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Title No. 119-S79

Size Effect on Stress-Strain Model of Carbon Fiber-

Reinforced Polymer Transverse Steel Reinforcement-
Confined Concrete
by Yun Tian, Jikai Zhou, Fengtong Bi, and Xiyao Zhao

The stress-strain relationship of concrete with carbon fiber- Most models for FRP-confined concrete columns are
reinforced polymer (CFRP) and transverse steel reinforcement limited to a specific confining material and do not consider
(TSR) is characterized by size effect. Uniaxial compression tests of the confinement contribution from the internal transverse
CFRP-TSR-confined reinforced concrete cylinders in different sizes steel reinforcement. In actual engineering, it is too conserva-
under different confinements were carried out. It was found that
tive to ignore the restraint effect of internal transverse rein-
the stress-strain relationship of CFRP-TSR-confined reinforced
forcement when repairing the damaged concrete columns.
concrete has a noticeable size effect and constraint effect. The defor-
mation capacity of confined concrete improves with the increase of Most of the existing FRP-confined models are not suitable
constraint. When the specimen size is small, ductility improvement for FRP-TSR-confined conditions.
is more evident due to the constraint effect. The confining effect of To date, more attention has been paid to the stress-strain
CFRP and TSR cannot be linearly superimposed, and the interac- relationship of TSR-FRP-confined concrete. A few avail-
tion must be considered to reflect the enhanced development of the able models are suitable to represent the uniaxial behavior
combined constraint. A stress-strain model of CFRP-TSR-confined of TSR-FRP-confined concrete columns, most of which
reinforced concrete considering size effect is proposed. It has been have applicable restrictions on the type of column cross
proven to be applicable for single CFRP or TSR-confined condi- section.17-23 Some scholars24-28 proposed a unified stress-
tions and verified by existing literature data. strain model for circular and square/rectangular sections,
Keywords: carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP); reinforced concrete
and the model presented by Eid and Paultre28 is suitable for
cylinders; size effect; stress-strain model; transverse steel reinforcement. concrete confined either internally with TSR or externally
with FRP, or both. Meanwhile, it should be noted that size
INTRODUCTION effect is not considered in these stress-strain models, and
Lateral restraint can improve the strength and ductility of the relative confining pressure of TSR and FRP are linearly
concrete members. In addition to transverse steel reinforce- superimposed.
ment (TSR), which is an effective material to provide lateral Zhou et al.29 carried out experimental research on the
restraint, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are bearing capacity of carbon FRP (CFRP)-TSR-confined rein-
also widely used to strengthen existing reinforced concrete forced concrete cylinders and established a strength model
columns. considering size effect, which is suitable for TSR, CFRP,
Since the 1980s, scholars1-4 have paid close attention to and CFRP-TSR constraint conditions. This paper continues
the bearing capacity of FRP-confined concrete columns and to focus on the stress-strain relationship of CFRP-TSR-
established strength models for them. However, there has confined reinforced concrete under uniaxial compression.
been no uniform conclusion on the strength size effect of Uniaxial compression tests were carried out on different
FRP-confined concrete. In some experimental results,5-10 the sizes of CFRP-TSR-confined reinforced concrete cylinders
FRP-confined specimens did not exhibit obvious strength under different confinements, based on which a stress-strain
size effect, while some other scholars11,12 proposed that the model of CFRP-TSR-confined concrete is proposed, and
size effect on the compressive strength could not be ignored its main parameters give consideration to the size effect of
and put forward strength models of FRP-confined concrete concrete.
columns with varying specimen sizes.
In addition, size effect has also been considered in some RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
classical stress-strain models, such as the strength reduction At present, there are few researches on the stress-strain
factor,13,14 though the factor cannot reflect the nonlinear relationship of confined concrete with TSR and FRP. To
characteristics of bearing and deformation capacity of spec- understand the factors influencing size effect, the exper-
imens with the size variation. Jin et al.15,16 put forward a imental study on uniaxial compression performance
stress-strain model of TSR-confined concrete under uniaxial
compression considering size effect. Zhou et al.12 established ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 4, July 2022.
MS No. S-2021-045.R2, doi: 10.14359/51734654, received November 3, 2021, and
a modified stress-strain model of FRP-confined concrete reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
considering size effect. obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Structural Journal/July 2022 85

