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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

Chapter Table of Contents

Chapter 3.2
Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges
Aim ..................................................................................................................................................... 137
Instructional Objectives................................................................................................................... 137
Learning Outcomes .......................................................................................................................... 137
3.2.1 Non-functional Testing Methods of Mobile....................................................................... 138
(i) Performance Testing ........................................................................................................ 139
(ii) Security Testing ............................................................................................................... 141
Self-assessment Questions ..................................................................................................... 143
3.2.2 Types of Operations Testing for Mobile ............................................................................. 144
(i) Installation Testing........................................................................................................... 144
(ii) Uninstallation Testing .................................................................................................... 146
(iii) Updates Testing/ Upgrade Testing .............................................................................. 147
Self-assessment Questions ..................................................................................................... 148
3.2.3 Integration with Phone Features .......................................................................................... 149
Self-assessment Questions ..................................................................................................... 152
Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 153
Terminal Questions.......................................................................................................................... 153
Answer Keys...................................................................................................................................... 154
Activity............................................................................................................................................... 154
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................... 155
e-References ...................................................................................................................................... 155
External Resources ........................................................................................................................... 155
Video Links ....................................................................................................................................... 155

Mobile Testing | Mobile Apps Testing

Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

To equip the students with the Features and Challenges in Mobile Application Testing

Instructional Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

• Explain the performance and security concerns of non functionality testing


• Illustrate the testing operation for mobile applications

• Demonstrate the process of integrating testing app with phone features

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, you are expected to:

• Infer the performance criteria and security issues

• Process the various operations from installing to upgrading the App used for

• Process the integration of mobile app with the phone features

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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

The mobile phones are becoming the most important method of communication between the
consumers and businesses. There are thousands of apps being produced every day throughout
the world. Mobile goes ahead of smartphones and tablets. Nowadays apps are being integrated
into the cars, wearable technologies, and home appliances. The development of mobile devices
has created opportunities for organizations to incorporate them into the computing

Mobile application testing is challenging because of its compatibility. Mobile applications are
installed in many devices that differ in operating systems and its versions. Mobile emulators
and simulators are significant testing tools. They facilitate us to validate general functionality
by testing. The prime challenge in testing mobile application is the huge number of Mobile
Network Operators. Mobile application testing is unique and more complex when it is
compared to testing traditional desktop or the web applications. Mobile testing has its own set
of challenges and features. This chapter covers the Non-functional testing methods of mobile
applications which are the most challenging task for a tester.

3.2.1 Non-functional Testing Methods of Mobile

Non-functional testing is made to guarantee that the application satisfies the particular
requirements in the performance. In non-functional testing the response time is not the only
factor which is considered for performance. Various other factors like security, scalability, and
usability of the application are also considered. The term “non-functional testing” means
testing those features of an application that are not related to the user action or function.
Following are few of the non-functional operations of an application.

• Performance in normal scenarios

• Behaviour, when the system is overloaded with the users
• Stress in system
• Security concern
• Performance related variation in OS and device
• Recovery from failure

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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

The work of functional testing is to check the performance of the system. But the non-
functional testing performs the tasks which it is designed to do. The non-functional tests
authenticate the inclination of a system or subsystems. It is based on the set of constraints that
are not normally covered in functional tests. Non-functional tests check in depth into the
system. It makes sure both the hardware and software can handle heavy loads. It ensures
hacking attempts. It makes sure all of the user documentation is systematic and of use to the
end user. The expectations of the end user are taken into prime consideration. The readiness
of the complete system is verified so that it can have a great influence on the customer
satisfaction. The attributes which are tested during non-functional testing are not specific. The
testing validates the quality of the system as a whole.

The requirement of a non-functional testing is vague, but proper testing demands specific and
reasonable requirements. The client wants the system to work with high quality. But the testers
need criteria that are measurable. It is challenging to write a test case for non-functional
requirements, which needs to be specific. Let us consider, ‘the system should respond within 2
seconds during a normal load and 5 seconds during a heavy load.’ For this criteria, we need to
define what is normal load and heavy load. The functional requirements are easy to define and
explain, but the non-functional requirements are tedious. The non-functional testing ensures
the quality and standard of the product.

