HR Poetry Explication Revision

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Quinn Daniels




“Tired“ by Fenton Johnson expresses the concept of constant exhaustion for Black

Americans and the inability to escape the system of racial oppression through his use of

imagery, repetition, and paradox. In this poem, Johnson and his wife are used to represent

the larger community of all overworked and exhausted Black Americans during the time

period. Johnson creates a visual for the reader which demonstrates just how desperate he

is for societal change: “Throw the children into the river; civilization has given us too

many” (Johnson).The exaggerated image of repenting something represents a way of

pushing the limits of what society will and will not accept. Not only is Johnson using

harsh vocabulary and violent imagery to highlight the strife of Black families, but he also

credits society as being part of the problem. The word “civilization” is used multiple

times in the poem, including the opening line: “I am tired of work; I am tired of building

up somebody else’s civilization” (Johnson). Johnson uses repetition to represent the

feeling of social exile and exhaustion by repeating “I am tired..”. Johnson also uses

paradox to show the harsh reality of growing up as a minority in a white-dominated

America. Black people were continuously overworked and taken advantage of. Johnson

laments, “It is better to die than it is to grow up and find out you are colored” (Johnson).
By using this line, Johnson is highlighting the reality faced by Black Americans, which

causes desperation and exhaustion. Fenton Johnson used paradox, imagery, and repetition

to describe the exhaustion, turmoil, and desperation of Black individuals in a very

discriminatory American society.

Work Cited

Johnson, Fenton. “Tired”. Others for 1919, Alfred Kreymborg, Kessinger Publishing,

LLC, 2010.

Skill Not Foundational Proficient Advanced

Identifies the topic Identifies the topic Identifies a specific
of the poem of the poem and a theme/perspective
basic theme of the poem



Includes some Includes at least 3 Includes 3 or more

specific lines from specific references specific, meaningful,
the poem, but may to lines of the poem and well-chosen
not have much that have some lines from the poem
connection to the connection to the that relate to the
theme/may be theme theme
May have 2 or fewer
lines from the poem


Explains how the Explains how the Explains the effect

facts or basic details figurative language, and impact of
of the poem connect imagery, or tone of specific figurative
to its main ideas the poem contribute language, imagery,
to its or tone of the poem
Connects to basic theme/meaning and how this
Analysis context of the supports the
Harlem Renaissance Connects the theme theme/author’s
of the poem to the purpose in writing
context of the the poem
Harlem Renaissance
Makes nuanced and
specific connections
to the context of the
Harlem Renaissance
and/or the poet’s


Some elements Heading is correctly No errors in MLA

missing or some formatted format
errors in MLA format
Pages are numbered

In-text citations are

correctly formatted

Works Cited format:

hanging indent,
MLA Format double-spaced,
alphabetized, starts
on a new page

Lines of poetry are



Shows evidence of Most quotes are All quotes are

basic proofreading correctly integrated correctly integrated

Follows organization: Fluid organization,

Conventions/ topic/thesis sentence, including smooth
Expectations integration of transitions between
evidence, analysis, evidence
and concluding
sentence Shows evidence of
careful proofreading
Shows evidence of


Strengths: Really solid job of adequate defending your theme throughout the response.

I.e. carrying the idea throughout

Areas to improve: Working on using strong language (especially verbs)

Grade: B

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