Table 1—Geometric details of reinforced concrete cylinders
Specimens d, mm h, mm Unconfined concrete strength, MPa Steel reinforcement ρcc, % ρst, % CFRP layers
SL0-3 150 300 28.89 3ϕ8 + ϕ6/50 1.78 2.31 0 to 3
SH0-3 150 300 28.89 3ϕ8 + ϕ6/75 1.78 1.54 0 to 3
ML0-3 190 380 25.43 3ϕ10 + ϕ8/65 1.49 2.31 0 to 3
MH0-3 190 380 25.43 3ϕ10 + ϕ8/98 1.49 1.54 0 to 3
LH0-3 240 480 21.03 2ϕ12 + 1ϕ14 + ϕ10/75 1.34 2.31 0 to 3

Note: ρcc is ratio of area of longitudinal reinforcement to area of core of section; ρst is ratio of volume of transverse confining steel to volume of confined concrete core. Unconfined
concrete strength was determined according to Chinese code (GB 50081-2019). 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 MPa = 145 psi.

Fig. 1—Reinforced concrete cylinder details.

of FRP-TSR-confined reinforced concrete columns is Specimens
conducted to establish a more reasonable and accurate theo- In the present test, a total of 20 sets of reinforced concrete
retical model and related design methods. The stress-strain cylinders were cast, each of which corresponded to a
model of CFRP-TSR-confined reinforced concrete and the constraint condition under one size. Each group had three
calculation formulas of its main parameters considering size specimens with a clear concrete cover of 20 mm (0.788 in.).
effect are proposed in the present paper, which provide a The geometric details of the specimens are shown in Table 1
theoretical basis for the engineering design of CFRP-TSR and Fig. 1.
confined reinforced concrete cylinders, which fills the
current gap. Test setup
The steel reinforcement cage was placed in a polyvinyl
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION chloride (PVC) tube before casting the concrete, and the
An experimental study of CFRP-TSR-confined rein- reinforced concrete specimens were cured for 28 days. Four
forced concrete under uniaxial compression was proposed.29 strain gauges were attached to the specimens, as shown in
Cylinders of different diameters (150, 190, and 240 mm Fig. 2. All the adjacent strain gauges were equally spaced.
[5.910, 7.486, and 9.456 in.]) were produced under different All the strain gauges were sealed and insulated with silica
confinements (CFRP sheets of one, two, and three layers, gel. CFRP was wrapped around the specimens after the
and TSR of 1.54% and 2.31% ratio). A stress-strain model solidification of the silica gel.
of CFRP-TSR-confined reinforced concrete and calculation The specimens were tested with two different appara-
formulas of its main parameters were established to consider tuses. The TSR-confined concrete cylinders were tested
size effect. with a 1000 kN (224.8 kip) hydraulic servo press, and the
CFRP-TSR-confined concrete cylinders were tested with
Materials a 10,000 kN (2248 kip) hydraulic jack. The testing system
The compressive strength of unconstrained concrete cylin- was calibrated before the test. Data are collected through
ders with different sizes can be found in Table 1. The trans- acquisition systems which could be integrated into the
verse spirals reinforcement has an average yield strength testing apparatus. The loading procedure was controlled by
of fyt = 300 MPa (43,500 psi), and the yield strength of the a hydraulic valve, which was the static loading method. The
longitudinal reinforcements is fy = 400 MPa (58,000 psi). The loading speed was first set as 2 kN/s (0.45 kip/s) during the
mechanical properties of the CFRP sheets are as follows: ply elastic stage of the real-time curve. When the slope of the
thickness, tfrp = 0.167 mm (6.580 × 10–3 in.); tensile strength, curve declined, the loading speed was reduced to 1 kN/s
ffrp = 3500 MPa (5.075 × 105 psi); and elastic modulus, Efrp = (0.22 kip/s). After specimens reached the critical state, which
242 GPa (3.509 × 107 psi). was when an apparent expansion showed in the middle of

86 ACI Structural Journal/July 2022

Fig. 2—Strain gauge details.