The types of non-functional testing are security testing,usability testing and performance
testing. security testing It authorises the safety of customer information and performance
testing. checks that the application processes under various stressors and usability testing.
evaluates navigation, flow, or comparison testing that places the system on high standards
compared to the competitors.

(i) Performance Testing

The first type of non-functional testing is performance testing. Performance testing is used to
guarantee that the response time of a system is satisfactory. The test is carried out with a
considerable load and a product size database. In performance testing, the system is tested for
the response time of the various important processes.

Performance testing is a significant part of the overall testing of your mobile application. The
performance testing mainly focuses on the response time experienced by the end‐user. It checks
whether the application is within the boundaries of acceptable performance, guarantee
customer satisfaction, and retention.

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The performance testing measures how swift the User Interface of your mobile application
responds to the input from a user. The mobile devices are different because of the performance
testing techniques used on the desktop platform. It can be re‐used in the mobile platform, but
the mobile platform recommends a wide range of new challenges. These challenges are
considered while performing testing of the application on the mobile device. The significant
difference between between the PC and mobile platforms is that mobile platforms are
batterybased. Batteries present in the mobile devices are considerably smaller than those found
in laptops. So battery utilization is an important performance measurement. Processor and
memory constraints are mostly seen on mobile platforms. Mobile devices run on many types
of processor architecture than PC devices and the processors. It requires less processing power
and has memory capacity. Testing the performance of your application, therefore, becomes
more important on the mobile platform. The network connectivity between the mobile devices
and the data centres or the cloud is more inhibited while comparing to the computer connected
to a wired network. When the overall bandwidth becomes low, the roundtrip times become
high, and the packet loss will be more recurrent. The performance testing allows you to
measure the response times of your application on different network types. It gives you an
insight into how well your application will perform on unreliable networks. The mobile devices
connect to the back‐end systems and use GSM or Wi-Fi to identify the slow and unreliable

Did you know!

Performance testing is carried out as a part of system testing as well as integration

Mobile applications are vastly available and the consumers are searching for the most excellent
and best-performing apps. So testing your mobile application is extremely important. The
mobile performance testing is fairly expensive when the testing team plans to invest in the
performance testing tools, devices, and more. Emulators and real devices are used to perform
the mobile application performance testing. These tools are equally important in mobile
application testing, but the tools are based only on the required results.

Testing Performance on Mobile Applications Using Emulators:

The Mobile emulators are software platforms, which is installed on a laptop or a desktop. It
emulates the environment of a mobile platform or Operating System virtualizing the

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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

application and executes within the Operating System. It is like that the applications are
running on a real phone, not a desktop or laptop. Even though emulators are considered to be
close to the real environment, they cannot substitute real devices. Let us consider; you are using
an emulator to test an application that utilizes the phone’s accelerometer. It is possible that the
application might not work on the real device as you expect. There also an inconsistency in the
performance of your application running on the same Operating System across different
devices – something which emulators are not able to confine.

Emulators assist the testing and development procedure to a great extent. They are useful for
authenticating functional behaviours that are not specific to the device or application. They
have the capacity to simulate situations that are difficult to recreate on a device. For example,
when you want to test how an application performs on a device with a low battery, it is easily
replicated on the emulators. The use of emulators saves money, while most of them are free of
cost. while using the emulators the prerequisite of acquiring multiple real devices and the
services plans behind them are greatly reduced.

Testing Mobile Applications Using Real Devices:

In mobile tesing mobile applications are to be tested on real devices. The tester is allowed to
physically switch from device to device to test the performance of the application. Testing a
device allows testing an application with live networks. But this type of testing doesn’t permit
to check the signal strength, latency, and bandwidth. this testing doesnt also validate the packet
lossed in multiple devices connected to the network. To test the network connectivity,
a network emulation tool is used. It is identified that testing an application on a network is
critical. Most of the applications depend on the mobile network for its operation and

One of the biggest disadvantages of using real devices is the cost. To test the application on the
basic performances, a couple of devices is sufficient. Another drawback of using a real device
is that it cannot perform the load test. To test the load of the application on a real device, you
should use many devices in different locations.

