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MJDF Part 1 OCTOBER 2019

Here is the feedback from the 2019 October MJDF exam. Some of the wordings and options
for the MCQs may vary from the original text.

1. 7 year old girl with type 1 diabetes faints in your clinic. How will you manage?
a. 0.5mg IM glucagon b. 1mg IM glucagon c.0.5mg glucagon IV d. 1mg glucagon IV

2. Cause of blue/grey lines/stains on teeth? (minocycline, fluorosis, AI)

3. Drug altering taste of mouth – metronidazole

4. Most aggressive carcinoma found where? Floor of mouth, lip, palate

5. BMI of patient is 42. What is ASA classification for her? (asa 1, asa 11. Asa111 etc)

6. Picture of leaf fibroma

7. Q on Montgomery consent

8. Drug causing SCC type ulcer

9. Pt with fracture mandible. Tells you husband hits her when drunk. Who will you
report it to? (advise her to report to police, report to police, do nothing and treat her

10. OPG showing fracture of condylar neck

11. Xray showing round small radiolucent area under IAN. Diagnosis? (Stafne cyst, OKC,

12. IOPA showing nerve close to 3rd molar. What is next xray you will order? (small beam
cbct, large beam cbct, opg)

13. Picture of slowgrowing painless swelling on palate. Diagnosis? (pleomorphic

adenoma, tori, mucocoele)

14. Qualified dental nurse wants to take xray. What she needs from practicing dentist?
(verbal prescription, written prescription)

15. Drug that acts on GABA receptor

16. Pt with INR 3, he checked it yesterday. How will you proceed? (extract the tooth,
recall, adjust warfarin dose, refer to GP for opinion)

17. Drug causing MRONJ

18. Q on facebow

19. What does anterior disc displacement mean? (know the exact def)

20. Def of biological width

21. Case of Gardener Syndrome. How will it present radiographically (multiple cysts,
multiple ostemos)

22. Reversal agent for opoids (flumezipil, naloxone)

23. Small beam cbct, how many times with panaromic radiograph?

24. Sensitivity and Specificity table calculation

25. Landmark for oropharyngeal opening (angle of mouth to angle of mandible, angle of
mandible to maxillary incisors, angle of mandible to mandibular incisors)

26. Landmark for IAN block (posterior superior to lingula)

27. Route of administration of midazolam in dental clininc (inhalation, buccal,


28. MMPA value

29. CPD hours for clinical dental technician

30. CPD hours for medical emergency, radiograohy, disinfection and contamination
(10/10/5, 10/5/10, 10/5/5)

31. White penduclated lesion. Diagnosis? (squamous cell papilloma)

32. Instructions to mother of 2 year old daughter for teeth brushing (mother assist the
child with age appropriate toothpaste, mother assist the child with her own
toothpaste, mother doesn’t assist child and use age appropriate toothpaste)

33. Chlorohexadine mouthwash, what is correct statement – (tissue absorption and slow
release, it not cationic)

34. Autistic child with anxious mother previously treated by some other dentist. How will
you manage? (give ohis only, famalirization visit)

35. Grooves on incisal edges and crown tips only? (fluorosis, AI)

36. Level of nodes involved in tonsillar carcinoma (deep cervical, deep middle)

37. Pt wearing hijab comes to you for examination of swelling extending from angle of
mandible to neck. She is uncomfortable taking off the hijab. How will you manage?
(refer her to A&E of hospital, ask her to come back with relative, carry out
examination with hijab on, explain and discuss with her the importance of examining
her without the hijab)

38. 25-year-old pt with pocket depths from 5-8mm. Stage and grade of periodontitis?

39. Father and mother heterozygous for FAM83H ameolgenisis imperfecta. Chance of
offspring being born with the condition? (25,50,0,75,100)

40. Electric apexolocator, how will efficiency in working length be achieved most
accurately? (dry the canal with paper points, use small file, use ss file and not niti file,
extend file 2mm beyond apex and bring it back slowly till indicated on EAL)

41. After non-surgical perio treatment, what is best indicator of successful procedure
( 15%less bleeding on probing, achieve zone of attached gingiva)

42. Double blind study is conducted. Who will know which group is getting drug and
which is on placebo? (dentist only, patient only, neither patient nor dentist)

43. Which medicine doesn’t produce osteonecrosis of jaw (calcitonin, denosumab)

44. Oral SCC advanced stage. Where will you see it? (hard palate, tongue, maxillary
45. Nurse is complaing about you (a locum dentist) for being late and not dressing up
professionally. Who will you tell? (discuss with nurse, report to GDC, report to
practice manager)