Fig. 3—Stress-strain relationship of TSR-CFRP-confined reinforced concrete. (Note: 1 MPa = 145 psi.)
the height, the loading speed was reduced to 0.5 kN/s until sets of key parameters in Fig. 4, which are turning point (fct,
failure. ε1) and ultimate point (fcc′, εcu). Ec0′ and Ec′ are the secant
modulus at ultimate stress of unconfined concrete and
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION confined concrete, respectively, and interception strength fc,i′
According to the average value of data collected by strain is the interception point of the opposite extension line of the
gauges in each direction, the representative uniaxial pres- strengthening stage (elastic modulus E2) in the stress-strain
sure-concrete strain curves are drawn in Fig. 3. The stress- curve on the stress axis. The ratio of interception strength to
strain curve of CFRP-confined concrete under uniaxial the uniaxial compressive strength of unconfined concrete is
compression shows a feature of two stages. There are two called the increase coefficient of interception strength fc,i′/fc0;

ACI Structural Journal/July 2022 87

spiral between bar centers; s is spacing between spiral or
hoop bars; and ρcc is steel ratio relative to the concrete core
The test results of the related parameters are summarized
in Table 2, and a coefficient that can measure the specimen
deformation ability in the strengthening stage is given as

δ = δu – δt (6)

where δu and δt are the ductility factor of the ultimate state

and turning point, respectively

ε cu ε
δu = ; δt = 1 (7)
εc0 εc0
where ε1 is strain of turning point of confined concrete; εcu
is ultimate strain of confined concrete; εc0 is ultimate strain
of unconfined specimen with the same size, adapted from
Fig. 4—Stress-strain model of CFRP-confined concrete.
Eurocode 2,31 with εc0 = (0.7/1000)fc′0.31; and fc′ is the stan-
fcc′ is the uniaxial compressive strength of confined concrete; dard cylinder compressive strength.
and the relative confining pressure is defined by the ratio According to Eq. (6) and (7), the strain data from Table 2
of lateral confinement pressure to the uniaxial compressive are processed in Fig. 5 to 7, where the x-axis of the (a)
strength of unconfined concrete, calculated as and (b) parts of each figure are the specimen diameter and
constraint ratio, respectively.
kv σ rs The ductility of the specimen has a considerable improve-
β rs = (1) ment when either increasing the TSR ratio or CFRP
f c′0
constraint. Taking the 150 mm (5.9 in.) diameter specimen as
an example, compared with 1.54% TSR ratio and two-layer
σ rf CFRP, the δu increment increases by 54% with three-layer
β rf = (2)
f c′0 CFRP, while the δu increment increases by 13% with a
where σrs and σrf are the radial constraint pressure of TSR 2.31% TSR ratio. It can be found that the CFRP constraint
and CFRP, given by Eq. (3) and (4); and kv is the confine- is more effective than the TSR constraint in improving the
ment effectiveness parameters of TSR,30 given by Eq. (5) deformation capacity of concrete.
It can be found that under the same constraint, the smaller
the specimen diameter, the faster the improvement of its
 2 E frp ε rf t frp
 for ε rf ≤ ε frp ductility. δ of 150 mm (5.9 in.) diameter specimens with a
d 2.31% TSR ratio under three-layer CFRP is 63% higher than
σ rf =  (3)
 2 f frp t frp that under two-layer CFRP confinement. In comparison, that
for ε rf ≥ ε frp
 d of 190 mm (7.4 in.) diameter specimens is 36%, and that
of 240 mm (9.4 in.) diameter specimens is 17%. When the
 2 E yt ε rs Ass1 diameter is smaller, the constraint effect on the ductility is
 for ε rs ≤ ε yt
 sd cor significantly improved.
σ rs =  (4)
Essentially, the ductility of confined concrete is related to
 2 f yt Ass1 for ε rs ≥ ε yt
 sd cor the constraint ratio, which is determined by the mechanical
properties of the restraint material and the specimen size.
where Efrp, εrf, εfrp, and ffrp are the elastic modulus, lateral failure For any size specimen in this test, increasing the constraint
strain, ultimate tensile strain, and ultimate tensile strength of ratio can significantly improve the ductility of the specimen.
the CFRP jacket, respectively; Eyt, εrs, εyt, fyt, and Ass1 are the
elastic modulus, lateral failure strain, ultimate tensile strain, ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION
ultimate tensile strength, and section area of TSR, respec- Stress-strain model of CFRP-TSR-confined
tively; and dcor is the core diameter of the specimen concrete cylinders considering size effect
Zhou et al.12 proposed a stress-strain model of FRP-
 s 
confined concrete cylinders considering size effect, which
1 − 2d  is taken as a reference to propose a stress-strain model of
kv =
(5) TSR-CFRP-confined reinforced concrete considering size
1 − ρcc effect in this paper. The proposed model has five assumptions:
where n = either 1 or 2 for cylinders confined by spiral 1. The line type of the first stage curve is a parabola.
reinforcements or by hoops, respectively; ds is diameter of 2. The line type of the second stage curve is straight.

