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Earth-Science Reviews, 29 (1990) 4 7 - 5 5 47

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., A m s t e r d a m

Self-organized mineral textures of igneous rocks:

the fractal approach

Anthony D. Fowler
Ottawa Carleton Geoscience Centre, and Deparment of Geology, The Unioersity of Ottawa, 770 King Edward St., Ottawa,
Ont. KIN 6N5 (Canada)

(Accepted for publication November 17, 1989)


Fowler, A.D., 1990. Self-organized mineral textures of igneous rocks: the fractal approach. Earth-Sci. Rev., 29: 47-55.

Many of the irregular patterns and textures that have been the subject of much recent scientific research are formed far
from equilibrium, and are fractal in nature. Fractal structures are scale-invariant or self-similar. They appear the same, in a
statistical sense, over large changes in scale. Silicate mineral crystals grown under conditions of disequilibrium frequently have
a morphology composed of a hierarchy of similar branching parts. They are fractal objects and are self-organized on a
macroscopic scale. The slopes of density-density correlation function plots are a measure of the fractal dimension. The plots
show that some disequilibrium crystals exhibit a change from fractal to constant-density morphology. The growth of
disequilibrium textures can be described in terms of the diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) algorithm. This is a stochastic
model that mimics the Brownian motion of diffusing particles in the silicate liquid. It is an appropriate model as the
disequilibrium crystals are known to have grown well below the liquidus under conditions of reduced atomic mobility. The
simulations greatly resemble, and are quantitatively similar to naturally grown crystals. The branch growth is feedback-rich
because the diffusing particles are not likely to cause growth anywhere, but near the branch tips.

INTRODUCTION certain granites. The cooling rate and density

of nuclei are likely the two most important
Minerals formed under conditions of ex- parameters that control the outcome of the
treme disequilibrium are typically char- texture. Most work accomplished thus far is
acterized by a radiating or branching non- either descriptive, experimental, theoretical,
crystallographic morphology. Unlike well or a combination of these approaches, Here, a
faceted crystals they are not compact as their statistical approach, combining fractal geom-
mass per unit volume occupied decreases out- etry, and computer simulations of the diffu-
ward from their centres, that is, they have a sion limited aggregation (DLA) type is shown.
non-constant density morphology. Because
they are formed at temperatures well below OCCURRENCE OF DISEQUILIBRIUM CRYSTALS
thermodynamic equilibrium (the liquidus
temperature) they are termed disequilibrium Although disequilibrium textures are com-
crystals. They are truly self-organized, as the paratively rare, in some environments they
over-all morphology is a reflection of the are abundant. Following is a brief description
growth processes involved, and not the result of some of the more important types. Komati-
of growth on an external template, i.e. the ites are ultramafic volcanic rocks that are
unit cell. There are many igneous rocks that virtually non-existent in recent volcanic ter-
are characterized by the disequilibrium tex- rains and are almost entirely restricted to the
tures they contain. Among these are komati- Archean ( > 2.7 Ga). They are often char-
ites, spherulitic pillow basalts, harrisites, and acterized by a spectacular layering (Arndt

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Fig. 1. Spinifex textured olivine in komatiite, Munro Township, Ontario. Note that the crystals branch and some are
over 0.5 m in length. Photo courtesy of M. Jones.

and Nisbet, 1982). Typically the flows are on impoverished in nuclei (Donaldson, 1982a;
the order of a few meters thick and consist of Huppert et al., 1984).
a chill zone base overlain by a layer com- Spherulitic (variolitic) pillow basalts are
posed of cumulate olivine and pyroxene also far more abundant in the Archean than
crystals, that itself is overlain by a layer of in recent times. They are characterized by a
skeletal and acicular disequilibrium crystals variation in plagioclase crystal morphologies
oriented parallel to the direction of flow. from the glassy zone of maximum supercool-
Above this is the so-called spinifex zone which ing into the more slowly cooled pillow core.
contains abundant branching and plate olivine Typically the margin contains centimeter-
crystals. The branching crystals can have axes sized plagioclase spherulites (Fig. 2), com-
on the order of meters in length, and are posed of very fine, micron-scale, closely
often oriented such that the branching opens packed plagioclase fibres that project out from
away from the quench flow top. Fig. 1 shows a central area. Further into the pillow the
an example of the branching olivine. The spherulites are larger and the individual fibres
disequilibrium crystals are interpreted to have are thicker and more separated. They become
grown well below the liquidus from a liquid progressively coarser, and with depth give
that was convectively cooled and most likely way to branching, dendritic, acicular, skeletal
S E L F - O R G A N I Z E D M I N E R A L T E X T U R E S O F I G N E O U S ROCKS 49

