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Guest Lecturer


Ashl Jos Ashl Rach Kelle Ashl Ashl Kels Matt Sydn Morg Eliz Mad Kelle Lace Tyle Laur Kend Kels

Choice Count

Q2 - 2 Things the lecturer did well

2 Things the lecturer did well

-case was very beneficial to learning and helped tie it all together
- good energy throughout presentation, always fun to listen to people who are passionate about what they are

-Madison did a really good job explaining the material and providing examples
-Madison also did a good job engaging with the class

I liked the image explaining the neurotransmitters and how they change with AWS, you were consistently upbeat
and engaging

- she seemed very knowledgeable in the topic

- I like that she provided a patient case to show our understanding

Dr. Heath did a great job at going through the first-line options for treating alcohol withdrawal and also including
information on how this applies in practice. I also really enjoyed going through a patient case and applying what
we just learned.

Went through everything from admission to treating and what things you would typically see, good patient case
and questions that clearly assessed what was covered in presentation

Great job explaining what is in the guidelines and what is done in practice. Your tone and pace was a good
level/rate. Slides were well organized and did not have too much overwhelming information.

lectured with lots of energy, clear and ordered slides

good organization and patient case, good at answering questions

Provided a good refresher on the alcohol withdrawal content and also went into greater depth about some of the
other assessment strategies that are available.

She talked through the topic very well, and made important clinical application points. I also liked that we went
through a case at the end of the presentation.

good presentation, easy to understand

Slides were well laid out and easy to follow. Spoke at a good volume and speed.

1. Case was helpful

2. diagrams were nicely formatted and helpful

Great inflection of voice, kept my attention the whole time. Good eye contact and engagement with us.

Madison was very bubbly and engaging. She seemed very comfortable lecturing.

Q3 - 2 Things the lecturer can continue to work on

2 Things the lecturer can continue to work on

-slides had a lot of information could have cut it down a bit to emphasize the important stuff
-some more active learning throughout the presentation may help break up the material

-Maybe just asking more questions throughout the lecture

To get more engagement throughout the lecture, put questions throughout presentation (maybe related to the
case at the end) so we can do quick recall of what was just gone over instead of everything at the end

- she could use poll everywhere, Kahoot, etc. to gauge participation without singling out introverts
- objectives could directly pertain to any questions that are on a quiz. Think about potential quiz questions and
format them into test questions

Dr. Heath did a great job overall. The only thing that could continue to be worked on is to include more
diagrams/visual aspects in her presentation.

Nothing I can think of

Continue to add more color to your slides and use smart art to keep the audience engaged with the slides.

maybe more questions to the class than just using a case example

i like your high energy but some people might not in a more formal setting! otherwise, n/a, good job




Seemed a little nervous and moved around a lot which was a little distracting. Also, work on using lss filler words.

1. more color

Can work on speaking a little slower. Some distracting arm movements.

I think Madison did great and I don't have any suggestions on how to improve

Q4 - Other feedback for the lecturer

Other feedback for the lecturer


Madison did a great job overall!

Great job!

Great job!


Overall, great job!


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