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College of Education

Department of Physical Education


Credit Hours (3 Contact Hours)
Health and Physical Education Program
Spring 2023

Instructor Information:
 Name: Dr. Arto Gråstén
 Office: Building H1, Room 2034
 Office hours: By appointment, Building C1 Room 2018
 Email:
 Phone: 03 713 6202

Class Location and Meeting Time:

Tue & Thu 12.30 pm – 1.45 pm at Building C1 Room 1030

Course Description: This course aims at introducing students to the basic concepts of
health and physical fitness. It covers topics such as health, physical fitness, nutrition,
healthy lifestyle, diseases, and drug use. It also enables students to apply those concepts
of personal health in ways that are complementary to each other in various learning

Course Objectives/Outcomes: Upon the completion of this course, students should be

able to:
1. Identify the main components of good health.
2. Differentiate between the principles, components, and assessment
methods of physical fitness with the aid of technology.
3. Identify the influences of physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle in
preventing hypokinetic diseases.
4. Explain the role of nutrition, energy needs, and consumerism.
5. Differentiate between various effects of stress and drug use on the human body.

:Course Contents

Topics Weeks # Units

Overview of Class (Overview of Syllabus) 1-2 Health and )1
Definitions of Health Physical Activity
Health Model
Importance of Health and Physical Activity
Week 2: Assignment 1
:Hypokinetic Diseases 3-5 Diseases )2
Heart Diseases
Week 4: Quiz 1
Week 5: Task 1
?What is Physical Fitness • 6-7 Physical )3
:Components of Physical Fitness • Fitness
Health-related Fitness •
Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Endurance
Body Composition
Week 6: Assignment 2
Week 7: Quiz 2
Training Principles 8-9 Exercise and )4
Setting Your Goals Health
Target Heart Zone
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise
Developing Your Own Program
Week 9: Midterm exam
:Weight Control 9-10 Healthy )5
Caloric Calculation (BMR, Thermic Effect of • Lifestyle
.Physical Activity, Thermic Effect of Food)
Calculating IBW
.Stress Management
Essential Nutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, 11-12 Nutrition )6
Vitamins, Minerals, Water
Dietary Intake (Food Guide Pyramid)
The Role of Nutrition on Health
Nutrition for Physically Active Individuals
Week 12: Task 2
Consequences of Drug Use 13-14 Drug Use, )7
Legal Drugs: Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol Misuse, and
Illegal Drugs: Heroin, Cocaine, Marijuana, Abuse
Hallucinogens, Steroids
Recovery from Drug Abuse

Topics Weeks # Units
Week 14: Group presentations
Exercise Equipment and Clubs 15 Becoming an )8
Choosing a Healthcare Facility Informed
Medications Use Consumer
Medical Rights

Final Exam
.Course Policies: It is imperative that you understand the following class rules

1. Absence Policy: You should be aware that the UAEU policy says that if you miss
two (2) lectures then you will get an absence warning of 5%. If you miss four (4)
lectures, then you will get an absence warning of 10%. And when you miss five (5)
lectures then you will get an incomplete because you have reached the 15%
university limit on absence and will not be allowed to complete this course.

2. Interaction and Participation: You are highly encouraged to attend all lectures. All
lectures might require group discussions in class. Group discussion is part of your
class activities and thus part of your grades. Do not lose points by not coming to
class on regular basis.

3. Assignment Policy: Students will be expected to turn in their assignments on their

due dates. Late assignments will be accepted, but 20% of the grade for that task
or assignment will be taken off. Students are expected to turn in all assignments
typed. All assignments should be turned in on 11 x 8.5 paper double-spaced.
Students will have to follow the APA styles for citations and referencing or any
other citation format the school follows.

4. Note Taking: You are a university student. Therefore, you are expected to take
notes in class. Handouts and other materials will be given when it is necessary,
but you will be solely responsible for note-taking.

5. Presentation: All students will give presentations about a project that they have
written about. The length of the presentation is expected not to exceed 20
minutes. You will be given the rubrics of how the presentation should be

6. Academic Honesty: All students are encouraged to make use of academic

references such as journal articles, books, and so forth when writing their reports
or tasks, however, students are expected to cite all references wherever they
have been used. Otherwise, failure to do so might jeopardize your academic
career when applying the university policy regarding academic honesty.

Course Tasks: Students are expected to do the following tasks during this course:

1. Hypokinetic Diseases: students will be asked to do a community or family

search on one hypokinetic disease. You are expected to develop a form that
you will use to collect preliminary data on common family diseases. Once the
data are analyzed, the students are required to prepare a written report of
their work.