88 ACI Structural Journal/July 2022

Table 2—Test data of key parameters of stress-strain model
d, mm No. βrs βrf Ec0′, GPa Ec′, GPa Ec0′/Ec′ fc,i′, MPa fc,i′/fc0′ fcc′, MPa εcu ε1
SL0 0.052 0.000 14.548 11.027 1.319 — — 28.85 0.002257 —
SL1 0.052 0.270 14.548 6.502 2.238 28.76 1.00 53.64 0.007725 0.002148
SL2 0.052 0.540 14.548 7.149 2.035 28.84 1.00 79.44 0.010635 0.002341
SL3 0.052 0.809 14.548 5.317 2.736 29.60 1.03 93.88 0.016365 0.003198
SH0 0.093 0.000 14.548 9.874 1.473 — — 29.67 0.002666 —
SH1 0.093 0.270 14.548 4.575 3.180 27.86 0.96 57.17 0.011740 0.002542
SH2 0.093 0.540 14.548 7.123 2.043 28.91 1.00 89.15 0.012037 0.002833
SH3 0.093 0.809 14.548 4.956 2.936 29.42 1.02 95.38 0.018557 0.003572
ML0 0.061 0.000 12.806 13.792 0.929 — — 27.74 0.001769 —
ML1 0.061 0.242 12.806 6.833 1.874 27.88 1.10 48.93 0.006669 0.002108
ML2 0.061 0.484 12.806 6.555 1.954 27.01 1.06 68.93 0.009704 0.002200
ML3 0.061 0.726 12.806 5.833 2.196 34.18 1.34 82.64 0.013500 0.002535
MH0 0.107 0.000 12.806 13.093 0.978 — — 28.38 0.001924 —
MH1 0.107 0.242 12.806 5.366 2.387 23.62 0.93 51.27 0.008972 0.002114
MH2 0.107 0.484 12.806 5.711 2.242 29.07 1.14 71.73 0.011746 0.002357
MH3 0.107 0.726 12.806 5.302 2.415 26.61 1.05 86.65 0.015478 0.002706
LH0 0.134 0.000 10.590 15.123 0.700 — — 27.37 0.001633 —
LH1 0.134 0.232 10.590 10.336 1.025 21.34 1.02 50.08 0.004770 0.001997
LH2 0.134 0.463 10.590 5.667 1.869 22.42 1.07 56.43 0.009248 0.002272
LH3 0.134 0.695 10.590 6.049 1.751 32.86 1.56 67.63 0.010670 0.002528

Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 MPa = 145 psi; 1 GPa = 145,000 psi.

Fig. 5—Influence of confinement on ductility at turning point.

3. The interception strength and turning point strain in the where n = 2 – (1/60)(fcu,k – 50) (n = 2 when n ≥ 2); fcu,k is
second stage are related to relative confining pressure. standard cube strength of concrete (MPa), 20 MPa ≤ fcu,k ≤
4. The curve is connected smoothly between the first stage 80 MPa; E2 = (fcc′ – fc,i′)/εcu; A and As are the area of the
and the second. specimen and longitudinal reinforcements, respectively; and
5. Peak strength and ultimate strain will be reached at the σs is the tensile stress of longitudinal reinforcement, which
end of the second-stage curve. is calculated according to Eq. (9) for low-strength steel bars
Based on the previous assumptions, the following stress- and Eq. (10) for high-strength steel bars
strain model is proposed
σ s = Es ε s for ε s ≤ ε y
  ε  n
A σs = f y for ε y ≤ ε s ≤ ε s ,u
σ cc = f c′,i 1 −  1 − cc   + E2 ε cc + σ s s 0 ≤ ε cc ≤ ε1
  ε1   A σ s = Es ε s for ε s ≤ ε y
A f s ,u − f y (10)
σ cc = f c′,i + E2 ε cc + σ s s
ε1 ≤ ε cc ≤ ε cu (
σs = f y + εs − ε y )ε − εy
for ε y ≤ ε s ≤ ε s ,u
s ,u

ACI Structural Journal/July 2022 89

Fig. 6—Influence of confinement on ductility at ultimate state.

