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Good afternoon, everyone.

I am Rica, the leader of group 4. I am here to The second procedure of measuring volume is
discuss with you the results of our experiment 1. the liquids. We measure the mass of the dry
beaker which is 36.3g, the mass of the beaker
The realm of chemistry can quickly turn into a
with mineral oil 45.2g, the mass of the beaker
world of measurements. Measurements are a
with water 46.1, the volume of mineral oil 10ml,
crucial component of comparisons since they
the volume of water 10ml, the density of mineral
serve as the foundation for comparing one
oil (the experimental) 4.52g/ml, the density of
thing to another. This is crucial because bad
water (the experimental 4.61g/ml, and the specific
equipment, improper data processing, or
gravity of mineral oil which is 0.98g/ml.
human error can provide results that are far
from reality. And after getting those calculations, we calculate
the % of error of each density: The density of oil
and the density of the water. The % of error of the
The first procedure, Measuring length. We did density of the mineral oil is 545.7% while the
measure the dimension of a block using a ruler water is 361%.
and do it 3x. We came up with the results, the
Length with an average of 3.7 cm, the width with
an average of 3.73cm, and the thickness with an Finally, the last procedure, Measuring
average of 3.7 cm. We also determine the Area Temperature. In this procedure, we measure the
and the Volume of the block of wood. The Area is temperature of the tap water and the ice water.
13.8cm while the volume is 51.06cm. The temperature of water in Celsius is 3 degrees
Celsius while the ice water is 2.8 degree Celsius.
In Fahrenheit, the tap water has 37.4 degrees
The second procedure, Measuring Volume. In this Fahrenheit while the ice water has 37.04 degrees
procedure, we measure the volume of the three Fahrenheit. The temperature of water in kelvin is
test tubes. We are tasked here to get the 276 kelvins while the ice water is 275.8 kelvin.
estimated volume and actual volume of test tube
3. Our Estimated volume is 8.5ml but the actual
volume we got was 8.8ml. After getting the
measurements, we calculate the percentage error
in test tube 3 and the outcome was 3.4%. and
using a dropper, we count the number of drops to
fill up to 1ml of the graduated cylinder. And came
up with the 24 drops in 1ml.

The third procedure, Measuring Mass. In this

procedure, we measure the mass of each of the
empty beakers. Beaker 1 has a mass of 36.3g.
Beaker 2 has 31.2g. Beaker 3 has a mass of 41g.
the average mass is 36.2g. The deviation of each
empty beaker is -0.1, 5, and -4.8 and the average
is 0.1

The fourth procedure, Measuring Density. In this

procedure, we measured two densities: the
density of solids and the density of liquids. We
first measure the density of solids. In this
procedure, we need a pebble and water. The
mass of the pebble is 1.7g. We also get the initial
and final volume of the water., So. The density of
the pebble of 1ml, while the density of the pebble
is 1.7g.
1. What is the Vision and Mission of Bicol University?
 VISION: A word class university producing leaders and change agents for social transformation and
o The dream of Bicol University is to produce a fundamental guide in its mandate for
instruction, research, and extension toward yielding world-class professionals.
 MISSION: The Bicol University shall give professional and technical training, and provide advanced
and specialized instruction in literature, philosophy, the sciences and arts, besides providing for the
promotion of scientific and technological research.
o Bicol University aims to enhance and develop our knowledge by attaining its goals for a
better quality of education as it will be the student's beacon that they'll surely be bringing in
the future.

2. What is your dream and aspirations as a first-year student of BUCIT?

 As a first-year student at BUCIT, my dream was to finish this program without failing and get a high
grade. As I was in BUCIT taking up BS in Food Technology, I want to seek the master of a specific
industry specialization or skill of my program to differentiate it from the program that I’m supposed
to take if I didn’t get below quota. As a food technology student, I want to develop my scientific
principle in examining food to become a better food technologist and attract better jobs someday.
Setting goals can improve or learn specific skills and helps us focus on the exact skills we might
require for a job. After acquiring those skills, my aspiration was also to have better personal
development as it relates to my career goals, it is all about bringing the best version of myself to my
career. Also, a dream of becoming a food technologist someday and will be able to help my alma
mater, I could be one of the professors someday. My dream in BUCIT was also to be able to help
them develop more skills, I’m not saying it’s not enough, but I want to put more or suggest more of
my own learnings to the college.

