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The Principles of Psychology by William James Authorized Edition in two volumes Volume One Dover Publications, In. New York FRANGOIS PILLON, CONTENTS. CHAPTER 1 1 oF Pevconaoy CHAPTER V CHAPTER xv Asoctar cuarren xv, cuaPrEn xv yt the sons of ne PSYCHOLOGY, CHAPTER 1 "vonouor ie the Beesee of Monta Lite ots of ita i ings ell fooling, exe, coals, reason Ins ison, andthe ke} sod, muperficalycosidered, anim on the observer The toe naturel ted som only the east way of eifying the mara we, to elsif it an well aa might bo, and econ, fate the diners mental mofen ths fowl ups ¢ inp ea, the personal Son of which they ave taken sane, te Boal acfet ite fsally of Memory, now f Toning, now of alton, or ag a Teagaton oF ie Appeita This i the oriodon opiate theory of wolarGsian and of conmon-sensnAnoter and «Tas inion wayofifyng the chaos sto wank common ee Inca nth ders ental facts suther than momen nt behind them, nod to expla thom contrite by ie vaos form of arangestet of thew element yon lain Bonnes by stones and ech” "The ‘ensecodone in of Hasbart in Germany, and of Mfume he Mis and Ban fo Brita hav hu costractad a pryeloy st a soul by taking nts “ideas fiat ck vit showing how by Wee eobesons, repulsion, aed fora of snconesion, exch things as reminioence, porcoptions ‘emotions, volitons, passions theories, and all the thet faruisinge ofan lndividaal's ‘nd tay bo engendered. ‘The vary Self or ogo of tho individual comer in thie sway to be viewed no Tonger ae the pre-existing soarce of {he representations, bat rubra har last and noe oat Dilcte frit. Row, lwo ssiesigornsly fo simplify tho phenomena fn lar of the wayn we soon become aware of nude Ghuacis in oar method. Any partielarcoyaiion, for ex Staple, or recollection, is aseounted for on tho so-theoy ty eng referred to the eptitaal faces of Coton cof of Memory. Those faculdee thosacves ate thoy St as about properties of the souls tht im to take the cat of memory, no reson is given why ‘we boul remember a fet as It happened, escept that 0 10-1 tmomber i constitaten the sence of ovr Rocllctve Power, Wo may ar spiritualist fy fo explain our men ory flares and Ueaders by secondary cates.” Bak Ite eos ean invoke no fuctorn bare the exntencs of certain. objective hinge to be remembered ou the oe Fuad and of oor fealty of memory on the olber, When, {oriastane, Tvvell my gonduatiedey, ood drag all is {cident and emotions ap from dents datlese night, ne ‘chanical enuse ean explain this proces, nor ean any atalyis reduce itt lower terme or take ite nate et ‘tier that a altiate dat, which whether me soba or fot at ite mtorionaneas, aunt empl be taken for grantad ‘two aretopeyealogize nll. However the sssnlatinist ‘aay repreotn the paeut eas at throagag and arranging therselves, til the sprit it, he a i heel fo Admit hat ‘omelling, be it brain be dann’ bo tao ‘lation? own pnt ine pas and le ont with ts Sorta event And when the epritlit elle emoey an Sladucble fealty Ihe anya no mor Chan thie ndmision of the emociationit already grant Aad yet the admission eat from elo & efacory simpleton of the conerete facta “Fer ‘why shold th ‘haoint gogiven Facelty retain so much belter the events esterday thas thon of last yor, an, esto al, hone Hull's events seem fimest? "Why should eas inomtionenfebla i? Why should repeating a ex iveahen out rectllection oft? Why should (mgoten? Hfwe soutent ourselves wi merely hate facuy of memory ix wo pocaitly com sta by metre ae toe fort then ote re mots iv Utter for ving favoked it for ont explanation sn nscomplicned aut ofthe ede facta wth which luv, AMeneove there ie something grotesgoe sod sti the suppenition tht the soul equipped wil nay powers of rack an ingeionay Inca sort ond ur emery cling sxe eaely to the none than Temte? Why aoa lon ite grep of proper sonnet abstract ones’? Such pein sm quite fan sal might for agit we cab ace @ prior be the opoates of what they now. Hiden, thes, the ity dot ok eid cdl, bd orks ace ots i the que ofthe raion Wacom the pagchologat's However fly ho may bold tothe sool and her 2 vomeringfaculy, he mest acknowlage that she wever ov the ar nioat wound hat eomathing mot 8 pred and remind ao of wllever wear tnealec, ‘nn? sag the eaoclasonit, "au Ha anrcited with thorememberal things and thie sxpline leo why tings wataly met with are more easily reolloeted for hae a inte onthe various oscaaons