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Approval of our Program:


What exactly is our program? What is its aim? Beautiful places on Earth
are not to be discarded easily despite its cost. One of the beautiful places that
we are referring to is the park near our school. We formulated this campaign
called “Adopt–a–Park” for the endangered places, like the park in our
community, because they are hard to maintain due to the high value. The
objective of this program is to save the park and keep it open. We aim to
provide the park its needs and maintain its beauty.

Understandably, the school's administration is considering closing the park,

because the costs of maintenance can be overwhelming, especially for a
public space that is not generating any revenue. However, closing the park is
not the solution. We can stop the park from closing by joining the "Adopt-a-Park"
program, we can take responsibility for the maintenance of the park ourselves.
This program provides support to local communities to take care of their nearby
park. By joining this program we will commit to regular cleaning, maintenance,
and improvements. This way we can reduce the burden of the park when it
comes to its maintenance and costs.

This program just shows how much we love our community. Not only is this
place a park, it is also a safe haven for the people in need or struggling. How is
this a safe haven if it's only a park? People sometimes use nature as a
connection to life and feel safe, therefore it is a safe haven. Not only this, it
provides numerous benefits to our community, both in terms of health and well-
being. The benefits of having a park near our school cannot be overstated.
Parks can provide people a green space for outdoor activities, a place to relax
and distress, when facing difficulties.

“Adopt–a–Park” is a program made not only for our own benefits, but also
for Mother Nature. We can show that we admire nature by maintaining them to
their fullest beauty. This program ought to be successful and thriving once this
becomes approved. Not only the park, but for the entire community as well.
We must realize that the protection of our natural resources is not just the
responsibility of the government or environmental organizations but also of each
and every one of us. By taking action to preserve our parks and wildlife, we are
also ensuring a sustainable future for ourselves and our future generations. So let
us join forces and take action to save the park near our school. With our
collective efforts, we can make a difference and make sure that the park
remains open for years to come. Remember, we have the power to make a
positive impact, and it all starts with us.

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