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Self-Assessment Questions
Name: _____________________________________ Score: _____________
Grade/Section: _____________________________ Date: ______________

I. Direction: Answer the question bellow.

1. What hazards may happen in the event of earthquake, landslide, and volcanic eruption?

2. What are some of the hazards associated to hydrometeorological phenomena and how can
you minimize the damages that they cause?
3. Hazard map is being used now to monitor natural hazard. How does it help in mitigating the
effects of natural hazard?
II. Identify the terms being referred to.

1. It is caused by a sudden release of strain in the earth's interior.

2. It is the movement of rock, debris or earth down a slope.
3. It begins when pressure on the magma chamber forces magma up through the conduit and out
of the volcano’s vent.
4. It is a phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological or oceanographic nature that may cause loss of
life, injury or damage to property.
5. It occurs when water overflows or inundates land that is normally dry.
6. a vital component for appropriate land use planning in flood-prone areas
7. a term used for big waves and high tides that occurs during tropical cyclones
8. a below-average precipitation in a given region, resulting in prolonged shortages in its water
9. the movement of ocean water into fresh groundwater, causing contamination of the groundwater
by salt
10. a measure taken prior to the impact of a disaster to minimize its effects

III: Essay

Instructions: Watch the video Typhoon Haiyan: Eye of the Storm on YouTube
( LG_DmQ). Then write a reaction essay on the documentary
using the following questions. Limit your essay to 300-500 words.

1. How did the documentary affect your personal beliefs and actions toward protecting the

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