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Organizational Behaviour

December 2021 Examination

Q1. In your current occupation, describe the top 5 abilities that help you
perform your role effectively. Based on your analysis, justify with
appropriate examples, why the abilities of an employee should match the
job requirement. (10 Marks)

Answer 1


The most important aspect of job searching is to let employers know how well
qualified you are for the positions you are applying for. When you do so, you
are more likely to be seen as a candidate worth interviewing by the hiring
manager. You will typically only have a few seconds to convince an employer
that you are fit enough for the position to merit a more thorough evaluation of
your CV and cover letter. It's therefore essential that you prove you possess a lot
of their favourite skills, attributes, and experiences.

Similarly, the most competent applicants are more than the sum of their
experiences; they are a collection of professional qualities. When done
correctly, vacancy announcements identify the exact environment and
individual who is most likely to succeed in it. Everyone understands that a
professorship entails teaching, research, and scholarship and that a director of
student services will assist students in developmental, extracurricular, and co-
curricular activities.

A more meaningful advertisement would explain how this position functions

'here' and what that means for the institution. Professors may be required to
provide students with one-on-one personalized attention.
Examine the job posting thoroughly.

Job advertisements are usually divided into various components. Expect to see
the following:
 Information on the organization
 A list of the duties and responsibilities that come with the job.
 Directions on how to apply
 Details on the candidates' required qualifications
Concept and application
According to these abilities, they are the following:

Critical thinking abilities:

It will be common for undergraduate students to apply their primary hypothesis
talents to their own work by actively taking part in dynamic learning. There are
some possibilities for active learning. Dynamic figuring out, regardless of
whether via a joint instructive danger, a temporary function, practicums, labs, or
field perception, inundates understudies in the occasions they will look at their
vocations. Everybody brings a novel range of talents to the table. In the long
run, employees might obtain a better appreciation or comprehension of work
through communication with their colleagues than they would have done on
their own.

Skills of verbal exchange:

Nowadays, communicating with your companions or family can also exclude
proper syntax. This has precipitated the erosion of your ability to communicate
verbally or to compose in yourself. An aspect that may also influence your
relationship potential would be the absence of personal contacts with your
counterparts. Although inventiveness ought to be used in most applications, it
shouldn't be considered as an unusual method to communicate in individual
correspondence. Thus, the nature of the interview process at work in relation to
the hiring process is of concern.

No matter what business you are in, you will find that each business makes its
issue in a similar manner: all of them need their workers to have a steady
demanding mind-set and to be excellent at what they do. Something work or
vocation you select after college, your boss will expect to be professional and
persevering. Every organization wishes its people to show one characteristic:
demonstrable talent and a solid difficult-running attitude. For whatever work
you have after school, your boss will need you to have stable, gifted social
capabilities simply as a reliable hard operating attitude. Businesses want
graduates with coordinated effort capacities every other explanation because
those competencies might inspire operating environment agreement. The
proficient staff has a spotless and flawless appearance and dress nicely for the
work. Polished talent additionally carries the ability to convey successfully and
mindfully inside the working environment.
Work as a team:
Doable capacities are a social event with a number of associated items
interacting with people and working together in an assembly to accomplish a
project as a team. The influence of social abilities on a relationship in various
associations is considered by managers to be the inspiration. While people take
part and use their specific capacities to achieve shared goals, they structure a
meeting. Synergistic capacities are vital for successful accomplishment in any
field or concern. Operating sufficiently with clients, colleagues, chiefs, and
others inside the workplace can help human’s complete tasks faster, creating a
satisfied air for themselves and different human beings. A legitimate, properly
working environment within the space stresses tremendous co-employable

Management skills:

A skilled employee may wind up being a productive leader for their company as
long as they are characterized by the ability to combine vital thinking,
teamwork, professionalism, and knowledge. First and foremost, employees need
to decide their preferred management fashion. They may begin to assemble their
management style around their strengths and standards of excellence once they
have diagnosed their strengths and requirements of excellence. They must start
establishing a culture of self-reinforcing behaviour and techniques after they
have subtlety their leadership style. Human beings get greater obsessed with
their activity when they understand that they're enthusiastic and passionate
about it. Productivity and workflow will improve as a result of these cheerful


Considering that they have excellent coordination capacities in their back

pocket, they might be able to outshine their opponents, on the off chance that
they show up at a new job with excellent cooperation capacities on board.
Although many companies felt graduates could also upgrade their fundamental
reasoning capacities, participation and coordinated attempt were attributes most
businesses preferred. According to the countrywide association of schools and
Employers, critical questioning abilities are a concern for an agency when
hiring someone. Polished skill is by and large characterized as a unique
adherence to a bunch of standards, set of standard rules, or an assortment of
attributes that depict perceived conduct inside a particular subject of movement.
Polished talent is certifiably no longer a solitary quality; its miles a collection of
many. A professional consultant comes on schedule for work and handles their
time proficiently. Specialists acknowledge liability concerning their sports and
crew up effectively with others. Great work principles, trustworthiness, and
respectability are moreover covered.
Q2. Is perception management applicable in current times when we are
working from home virtually and not interacting personally with our co-
workers and managers? Rationalize your opinion with steps and measures
that help you manage the process. (10 Marks)

Answer 2


Since the emergence of the pandemic, many companies are beginning to

consider another hybrid model of blended-race teleworkers, where some
representatives are located near their headquarters and others work remotely. As
a result of the new method, people have more access to capability, it has
become more useful for small businesses and for individuals, it has increased
the value of investment funds, it has grown the number of job opportunities, and
it has also developed employee experience.