Fig. 7—Influence of confinement on ductility in strengthening stage.

where εy and εs,u are the strain of the steel bar at the yield f c′,i 1 1
state and ultimate state, respectively. = 1+ −6
β rf + −6
β rs (14)
f c′0 d d
Zhou et al.29 established a strength model considering size 1 + 15   1 + 30  
effect, which is suitable for TSR, CFRP, and CFRP-TSR  d0   d0 
constraint conditions
 

 
f cc′ hd   hd 
ε1 = ε c 0 1 +
( ) 
= f c′0 + k s kv σ rs + k f σ rf = f c′0 +  2 − 0.1 kv σ rs +  3.5 − 0.1
1 σ rf β rs + β rf (15)
 h0 d 0   h0 d 0   2 
 1 + 75  d  
 (11)   d  

where fc0′ is uniaxial compressive strength of the unconfined Substituting Eq. (13) into Eq. (12), the ultimate compres-
concrete cylinder; ks and kf are the confinement effectiveness sive strain of confined concrete can be obtained. For CFRP-
coefficient of CFRP and TSR, respectively; and h0 and d0 are TSR-confined concrete, the interaction between TSR and
the height and diameter of the standard specimen, respec- CFRP constraints needs to be considered, and the confinement
tively—h0 = 300 mm (11.8 in.) and d0 = 150 mm (5.9 in.). effects of the two materials are coupled, as shown in Eq. (16)
The ultimate compressive strain is calculated as follows
ε cu = ε c 0 1 + α (β rs + β rf ) 1 +  2 − 0.1 hd
( )   hd  
f cc′ E′ E′ E′  hd  β rs +  3.5 − 0.1 h d  β rf 
  
ε cu = = ε c 0 c 0 + k1ε c 0 c 0 β rs + k2 ε c 0 c 0 β rf (12) 0 0 0 0

Ec′ Ec′ Ec′ Ec′  (16)

By fitting the data in Table 2, the parameters Ec0′/Ec′, fc,i′/
fc0′, and ε1 are given by The interception strength of confined concrete is taken as
the following form

= 1 + α β rs + β rf ; α = 2 ) (13)
f c′,i = f c′0 +
σ rf +
kv σ rs (17)
−6 −6
d d
1 + 15   1 + 30  
 d0   d0 

90 ACI Structural Journal/July 2022

Fig. 8—Comparison between tested curves and stress-strain model fitting curves.
Substituting Eq. (11), (15), (16), and (17) into Eq. (8), Comparison of ultimate strain calculation and
the stress-strain model of CFRP-TSR-confined reinforced existing data
concrete is established, and its main parameters consider the Table 3 summarizes the experimental results from work
size effect of concrete. published to date, including a paper about ultra-high-
The comparison between the predicted curve and the test performance concrete (UHPC) confined by TSR and CFRP.
curve is summarized in Fig. 8. To intuitively express the Additionally, the concrete cylinders confined by FRP or
strength growth of confined concrete, the Y-axis is treated TSR only are also included in this experimental database
as σcc/fc0′, where the value of fc0′ is shown in Table 1. The to examine the applicability of the stress-strain model when
conditions of TSR constraint and CFRP-TSR constraint are applied to a case with single confinement.
shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b) to (d), respectively. From Table 3, it may be concluded that for the calcula-
It can be found in Fig. 8(a) that the model proposed for tion formula of ultimate compressive strain proposed in this
CFRP-TSR-confined reinforced concrete also applies well paper, the value of α in different literatures mainly varies
on TSR constraint alone. For CFRP-TSR-confined spec- between 1 and 10, and 5 appears most frequently, and the
imens, most errors between the predicted and measured value of α for UHPC is the largest. Compared with linearly
constitutive curves are within 10%. Though predictions of superimposing, coupling the two confining effects reflects
SH1/SL3/LH2 are higher than the test values, the maximum the enhanced effect of the combined constraint on the ulti-
relative error is still within 20%. The stress-strain relation- mate compressive strain, as α is a positive value.
ships are well predicted for specimens with different restraint The variation of the relative confining pressure within a
conditions and different diameters. certain range has little effect on the value of α in the same
It should be noted that an upper limit for the ultimate literature. The tests19,33 considered five-layer CFRP and
compressive strain of confined concrete should exist, as it 3.02% TSR ratio conditions, and the ultimate compressive
cannot increase indefinitely along with the relative confining strain test values are listed in Table 4. For specimens with
pressure under triaxial compression. Yet, the experiments in intensive restraint, the ultimate compressive strain will tend
this paper could not determine the critical ultimate compres- to a constant value, and the average value of 0.036 in Table 4
sive strain of confined concrete due to the limitation of the is taken as the critical value. Equation (16) has been revised
test data. The value can be predicted by data from other liter- to take 0.036 when the calculated strain exceeds 0.036.
ature cited in Table 3. The error between the calculated value from Eq. (16)
and the measured values of ultimate compressive strain is