3. Recall your last semester’s class performance in all your subjects. How will you assess your performance? At
a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as the highest), how will you rate your level of performance leading to the
attainment of your aspiration and the vision of BU?
 I would say in general; I did my best performance in all our subjects. I’ve realized that high school life
and college life are very different, and I became more responsible than before. In the first semester,
I didn’t have some trouble with my grades or in a subject, and I’m proudly saying that I am satisfied
with the grades I got last semester, I know I gave my best but I thoroughly gave also my best this
semester. One of our teachers said we must give our best, don't settle for something that won't
satisfy us, she also said that don't tell ourselves that's it, “at least there's a grade”, if possible that we
can still give our best, why not, right? This stuck in my mind because our teacher was right, if others
can do it, of course, we can too, right? As a college student also, I’ve learned a lot from my teachers
and classmates, I became more reflective on something and can do the thing that doesn’t need help,
and I’m proud of myself for doing that.
 In the performance level to the attainment of my aspirations, I would rate it a 10 because I am true
to my goals, and I will surely fulfill those goals.
 When it comes to the vision of Bicol university, I would rate it an 8 because I’m just starting as a
student at Bicol university so to speak, I’m still a baby in the industry. I know I’ll get there to be a
leader and change agent for social transformation and development.
4. What are some factors or hindrances that contribute to those dreams and aspirations not to be met?
 This is the factor that contributes to those dreams and aspirations not being met is
the fear of failure. As the oldest child of the family, I was expected to be the one who
will rise them, guide them, and provide for them in the future. I am scared of failure
because what if I can’t give them a better life, what if I failed and disappoints them,
there are too many what-ifs, and I just can’t take it. Even though my parents are not
pressuring me but myself, it’s my thinking that what if I failed them? I’m scared. I
believe that if I extend a lot of effort but still fail, then this implies low ability and
hence, low worth. But if I don’t try and still fail, this will not reflect negatively on my
ability and my worth remains intact. So I will try my best to overcome this fear of
5. What 3 steps can you specifically do to make your aspirations/dreams come true?
1. Create a plan of action – The secret of creating my own plan of action lies in me,
and I have to seek it within myself. I will write down every step of my plan and if I
will ever need to change it I won’t hesitate because it is the step I feel the need to
do so within my journey of mine.
2. Visualize the success and goals – Yes, it is important to dream big. Visualizing
can help me manifest it. Picture how you’d feel once your goal is accomplished
But turning those dreams into reality is much harder if you don’t have a clear
picture of what you want. This is a great motivational technique to follow when I’m
feeling down or depressed in the journey of achieving my goals.
3. Start taking the action and learn from the failures - Once I know what I need to
do, I’m going with it. I will utilize every opportunity that comes my way. Now is the
time to achieve my dreams without making any excuses. Failures are a great
source of knowing how not to do something. Don’t fret about your losses, and
rather learn from them. Use your failures to get hungrier for your success.
We all know that Chemistry is the study of matter. It is the science of matter composed of chemical elements,
especially its chemical reactions, but also its properties, structure, composition, behavior, and changes as they relate
to the chemical reaction. Chemistry was introduced many years ago and humans were interested in it the chemical
reaction of fire, as it uses to develop different kinds of techniques such as cooking, heating, and making metals and

It started with matter and all the things that matter is made of. The atoms in the periodic table organize all different
types of atoms called chemical elements. Atoms are made of protons and neutrons with electrons surrounding them
and chemistry is one of the causes of how these electrons behave. Atoms bond together in different ways, reducing
and combining their energy by stealing or sharing. Energy moves around in chemical substances is vital to
understand when a reaction will or will not happen. Energy determines when compounds will exist in the different
forms of solid, liquid, and gas. Which form they will be found in comes from the temperature that they are at and
the pressure they are under.

Chemical reactions form the core of chemistry: which compounds react with each other, why they react, and what is
left over after a reaction. There are many kinds of reactions that can be categorized in different ways, all of these
reactions are governed by a set of fundamental rules call chemical laws.

A reaction where electrons are transferred from one reactant to another is called an oxidation-reduction reaction or
a redox reaction for short. It means a loss of electrons from a substance and reduction means the gain of electrons.

There are different fields in chemistry such as Theoretical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic, and
Biochemistry. It is complex as a human is built on a foundation of a huge number of simple chemical reactions.
Chemistry spans a huge mountain of complexity from a single atom to the cells that keep us alive.

