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Sarah : Hi everyone, back again on TWSN (Talk With Sarah dan Nasya) Podcast with me Siti

Sarah Humairah, you can call me sarah and of course I'm not alone, there are my colleagues.

Nasya : hi I am Nasya Anasta, can be called Nasya, welcome to our podcast

Sarah: okay Nasya, you are really excited today, what's going on here?

Nasya : of course, what really made us excited today was discussing about Characteristics off
good leaders for indonesia

Sarah : wow, our disscusing is really cool this time, for sure there will be a lot of interesting and
exciting things . But first, can I telling a rhyme?

Nasya : yeah please, my part just said "cakep"

Sarah :
The fish in the sea are swimming
Birds in the sky are fly

Nasya : cakep

Sarah :
don't forget to smiling
because we want to play

Nasya : okay, this is really good at English

Sarah : Before that, how are you nasya?
Nasya : I’m verry well
Sarah : Yeahhh, I can see from your face
Okey nasya back to topic. what do you think the meaning of the leader? Is it someone who can
lead, someone in the highest position, or someone in a group that leads to order?
Nasya : could be true, because we as humans were created as social beings who need each other,
therefore humans live in groups. For example, in the neighborhood associations, community
associations, and even working groups in the form of teams. To create harmony and
harmonization between groups, it is necessary to have a leader who plays a directing role.
Sarah : That's right, it's the same in teams. A team will not be complete if there is no leader. The
leader is someone who is a pioneer of the movement and who directs his team members, so the
leader can be called a leader in the team. Not only the chairman, positions such as director and
section head are also leaders in their respective teams.
Nasya : but according to sarah, is a leader always related to position?
Sarah : Of course not, because everyone is a leader and leaders are born from the heart to bring
about change through a long process. For more details, find out What is a Leader until the end!
Nasya : okeyy lets goo!!!!
Sarah : Okey,, First, We will talk how the initial capital in leadership
Nasya : okeyyy, If according to Sarah herself, how is the initial capital to become a leader?
Sarah : Everyone definitely wants to have a good leader who is responsible and able to provide
direction or motivation to his subordinates, and it is very important in organizations to choose a
competent leader because of his ability to consistently provide an adequate or high level of
performance in a specific job function.
Nasya : Sarah is right, Being a leader is certainly not easy. To be a careless leader, certain
conditions or criteria are not required. As long as he dares to shout, he can become a leader.
However, the leader will not be able to build the organization properly to achieve the goal. This
will actually make a decline in the organization he leads. A leader must have the provision to
lead an organization.
Sarah : Everyone must really crave good and be able to protect his subordinates. Being a leader
is not easy, there will be many who criticize even though a lot has been done not only from other
people but even from their own team.
Nasya : Yaaa I agree with you.
Sarah : okay, for Nasya himself, what kind of character does a good leader have?
Nasya : In my opinion, a good leader is characterized by active curiosity, clear communication,
ability to motivate and act decisively.In my opinion, a good leader is characterized by active
curiosity, clear communication, ability to motivate and act decisively.
Sarah : Wahhh cooll!!!!
Nasya : How about you sarah, what kind of character does a good leader have?
Sarah : In my opinion, a good leader is characterized by having transparency with boundaries,
encouraging risk taking and innovation, having ethical values and integrity and being able to
give appreciation and motivation.
Nasya : examples of good leaders such as the proud president of Indonesia Jokowidodo whose
popularity is not only in the eyes of the Indonesian people, but also in the eyes of the world.
Jokowi has been praised by several presidents in various countries for his performance and
policies that have made Indonesia progress.
Sarah : Here's a little impression about the work of President Joko Widodo, check it dot.
Sarah : if we talk about Indonesian leadership, we are currently experiencing a demographic
Nasya : What is that?
Sarah : The demographic bonus is that there are more productive ages than unproductive ages.
According to who, there are a lot of 10-64 year olds in Indonesia
Nasya : So does this mean that in Indonesia there are more productive people like that?
Sarah : Yes,, but it turns out that along with the many demographic bonuses, there are those who
are insensitive and don't care about themselves or even their environment.
Nasya : oh I see, so that means a lot of annoying people
Sarah : okey nasya, how to equip yourself so that you can lead yourself in the future according to
nasya yourself?
Nasya : Yes, Related to this, sometimes parents or leaders cannot appreciate the existence of
young people.
Sarah : Ohh.yaaa
Nasya : Young people have a soul that is easily discouraged
Sarah : So when there is communication between the old and the young, usually the young are
looking for other activities, the old or the leader should always empower the strengths of the
young first.
Nasya : So if the leader is sensitive that this person has potential but is ignored, then there will be
no potential to develop, but if the leader is sensitive that this person has potential, it must be
Sarah : okay friend, so don't be desperate, you have to develop yourself and have care,
intelligence to be able to lead in the future
Nasya : that's right, and also remember that in our future we are the next generation of the nation.

Sarah : OK, friends, thanks for listening to our podcast, we are sorry if there are a lot of wrong or
offensive words.

Nasya : and I hope that you will take the benefit from this short conversation

Sarah dan Nasya: would like to thank you for listening and hope to see you again soon. 

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