(ii) Security Testing

Security testing is a testing method to check whether the application protects data and
maintains the functionality as required. The security testing ensures the security of the systems.
So it is important to incorporate the security testing as a part of the testing process. The testing
principles in which the security testing takes into consideration are; Confidentiality, Integrity,

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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

Authentication, Authorization, Availability, and Non-Repudiation. These are the major areas
to consider in security testing.

Also, network security, system security, and application security are the other areas that have
to be tested. Security Testing makes sure that the system and applications in an organization
are free from any ambiguity. It may cause a big loss. Security testing of any system is about
identifying all possible loopholes and weaknesses of the system. It results in loss of information
at the hands of the employees or outsiders of the organization. The objective of security testing
is to recognise the threats in the system and calculate its probable vulnerabilities. It also helps
in detecting all possible safety risks in the system. It also helps the developers to fix these
problems through coding.

Types of Security Testing:

Vulnerability Scanning: This type of testing is done from end to end automated software. It
scans a system against known vulnerability signatures.

Security Scanning: This testing identifies the network and system weaknesses. It offers a
solution to reduce these risks. Security scanning performs for both Manual and Automated

Penetration testing: This type of testing replicates the attacks from a malicious hacker. This
testing analysis the potential vulnerabilities of a particular system from an external hacking

Risk Assessment: This testing involves analysing the security risks, which experiments in an
organization. Risks are categorised as Low, Medium, and High. This testing recommends the
controlling measures to reduce the risk.

Security Auditing: This is an internal inspection to the application and operating systems for
security faults. It is reviewed through line by line inspection.

Ethical hacking: It is hacking on an Organization Software system. It is unlike malicious

hackers, who steal for their profits. Ethical hacking intends to expose security flaws in the

Posture Assessment: This testing merges security scanning, ethical hacking, and risk
assessments to show an overall security posture of an organization

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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

Did you know!

The objective of security testing is to recognize the threats in the system and also to
calculate its probable vulnerabilities

Self-assessment Questions
1) __________ testing evaluates the navigation and flow.
a) Usability b) Performance
c) Load c) Security

2) The __________ testing mainly focuses on the response time experienced by the end
a) Usability b) Security
c) Load d) Performance

3) The major drawback of using a real device is that it cannot perform the __________.
a) Performance b) Usability
c) Load d) Security

4) The objective of __________ testing is to recognise the threats in the system and
calculate its probable vulnerabilities.
a) Performance b) Security
c) Load d) Usability

5) Emulators and real devices are used to perform the mobile application __________

a) Load b) Security
c) Usability d) Performance

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3.2.2 Types of Operations Testing for Mobile

(i) Installation Testing

Installation testing authenticates the smooth process of installation without having any
difficulties for the user.

Test scenario contains the comprehensive test procedure. A test scenario is a combination and
collection of many test cases, which is related to it. Before executing the test scenario, the test
cases has to be considered in each scenario. Test scenarios are a higher level organization of test
requirement grouped depending on the functionality of a module. The test scenario derives the
test cases. In simple terms, the Test scenario explains what the test is all about.

Example test scenarios:

• Validates the installation procedure to be smooth and does not take a long time.

• Confirms that the installation is successful through enterprise application store.

Installation Testing is performed to test whether the software is installed with all the essential
components and the application is working as expected. It is very significant as installation is
the first user interaction with the end users. Installation testing verifies the successful
installation and improvement or uninstallation of the software. Nowadays, the installer uses
the most common software installation programs, and it requires proper testing. There are
various methods to distribute a software. One of the methods is by using a CD. Through this
method, the software is installed from the Internet, from a network location or even it can be
pushed to the end user's machine.

Installation testing is one of the most vital parts in testing activities. It is important to make
sure that the user does not face any complexity during installation of the software. Installation
testing is like introducing a guest in your home. The new guest should be properly introduced
to all the family members to make him comfortable. Installation of new software is also quite
like the above example. If your installation is successful on the new system, then a customer
will be happy.