As we all know, Chemistry is the study of matter. It is the study of chemically constituted matter, particularly how
those chemical reactions take place, as well as the matter's characteristics, composition, structure, behavior, and
changes in relation to those reactions. Prior to the introduction of chemistry, humans were fascinated by the
chemicals released by fire, which they used to create many techniques including cooking, heating, and the
production of metals and glass. Anything that occupies space and has mass is considered the matter. There are many
different forms of matter, each with unique properties. A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler
compounds is called an element. For example, water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.

It all began with matter and the components that makeup matter. The periodic table's atoms group all the kinds of
matter known as chemical elements. Additionally, atoms are the name given to the lowest units of matter. Protons,
which have a positive charge, and neutrons, which have a negative charge, make up the nucleus of an ordinary atom.
These particles are surrounded by electrons. Chemistry is one of the factors influencing how the electrons that
surround protons and neutrons in an atom.  Different types of atomic bonds reduce and combine energy by taking or
giving. Understanding how energy travels within chemical compounds is essential to predicting whether a reaction
will take place or not. When a compound will persist in the various states of solid, liquid, and gas it depends on its
energy. The temperature and pressure they are at determine which form they will take when discovered.
Chemistry's fundamental concepts revolve around chemical reactions, including which substances react with one
another, why they react, and what's left after a reaction. Chemical laws are a collection of basic principles that
regulate all the numerous types of reactions that may be classified in various ways.

Oxidation-reduction reactions, or redox reactions for short, are reactions in which electrons are moved from one
reactant to another. In contrast to reduction, it denotes the removal of electrons from a substance. Theoretical
chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry are only a few of the many subfields in
chemistry. It is complex because humans are made up of countless numbers of straightforward chemical
interactions. The complexity of chemistry extends from a single atom to the cells that sustain life.

Dealing with food technology and agriculture involves the application of chemistry, physics, and biology. In other
words, all sciences are engaged and enhance our knowledge of the changes that take place in food and in
agricultural resources.

Understanding the fundamental structure and characteristics of dietary ingredients, such as carbohydrates, fats, and
proteins is made easier by chemistry. One can truly comprehend the effects a treatment process will have on food
after they have a solid understanding of the chemistry of its constituent parts. We can learn a lot about the
Maillard reaction, protein denaturation, and fat oxidation from the study of chemistry. The application of chemistry
also extends to the vitamins, dietary pigments, and antioxidants in addition to the facts already mentioned.

Foods' nutritional and economic values are defined by an analysis of their chemical makeup and the characteristics
of the ingredients that make them up. Additionally, it enables examination of the chemical alterations that the food's
ingredients undergo because of the procedures (Food Technology) to which they have been put. New food products
are created and developed for industries with the use of chemistry. Thus, a variety of chemical processes that could
result in the development of either new or enhanced food items could be started by studying the components of
various food substances. The augmentation could be a new flavor, aroma, color, or longer chef life.

Chemistry has a role in the development of agriculture. It has contributed to the development of creative ideas that
have expanded the agricultural industry's borders and raised output. Food is a human being's fundamental necessity.
Only agriculture is able to supply this demand for the entire world's population. Plants are referred to as producers
because they use CO2 from the atmosphere and water from the soil to create their own food through a process
known as photosynthesis, which also uses sunlight as an energy source. The only other members of the food supply
chain are consumers. Agriculture is the activity of crop growth and cattle using the world's natural resources.
Agriculture, gardening, livestock farming, dairy farming, soil composition, and other fields of modern agriculture are
included. Chemistry is a key component of agriculture from the molecule to the organ level since it deals with both
organic and inorganic chemicals and agricultural resources are concerned with producing natural ingredients using
both organic and inorganic inputs. It has an impact on everything from the fundamentals of photosynthesis to how
food crops are used. The advances in this method are solely attributable to the chemistry study that is currently
being conducted and applied to make the land produce more freely while also protecting it from abuse and
Thus, chemistry has been and continues to be strongly tied to advancements in the fields of agriculture and food
technology. It offers fresh, creative solutions for expanding the spheres of agriculture and food production,
addressing difficulties that can arise, and improving output and quality.