ACI Structural Journal/July 2022 91

Table 3—Summary of test database Table 4—Ultimate strain test data for specimens
d, h, TSR ratio-layer of
under intensive restraint effect
Research mm mm CFRP ρcc α Research TSR ratio-layer of CFRP εcu
TSR0.22%-CFRP2 5CFRP 0.031
150 750 TSR0.15%-CFRP2 0.96% 1.01%TSR-5CFRP 0.036
TSR0.445%-CFRP2 1.51%TSR-5CFRP 0.036
Chastre and Silva18 TSR0.33%-CFRP1 5 3.02%TSR 0.038
TSR0.33%-CFRP2 Lee et al.19 3.02%TSR-1CFRP 0.039
250 750 1.38%
TSR0.33%-CFRP3 3.02%TSR-2CFRP 0.036
TSR0.33%-CFRP4 3.02%TSR-3CFRP 0.034
CFRP1~5 3.02%TSR-4CFRP 0.038
TSR1.01%-CFRP1~5 3.02%TSR-5CFRP 0.043
Lee et al.19 150 300 0.0% 5
TSR1.51%-CFRP1~5 Shahawy et al. 33
5CFRP 0.034
Xiao and Wu32 152 305 CFRP1~3 0.0% 5
Shahawy et al. 33
152 305 CFRP1~5 0.0% 1
CFRP1/3 0.0% 2
Benzaid et al.34 160 320
TSR1.00%- CFRP1/3 2.25% 8
Yin et al.35
150 300 TSR1.416%-CFRP1~3 0.0% 8
TSR1.51%- CFRP2/4
Eid et al.36 300 1200 1.67% 6
TSR2.33%- CFRP2/4
TSR0.18%-CFRP3 1.08%
TSR1.18%-CFRP3 2.25%
TSR0.36%-CFRP3 3.20%

Demers and TSR0.59%-CFRP3 5.57%

300 1200 3
Neale37 TSR0.36%-CFRP3 1.08%
TSR0.59%-CFRP3 2.25%
TSR0.18%-CFRP3 3.20%
Fig. 9—Evaluation of proposed formula of ultimate compres-
TSR1.18%-CFRP3 5.57%
sive strain.
256 768 TSR1.26% 0.29%
For CFRP-confined conventional concrete cylinders (the
Du et al.38 384 1152 TSR1.26% 0.29% 5
SF0 series in Lee et al.,19 Xiao and Wu,32 Shahawy et al.,33
576 1728 TSR1.26% 0.29% and the PCC series in Benzaid et al.34), the predicted curves
CFRP2 are all in good agreement with the measured curves. It
TSR1.0%-CFRP2 can be concluded that the proposed stress-strain model of
CFRP-TSR-confined concrete is suitable for CFRP-confined
Chang et al.39 150 300 1.78% 10 conditions.
TSR1.4%-CFRP2 For TSR-confined conventional concrete cylinders (the
TSR1.6%-CFRP2 CA and CCA series in Du et al.38), the proposed model can
TSR2.0%-CFRP2 predict the stress-strain curve of 256 mm (10.1 in.) diam-
eter specimens well. Although this model has some errors in
Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.
predicting the stress at the turning point for larger-diameter
shown in Fig. 9. Most of the results distributed evenly on concrete cylinders, it can better predict the elastic stage and
both sides of the diagonal and within a reasonable error of peak stress.
±15% (dotted line). The calculated value/experimental value For CFRP-TSR-confined conventional concrete cylinders,
average value (AV) is 1.00, the standard deviation of calcu- the height-diameter ratio designed in References 18, 19, and
lated value/experimental value (SD) is 0.14, and the average 34 to 37 was between 2 and 5. Except for the prediction error
absolute error (AAE) is 12.12%. of some data from Lee et al.,19 Xiao and Wu,32 and Demers
and Neale37 being between 15 and 20%, the relative error
Prediction of confined conventional concrete between the prediction curve of this model and the measured
Figure 10 compares the curve predicted in this paper with curve of most literature is within 15%.
the curve collected from the literature in Table 3.

