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Billy and Tommy

There once was a world where two bear brothers were hanging out in
the forest. Billy and Tommy were their names and God, they loved playing.
Mama bear didn’t always let them play too far from home because there could
be dangers. She’s usually quite busy gathering food for the family to always
keep an eye on Billy and Tommy so luckely for them two, those are the
moments they can play and do whatever they want. But today is a special day,
a really really special day. A day in which mama bear left all her work and
played with her little bears. A day when every animal in the forest came to play
with the two friendly bears. A day when even their newest friend who is
usually too afraid to come out and play with other animals, comes and plays
with them. Yes, Yes, Iam talking about Rabbit the rabbit. He plays too. And of
all the days of the year today is that special day. Today is Billy’s birthday!
Billy is the youngest bear in the family and there is no-one lese that loves
having a fun time and play than him. Of course his brotehr Tommy shares the
same passion, but he coul never outrun Billy. So every bear in the family and
evry animal in the forest knows that today, on this very special day, they are
invited in front of the big tree where Billy and Tommy live. The elder animals
usually just hang out with the bear’s mama so the kids are always free.
Everybody loves it. So everybody comes to the party.
Animals start to round up around the big tree and Billy is so excited, you
could say he’s over the moon. Everyone was there in such a short time adn
evryone gave Billy a very nice present.
“Here. For you Billy, Happy Birthday!” Giggled a guest the bear was so
happy to see. Sidney brought Billy a flower, she was like a sister to him, they
get along so well and she is kind to a fault. Whenever Tommy has to help his
mother out with the work and Billy can’t hang out with him, he always sees
Sidney. She is a dear and she is realy dear to Billy. To Tommy too.
“Thank you, Sidney!” The bear said. “I am glad you could came.”
But who was he kidding. Everybody could come to the party. And when
someone couldn’t, well, they made time to come cuz there wasn’t anyone who
would want to be anywhere else than Billy’s birthday.
The parents talked and the kids played. It was such and astonishing day.
Tommy and Billy were beating everyone at every game, they were unstopable.
Of course, Tommy even let his brother winat the games they couldn’t play
together, just for today anyway. Everyone was there and everyone was happy.
Except there wasn’t evryone at the party.
There was a guest that didn’t manage to come. Half of the day has alredy
past and he still wasn’t there. Where could he be. Billy grew more panicked as
the time went by.
“He’ll be here” Promissed his brother. “I am sure he will.”
“Yeah . . . he will.” But Billy didn’t quite mean that. He thought, maybe,
something happened to him, or, maybe, he didn’t like Billy after all. So the bear
wasn’t feeling that well.
Where is he then. Where is Rabbit the rabbit.
There is nobody who would miss this so why would he. Maybe he was
there, maybe Billy just didn’t see him. So he had the best idea. He satrted
playing hide and seek. While everybody was hiding and he was searching he
could easily look for Rabbit. But he wasn’t anywhere. He looked and looked, he
didn’t even care he was finding the rest of the guests, he just wanted to find
Rabbit the rabbit. So even when he found evryone, he was still searching . . .
Mama bear saw hsi son quite sad and walked to him. She understood
what was the situation and she suggested Billy’s favourite game! At first Billy
was tempted but he couldn’t How could he play his favourite game without
Rabbit? It would’ve been unjust, he refused.
Some time passed and Billy’s hopes of Rabbit showing up were close to
none. Tommy kept making his brother laugh and feel better and all the other
guests helped too. At one point, Billy really forgot about his friend. He was
again feeling good at his party cuz, after all, it was his party! And for sure, if
Rabbit wasn’t there, he must have a good reason so Billy was ready. He told his
mum and they started playing Billy’s favourite game.
“Let’s go play Billy” Tommy Said with a smile on his face.
And as everyone was ready to play in the darkness of the night, just
before his special day to end something happned. Behind Billy some yellow
warm light hit the grass and evryone in front of him looked in awe at what
happened behind him. Billy didn’t even had time to turn as he heard:
“You were going to play without me Billy? How rude.” It was Rabbit the
And as Billy finally turned he saw his rabbit friend standing near his
mama bear and he couldn’t believe his eyes. They were holding a big honey
cake with candles lighting everything around them. Rabbit was so happy to
surprise his best friend like that.
“Happy Birthday, Billy!”
Finally, the bear was so happy and so surprised. Rabit really missed
almost all his party, just to get him a cake as great as this one. Every guest
tasted the amazing cake and evryone felt good. They played Billy’s favourite
game and the day ended with everyone happy and with their faces laughing.
“You got me again Rabbit.” Said Billy smiling adn then laughing.
A special day is a good day.

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