Chemistry is the study of matter, including its composition, its structure, its physical properties, and its
reactivity. Although there are many ways to study chemistry, traditionally we divide it into five areas: organic
chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical chemistry.
Each of these traditional areas of chemistry brings a unique perspective to how a chemist makes sense of
the diverse array of elements, ions, and molecules (both small and large) that make up our physical
environment. An undergraduate chemistry course, therefore, is much more than a collection of facts; it is,
instead, the means by which we learn to see the chemical world from a different perspective. In keeping
with this spirit, this topic introduces you to the field of analytical chemistry and highlights the unique
perspectives that analytical chemists bring to the study of chemistry.
Analytical chemistry studies and uses instruments and methods used to separate, identify, and quantify
matter. In practice separation, identification or quantification may constitute the entire analysis or be
combined with another method. Separation isolates analytes. Qualitative analysis identifies analytes, while
quantitative analysis determines the numerical amount or concentration.
QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS- a set of analytical chemistry techniques that provide nonnumerical information
about a specimen. It can tell whether an atom, ion, functional group, or compound is present or absent in a
sample, but it doesn’t provide information about its quantity.
QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS is a branch of chemistry that deals with the identification of
elements or grouping of elements present in a sample. More often the sample is a complex mixture, and a
systematic analysis must be made in order that all the constituents may be identified. It is mainly focused
on detecting ions in an aqueous solution, so that materials in any form may need to be brought into this
state before using standard methods. The solution is then treated with various reagents to test for reactions
characteristic of certain ions, which may cause a color change, solid forming, and other obviously visible
QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS- analysis that determines the numerical amount or the concentration of an
analyte present in a sample.
Matter is anything that occupies space, such as wood, water, and air. In addition to its occupation of space,
which is called its extension, matter has several other general properties, including gravitation,
indestructibility, inertia, impenetrability, and divisibility, which are studied in physics. Some of the things
which exist but are not material are energy in its various forms, mental processes, and emotions.
Physical and chemical changes are often mutually dependent upon each other; heat, light, electricity,
solution, and other physical agencies, often produce chemical changes and, conversely, chemical changes
often produce heat, light, electricity, and other physical effects. Physical and chemical changes are all
caused by energy, which is which can produce changes in matter.
A combination is when two or more substances unite with each other chemically to produce one substance,
such as the burning of hydrogen in oxygen to form water.
Decomposition is when one substance forms two or more substances as the result of a chemical change,
such as the decomposition of water by an electric current to form hydrogen and oxygen.
Double decomposition is when two substances react with each other to produce two other substances by
an exchange of constituents. This is the commonest kind of chemical change, and many examples of it will
be studied.
FORMULAS — Chemical formulas are used to represent molecules. Formulas are made by writing the
symbols of the elements in the molecules, one after the other. If a molecule contains only one atom of a
certain element the symbol of that element indicates this more than one atom of any element in a molecule
is indicated by an inferior figure written after the symbol of that element, thus H 2 0 is the formula for water
and tells us that each molecule of water contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen; H 2 SO
4 is the formula for sulphuric acid, whose molecules each contain two atoms of hydrogen, one atom of
sulphur and four atoms of oxygen. When for any reason a part of a molecule consisting of more than one
atom is considered as a group to be multiplied, it is enclosed in a parenthesis, which is followed by the
inferior figure, as in ammonium sulfate (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4, whose molecule contains two NH 4 groups,
combined with the S0 4 group.
A formula generally represents one molecule of a compound. More than one molecule is shown by a line
figure written before the formula, thus two molecules of ammonium sulfate are written 2 (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4.
CHEMICAL EQUATIONS — when a chemical change occurs, it is frequently possible to express what
occurs by the use of symbols and formulas written in the form of an equation.
ATOMIC WEIGHT - Atoms are so extremely small that their absolute weights, in terms of any ordinary unit,
are very small decimals that have been calculated, approximately, but they cannot be determined directly.
The relative weights of the atoms of different elements have been quite accurately determined and have
been referred to as the weight of an atom of hydrogen as a unit. What is known as the atomic or combining
weight of an element is the number of times that the weight of its atom is heavier than the weight of an
atom of hydrogen. Thus, the atomic weight of oxygen is which means that an atom of oxygen is times as
heavy as an atom of hydrogen; the atomic weight of iron is which means that an atom of iron weighs times
as much as an atom of hydrogen and so on. The sum of the weights of the atoms in a molecule of a
compound is the molecular weight of that compound.
VALENCE - The atoms of different elements differ from each other in the number of atoms of other
elements that they can combine with chemically to form molecules. This quantity of combining the power of
the atoms of an element is called its valence and is measured by the number of atoms of hydrogen that one
atom of the element can combine with or take the place of. The unit of valence is called a bond. An element
whose atom combines with, or displaces, one atom of hydrogen as Cl in HCl and Na in NaCl has one bond
and is called a monad element or simply a monad. An element whose atom combines with, or displaces,
two atoms of hydrogen, as O in H 2 0 and Ca in CaO, has two bonds and is called a dyad. Similarly, a triad
has three bonds; a tetrad, four; a pentad, five; a hexad, six.
A solution is a system in which one or more substances are homogeneously mixed or dissolved in another
The solute is the component that is dissolved or is the least abundant component of the solution.
The solvent is the dissolving agent or the most abundant component in the solution.
Solubility describes the amount of solute that will dissolve in a specified amount of solvent.
Miscible: liquids that are capable of mixing and forming homogeneous solutions.
Immiscible: liquids that are insoluble in each other.
Polar compounds tend to be more soluble in polar solvents than nonpolar solvents.
Nonpolar compounds tend to be more soluble in nonpolar solvents than in polar solvents.
Atoms are composed of
-protons – positively charged particles
-neutrons – neutral particles
-electrons – negatively charged particles
Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus. Electrons are found in orbitals surrounding the nucleus.
The empirical formula or simplest formula gives the smallest whole-number ratio of the atoms present in a
compound. The empirical formula gives the relative number of atoms of each element present in the
The molecular formula is the true formula of a compound. The molecular formula represents the total
number of atoms of each element present in one molecule of a compound.

