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E-News ABN: 29 000 987 717

Volume 3 Issue 10 Web site: Email: Ph: 02 9680 8195 October 2008

Saints Who Serve . . . By Rodney Trinidad

Have you heard the expression, “Go the Extra Mile?” This is how I like to describe my friends Noel
and Mary Bachelor: they go the extra mile. Noel and Mary are missionaries with GRN (Global
Recording Network). The vision of GRN is that people, especially those who are oral communica-
tors and those who do not have Scripture in a form they can access, might hear and understand
God's Word in their heart language. They do this by producing culturally appropriate audio and au-
dio-visual materials. I first met Noel and Mary Bachelor at my church. We were new to the church.
Noel was at the back working on the sound desk and Mary was one of the first ladies who ap-
proached Marian to welcome us to church. We later found out that Noel was a graduate of Word of
Life Bible College from the class of 1979. After graduating from Word of Life, Noel joined GRN.
Noel helps keep GRN on the cutting edge of recording technology, and they often help with training of both new and experienced
recordists. Although Noel and Mary don’t work for Word of Life today, they are always willing and able to lend a hand and go
that extra mile with our efforts to share the gospel to youth. One of Noel’s unique qualities is his expertise in sound systems,
which is something that we at Word of Life don’t have. Noel and Mary often “go the extra mile” to insure that Word of Life’s
events go smoothly and are done with excellence.
I have had the opportunity to observe firsthand the character, convictions and passion of Noel and Mary over the last few years
in ministry and life. Their servant hearts are exemplary and they are worthy of our prayer and financial support.

The Work Multiplies . . . By Dan Keegan

Recently I was asked to speak at a basketball sporting event. I entered the gym in plenty of time be-
fore the sharing of the gospel was to occur. Looking around for familiar faces I connected with
Marilyn and Rainbow. Their smiling faces made me feel welcomed. Andrew and Kevin, who coordi-
nated the event, were engaged in one of the games. When Andrew was finished with his game he
spotted me and told me there would be one more game before I shared. I noticed that Andrew began
speaking to Jason Smith who is from the Sydney Spirit team and who would be sharing his testimony.
When he and Andrew were finished speaking I went over to introduce myself. It was a delight to
meet Jason and I was so encouraged with his tender spirit and genuine testimony for Christ. Andrew
approached us to give us a quick “heads up” on what was going to happen the next few minutes: Ja-
son would give a testimony first; then I would follow. It was so easy to follow Jason’s testimony and
share with the 80+ basketball players about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Often Word of Life plans, organizes, and conducts sporting events like this one and we know the hard work involved. It is so
good to see others, who have the same heart concerning Christ and His gospel, doing the same. A BIG thank you to Kevin, An-
drew, Marilyn, Rainbow, and other team members for all your hard work. The basketball competition was well organized; as a
result, the gospel was shared with many unsaved people and two made professions of faith. Would we all look for opportunities
to spread the gospel message?

The Message of Quiet Time . . . By Jim Dugan

Andy Stanley wrote, “There is a cumulative value in investing small amounts of time in cer-
tain activities over a long period.” This quote has great application to many areas of life, espe-
cially to one’s Quiet Time. Recently, I have had the privilege of teaching on “How to Have an
Effective Quiet Time” at a few churches. I am finding that although most believers know the
importance of a daily quiet time with the Lord that many allow the busyness of life to get in
the way.
Here are two quotes from people who have taken up the challenge to have their Quiet Time.
Nam Doan from the Lighthouse Alliance Church wrote, “I think your message last Sunday of the importance of spending
quiet time with God hit the spot for many of us.” Sarah Tran wrote, “I took the liberty of getting one of your WOL devo-
tional books and I did my first one on the train today. So thank you so much for the talk and the gift.”
Would you like to learn how to have an effective Quiet Time? I would love to come to your church or youth group to
show you how!

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