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Languages Discipline, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education

LAN4107 E&C: Reports

Notional Learning Package (15%)

Notes to Students

Deadline: 1 April 2023 (Sat, 11:55pm)

1. Why are you required to complete the Notional Learning Package (NLP)?
The Notional Learning Package aims to facilitate your independent language
learning through online language practices.

2. What is in this NLP?

 Net Languages: English for Work (LAN4107 Reports – Pre-advanced)
 Net Languages is an e-learning platform and the LAN4107 Reports course
offers instructions, samples, exercises and tests to sharpen your report
writing skills;
 The results of Tests 1 to 6 and the Final Test (100 questions in total) will be
used for your NLP grade;
 The access link is available in the LAN4107 Moodle course.

3. Advice from your teacher

 Check your access to Net Languages and report to your teacher immediately
if there is any problem;
 Take responsibility for your own learning by planning your work well in
 Complete all tasks;
 Submit the NLP according to the schedule assigned;
 Never copy from any sources or other students when completing your tasks.

You are strongly advised to complete and submit your work well before
the deadline as the system may become overloaded close to the
deadline. Late submission due to system overload will normally not be

LAN4107_NLP Notes to Ss_FT

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