The molecular formula can be calculated from the empirical formula if the molar mass is known. The
molecular formula will be equal to the empirical formula or some multiple, n, of it.
To determine the molecular formula, evaluate n.
n is the number of units of the empirical formula contained in the molecular formula.
Stoichiometry is the calculation of quantities of substances involved in chemical reactions, both as
reactants and as products. Balance equations represent the relationship between the particles that react
and the number of particles produced. Because each type of particle has its own formula mass, there must
be definite relationships between the masses that react and the masses of the product.
The molar mass of an atom of an element is its atomic mass in grams. The molar mass of an element or
compound is the sum of the atomic masses of all its atoms.
It contains 6.022 x 1023 atoms (Avogadro’s number) of the element.
Stoichiometry: The area of chemistry that deals with the quantitative relationships between reactants and
Mole Ratio: a ratio between the moles of any two substances involved in a chemical reaction.
– The coefficients used in mole ratio expressions are derived from the coefficients used in the balanced
The mole ratio is used to convert the number of moles of one substance to the corresponding number of
moles of another substance in a stoichiometry problem.
The mole ratio is used in the solution of every type of stoichiometry problem.
The rate of a chemical reaction can be affected by various factors such as temperature, concentration, surface
area, catalyst, and pressure. The pace of reaction is significantly influenced by temperature because as it
increases, the molecules' kinetic energy rises as well, causing more collisions and reactions. The rate of
reaction is also influenced by the concentration of the reactants and products. Because accidents happen more
frequently at higher concentrations, so the reaction rate rises. The surface area of the reactants is also crucial
since a bigger surface area increases the probability that the reactant particles may collide. By lowering the
activation energy necessary for the reaction to take place, catalysts can speed up the rate of the reaction.
Finally, pressure has an impact on the pace at which gases react since it raises the probability of gas particle
collisions, which raises the rate of reaction. Overall, these elements may interact intricately to influence the rate
of a chemical process. It is crucial to comprehend how these variables affect reaction rate in many facets of

Solution equilibrium is the state in which the rates of dissolution and precipitation of a solute in a solvent is
balanced. In order to obtain solution equilibrium, the solute must be added to the solvent in small quantities,
allowing time for the solute to dissolve completely before adding more. The temperature and pressure of the
mixture should also be kept constant throughout the process. Once the solute has completely dissolved into the
solvent, the solution should be left undisturbed for a sufficient amount of time to ensure that any excess solute
that may have been added will also dissolve completely. By following these steps, solution equilibrium can be
achieved, resulting in a stable and homogeneous solution. Solution equilibrium is achieved when the rate of
the forward and reverse reactions of a chemical reaction in a solution becomes equal. This can be
accomplished through various methods, including changing the concentration of reactants, altering the
temperature, adjusting the pressure in gas-phase reactions, adding or removing a catalyst, or changing the
solvent. By manipulating these factors, it is possible to shift the equilibrium towards the side with fewer
reactants or products, eventually achieving a state of equilibrium where the concentrations of the reactants
and products remain constant over time. However, in some cases, obtaining solution equilibrium may not
be possible, especially in irreversible reactions or reactions where one of the reactants is completely

