach was designed for the removal of
tracellular accumulation, D. tsuruhatensis AR-7 was able to transform Se total As content from the groundwater. Initially As (III) oxidizing bac-
(IV) during anaerobic or aerobic growth (Prakash et al., 2010). Delftia teria transformed As (III) into less toxic As (V), followed by its ad-
lacustris has previously been reported as a peptidoglycan degrading sorption using cost-effective natural biosorbent Moringa oleifera, aiding
bacterium (Jorgensen et al., 2009). A Delftia lacustris strain LZ-C JNCQ the fabrication of a highly efficient biofilter.
isolated from a petrochemical wastewater discharge was also seen to be
highly resistant to heavy metals (Wu et al., 2016). A Delftia spp. JD2 3.7. Two-step approach for As (V) removal
(EF692532) isolated from soil revealed Cr (VI) and Pb (II) resistance
properties (Ubalde et al., 2012). The ability to degrade or transform Strain BAs29 showed 96.27% As (III) oxidation potential during
multiple organic pollutants such as diuron, linuron, chloroanilines and 10 h of its growth. Following which, the As (V) containing water was
anilines have also been reported earlier by the members of the same allowed to adsorb on bio-sorbent Moringa oleifera. The result revealed
genus (Juárez-Jiménez, 2010). presence of only 1.23 μM As (V) concentration in the final test effluent

R. Biswas et al. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 136 (2019) 55–62

Fig. 4. Percentage (%) As (V) removal by different adsorbents (a); SEM images of Moringa oleifera before and after As (V) adsorption (b & c); EDX images of Moringa
oleifera before and after As (V) adsorption (d & e).

which indicated an effective As removal efficiency of 98.77% from the Conflicts of interest
groundwater system (Fig. 5).
All the authors of this manuscript declare that there is no conflict of
interest regarding the manuscript submission in the journal of”
4. Conclusion
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation”.
The current study reveals the first detailed characterization of As
(III) oxidation by Delftia spp. BAs29 in the middle Gangetic plains of
Bihar. This strain showed mixed growth associated, facultative che-
molithotrophic nature of As (III) oxidation wherein As (III) and glucose
The authors would like to thank the Department of Science and
were used as the sole electron donor and carbon source respectively, in
Technology, Government of India for providing financial support to the
an exergonic reaction. Besides oxidizing As (III) into less toxic As (V), it
research work (Sanction Order: YSS/2015/001911). We would also like
also showed high multi-metal resistance along with diverse carbon
to express our appreciation to National Institute of Technology,
source utilization, indicating its potential application in various metal
Rourkela for providing conducing laboratory facilities to proceed with
contaminated sites. Maximum As (V) adsorption by Moringa oleifera
the work. The generous help of Prof. Ashok Ghosh during the collection
revealed its suitable utilization in designing of a two-step approach for
of arsenic contaminated water sample from Bhojpur, Bihar is highly
the removal of total As. Hence, Delftia spp. BAs29 along with Moringa
oleifera will contribute significantly in designing an eco-friendly, cost-
effective in situ bioremediation technology for As contaminated en-

R. Biswas et al. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 136 (2019) 55–62

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