fumnish xo say distinct nes of teal” Bat is dows mo explain the ofots of Itven exheastion, kypootie, ld age, andthe ike And Ingeral, the. pate aesdationiate account of ox mental Itoi almost as bowildering as that ofthe pate spiritualist. Thi malitode of leas, exiting absolutely, yet clinging eget, al weaving an endless earpot of eset, ke ‘Wiminoes in enclose ebaage, oF the bits uf Ealeidoaepe-—whence do they get their fantastic laws of slinging, atl why do they cling in jst he shapes hey do? Yor this th associat mast iteodee the order of experience in th outer world, ‘The danoe of the Sone Se {01 hoor ago? Why, again jn old ago shoul its rasp 4 cons, somewhat mulated. nd altered, of the onder of Phenomena. Dut tho slightest rection shows tht pie omens have absolutely no power to nfovnee ser Sey ntl they’ have frst intpreced oar eeusot aid cur, Doc The tute existence oft pas fact Inno gown fer oa mmembring it Uness we have senior somehow see, {ory weal ere know of having besa The age Hees of the body are Mn one ‘of ts conditinns of hy faculty of memory bning what it ix An's wort aad Aount of refeston on tacts shows that one pat of the ody, namely, the bran, is the part whe capcaces oe Ainettyconsroed, "I the nervous comeunioaton eect off batmeen the bran and othr pars he experiences of hows ther paris ar nonssten forthe misds heee 4s blind, the ear det the and insnsble and stolons And couveraely, ifthe bain be inured, comsclorscens ‘totahad r alered, evan althoogh every other arene the Uody be ready to play its normal pers “A blog ee, Dead, a sudden subtraction of Blood the pronto af a spoplctic homorzhage, may have the tat fees tt ery few onnoes of aleokol or gain of opiom or haha ef & whiff of chloroform of titous oxide gun are ree have the stcond, ‘The dlisim of fave fie alee et of aity ato ‘all due to forign matters eieatng Ahrongh the “bia, oF to pathologie! ehaagee Se ek esau substance” Tho fact that the brit Ts the ee inmediato bodily condition of the mental operations ie Indeed so universally admiied nowadays thet Tee spend no’ more’ tine tn Mastrating i bet il int pestlate aad pass on. The whole reusinder of book will be more oF Tes of prof that tho pomtlat was Badly experience, therfore, and more pentisltly letras, ma tke alae among hos to Aidons ofthe meatal of whith Paychaitgy noel cle Ssecount Tle sprint ond the csoationst ta oth Be ‘eereroitfo the extent at Teast of adniting. tat {iis peel fn tho way of wording of thee Co favorite pings are explicable ony bythe fst fad te ‘enn laws aro codotrminant of the rem. nls, the, is that certain amonat of mist be preasppored ot included ia x way the pyschologt forced tobe I phewomena ae lino part ate y Boy prowess bt Tend to them a gare prt That they Toad to ct int familar of rath, bat do aot merely meat cee states cocoa ale changes i Ue nor subtle sti inganisand viscera If tere nto account, a Wall eats which follow ab some wets pv anasto mental atte was once theo, wil wath geal law that no ment! mofen tou whieh not ecimpanid oF fina by abi yr. The eas and foliogs eg, whlch thes present hl charatar exste ia the readers sad not only isla in, Btw oan day ak i speak lnkenides in diseasion or give adie, o choos Doak ls tend, ieeatly fom mhat wou have ben the ease ha ‘hoy nevorimpreso Meron. Our papel at ter lor tke nooo not only ofthe condone aataceden to onal ste, bat of theif faaltant consequences ot wll ut actions origally prompted ky conscious intl Imag grow ro auttsee by ai of babi as to be tly snconaconaly performed, Sang, walking 9 ad —onbatoning, pane-payoy mm bed in otber things” The performance of atimal tint Soom sereatomatis, athe myer fs of ele weseraton certainly are x0. Yet they ecu nell ent acts ia benging about the wme eat which the a onssiouateanon other oosnsons, deliberately sims 6 psveuoioar, Shall sh soy of such machive-ikeyot purposive ace as howe bo incladed a Payehology? "The boundary line of dhe teal i certainly vagae, Tt fs botir not to bo podantie, bt to lot the eienes be agus ats subject, ad Inlade nach phesomiesa a these ity dong ean throw aay light on the main brsinee in band. Teil ero Jong be Seen, Ttrust, that we. can fd that we gain tach more by a bron than by narrow fenception of our subject Ata certain stage is the dra ypment of every aienoe @ degree of vagantss Ix what ‘eat consis with frit. On the whol, fw ret fo ntl haye dane more ren service