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Republic of the Philippines


Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
ISO Email Address:
CERTIFIED Trunkline: (054) 881-6681

Name : Alyssa A. Esgana Year/Section : BSED ENGLISH-1A

Task 3. Dig Deeper. Read more about Philippine English (PE) and supply
information on the Following:
1. Relate the need for Philippine English to societal and community
needs. Do you think it is helpful for Filipinos to continué speaking and
using Philippine English?

Yes, it is helpful for Filipinos to continue speaking and using English because,
technically, we have been using and being exposed to it since day one, so it’s
not very new to us. Philippine English is certainly convenient to us Filipinos due
to the fact that we often hear it and mostly use it. Using Philippine English is an
effective way to communicate and make the conversation smooth and natural.
Therefore, if we stop speaking and using Philippine English, it’s like losing our
tongue, and freedom of speech is nowhere to be seen in the picture.
Considering that Philippine English is our second official language.

2. Is Philippine English “wronging” English? Explain your answer.

Philippine English is not “wronging” English because, just like American English,
British English, and every other Englishes in the world, it serves its purpose(s)
for everyone and it’s all part of the same story. And by means of purposes, I
mean it is commonly used by everyone, whether personal or social media, and
it can be both formal and informal. Philippine English is not wrong because it
still follows American English spelling and grammar rules. And even if it’s wrong,
which is not Philippine English, is legitimate and acceptable.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
ISO Email Address:
CERTIFIED Trunkline: (054) 881-6681

Name : Alyssa A. Esgana Year/Section : BSED ENGLISH-1A

Task 3. Types of animal communication.

Complete the table below.

Communication type Description Example

Chemical communication use Snakes use their forked

to mark territory. They leave tongues to “taste” or collect
pheromones, or chemical pheromones of prey animals
Chemical Communication marks behind. Some animals that are in the air.
leave scent posts to mark
their territory. A scent post is The Canada lynx also leaves a
something that is marked by scent post. It will urinate on
an animal with its scent. trees and tree trunks.
Auditory communication is An alligator roars, slaps his
the sound an animal makes. head against the water, taps
The sound may be one that the nose of the female,
Auditory Communication comes from the animal, or it nudges her, and shoves up
may be a sound an animal against her to get her
makes when it interacts with attention.
an object.
Visual communication in When wolves (and dogs) want
animals is based on visible to show dominance they
signals. Few of these visual stare at each other, raise their
Visual Communication communication forms might fur and bare their teeth. This
not seem obvious at first lets the other wolf or dog
glance, but with close know that they want to be the
inspection, you will be able to top, or dominant, animal.
understand them
Tactile communication is Monkeys and apes who love
called a common form of to pick bugs off each other to
animal communication due to display affection.
mating reasons. That way,
tactile communication Mother tigers lick and nuzzle
Tactile Communication definitely occurs among every their babies.
species of animal that goes
through heat. Tactile Chimpanzee’s groom each,
communication requires other, and bear cubs wrestle
touching and the participants with each other.
to be nearby.


Read more about non-human communication and other modern researches concerning
animal language and communication. Then summarize your insights.

If someone asked you what separates humans from other animals, one of the first things that
would probably come to mind is language. Language is so fundamental to human life that it’s
hard to imagine what life would be like without it. In fact, the original term for language referred
to it as part of the body—language is derived from the Latin word lingua, meaning tongue.
Barnett highlights the inseparability of language from man when he says, “Verbal communication
is a condition of the existence of human society.”

But at the same time, other animals also communicate. Animal languages are forms of non-
human animal communication that show similarities to human language. Animals communicate
through a variety of signs, such as sounds or movements. Signing among animals may be
considered complex enough to be a form of language if the inventory of signs is large. Non-human
communication is the way anything non-human communicates without the use of words. For
example, your cat may let you know when its hungry, ants use pheromones and sound to indicate
social status and distress, bees dance to tell one another where to find honey, and chimpanzees
can learn sign language.

As a future English teacher, prepare a set of classroom experiences for every language function.

Language Functional Classroom Experiences/Activities

Instrumental I’ll make sure I have the materials needed

inside the classroom.
Regulatory I will implement a classroom rules that
everyone should follow.
Interactional At least once or twice a month, I will group
my students to do some activity.
Personal Students are required to write a journal
about their weekdays.
After my discussion, I’ll make sure to ask
Heuristic them, what’s the significance of our topic
Imaginative Students will be the teacher and I will be the
Representational Students are allowed to ask a questions if
there’s something they can’t understand
about the topic.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
ISO Email Address:
CERTIFIED Trunkline: (054) 881-6681

Name : Alyssa A. Esgana Year/Section : BSED ENGLISH-1A

A. Achieve the appropriate tone by revising the message below.

1. Boss, I missed work yesterday and I am worried about what I have to do when I get back.
I was too sick to report for work. Email me the soft copy of the transactions yesterday so
I could prepare’a report of it. Let me know if there are other things I have missed due to
my absence.

I am writing this letter to apologize for being absent yesterday without any prior notice
or leave request. The reason behind my absence was that I was feeling unwell, which is
why I’m afraid I can’t report to work. And I would be delighted if you could email me the
soft copy of the transaction from yesterday so I could prepare a report about it. And
please let me know if there are other things I have missed due to my absence. Thank you.

2. Hi Ma’am, How are you doing? Here is my assignment for yesterday’s class. I am sending
it via email because I am not certain if I can, attend our class. I’m terribly coughing. If you
don’t see me tomorrow, I am certainly very sick.

Good day, ma’am. How are you? I am Alyssa A. Esgana from BSED English-1A, one of your
students in Purposive Communication, and here is my assignment for yesterday’s class. I
will be sending it to you via email because I’m afraid I can’t attend for tomorrow’s class.
The reason behind my absence is that I am feeling unwell and have been coughing terribly.
B. Prepare specific interview questions for your district representative concerning his 6-year
plan for the province/district, his vision, proposals etc.

• How certain are you that you can fulfill your duty as district representative?
• Do you believe that you can implement and execute all your plans the way you see it?
• What are the qualities you think you have that will surely help you as a representative?
• What inspire you to serve this district?
• How did you come up with this vision of yours for our district?
• In your sixth year as district representative, I would like to know how you see our district
six years from now.

C. Write an email regarding an inquiry asking for more details about the public service
announcement below and send it to your teacher’s email. Print a copy of the same email
on a short bond paper and submit it to your teacher.

10 slots available for scholarship grants for college education

Candidate requirements
Weighted average: 87
Age: 17-20
Combined Income of parents should not be more than P500,000 annually
Income Tax Return both parents

Benefits include the following:

100% free tuition and miscellaneous fees
P10,000 for book allowance
P P10,000 allowance per semester
Good day, Ma’am Sir,

I am Alyssa Esgana, a first year college student taking up a Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture. I have heard
about the scholarship grants for college students and, as a college student who's
financially unstable, I am more than happy to assist myself to accomplish all the
requirements to be submitted.

As one of the applicants, I'm looking forward to being one out of ten fortunate college
students to benefit from your said program, but in order for that to happen, I would like
to know more about the other specific and important details for applying for a
scholarship, aside from what's stated in the announcement. Like, what exactly are you
looking for as a scholar? When will the application begin and end? Where or how are
we going to submit our applications? And if I were chosen, do I need to submit other
requirements and what are they? How about the rules and conditions I need to follow
and if I break them, what would happen?

I would be grateful if you let me know about the details I am requesting about the.
scholarship grants. You can contact me via email: or you can
message me on my Facebook account. Alyssa Esgana. Thank you.


Alyssa Esgana

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