Solution equilibrium is achieved when the rate of the forward and reverse reactions of a chemical reaction
in a solution becomes equal. It is necessary to introduce the solute to the solvent in modest amounts and
wait until it has completely dissolved before adding more in order to achieve solution equilibrium. Small
additions of the solute must be made while maintaining a steady temperature and pressure in order to
reach this state. In order to tip the balance in favor of one side, equilibrium can also be established by
adjusting factors including concentration, temperature, pressure, catalysts, and solvents. However,
irreversible reactions or situations where one reactant is totally consumed may preclude the possibility of
solution equilibrium.

A saturated solution is a solution in which the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved in a solvent at
a particular temperature and pressure. In a saturated solution, the rate of dissolution of the solute is equal
to the rate of precipitation of the solute, resulting in a state of dynamic equilibrium between the
undissolved solute and the dissolved solute. Any additional solute added to a saturated solution will not
dissolve and will remain as undissolved solid at the bottom of the container. The concentration of the solute
in a saturated solution is known as the solubility of the solute and is dependent on factors such as
temperature, pressure, and the chemical properties of the solute and solvent. A saturated solution is a
solution that has reached the point where it can no longer dissolve any more solute at a given temperature and
pressure. This means that adding more solute to the solution will not result in further dissolution of the solute.
The concentration of the solute in a saturated solution is at its maximum and any additional solute will not
dissolve, leading to solid precipitate formation. The saturation point of a solution depends on factors such as
temperature and pressure, and can differ for different solutes and solvents.
What factors affect the rate of reaction? Explain.
1. The rate of a chemical reaction can be affected by various factors such as temperature,
concentration, surface area, catalyst, and pressure. The pace of reaction is significantly influenced
by temperature because as it increases, the molecules' kinetic energy rises as well, causing more
collisions and reactions. The rate of reaction is also influenced by the concentration of the
reactants and products. Because accidents happen more frequently at higher concentrations,
so the reaction rate rises. The surface area of the reactants is also crucial since a bigger surface
area increases the probability that the reactant particles may collide. By lowering the activation
energy necessary for the reaction to take place, catalysts can speed up the rate of the reaction.
Finally, pressure has an impact on the pace at which gases react since it raises the probability of
gas particle collisions, which raises the rate of reaction. Overall, these elements may interact
intricately to influence the rate of a chemical process. It is crucial to comprehend how these
variables affect reaction rate in many facets of chemistry.
How can solution equilibrium be obtained?
1. Solution equilibrium is achieved when the rate of the forward and reverse reactions of a chemical
reaction in a solution becomes equal. It is necessary to introduce the solute to the solvent in modest
amounts and wait until it has completely dissolved before adding more in order to achieve solution
equilibrium. Small additions of the solute must be made while maintaining a steady temperature and
pressure in order to reach this state. In order to tip the balance in favor of one side, equilibrium can
also be established by adjusting factors including concentration, temperature, pressure, catalysts,
and solvents. However, irreversible reactions or situations where one reactant is totally consumed
may preclude the possibility of solution equilibrium.
What is a saturated solution?
2. A saturated solution is one in which, at a given temperature and pressure, the maximum quantity of
solute has been dissolved in a given amount of solvent. Any surplus solute that hasn't been
completely dissolved at this point will either solidify or settle to the bottom of the solution. Solubility,
a term used to describe the concentration of a solute in a saturated solution, is influenced by a
number of variables, including temperature, pressure, and the chemical make-up of the solute and
solvent. The differing of solutes and solvents have varying saturation points, and variables like
temperature and pressure can influence this point.

1. Due to the higher rate of collisions between the molecules of solvent and solute brought on by
shaking, the crystal placed inside the shaken test tube will dissolve more quickly than the crystals
placed in the untouched test tube.
2. The third test tube with sample of ground sugar will dissolve first due to its substantial surface area,
which enables more sugar molecules to come into touch with the water molecules.
3. The excess potassium nitrate that has been dissolved will start to crystallize if the solution is given
time to gently cool down. The creation of more crystals than heating the fluid would be the
observation after heating and cooling it. This occurs as a result of potassium nitrate's decreasing
solubility as the solution cools and the excess dissolved component beginning to crystallize.
4. Ammonium hydroxide solution in a test tube vaporizes and releases gas when heated. Holding a
piece of moist red litmus paper over the test tube's mouth causes the paper to turn blue. This occurs
as a result of the base ammonium hydroxide's reaction with the acidic red litmus paper to change
the color of it. 
5. The observation would be that the lard forms a cloudy-looking structure as it floats on the carbon
tetrachloride's surface.