46. Class 2 div 1 treatment for missing lateral incisor

47. 17 year old with erosion on buccal surface of teeth. Cause? (smoking cannabis,
bulimia, anorexia, dry fizzy drinks)

48. Blood test for heamophilla. Which one will be raised? (bleeding time, apt etc)

49. Overerupted upper 3rd molar opposing partially erupted lower 3rd molar covered by
gingiva and causing pain and discomfort. What is single best treatment? (cut the
crown of upper, cut the gum of lower, complete removal of lower, complete removal
of upper)

50. Theory of CAVITATION – (Aerodynamic waves, hydrodynamic waves, sound waves,

acoustic waves, bubble formation)

51. Caries check interval for adult with caries on 1st molar

52. IOPA xray showing artefact in upper right corner, reason? (splash from developer,
splash from fixer, implant, mosquito artery forcep, parallel film holder)

53. Most common supernumerary tooth (conical, tuberculate etc)

54. Signs and Symptoms of hand foot mouth disease given and virus asked (cocsackie A,

55. Signs and Symptoms of glandular fever (petechial rash on junction of hard and soft
palate) and virus was asked (ebv,cmv,herpes zoster etc)

56. Pain due to change in posture (sinusitis, cluster headache)

57. C/I for implant placement (recent episode of MI, drug abuse)

58. Diabetic smoker patient wants implant. Poor OH with periodontal disease. In this
case what is c/I of implant (diabetes, smoking, poor OH, periodontal disease)

59. c/I for MRI (allergic to contrast material, hip replacement, implant, pacemaker)
60. pt with reticular like white lesion on buccal mucosa. What is histo (bulbous retepegs,
lymphoid infilterate)

61. histo for leukoplakia that will indicate malignancy (invasion, dysplasia,
pleomorphism, high mitotic activity)

62. most important indicator for SCC recuurence (p53, site of carcinoma)

63. Asian man with limited mouth opening. Fibrous bands palpable on buccal mucosa.
Diagnosis (Oral submucosal fibrosis)

64. What study will you do to compare sutures (rct, cohort, case control)

65. Young medically fit girl with vesicles on lower lip mucosa. Diagnosis (apthous ulcer,
herpes simplex)

66. Pt comes to you and is recently prescribed medicine for her polyuria and polydipsia.
What medicine is it most likely to be (benzothiazide, insulin ,metmorfin etc)

67. Medicine causing dry mouth (prilocarpine, benzothiazide)

68. Which of the following is beta adrogenic calcium channel blocker (propanlol,

69. MOA of dabigatran

70. Pt wearing upper denture for 7 years now facing problem with retention. What is
most important factor? (salivary substitues, position of post dam area)

71. Pt of radiotherapy complains of sore mouth cause? (xerostomia, mucositis)

72. Facial laceration and decrease in parotid secretion. Nerve affected. (auriotemporal,

73. Nerve affecting protrusion of tongue (hypoglossal)

74. 10-year-old girl with lip laceration comes with her school teacher. Parents abroad.
Who can consent (teacher, sister, grandfather, do it in best interest of patient)
75. Salivary gland with mainly mucous secretions (submandibular, parotid, sublingual,

76. Range for normal mouth opening

77. Cyst formed by reduced enamel epithelium (dentigirious, OKC, residual)

78. Multilocular radioluncey close to 7 at body of mandible 20mm. 8 missing. What is


79. Chlorohexdine mouthwash causes wheezing and redness to patient. What type of
hypersensitivity reaction? (1,2,3,4,5)

80. A patient fully understands English. Her husband insists that he will conduct
communication with dentist. What will you do? (let husband speak, explain the
importance of patient understanding procedure themselves)

81. 12 yr old with missing UR 1st permanent molar. What is it

(hypodontia,macrodontia,failure of primary eruption, early tooth loss)

82. 15year old with retained upper c. contralateral 3 erupted 1.5 years ago. Reason
(hypodontia,macrodontia, early tooth loss)

83. 16 year old boy with missing UR2. What is this? (ectopic, hypodontia, primary failure
in eruption, deciduous tooth loss)

84. Appliance you will give to 12 yr old boy who complains his upper teeth are too
outward and children in school call him boy with no chin (fixed appliance, functional
appliance, headgear)

85. Therapist wants to carry out tooth whitening. (therapist is not allowed direct contact
with pts, needs referral from dentist first, therapist can not conduct this procedure)

86. Q on TMJ dysfunction syndrome (common in young men, usually because of stress,
20% cases due to internal derangement)

87. Q on management of dry socket (irrigate and give analegesia, irrigate and give
metronidazole 400mg, irrigate and give metronidazole 200mg)

88. Xray showing fractured mandible and retained root of 7 after extraction.

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