However, even though these potential benefits may seem generous, history
suggests that it could prove surprisingly difficult to coordinate digital work with
on-site work regardless of this solution's viability during a pandemic. In
addition, this harm comes from levels that allow social and beneficial processes,
like sound and upright concepts that upload themselves to the canvas of daily
life, lengthened lengths of social membership, and the construction of shared
understandings and agreements.

Dismissing them to attention during a considerable trade in sober-minded sports

to activities that undermine agree with, collaboration, and shared social orders
work to pair with work indirectly.

Concept and application

Hence, it will be hazardous for two legitimate affiliates to connect, one
confounded by eye-to-eye agents and directors, who maintain on gaining from
the positive effects of community and the power of cooperation between people.
As a result, people's capabilities for creating social networks and maintaining a
healthy lifestyle decrease. At the point when this is happening, traffic may feel
lost, puzzled, and baffled by the unforeseen direct of an affiliation that neglects
the danger of a sharp, skilled, full-size, and humanistic vision. A sensation of
getting a spot, an excellent instinct, and a pleasant character that pushes us to do
our great evaporate. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, the display of
the stage will decrease.
Be aware that transitory WFH arrangements need not trouble with any long-
lasting adjustments to business agreements. It is possible that the sport plan
could change in light of the latest tips and changing business requests arising
from the corporation. Ideally, managers should consider creating or establishing
a corporate strategy or a set of guidelines to make clear directions to employees
on the most effective approach to administer WFH game plans. It is important
that all individuals are made fully aware of the concept, and that any changes to
the method are communicated in a timely manner.

More than one corporation can also have beyond experience amassing WFH
plans or, at this point, have emergency WFH estimates installation. Many
corporations, in any case, will make WFH checks apparently, and that they have
to fast and frantically execute WFH strategies no matter what you seem like at
it. Proper while an association's worksite and premises are closed as a careful
enhance or because of an organization demand, institutions can also have the
alternative to accept WFH approaches to stay aware of organization lucidness,
handiness, and professional insurance while protective people' prosperity and
Do business from home is an operating arrangement wherein a person can play
out the key factors of their calling at the same time as at the same time staying
at home and the usage of records and correspondence innovation. For the
motivations behind this rule and the COVID-19 norms, the expression
"telecommuting" alludes to domestic teleworking as a quick, optional working
plan. Organizations and representatives have to share liability and obligation to
make particular the organization's endurance and work.
We must deliver precise attention to the effect of our activities on hierarchical
standards and lifestyle as we re-examine the submitted pandemic association. 0
in on the institutions that unite people. Awareness of fundamental components
of each initiative and the management of our more excellent extensive gathering
of pioneers and administrators.

The threat is to make the virtual crossover model that pleasant suits the agency
and allow it to start any other not unusual culture for the entirety of our
representatives that gives solidness, social attachment, character, and having an
area, whether or now not the representatives work distantly, on-premises, or a
mixture of the two.

Ideally, it becomes necessary for the strategies for mentioning telecommuting to

be genuine so as to move beyond separation guarantees. There is no need to
follow up on a conventional solicitation with a verbal exchange with a project
manager to work out the work plan of action. Representatives who wish to
telecommute will have to go through the same process of getting ready as
telecommuters as well. In addition, the conventions do not include an option for
testing a work-from-home plan, so they need to include regulations for
approving work-from-home games. If the association wishes to drop the
agreement, its representatives should explain the reasons for the decision.


Telecommuting became an extremely fascinating long stretch choice for their

organisations in a couple of circumstances where cutting down overhead costs
became one of the primary advantages. Taking everything into account, 33% of
agents might change business if they could work from home. Over 33% of
workers would persevere via a remuneration loss of as much as 5% on the off
chance they could earn a living from low home preservation. A fourth of dealers
might recognize a 10 percent remuneration decrease if they make money
working from home the whole day. Various workers were compelled to work at
home, thinking about the way that to the COVID-19 pandemic. Supervisors
comprehended that sellers who telecommute should also work as effectively as
the people who don't. Employers who have far-flung people must increase
work-from-domestic or remote work coverage. Those rules protect them from
the risks related to telecommuting. Employees ought to additionally take steps
to defend themselves from liability.
Q3. Nikita is a Change Manager with Nelson & Murdock. In the view of
the way the business landscape is evolving with more reliance on
technology, she intends to bring about many new initiatives which require
employees to unlearn certain aspects and learn many new approaches.
Many learning theories have been prevalent which organizations use from
time to time.

a. If employees need to learn certain model behaviours demonstrated

by leaders, which learning theory should Nikita select for faster
results? (5 Marks)

Answer 3A.

