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Competency Performance Review

What do the ratings mean?

5 Top Performer The employee has significantly exceeded expectations and is performing well above their current position.
4 Exceeds Expectations The employee has performed above average and stretched themself to achieve positive feedback and ratings.
3 Meets Expectations The employee has performed on par with their colleagues, and as per expectations for their role/position.
2 Needs Improvement The employee has performed below average. Focus should be placed on identifying measures to improve performance.
1 Significantly Underperforms The employee has significantly underperformed in this performance period, and a performance improvement plan should be implemented as soon as possible.

Competency Performance Review

Employee Name Vũ Hoàng Cường Reviewer Name
Department Design Review Date
Competency Level Meets Expectations Date of Last Review

Core Competencies Yourself

Rate and comment on how this individual has demonstrated their Rating Weighting Comments
performance according to the company competencies.

Technical Ability 4 5% nhiều ký năng có thể thực hiện, đa dạng, và train cho các bạn
Communication 3 10% chưa thể nêu rõ hơn ý tưởng của mình
Teamwork 4 15% good
Commercial Awareness 3 5% Chưa có cơ hội để đánh giá
Presentation Skills 3 10% tự tin
Project Management 3 10%
Self Development 3 10% có tiến bộ rõ nét
Business Development 2 5%
Strategic Planning 2 15%
Leadership 3 15%

General Comments

Overall Performance Rating 3.00

Core Competencies Associate

Rate and comment on how this individual has demonstrated their
Rating Weighting Comments
performance according to the company competencies.

Technical Ability 3 15%

Communication 15%
Teamwork 15%
Commercial Awareness 15%
Presentation Skills 15%
Project Management 10%
Self Development 10%
Business Development 5%
Strategic Planning 0%
Leadership 0%

General Comments

Overall Performance Rating 0.45

Core Competencies Director

Rate and comment on how this individual has demonstrated their

performance according to the company competencies. Rating Weighting Comments

Cường có talent nhưng đang explore, soon will be good design, cần để ý detail
Design Ability 4 5% tron gkhi thiết kế, đồng thời cần tỉnh táo trong khi nghĩ ý tưởng để ko bị cuốn
vào tiểu tiết mà quên đi ý chính mình cần khai thác.
Communication 4 10% lạc quan dễ có thành công, ko ngại va chạm để thành công, hoà đồng và chia sẻ.
Teamwork 4 15% good
Commercial Awareness 2 5% chưa có cơ hôi để tiếp xúc khách hàng đối tác
Presentation Skills 2 10% có tự tin, nhưng chưa có nhiều kinh nghiệm => có thể tiến bộ nhanh
Project Management 3 10% có thể yên tâm với việc giao 1 dự án hoàn chỉnh trong tương lai gần
Self Development 3 10% willing to learn
Business Development 2 5% Chưa có cơ hội tiếp xúc, chưa bộc lộ rõ tố chất
Strategic Planning 2 15% Chưa bộc lộ rõ tố chất
tốt , có tố chất lãnh đạo và quản lý đối với các task vừa phải, cần thể hiện nhiều
Leadership 3 15%
hơn và chủ động hơn trong việc đảm nhận trách nhiệm cho các việc lớn hơn.

General Comments

Overall Performance Rating 2.95

Objectives & Outcomes Performance Review
What do the ratings mean?

Objectives and Outcomes Performance Review

Employee Name
Role Title

Goals and Objectives

List name & detail objectives indicate has gained since the first date in
Phamdtran/Ziva (or one year) til now
For each objective, indicate achieved/not achieved with comments.

1: Design Skills & Design Thinking

2: Brand Strategy

3: Communication Skills

4: Team work Skills

5: Time Management

6: Illustration skills
7: Clearer creative vision

Company Values
Describe how this individual has demonstrated the Company Core Values in
their work, attitude and delivery.