the development of disequilibrium crystals is

not solely due to rapid cooling associated
with the quenching of volcanic rocks is the
fact that they are also present in plutonic
environments. The Rhum intrusion of Scot-
land contains branching olivine crystals (har-
risitic texture) very similar to those of the
spinifex zones of komatiites. The olivine
crystals can be up to two meters in length.
The harrisites occur between layers of con-
temporaneously formed cumulate olivine.
Donaldson (1982b) has shown that most of
the harrisite formed at the magma crystal-
mush boundary, but the mechanism of forma-
tion is not well understood. In view of the
fact that in plutonic environments it is dif-
ficult to achieve the rapid loss of heat that is
required to produce these textures in volcanic
Fig. 2. Plagioclase spherulites from pillow metabasalt, rocks or laboratory studies, Donaldson (1979,
McDiarmid Lake, Ontario. The spherulites are ap- 1982b) has suggested that loss of volatiles
proximately one centimetre in diameter and from just
below the altered glassy pillow rim (Fowler et al., 1987).
elevated the liquidus temperature, or that
saturation of the magma with water allowed
for supersaturation of olivine, or that double
diffusive convection effectively removed heat
and other shapes. Although the disequi- from the interface. Similar textures are ob-
librium textures are in large part due to rapid served in other plutonic environments: e.g.
cooling (Fowler et al., 1987) the fact that they pyroxene in gabbros (Fig. 4A; Poldervaart
are not found in all pillow basalts indicates and Taubeneck, 1959; Fowler et al., 1989);
that there are other causative factors. and quartz in granites (e.g. Swanson and
Further evidence that the mechanism for Fenn, 1986).


Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the change in plagioclase morphology with increasing amount of undercooling
(arrow). After Lofgren (1974). Note that at high undercoolings the plagioclase has the characteristic open morphology
of fractal objects.

REVIEW OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Padden, 1964; Lofgren, 1980). Experimental

work has documented the conditions of for-
In the past few decades there have been mation but the exact mechanisms and the
numerous experimental crystallization studies parameters of growth remain obscure. In order
of various mineral systems. These studies have to better understand the growth mechanism
demonstrated that there are a wide range of and the effects of varying the particle and
possible morphologies, and have given con- nucleus density, a statistical approach involv-
siderable insight to the conditions of forma- ing fractal geometry and computer simula-
tion. Due to space limitations the following is tions has recently been used (Fowler et al.,
by no means complete, however, Lofgren's 1989).
(1980) review serves as an excellent compre-
hensive guide to the experimental results. FRACTAL GEOMETRY
Fig. 3 shows the general progression of
textures produced as a function of undercool- The term fractal was defined by Mandel-
ing in the plagioclase system as determined brot (1983, p. 15) "as a set for which the
by Lofgren (1974). In general the trend is to Hausdorff Besicovitch dimension strictly ex-
have compact well-faceted crystals grown at ceeds the topological dimension." His ob-
temperatures slightly below the liquidus, that servation is that the standard concept of di-
with an increasing degree of supercooling be- mension (that a point has dimension 0, a line
come rough in outline, to skeletal, to den- has dimension 1, and so on) is an over-sim-
dritic, through to non-constant-density forms. plification and that topology and Euclidean
The latter include spherulites that become geometry are not particularly useful for the
progressively "finer" and close-spaced with characterization of natural objects.
the degree of supercooling. The textures are Traditionaly, in science we have been un-
the same as those observed in the plagioclase able to approach a quantification of shape
of some pillow basalts. Donaldson (1976) has and hence have developed a scientific vocab-
documented a qualitatively similar variation ulary rich in descriptors (e.g. branching,
from constant density to non-constant den- ramifying, corraline, bifurcating, amoeboid
sity crystals with supercooling in the olivine etc.). In fact, it is Mandelbrot's contention
system. There has been considerable experi- that fractal forms (probably including the
mental work accomplished in which parame- textures discussed here) are more common
ters other than the cooling regime have been than one would expect, and that they have
investigated. These are the volatile content been largely ignored in part because of the
(Fenn, 1977; Swanson and Fenn, 1986), difficulty in quantifying them, and relating
oxidation state (e.g. Usselman and Lofgren, them to known processes. There are many
1976), stirring (Kouchi et al., 1986), and fractal dimensions, for instance the ramifying
nucleus density (e.g. Lofgren, 1983; Tsuchiya- boundaries of embayed crystals can be char-
ma, 1983). Increasing the superheat of an acterized by fractal geometry using a tech-
experimental charge destroys sites for nuclea- nique similar to that which Mandelbrot used
tion, hence charges that have been super- to measure the fractal dimension of coast
heated generally show mineral morphologies lines. Here we focus on crystals that are fractal
characteristic of a higher undercooling, in objects, these are grown under conditions of
comparison to charges that have not been extreme disequilibrium and have random,
superheated. non-crystallographic branching forms. Fractal
Existing theory is that a layer of rejected objects are characterized by voids that in-
solute builds up around growing crystals and crease in size with the scale of observation
that protuberances projecting into more (e.g. Figs. 4A, 5A). They are scale-invariant
saturated melt preferentially grow (Keith and or self-similar, meaning that the object looks