oft rout tort in Pey- ology than the Spenecrin one that the easanee of metal io wad of bedi tearoom, nmely, the adjustnent of Incarnate at beeunoe takes nto account the fact had minds inhabit environments which ast ou them ada whieh hey is tars rout; none, fn short taker mind in the midat of allie concrete Telationy It ix Uemeneely rote fete than the oltasioned "ralonal psychology ‘Thich trond tho oul ay a dotached exntnt,sulelel Sato itself, aad assuused to consider only ite ature and Dropertion Tall therefore fel foe fo make any mali Tir"seeogy cx lato pure berrepiysiolony wiich may scr inatractive forour pargones, bat otherwise shall lear ‘hos sienoes tothe phyogs, (Can we state more distinctly still the mannar in which ‘he mental Me seta fo interne Patvecn, ixpronrons sade fom with ‘body, aod nacionr of tie ody upon the outer world agaia? "Let us Took at a few If some iron flings be aprinkled on able aod a nage et brought neat then, ty wil fy tizough the al for ‘ortaindistanos ahd aick to its worface A vage eee Jag the phenoreaon explains it as tho recat ofan atta tion or'lowe Hetwees the iaguot andthe fing Bat Ista card cover the poles of the migne, aad the Bigs wil pron fvovor again Sx aarfuo withoat ite aver o ‘Garrag to them to pote stowed it sidenand tha me a vt emtct vith the objet of fhirone, Blow iat int be moa pi of tor, ‘ia arom nahh le hel niacin‘ patally rp at ef i mile he waitin Meta gon ave ar fl ef er over be Yl they wl io and tema lodged beaeath ite bottom, 1s Ul Gute a alba 9 ight ation Asan he ote ora fence ova (sare they fount ther apoard oat i adteanty ineo thm inun ym ach actuator to thos of ious toto wating dieonen Ronco went Jot tng an ie mayen a 30 tle inurvny no moves Toray a tight io a real nace att if «witb bi aeson {2G tot eat tal ress oe lt ikshnte fei the gont and he ingy wt the Wests con Eade eis wey, Sealing the Merny af ech Sas ips ty. Wi etaglead ise whether encine te oa Witten, Wik te ver etn eo neh inte ph nay bo modded ney ayaa Ping fe ne prion tn rch wo placed elias ae ttm of of waa. Tieton me li ln Ton opts The otratepbee ant he wl ake ho here path seeaag seas sagt npwerin Dut ft siened te inverted ove is he Wil nob, lke the Ia prety pos ie meni tr wlio fot but wil retely explare the oeghbechood wat Utama ons Siacveed» pth tad Wath goal ot i dase Agua th Suede ho ‘6 Sontmate abwen rng an uaimat peor sve end by ding ow dey that i the heal ih Ath poset of ll "Yanen and deer 0 Tay no Hongor imputed to pasteles of fron or of at welts Maps mo tat the and f sny sty wich wey Eee fm ia perpow ero ve ho activity from its outset and soliciting or drawiog i into being by a art of vires ‘The ent onthe eotray a having had, no #0 mp, no voice dn ite own prodection, Alter the pre-alating conditions sud with inorgeae toa terial ou bring forth each tine a igeret apparent end Bat wi iftligont agents altering he conditions chases ‘he activity displayed, bat not the and coached for here the ideo the yt enrolled end co-operates with thn con. Aitions to determine wat the asides sal be, The porosance of flare ont a the chive of meas for thee attiet arts the mark nd erterion of he prscce mentality in phenomenon. We al wan thin tet to die: Criinsto between an intelligent aad © mechanical per- formaoce, We impale uo sestaty to eicke and lobes, Teotuan they never gem to move fo the eae of aol, Dut always whos pred, and then Indiferenty nd with no gn of ehoion. So we unlestatingly call the senslom ast so-wo form ont decision upon the deepest of nl plilocphio problem: It-the Kostos an exptesion of IntlligenceFatiosal in ite faward nats ott bral ternal fact pe and simple? "fe fn ouseven i en Aemplatig unable fo banish the inprenion thet it zoalm of tna purposes, hati exist forthe me of totnee place intligonoo at the heart of ft and have a the contrary, a sveying its remediate wo can think of the proseat only #0. much mere ‘mechanical sprosting ftom the pasty occuring. with Ho reference to the future, we are ati and mateiliat Tn the longthy discuoas, which prycholegicte ave carved on atont the amonnt of intelligence displayed by lower mamas o tie amoust of eonstiousneaavolved a the fations of the nerve-entres f eps the same test Jn always boan appllod Is the cbusacer of the actions sac that we st tov het tobe performed or he ade tf hair recat? "The resell queso, au we ball Stor abundattly ate, iva a rls uefa ons, {onthe