Islam Notes

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Islam Notes & Questions

5 Pillars

Creed, Prayer, Almsgiving, Fasting, and Pilgrimage.

These pillars were first created to help western countries understand Islam and what it’s principles


Creed is the profession of faith. This sign explains how Muslims show their faith to Allah.


Prayer is a constant in many religions. In Islam, they are required to pray 5x a day. It involves verbal
prayer and gestures.


This pillar asks believers to give to those in need. Each year, wealthy Muslims are asked to donate to
the poor in order to maintain the community.


Fasting is common in many religions. In Islam, this happens during the Holy Month of Ramadan.


Pilgrimage is only required once in a lifetime. It involves going to Meccah and completing your
personal pilgrimage. This involves praying around the Kabbah.

The Kaaba

The Kaaba is a cube-shaped shrine in the centre of the Great Mosque in Mecca. It is the holiest site
in Islam.

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