It may be helpful for your group to have an authority lead if it allows your
group to be more helpful and have an increased ability to achieve its objectives.
Besides, it is extremely supportive of retaining full power within your field of
knowledge since your colleagues, having worked with you before, are looking
forward to working with you again. It is imperative to identify the right action
to take as a pioneer as you write your very own practices while exercising good
self-respect and mindfulness.

Concept and application

1. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.

The make-up of a running environment that is reliable has the effect of making
the environment realistic and open to participation. Delegates can be bound to
trust your picks and rely upon you with their pastimes within the occasion that
they charge you're trustworthy with them. Doing what you say you may do may
show off in your gathering that you are reliable.

2. Make sure that you make the right choice when it comes to your

Settling on choices quickly is one of your most significant obligations as a

pioneer. Your group ought to be sure about your capacity to choose an option.
When you focus entirely on a choice, your associates will have confidence in
your capacities as a pioneer.
3. Be willing to accept new encounters as they come your way.
You will need to keep your channels of correspondence open in order for you to
be able to communicate with your assembling. Show complete focus skills to
animate correspondence, like posing open-finished inquiries and staying alert as
the agent talks. Maintain your workers educated utilizing speaking with them
consistently about alternatives and what is happening inside the gathering and

4. Provide requested information

It is critical that your team gets a clear understanding of what you expect from
them and how they can generate for you. I think it would be extremely valuable
if dealers were to be taught instead of rebuked if we are to accomplish this
enormously. Amendments should be completed in non-public order now not to
humiliate colleagues. Make a fantastic, trusting relationship via correctly
recognizing what the specialist is doing and recommending strategies they
might enhance.

5. Show the other people what it looks like when it is finished

Keep yourself to comparable norms as your lawmakers. On the off chance that
you’re gathering is needed to stay late, stay past due with them. On the off
chance that your association accomplishes a goal, this needs to be something
that you can likewise do.


In this post, we can observe why initiative practices are so fundamental inside
an association, simply as a few basic moves you may make to start fostering
your very own assertive authority behaviour. While doling out is a principal
ability that each pioneer needs to have, your group will see its value more
within the occasion that you could cooperate with them closer to a common
b. How does learning through reinforcement bring about behaviour
modification in employees? (5 Marks)

Answer 3B.


Assisting someone who is learning as much as possible is crucial to achieving

maximum learning potential. A regulation of effect is a proposal taking its roots
from Thorndike's regulation of effect in which he asserts that supported conduct
will be rehearsed. As a result, there will now no longer be an outline of
behaviours that may not be supported everywhere. Therefore, if a guide can be
said to be as much as that which points to a specified behaviour being repeated
or impeded, then a guide is defined as that which does this. I think that it would
be a good idea to separate the concept of worker proposal from that of worker

Concept and application

Suggestion, as depicted within the subsequent segment, addresses a vital mental
cycle this is primarily intellectual. In this sense, the offer is generally inner to
the employee, and we can most straightforward see resultant symptoms of it in
actual behaviour. Assist, then again, is commonly observable and often directed
remotely. Without information, at the least, something approximately the
underlying reasons that prompted the individual in query's good conduct, a
supervisor may additionally build it up.

Some requirements should be satisfied for encouraging feedback to be

persuasive in dealing with the reiteration of favoured conduct. To start with, the
employee has to value the actual reinforce. It'd be insufficient in shaping
behaviour if representatives were uninterested in it. Prizes must be awarded
based totally on overall performance, and the higher a worker's stage of
implementation, the more excellent fantastic his award ought to be.
The subject is possibly the most petulant issue in conduct an alternate approach.
Although the subject can valuably affect the working environment, mainly in
case it is conveyed in a usual way. As speedy as conceivable after the
infringement, adverse outcomes may manifest when representatives disdain the
pastime or accept they're being rebuffed unjustifiably.
Those hurtful consequences of the subject are portrayed in. consequently, while
the issue is terrific electricity in remedial learning, its usage should be as it
should be examined and implemented.

It is important to note that both uplifting remarks and aversion learning are
concerned with getting the employee to show the preferred behaviour. With
uplifting comments, the representative works with a particular objective to
obtain favoured awards, however with evasion learning, the employee strives to
avoid inevitable awful consequences. In both situations, although, the
supervisor's favoured behaviour is accelerated. Historically, the primary mode
of eradicating undesirable behaviour and reducing its incidence was through
administrative commitments.

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