whole afer ender the itatatanees for binging forth, So tar the action las a telelogia! charactor, woe ar psvonrroay. ° ri tlalogy a is met stil be the erga The growth ad movement of onewios of davelopment,dgerion, secretion, imal nappy ianuaerable taslaneos of per ofa tthe iain which ay novortals nil ly nwt of a any suppesed to bey produced by ie ncehanism.” The phisiologit doesnot eon tmurt couelous italligmee ta the fogs sna Ai hn now that dhe aol ale Which ho unchinery brags forth ander given eiaton re nen the mackner i atr ,t take 1 inane ight nen o's headlove frog bo ine Ih igh oot wil wpa feof" Way how io th ot and wip the fending satel nay, igre sn ewes 2eagn frm sac fla i the follow Tete Seetrenction wets the rval of more mochi= ny lat tated portion of the ada scape a gor daca om tee of ht samptatng the sight foot would adeod restate Int would uot make thet leg ove, It would nply tn the ight stump moving through the empty is infact the phenotenon sometimes obmarvt Wh gt rigger makes no ofr to dschange the lee arsed tho right one be unloaded nor does an electrical’ ma gat real oesass it ean only emit parka, Inet em pllow-caea lke a wing-nickine vom the contrary, the right ley rally more forthe jror of wiping tho acid, thea tothing iv tote tala nt whon the easest means of effecting that purpons titles oer tenn shoud be ted. Every fare p the animal in w mai of ds tense tll ope of thee, ty a apy robe, iets th wisbed-for end ar way ‘Goltz asoribes inteligence to the teaandcerbellumn We aladed shove to the nt is whisk a sowed frog imprison water wl dis: alot tothe atuoypler. Gots found that frogs of ee oneal heres would often exbiQi 0 psrono00%. ‘ke ingen. Sooh frog, ale ring from th botiom fn finding hie farther upward. prognesn checked bythe flan bel hich has boos levered ovr him, will not per ‘Satin attiog his nose gaint the obstacle until dead of ‘focalon tnt wl often se-dencend andomerge from wader ite rim aa i nol a della mechanical propelson apart bt rather «conteioas deste to teach the alr by hook of rook ware the salwepting of Ms ecliviy. Gols en ‘eluded from this thatthe hetispare are the aoa of Intl. Teetal power in fogn, Tle mate ho sate lafreace from ‘herving Chat brane fog il em over fom his bak {ols belly when one of hls Inge i sowed wp, although the tmoremonts required ate then ery diferet frou howe ‘tlted under normal elastance by the mabe annoying piitlon. ‘They soem delermiaed, omoeequeatly, not merely bth antosdent itn, but bythe final dy -thoogh he Ititant of conan ir what males the eal deird “Another brit German asihor, Lisboann,* argues ‘gaint the brain's mechaniam scooting for mental action, ty very, Geile crmnibatioes,A-msatinn as ously hs sine nl bing forth vig rensts whon iti x good oder ful rong remit if ont of rpaiz. But boll kinds of foal flow with egualyfatl noone from ther conditions, We funot suppose the clckewerk whose struetum fatally Astermines tox catan Tats of sed, noticing that hie Speed Isto slow ot too fast wo vn tying to conect Te conscience, if it have any, should he a goods at of ‘the bost chronometer, for both alike obey equally well the same elersal mechanic! lave-—lavs from behind.” Bat if the brain b eta the man sapere fon ar to," instond of “Trice four are eight" oF else "TF must go to te coal to buy the wha” instond of *T mast go tothe shart to by the coal” insanily there aren a coneonse teat of exon The wrong performace thoagh i bey tbe Sime mechanical law as the right, i nevertheless cone ‘Temnedcondemned as eoutrieting the inner lr—tho law from in rot, the parpose or ie for which the bra ‘ond uct, whelharit dows or no | tno hare whether these writer in dra ave done joni to all the prenion they trot of We quote their age tnsiow how thay appeal to the principle teat cs are ne for eu ex ond how alo of lla nda expresso of Bed Wt thew apt Hi a he eritenion by whist ee ti subjectmatter of his work so far as tion it” Many nervous pexornances will therefore ely lng ply physslogoaL "Nor wil bo {the warvous ayetam and angen of tense be snow. The rear will Gad in HL N, Martin's vin G. Lada's “Paysiologieal Psychol Si te olher standard Anstomiee and Paysi- bovof aforiaton which we soa gard 48 re int take for granted iv fhe promot work "Of {he foetions ef the csbral ersiaperes, however, nee Ahny ivetly enbgore sonsionenens, it wil be well to

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