Takes ownership of their deliverables; admits mistakes

Demonstrates respect for colleagues and takes on outside opinions

Shows dedication to the company and a passion to succeed

Is willing to question the status quo; gives meaningful feedback

Provides outstanding service to clients

General Assessment

What's been going well and why?

What could be improved and why?

What is your archivement in this year?

Overall Performance Rating

Final Signatures
erformance Review

Top Performer The employee has significantly exceeded expectations and is performing well above their
Exceeds Expectations The employee has performed above average and stretched themself to achieve positive f
Meets Expectations The employee has performed on par with their colleagues, and as per expectations for th
Needs Improvement The employee has performed below average. Focus should be placed on identifying meas
Significantly Underperforms The employee has significantly underperformed in this performance period, and a perform

Select rating Select your overall performance rating from the drop-down list

Vũ Hoàng Cường Reviewer Name

Design Review Date
Executive Date of Last Review

Employee Assessment

Achieved / Not Achieved Comments

Intermediate: I need to obtain more materials

Achieved related to art and design for better generating
concepts and achieve advanced skills

Intermediate: I need to enhance my skills in

Achieved data analysis and market research to achieve
advanced skills

I would like to enhance my ability to ask

Achieved effective questions and provide constructive

I would like to control my ego and emotion


I would like to manage my work time and

Achieved personal time better

I am interested in learning about the principles

of illustration and coloring in order to improve
Not Achieved
my design skills and provide better service to
I am looking to achive a clearer creative vision
throughout each design concept and develop
Not Achieved
my ability to generate new and innovative

Enter your written description in the text box below

I am accountable for all assigned tasks and am willing to realize and fix any
mistakes to enhance collaboration in the workplace.

I respect my colleagues' personalities and abilities.

I'm willing to put in extra effort and work beyond my job description to achieve

I willing to question to get to the root of a problem because I seek opportunities to

learn and improve both of my soft and hard skills

I'm committed to providing excellent customer service and will go above and
beyond to ensure customer satisfaction

Enter your written assessment in the text box below

I am able to use my current skill set to handle a wide range of tasks and production
needs during the creative process, which has been beneficial for increasing

I need to have a broader perspective before starting work and conducting brand
strategy research to come up with the best possible solutions. Otherwise, to
enhance our creativity as a branding agency, it would be beneficial to host more
workshops covering different topics to expand our knowledge and understanding
of different concepts.

I am committed to putting in all my efforts to advance to the position of a senior


- 0
Employee signature

Date April 27 2023

expectations and is performing well above their current position.
age and stretched themself to achieve positive feedback and ratings.
h their colleagues, and as per expectations for their role/position.
age. Focus should be placed on identifying measures to improve performance.
ormed in this performance period, and a performance improvement plan should be implemented as soon as possible.

om the drop-down list

Reviewer Assessment

Achieved / Not Achieved Comments

Achieved you need more experience and explore

Happy to see you are interested in this because

it can be helpful for your create part, the more
Not Achieved
you understand well all problems, the easier
you can sold by creativity

We expect you are more proactive by asking

Not Achieved and sharing your questions, ideas & solutions

We appreciate anyone who willing to open,

share their personal opinion in the respectful
way. So you can express your voice for better
work / project.

Achieved Can be better and be more focus

you can learrn from other team member or

propose a course for illustrator, we support you
Phải nghĩ ra nhiều cách design. Để ý nhữngg sp
đẹpm phân tích và phân loại để ngấm dần và dễ
hình thành phong cách hơn.

Enter your written description in the text box below

tổt lắm

tổt lắm

you have responsible for all tasks that you were assigned

good to know, after raising question, try to answer it and share to others

wow, we will let you work with customers in the future

Enter your written assessment in the text box below

your strength is learn so fast , very clever and positive. Keep going

We try to have more activities for you guys, to improve the skills, netwworking,
experiences. We can di it together more and more in the future.

soon you will be there, no doubt

- 0
Reviewer signature


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