°i ' ,
,LOG C,(R) -~

" ,"~
-4_.--'_-" <_L-"....~...:~..
- - - ~ '-'----~-,-_
~ - - ~- , ~ 1"" -C- - - ~


:~r~t~ I
Fig. 4. A. Section of a branching crystal in gabbro, Astray Lake, Labrador. Photo courtesy of D. Watanabe. B.
Digitization of the above. C. The density-density correlation function plot. The slope is - 0 . 3 and the fractal
dimension is 1.7.

the same in a statistical sense over a wide each shell the ratio of pixels that are part of
range of scales. the texture to the total n u m b e r of pixels in
Fig. 4C shows a density-density correla- the shell, is computed. This ratio is termed
tion function plot (e.g. Daccord et al., 1986) the correlation function C ( R ) . Another pixel
constructed from a digitization (Fig. 4B) of is then chosen as an origin and C(R) is
the clinopyroxene image of Fig. 4A. The plot calculated in shells distances R from it. This
is constructed in the following manner. A n y is repeated a few h u n d r e d times or more and
pixel part of the digitized texture is chosen as then the average C ( R ) ' s for the various radii
an origin, and concentric shells are con- are calculated. Finally the average log C(R)
tructed at distances radius R from it. For is plotted against log R. In two dimensions

Thus fractal analysis allows for a quantita-

tive measure of disequilibrium crystal shapes
unattainable through other means. This is
significant as the simple statement that the
crystal of Fig. 4A is a fractal object of dimen-
sion 1.7 in section, is far more rigorous than
typical descriptors such as harrisite, Willow
Lake texture, unidirectional solidification tex-
ture, etc.

Witten and Sander (1981) introduced DLA,
an algorithm for growth simulation that is a
0 I ' l
good analogue of aggregation type processes
where the concentration of diffusing particles
is small. At the start a seed particle or nucleus
is represented by a fixed pixel in the centre of
a circle within the computer screen. A pixel
on the circle, representing a particle, is then
chosen at random and allowed to randomly
walk. It will either eventually collide and stick
to the centre seed pixel causing growth, or
I 2
LOG R collide with the enclosing circle in which case
Fig. 5. A. An example of a pattern grown by diffusion a new particle is released at random. The
limited aggregation. B. The density-density correlation algorithm is iterated many thousands of times.
function plot. The slope is -0.327, and the fractal Fig. 5A shows the result of a DLA simula-
dimension is 1.637.
tion. Note that the object has a symmetry of
dilation that is characterized by progressively
larger void spaces at larger and larger scales.
the amount of material contained in a com- Fig. 5B shows the correlation function plot,
pact or constant density item scales as the and that the fractal dimension of the DLA
square of the radius. In contrast the amount object is approximately 1.7. Visually one can
of material in a fractal object scales with see that the D L A of Fig. 5A is at least quali-
radius, to a smaller power, the fractal dimen- tatively similar to the pattern of the clino-
sion. Intuitively, one would expect that items pyroxene of Fig. 4A. The DLA is a reasona-
of constant mass distribution would have ble analogue for the growth of disequilibrium
slope = 0 on correlation function plots. crystals because the crystals are grown under
Therefore the fractal dimension is given by conditions where diffusion is thought to be
( 2 - the slope) on correlation function plots. inhibited by the fact that the viscosity of the
Fig. 4c shows that the fractal dimension of melt increases as it becomes polymerized be-
the clinopyroxene crystal in 1.70. The rapid low the liquidus, and because diffusion rates
fall-off in the correlation function for large R diminish with decreasing temperature.
(e.g. Fig. 5B) is characteristic of many of Fowler et al. (1989) have shown that the
these plots because at large R some shells pure D L A is not entirely appropriate for the
contain only a few pixels from just the longest simulation of disequilibrium crystals, as
branch, hence the numerator becomes very growth in a silicate melt very obviously in-
small. volves a finite number of particles. Accord-
S E L F - O R G A N I Z E D M I N E R A L T E X T U R E S O F I G N E O U S ROCKS 53