You can use one device for numerous attempts of installation of the installer. Each time you
should uninstall the application and prepare the base state for next test case. The program
should work fine and must be tested before uninstalling.

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Installation testing common test cases:

Diagrams 3.2.1 is showing how to perform installation testing. Flow diagrams make things
easier. The following diagram is a flow chart that explains the software testing process.

Figure 3.2.1: Flow Chart of Software Testing Process

1) In the first test case, install the basic version of the application. In the next test case,
install the full application version on the same path as it is used for a compact version.
2) The flow diagram is used to test the different files which are written to the disk during
installation. Now the same flow diagram is used in reverse order to test the
uninstallation of all the installed files on the disk.

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3) Use flow diagrams to automate the testing efforts. It is easy to convert diagrams into
automated scripts.
4) The installer scripts are tested to check the required disk space. If the installer requires
100MB disk space, then we should check whether 100MB is used or need more disk
space during the installation.
5) Tests the disk space requirements on different file system format.
6) If possible set a devoted system for creating disk images. It saves the testing time.
7) Use distributed testing environment to perform installation testing. Basically,
distributed environment saves time. It effectively manages all the different test cases
from a single machine.
8) Tests the number of files to be written to disk.
9) The software which is available in the market is used to verify registry changes on
successful installation. After installation, it authenticates the registry changes with the
expected change list.
10) Forcefully, the installation process breaks in between. Also, checks the behaviour of the
system and whether the system recovers to its original state without any problem.

(ii) Uninstallation Testing

Uninstallation testing tests whether the uninstallation process has deleted all the data related
to the application completely.

Did you know!

“Uninstallation should sweep out the data related to the App in just one go.”

Example test scenarios for uninstallation testing:

• Check whether all the application related files are removed successfully after
• The application shares the media files hold the files even after the uninstallation of the

Uninstallation testing verifies all the components of the application are erased during the
process or NOT. The files that are related to the application together with its folder structure is

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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

removed after successful uninstallation. Post-uninstallation system should be able to go back

to the constant state.

After the installation testing, the uninstallation takes place. The uninstallation test makes sure
that all the files written to the disk are removed. At certain times, the uninstallation routine
removes files from the last upgraded installation. The old version files remain untouched. The
rebooting option opts after uninstallation. The uninstallation doesn’t distract to reboot either
manually or forcefully.

(iii) Updates Testing/ Upgrade Testing

The mobile application updates should be handled with maximum caution. There are always
complaints from the end users that the application is not working satisfactorily after an
upgrade. So it is very significant for the application to qualify during the update testing. The
application should satisfy the end user even after using it. It should work even after upgrading
new elements into the application. The upgrade of the application should not break anything.
There are two ways to update the mobile application. They are Automatic Update and Manual

Example test scenarios:

• Verify that the application works successfully after the automatic update.

• Verify that the application enables the recent update features after updating.

The following are the points to consider while performing the update testing:

• The application of version 1.0 is already on the device. Now copy and paste the same
application of upgraded version. Save it as 1.1 in the SD Card.
• While choose a new app to install on the device, there will be a message alert. It will ask
whether you want to replace the existing application. For this select yes and proceed.
• Finally, verify that all the functionalities of the application are working satisfactorily.

If you have access to the source code of the application, you can increase the version code in
the manifest file to have an app of updated version. To inform Google that the app is of updated
version; changes should be made in the version code field in the manifest file. i.e. the version
1.0 has the new version 1.1. And it needs to be updated here. The Version Name field in the
manifest file is just a string which is presented to the user for user readability. Google play does
not take any action depending on version name. While considering the Mobile applications, it

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is even more vital to check on Installation/Uninstallation/Update of the mobile application.

The mobile users are impatient while using the mobile applications.

