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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple.

a. Mr. and Mrs. Jones _______ (live) here.

b. My friends and I ______________ (not/study) Russian at school.
c. ________ your parents _________ (work) in a shop?
d. My father ________ (work) in London.
e. _______ the artist _______ (take) photos of his drawings?
f. She ___________ (not/live) in Buenos Aires.
g. _______ Sue _______ (want) a sandwich?
h. He __________ (watch) TV every afternoon.
i. Sam ____________ (not/ have) lunch at 1 pm.
j. We _____________ (not/live) in a very big house.
k. My sister ____________ (want) a bike for her birthday.
l. What ______ he _______ (play)?
m. My brother ___________ (not/speak) French.
n. Maria ___________ (go) to Spain for her holidays.
o. _______ they ________ (have) a new car?

2 Circle the correct words

1. I DON’T / DOESN’T live here.

2. DO / DOES your sister work in a factory?
3. My friend and I WORK / WORKS in a shop on Saturdays.
4. Do they STUDY /STUDIES languages at school?
5. Where does John LIVE / LIVES?

3 Complete the questions and answers.

0 ______ Zac speak Spanish?

Yes, he _________

1 __________ they come from London?

Yes, they __________.

2 __________ you work in an office?

No, I __________.

3 __________ Julian take photos of his drawings?

Yes, he __________.

4 __________ your parents speak English?

No, they __________.

5 __________ she like Tom Cruise?

No, she __________.

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