Fig. 6. A. Simulation pattern grown using six nuclei, a finite number of particles, and global noise reduction (see text).
B. Clinopyroxene spherulites in a gabbro, Munro Twp., Ontario. Note the strong resemblance to the simulation of A.

ingly they used the growth algorithm of Wit- attached particles. For instance, one could
ten and Meakin (1983) to simulate the effect make a rule, that for nearest neigbour sites
of variable amounts of nuclei and a finite aligned with a m i n i m u m of two pixels that
a m o u n t of walkers. Typically, in this model, a are part of the structure, it requires two colli-
few thousand particles are distributed at ran- sions for growth, and ten collisions for non-
d o m as pixels on a computer screen, and one aligned particles. This introduces an ani-
or more seeds are introduced also at random. sotropy such that once growth has started, the
Particles are then selected for movement to preferred branch is five times more likely to
any one (chosen at random) of their nearest grow.
neighbour sites. If the site is unoccupied, the Witten and Meakin (1983) reported that
move is completed. If the nearest neighbour under certain conditions, patterns grow from
site chosen is occupied, no move occurs. W h e n simulations that start with a finite n u m b e r of
a particle moves adjacent to a nearest walkers and nuclei have a characteristic
neighbour site that is either a seed, or part of change in slope on the correlation function
a growing cluster attached to a seed, it be- plot. There is tendency for the slope to de-
comes part of the cluster and will not be crease to zero with increasing R, meaning
selected for movement again. that there is a cross-over from fractal to con-
N i t t m a n n and Stanley (1986) have shown stant density growth. Physically this is be-
that DLA-type simulations can be modified cause unlike the pure Witten-Sander D L A
by assigning a counter to each growth site there are particles available to grow onto the
such that it must sustain a fixed a m o u n t of sides of branches, and these cause in-filling.
collisions by a walker before growth occurs. Fowler et al. (1989) have shown that the
Fowler et al. (1989) have shown that this olivine crystals close to the quench margin of
approach can be used to define a growth the pillow basalts they studied, exhibit this
anisotropy by varying the counter such that it cross-over. Fig. 6A shows the results of a
is low for the case when a nearest neighbour simulation containing a finite n u m b e r of
site is co-linear with a specified n u m b e r of walkers, six nuclei placed on a grid, and a

global noise reduction parameter. Note the CONCLUSIONS

close correspondence of this simulation to the
texture of the gabbro of Fig. 6B. Crystals such as those found in komatiites,
spherulitic pillow basalts, and harrisite are
characterized by branching morphologies.
They are self-organized and have grown un-
der conditions far from equilibrium. They can
Clearly, the disequilibrium crystals under be rigorously quantified through the use of
discussion here are organized in a form that is fractal geometry. This allows for a more pre-
very different from that which results in a cise classification, and more meaningful com-
well faceted compact crystal typical of equi- parisons with laboratory grown disequi-
librium growth. The form of an equilibrium librium crystals. Fractal analysis of the mor-
crystal is controlled by the interface kinetics phologies coupled with computer simulations
and the geometry of the unit cell. Given am- using the diffusion limited aggregation al-
ple time for diffusion the equilibrium crystal gorithm has allowed for a more concrete un-
rejects or rearranges the orientation of growth derstanding of the effects of particle and
molecules to fit the template of the unit cell. nucleus density.
Far from equilibrium the free energy dif-
ference between the crystal and the liquid is ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
so large that interface kinetics are unim-
portant and diffusion becomes the rate limit-
Dr. G. Daccord kindly provided the simu-
ing process. Fractal crystals are megascopi-
lations and density-density correlation func-
cally self-organized from growth processes
tions, for which I am very grateful. Conversa-
that can best be described as random (i.e.
tions with him and Professor E.H. Stanley
DLA). The caveats of self-organization are
have helped to focus on the problem of apply-
non-equilibrium and feedback. Experimental
ing fractal geometry to petrology. Discussions
work has documented that the fractal textures
with several graduate students of the depart-
are grown far from equilibrium and the simu-
ment helped to sharpen my thinking. I am
lations show that feedback is an integral part
grateful to Edward Hearn for preparation of
of the growth process. Once a branch has
the figures. The constructive criticism pro-
been established, it will keep on being
vided by the review of G. Lofgren is greatly
"selected" for growth merely because the ran-
appreciated. The work was partially sup-
d o m walkers are incapable of causing in-fill-
ported by NSERC.
ing growth. The probability of a random
walker travelling down the fjord between the
branches to cause in-filling is nil. REFERENCES
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