Self-assessment Questions
6) __________ testing is performed to test whether the software has been installed with
all the essential components and the application is working as expected.
a) Installation b) Performance
c) Uninstallation d) Security

7) The flow diagrams are used to perform __________ testing.

a) Performance b) Security
c) Uninstallation d) Installation

8) __________ testing has to test whether the process has deleted all the data related to
the application completely.
a) Security b) Installation
c) Uninstallation d) Performance

9) Mobile application updates are done only using a manual update.

a) True b) False

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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

3.2.3 Integration with Phone Features

The mobile phone software is updated periodically with their respective operating systems. The
new version is released over the network. The end users have to download them manually.
Updates for mobile phones normally add great new features. It fixes the faults, which are
present in the existing versions.

Normally, applications are called as apps. They are the explicit pieces of software that are
downloaded to improve a mobile phone’s functionality. They could be a calendar, organizer
apps, games, or amp reading tools. Its potentialities are limitless. One of the great things about
apps is that they allow you to modify the functionality of your phone as you like. The device is
chosen with a widespread selection of apps, and you’ll never be bored of your phone ever again.

The features of the device which is integrated with the mobile applications are:

Clarification on connectivity features (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Infrared, USB):

Bluetooth is the Wireless technology that assists the data exchange among devices which is in
short distances or about 10 metres range. For this, the devices need not be in sight of each other.
The devices are to be paired first to communicate and to ensure security/privacy.

Wi-Fi is the wireless technology that connects a device to the Internet when they are within the
range of a Wireless Network. The range of a Wi-Fi network is far better than that of Infrared
or Bluetooth. Example: Campus-wide Wi-Fi provides Wireless Internet access across the entire

USB data cable is used to connect a laptop with a cell phone. The data cable is used to transfer
data and internet connectivity.

The generation: 2G, 3G or 4G

Only voice calls were possible before the second generation of mobile phones. 2G introduces
the data services (SMS/email) using digital encryption. While comparing to 3G, 2G phones
offer a longer battery life, but it has only limited data broadcast capabilities. 3G offers greater
security than 2G. The data transmission is faster in 3G, which results in much faster uploads
and downloads. 3G is expensive when compared to 2G and 4G is costlier than 3G. Depending
on the carrier/service provider, 4G is five times the download speed of 3G. A three-hour movie

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is downloaded in about just 10 minutes and 5 minutes song in about 3 seconds. You can expect
an even faster download of songs and videos.

The Screen display / SIMs / Battery:

The length of the screen size should be at least 5.5 inches diagonally. It is in case the mobile
device is used to do lots of internet browsing and to watch movies. While considering the screen
resolution, higher the resolution, better will be the quality of the display.

Dual Sim phones possess two SIM cards. It is used if you need to receive calls using two
different mobile numbers.

While considering the battery, it is better to opt for Lithium Ion battery, which has a minimum
of 3000 mAh. as Mobile Devices require 4000 mAh or higher batteries to last the whole day.
The 4G mobile devices have a shorter battery life than 3G phones. Likewise, the 3G phone
batteries, in turn, have shorter battery life than 2G phones.

The Network: GSM or CDMA

GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communications. It is the most broadly used cell
phone technology. Mobile phones use the service providers and GSM networks by searching
the network in the nearby area. The SIM card, which acts as the digital identity is attached to
your mobile phone service providers’ network rather than to the handset itself. The SIM card
permits an easy exchange between one phone to the another without activating any new cell
phone service. GSM uses digital technology and is second-generation (2G) cell phone system.

CDMA (Code-Division Multiple Access) is a channel access technique used by various radio
communication technologies. CDMA is compatible with mobile technologies. It permits
nationwide roaming. The foremost application for code division multiplexing is in GPS. This
is distinctive for the use of mobile phones. The UMTS 3G mobile phone standard uses W-

CDMA phones have fewer call drops. The voice clearness is advanced when it is related to GSM
service. But CDMA does not make possible international roaming like GSM service. While
using the CDMA, you can't change the service provider and should continue with the same
handset. But it is vice versa in using the GSM. You can change the service provider as you like.
The battery usage of CDMA phones is more relative to GSM. Choice of handsets is limited for

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CDMA while you have a wider range of choice selection for GSM. CDMA and GSM are
incompatible networks. You can't take a CDMA phone and use it on GSM or vice versa.

