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Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or

organisation. Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being self-

There has been an increasing number of individuals today who are opting to work for themselves
instead of being employed by a large corporation or other business entity. This essay will
delineate the potential causes underlying this phenomenon and also analyze the negatives of this
choice of career.

There are two main reasons for this situation. The primary one is the concern over the difficulty
people face while acquiring a desirable job of their preference. By being self-employed,
individuals can be motivated and do whatever they like with great interest. For example, job
hunters who do not possess a fascinating college degree or years of work experience would be
less likely to work in an esteemed company, but many of them could make tremendous
achievement through passionately working for themselves. Secondly, another factor is due to the
desire to become wealthy in a shorter period of time. By starting their own businesses, young
entrepreneurs can earn a hefty sum of money rapidly as the vast majority of the profit goes into
the pocket of the owners.

Nonetheless, there are various principal drawbacks when running one’s own business. The most
pernicious impact is stress. Operators of new start-ups have to exhaust themselves to keep the
company moving forward under considerable pressure. This is because a paycheck is not
guaranteed at the end of the month and the likelihood of going bankrupt is significant due to
inexperience and the lack of resources. In addition, another downside is the harm to health.
Many self-employed people live a sedentary life and work day and night. Their physical and
psychological health becomes adversely affected due to the shortage of exercise as well as the
imbalance of work and personal life.

In conclusion, the basic reasons for people wanting to be self-employed are the difficulty of
finding a preferable job and the fascination for making fortune. The disadvantageous impacts of
this trend are the stress and harm to health. Therefore, only the entrepreneurs who have
valuable experience and resources should be encouraged.

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