92 ACI Structural Journal/July 2022

Fig. 10—Evaluation of proposed stress-strain model for existing experimental study.
It can be considered that the proposed model can predict and the maximum compressive strength was 120.92  MPa
most constrained conditions well. From the result, the stress- (17,530 psi).
strain model considering size effect for CFRP-TSR-confined The parameter formulas in the model proposed in this paper
reinforced concrete cylinders is suitable for CFRP constraint are based on standard and experimental data of conventional
alone. This model is also accurate for specimens with a high concrete (20 MPa ≤ fcu,k ≤ 80 MPa) even though the compres-
height-diameter ratio. sive strength of UHPC was much higher than that, and their
difference in mechanical properties cannot be overlooked.
Prediction of CFRP-TSR-confined UHPC Therefore, Eq. (10), (14), (15), and (16) will no longer be
Ordinary portland cement, silica fume, quartz sand, and applicable, and only the applicability of the proposed stress-
high-range water-reducing admixture were used by Chang strain model for confined concrete is concerned.
et al.39 to obtain two kinds of UPHC with different strengths. The test value of Chang et al.39 is substituted into
High-strength steel bars were used as longitudinal bars. TSR Eq. (8), where the value of n is calculated as fcu,k = 80 MPa
and CFRP were used as practical lateral constraints. The (11,600 psi), n = 1.5. Figure 11 shows the predicted curves
uniaxial compression test of confined UHPC was carried out, in Eq. (8) and the measured curves. It can be found that the

ACI Structural Journal/July 2022 93

Fig. 11—Evaluation of proposed stress-strain model for CFRP-TSR-confined UHPC.
model proposed in this paper can predict the stress-strain received her BS in 2017. Her research interests include engineering appli-
cation of composite materials.
curve of confined UHPC in uniaxial compression. The
applicability of the proposed stress-strain model in confined Jikai Zhou is a Professor at the College of Civil and Transportation Engi-
UHPC has been verified. neering, Hohai University, where he received his MS and PhD. He received
his BS from Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, People’s Republic
of China. His research interests include the basic theory and calculation
CONCLUSIONS method of concrete structures.
The purpose of this paper is to understand the influence
Fengtong Bi was a Student at the College of Civil and Transportation Engi-
of size effect on the stress-strain relationship of reinforced neering, Hohai University, where he received his MS in 2016. He received
concrete confined by carbon fiber-reinforced polymer his BS from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan,
(CFRP) and transverse steel reinforcement (TSR). The People’s Republic of China, in 2013. His research interests include applica-
tion of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites.
uniaxial compression tests of CFRP-TSR-confined rein-
forced concrete cylinders of different sizes under different Xiyao Zhao is a PhD Student at the College of Civil and Transportation
confinements were conducted to study the influence of Engineering, Hohai University, where she received her BS in 2017. Her
research interests include dynamic mechanical properties of concrete.
CFRP constraint, TSR ratio, and specimen size on the ulti-
mate compressive strain, turning point strain, and intercep-
tion strength in the stress-strain curve. Conclusions can be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of
drawn from the present study as follows: China (No. 52079047 and No. 51479048) and the National Key Research
1. It was found that the ductility of confined concrete is and Development Program of China (2017YFC0404902). The research was
also supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Univer-
essentially related to the constraint ratio, which is deter- sities (No. B200203082) and Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation
mined by the mechanical properties of the restraint mate- Program of Jiangsu Province (No. KYCX21_0492).
rial and specimen size. For any specimen size in this test,
increasing the constraint ratio can significantly improve the REFERENCES
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ACI Structural Journal/July 2022 95

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