Music, Camera and Video features

Using a 3.5 mm headphone jack, you can listen to songs with standard headphones. Avoid 2.5
mm jack as you need an adapter to use quality headphones. It is better to choose a phone that
supports stereo Bluetooth wireless headphones. If you love music, you can check for FM Radio
and MP3 player support features.

Still Photos / Camera Resolution / Image Stabilization:

The image stabilization is used to reduce the blurred images due to shaky hands while taking
photos. Resolution is the amount of detail a camera can capture and is measured in pixels. If
you are intended to take a lot of photos, you should ensure that the phone has a 'flash.'
Otherwise, the indoor/ night pictures will not be pleasant. The phone with less than 2-mega
pixel (MP) cameras are ignored. Because nowadays 5 MP & above are becoming common.

Videos are captured in high definition. 1080p captures best videos but comes bundled only
with high-end phones. Some mobile phones have front-facing cameras. You can choose the
front camera if you want to make video calls. To capture worthy videos, basic handsets offer
640-by-480 pixel videos, at 30 frames per second. While the high end smartphones offer 720p
(1280-by-720 pixel) or 1080p (1920-by-1080 pixel) (HD) high-definition recording.

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Self-assessment Questions
10) The phone __________ Mega Pixel (MP) camera are the most commonly used.
a) 3 b) 4
c) 2 d) 5

11) Using a __________ mm headphone jack, you can listen to songs with standard
a) 2.5 b) 4.5
c) 6.5 d) 3.5

12) __________ is the wireless technology that assists data exchange among devices over
short distances or about 10 metres range.
a) Bluetooth b) Wifi
c) Infrared d) Internet

13) __________ introduces the data services (SMS/email) using digital encryption.
a) 2G b) 3G
c) 4G d) 5G

152 Mobile Apps Testing | Mobile Testing

Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

o The term “non-functional testing” means testing those features of an application
that are not related to the user action or function.

o The requirement of a non-functional testing is vague, but proper testing demands

specific and reasonable requirements.

o Performance testing is used to guarantee that the response time of a system is


o The performance testing measures how swift the user interface of your mobile
application responds to the input from a user.

o Testing the performance of your application is more important on the mobile


o Even though emulators are considered to be close to the real environment, they
cannot substitute real devices.

o Emulators assist the testing and development procedure to a great extent.

o Testing a device allows testing an application with live networks.

o Security Testing makes sure that the system and application in an organization are
free from any ambiguity, which causes a big loss.

o Installation testing is one of the most vital parts of testing activities.

o There are two ways to update the mobile application. They are automatic
update and manual update.

o Applications are normally called as apps. They are the explicit pieces of software
that are downloaded to improve a mobile phone’s functionality.

Terminal Questions
1) Explain the security testing in detail.
2) Explain the types of operations testing for mobile operations.
3) Describe the concept of integration of the mobile device.

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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges

Answer Keys
Self-assessment Questions
Question Answer
1 a

2 d

3 c

4 b

5 d

6 a

7 d

8 c

9 b

10 d

11 d

12 a

13 a

Activity Type: Offline Duration: 30 Minutes


Write a note on test cases in order to test UI features for the application developed.

154 Mobile Apps Testing | Mobile Testing

Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges


• Agile Development Methods for Mobile Applications. Retrieved from
• Why Mobile Apps Testing is Different from Desktop and Web. Retrieved from
AUTOMATION. (2016) (1st ed.). Retrieved from

External Resources
• Appel, F. Testing with JUnit, Packet publishing Limited, 2015
• Knott, Daniel. Hands-On Mobile App Testing. Wesley Professional 2015

• Schwarz, R., Dutson, P., & Steele, J. The Android Developer's Cookbook: Building
Applications with the Android SDK ,Pearson(2nd ed).

Video Links

Topic Link

Types of operations testing for
mobile applications

How to integrate testing App with
phone features
QC integration with See Test
Automation testing tool for mobile

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Mobile Application Testing: Features and Challenges


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