Competency Performance Review (Huong)

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Competency Performance Review

What do the ratings mean?

5 Top Performer The employee has significantly exceeded expectations and is performing well above their current position.
4 Exceeds Expectations The employee has performed above average and stretched themself to achieve positive feedback and ratings.
3 Meets Expectations The employee has performed on par with their colleagues, and as per expectations for their role/position.
2 Needs Improvement The employee has performed below average. Focus should be placed on identifying measures to improve performance.
1 Significantly Underperforms The employee has significantly underperformed in this performance period, and a performance improvement plan should be implemented as soon as possible.

Competency Performance Review

Employee Name Nguyen Thi Thu Huong Reviewer Name
Department Marketing Review Date
Competency Level Date of Last Review

Core Competencies Yourself

Rate and comment on how this individual has demonstrated their Rating Weighting Comments
performance according to the company competencies.

Technical Ability 3 20% vẫn đáp ứng tốt

Communication 3 20% sau một thời gian đã đỡ =ngợp thông tin, hiểu đươc cách thể hiện ý của mọi ng.
Teamwork 4 20% Kỹ năng tự tin nhất
Commercial Awareness 2 15%
Presentation Skills 3 10% sẽ mất bình tĩnh lúc ban đâu fkhi present trực tiếp
Project Management 2 10% cần học thêm, cần có nhìn tổng quan về dự án
target về kiến thức branding, ngành (hospitality, ratiel) = đang thiếu trải nhiệm
Self Development 2 5%
nên cần thêm nhiều trải nghiệm

Business Development 2 0% 0

Strategic Planning 3 0% Sắp xếp mọi việc logic nhất có thể trong khả năng của mình.
Leadership 3 0% có hiểu và có khả năng

General Comments

Overall Performance Rating 2.90

Core Competencies Associate

Rate and comment on how this individual has demonstrated their Rating Weighting Comments
performance according to the company competencies.

Technical Ability 15%

Communication 15%
Teamwork 15%
Commercial Awareness 15%
Presentation Skills 15%
Project Management 10%
Self Development 10%
Business Development 5%
Strategic Planning 0%
Leadership 0%

General Comments

Overall Performance Rating 0.00

Core Competencies Director

Rate and comment on how this individual has demonstrated their

Rating Weighting Comments
performance according to the company competencies.

Technical Ability 5%
có sense trogn việc thấu hiểu vấn đề, con người và hiểu được cách vận hành
Communication 10% cuộc sống xung quanh mình.

Teamwork 5% ok
Commercial Awareness 15%
Presentation Skills 10% vì nói quá nhanh , nên dễ bị lướt qua ý trọng điểm.
Project Management 5% có tố chất vfi mạch lạc trogn cách giải quyết vấn đề
Self Development 5% tốt
Business Development 15%
Strategic Planning 15% có rất nhiều khả năng vì tư duy mạch lạc
Leadership 15% tốt có tố chất

General Comments

Overall Performance Rating 0.00

Core Competencies Managing Director

Rate and comment on how this individual has demonstrated their
performance according to the company competencies. Rating Weighting Comments

Technical Ability 5%
Communication 5%
Teamwork 5%
Commercial Awareness 10%
Presentation Skills 5%
Project Management 5%
Self Development 5%
Business Development 20%
Strategic Planning 20%
Leadership 20%

General Comments

Overall Performance Rating 0.00

Objectives & Outcomes Performance Review
What do the ratings mean?

Objectives and Outcomes Performance Review

Employee Name
Role Title

Goals and Objectives

List name & detail objectives indicate has gained since the first date in Phamdtran/Ziva (or one year) til
For each objective, indicate achieved/not achieved with comments.

1: Start with an intern position and be considered to be a full-time employee

2: Receiving feedback and mentorship
3:Enhance knowledge & skills in branding

Company Values
Describe how this individual has demonstrated the Company Core Values in their work, attitude and

Takes ownership of their deliverables; admits mistakes

Demonstrates respect for colleagues and takes on outside opinions

Shows dedication to the company and a passion to succeed
Is willing to question the status quo; gives meaningful feedback

Provides outstanding service to clients

General Assessment

What's been going well and why?

What could be improved and why?

What is your archivement in this year?

Overall Performance Rating

Final Signatures
e Review

Top Performer The employee has significantly exceeded expectations and is performing well above the
Exceeds Expectations The employee has performed above average and stretched themself to achieve positive
Meets Expectations The employee has performed on par with their colleagues, and as per expectations for th
Needs Improvement The employee has performed below average. Focus should be placed on identifying me
Significantly Underperforms The employee has significantly underperformed in this performance period, and a perfor

Select rating Select your overall performance rating from the drop-down list

Nguyen Thi Thu Thuong Reviewer Name

Marketing Review Date
Intern Senior Date of Last Review

Employee Assessment

Achieved / Not Achieved Comments

Not Achieved On-going

Not Achieved On-going

Enter your written description in the text box below

I try to finish my task in the best way and avoid unnecessary mistakes. However, I
still have many things to learn and I can't totally guarantee that the work is on the
right track, I try to double check with my partners and consult everyone. Therefore,
I am willing to admit the mistakes and find a way to fix it

I think every employee in Phamdtran/Ziva has their own strengths. I respect and
often look at their strengths and experiences to learn new things. I am willing to
listen to their feedbacks and carefully consider it to improve my perfomance at

In Phamdtran I have opportunities to directly involve in various projects, which

contribute to my professional growth. Therefore, I get excited about work and also
try to bring the best outcomes for the project.
I am ready to question the status quo and give meaningful feedbacks to contribute
to the best outcomes of the project

I'll state my performace won't be perfect all the time, but they'll be as good as
feasible within the provided time period

Enter your written assessment in the text box below

Clear directions of every project in which I involve thanks to instruction form my

boss and colleagues. We are also ready to support each other. Therefore, when
the going gets tough, the tough get going

My basic knowledge in branding, hospitality as well as other fields relating to my

scope of work. I also think I need to improve my research skill and learn how to do
account-releated tasks.

Master the jobs of a branding strategist. Acquiring knowledge about the industry.
Completing assigned projects.

- 0

Employee signature Nguyen Thi Thu Huong

Date 27.04.2023
d expectations and is performing well above their current position.
rage and stretched themself to achieve positive feedback and ratings.
h their colleagues, and as per expectations for their role/position.
rage. Focus should be placed on identifying measures to improve performance.
formed in this performance period, and a performance improvement plan should be implemented as soon as possible.

om the drop-down list

Reviewer Assessment

Achieved / Not Achieved Comments

mong muốn có sự chủ động trong các dự án


Enter your written description in the text box below



Enter your written assessment in the text box below

CHị open cho mọi câu hỏi nhé

Cần di chơi nhiều hơn với các cung đường khác với cung đường hiện tại :)

Rất vui khi thấy em yêu thích mảng thương hiệu

- 0

Reviewer signature Thảo

Date Apr 29 2023

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