2. Group Self-evaluation of Physical Fitness: Students are going to appraise
themselves physically to provide students with the skills needed to evaluate
the components (cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, strength,
flexibility, and body composition) of health-related fitness. Students will take
precise physical measurements by using the proper tool of measurement for
each component. Once the measurements are taken, students will use a table
of predetermined criteria of measurement to compare their performance and
prepare a written report of their work.
Assignments: There will be a total of 2 assignments. Check the weekly schedule to
see when you are expected to turn in your assignment(s). Here is a list of all of the
assignments you will be expected to complete for this course.
1. Present the concept of health in a model on which you try to illustrate your
perceived concept of health (4 points).
2. Calculating students’ body mass index using a specific formula and daily
energy needs (4 points).

Evaluation & Grade Distribution:

.No Type Percent Due date

1 Quiz(zes) 10% 2.2, 23.2
2 Midterm Exam 15% 9.3
3 Task 1 15% 12.2
4 Task 2 15% 9.4
5 Interaction & Participation %5 ongoing
6 Assignments 8% 19.2 ,22.1
7 Presentation 7% 20.4 ,18.4
8 Final Exam 25% announced
Total 100%

Required Textbook:

1. Corbin et. al, (2016). Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A comprehensive lifestyle
approach. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

In addition to the textbook, supplementary handouts will be given to enrich course .2


PHED 201 Physical Fitness and Wellness
Assessment Rubric for Assignments and Tasks

NOTE: This rubric provides a guide for marking – different categories have different weightings. Your final grade is determined by a holistic professional judgment of your work, which is guided by this rubric.

90-100 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66 60-63 0-59
Reflection on the Reflection of Reflection of Reflection of Reflection of Reflection of Reflection of Reflection of Reflection of Reflection of Reflection of Reflection of
topic, what you the topic and the topic and the topic and the topic and the topic and the topic and the topic and the topic and the topic and the topic and the topic and
have learned comparisons comparisons comparisons comparisons comparisons comparisons comparisons comparisons comparisons comparisons comparisons
from the lectures with literature with literature with literature with literature with literature with literature with literature with literature with literature with literature with literature
and readings, and are strongly are justified are presented are presented are presented are weak and are weak and are weak and are weak and are weak and are missing
comparison with justified and and but barely but but not barely inconsistently not justified not justified not justified
literature (30%) comprehensive consistent justified inconsistently justified justified justified throughout and not linked with multiple
throughout the throughout throughout justified throughout throughout throughout the the text with practice errors
text the text the text throughout the text the text text
the text
Applying Very clear, The The The The Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory No clear No Explanation
theoretical coherent, and explanation is explanation is explanation is explanation is throughout throughout the throughout explanation. explanation. and
knowledge to diverse clear and mainly clear. mainly clear. unclear. the text but text but more the text but Limited Limited innovative
practice, explanation coherent. Knowledge is Knowledge is Knowledge is more details details are more details knowledge knowledge examples are
innovativeness with multiple Knowledge is shown with shown with a shown with a are needed. needed. are needed. without without missing
of knowledge innovative shown with some few few Some Limited No innovative innovative innovative
(30%) examples some innovative innovative innovative innovative innovative examples examples examples
innovative examples examples examples examples examples
Academic Language is Language is Language is Language is Language is Language is Language is Language is Language is Language is A large amount
literacy, the use appropriate appropriate appropriate somewhat somewhat incomplete incomplete but incomplete unclear unclear of spelling and
of references, and easily and easily throughout appropriate appropriate but understood and difficult to throughout throughout grammatical
and the understood. understood. the majority throughout throughout understood throughout the understand the text. the text. No errors.
presentation of References are References of the text. the text. the throughout text. Limited throughout Limited references Language is
the citations numerous and are Some Some majority of the text. references for the text. references for for theories. highly
(30%) connect to appropriate references for references the text. A Some theories. Limited theories. Multiple inappropriate.
theory. and connect theories. for theories. few references Multiple references for Multiple citation errors No references
Citations are to theory. Some Some citation references for theories. citation theories. citation No citations
properly Most citations errors
citations are for theories. Multiple errors Multiple errors
presented are properly
properly Some citation citation citation errors
throughout the presented
presented but errors errors
text throughout
the text not consistent
the text
Coherence and Follows a Follows a Follows a Follows a Follows a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Very limited
clarity of writing logical and logical and logical and somewhat somewhat satisfactory somewhat somewhat a limited a very limited logical
(10%) comprehensive consistent consistent logical logical sequence but satisfactory satisfactory sequence sequence sequence or
thought pattern thought thought thought thought requires sequence but sequence but with some with multiple thought with
that is easy to pattern that is pattern but pattern but pattern with more logical requires more insufficient errors errors multiple
read easy to read not not some thought logical thought logical errors
throughout the throughout throughout throughout limitations throughout throughout the thought
text the majority the text the text throughout the text text throughout
of the text the text the text

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