1. As the colored water enters and reacts with the water there, the water level in the second bottle
starts to rise. The water level in the dextrose bottle starts to fall and at the same time colored water
starts to pour out. At that point, the water will stop flowing and remain at the same level in both
2. Assuming that the two mixtures will eventually taste the same, but that the other one will be less
sweet due to the lower sugar content. As a result, the dextrose container's sugar concentration
drops while the sugar concentration in the second bottle rises, giving the two solutions a distinct
level of taste.

EXPERIMENT 2: Procedure 1
EXPERIMENT 2: Procedure 2

Image 1: Getting a full

microspatula of the copper Image 2: The crystal of copper
Image 2: Putting Image 3: The two substances
inside the twothe three
test forms
Image 1: Thecrystals
labelled test tubes of sugar in their respective test Image 3: The sugars inside
with distilled water tube their respective test tubes

Image 4: The substance that just remained in the test

tube rack Image 5: The substance that was shaken

Image 6: The third test tube

Image 4: The first test tube with Image 5: The second test tube
with ground sugar
sugar tied in a string with cube sugar
EXPERIMENT 2: Procedure 4

Image 1: Transferring 1 ml of ammonium

hydroxide into the test tube Image 2: Heating the ammonium hydroxide
Dry Red Litmus Paper

Moist Red Litmus Paper

Image 3: Placing the moist red litmus paper on Image 4: After that, the color of the red litmus
the mouth of the test tube paper had changed.

EXPERIMENT 3: Procedure 1

Image 2: Adding food color to 200 mL of

Image 1: The dextrose bottle with rubber tubbing
water in the dextrose bottle

Image 3: The colored water started to mix with the Image 4: After a while, the colorless water
clear water started to change
Image 1: The mandatory group picture after lab activity

EXPERIMENT 2: Procedure 3

Image 1: Getting a full

microspatula of Potassium Image 2: Pouring distilled water Image 3: Stirring the
nitrate potassium nitrate solution

Image 4: During the heating process Image 5: The substance after being heated
EXPERIMENT 2: Procedure 5

Image 2: Transferring 1 ml of carbon

Image 1: Getting a full microspatula of Lard tetrachloride into the test tube

Image 4: After several minutes in the test tube

Image 3: This the solution after shaking rack, this is what happened to the solution

1._________does not affect the position of equilibrium and hence it does not have any effect on the value of
equilibrium constant.

2&3.catalyst only affects the ______ and _______ reaction equally.


2. Forward

3. Reverve

1. Which is the best answer? When the system A + B ⇋ C + D is at equilibrium,

a). the sum of the concentrations of A and B must equal the sum of the concentrations of C and D.

b). the forward reaction has stopped.

c). both the forward and the reverse reactions have stopped.

d.) the reverse reaction has stopped.

e). neither the forward nor the reverse reaction has stopped.

3. For specific reaction, which of the following statements can be made about K, the equilibrium constant?
a). It always remains the same at different reaction conditions.

b). It increases if the concentration of one of the products is increased.

c). It changes with changes in the temperature.

d). It increases if the concentration of one if the reactants is increased.

e). It may be changed by the additional of a catalyst.

If the pressure is increased the equilibrium will shift to favour a ________ in pressure.

A. Decrease

B. Temperature

C. Volume

If the pressure is decreased the equilibrium will shift to favour an _______ in pressure.

A. Shift

B. Decrease

C. Increase





1. It is where the concentration of reactants and products are not changing because the rate of a forward reaction is
equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.

a. Reversible reaction

b. Temperature

c. Equilibrium

d. Rates of equilibrium

3. This can occur in both directions, where the reactants can change to the products and the products can also
change back to the reactants.

a. Reversible reaction

b. Forward reaction

c. Chemical equilibrium
d. Rate of reaction


1. C

2. B

3. A


The equilibrium constant expression for a homogenous equilibrium system can be written using the partial
pressures of the reactants and products.

Ans : True

In a heterogeneous equilibrium, the reactants and products are in the same phases.

Answer: False

3. Equilibrium constant depends on the temperature.

a) true

b) false

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