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I will to be happy. I will make everyone around me feel joy and happiness. I leave the world a better
place than I arrived in. I will be RICH and WEALTHY. First million before 26. I’m destined to be GREAT.
I’m a Conduent of Gods Plans. Everything that’s happened or will happen is out of my control. I’m
simply an actor. This is my Manifesto, my beliefs and what I stand for as I currently Write at 21 years

Rules for Excellence

Trial, Error and Feedback
There is no balance in the pursuit of excellence. This is especially true in the first years of an
endeavour such as Trading. Do not associate with others who say otherwise. The rules for success is
ultimate Trial, Error and Feedback in perpetuity. When beginning in the gym you see the result and
track how you achieve those results. Trac the exercise performed. Track the progressive overload
and then track the weight until you hit what you desire, for me however my desire is never reached.
For trading, you take a trade, journal, then and see what works, do this long enough for 2 years and
you have data on what works and adjust the strategy to get the desire results(profitability). For
Boxing, I need to jab more, why am I not jabbing? How many jabs am I throwing? Then go into a 4-
week program after my data of how many jabs I’ve thrown has been collected and to adjust it so
that I throw more jabs. Does sparring lightly alleviate the problem? If not, what other variables is
there? For essays, you get the result and see the feedback on where you can improve then work
towards it to attain a better grade. Trial, Error and Feedback is one of the laws for success. The most
important out of the 3 is the Feedback. The feedback is adjusting the variables that doesn’t serve
you and this is where you bridge the gap between the things that doesn’t work and the things you

Emotions- Inward and outward

Control them. End of.
Outward emotions are how external factors such as pain, trade losses, break ups etc. Polarisation of
emotions indicates lack of control. He who can control your emotions has a power over you. Look at
your emotions from a 3rd person point of view higher consciousness / awareness. Its about keeping
and rational objective mind in every situation. This is prominently highlighted in my trading career.
Don’t be too happy, don’t be too sad. Look at what emotions are surfacing and look at the best next
move without the said emotions affecting your decision
Inward emotions are emotion you think you feel and project when you want to do a task weather its
training, back testing, talking to really fit girls. And thus you need to control outward emotions so
that it doesn’t affect your decision. outwards emotion has no external stimulus its all simply in your
MIND. Thus, Objectivity of the mind is the goal. Emotions is the wedge between what you desire.
How far can you take it without emotions? Youd be the best body if you go the gym without
emotions and the biggest data sets without emotions. But emotions prevent from doing so thus the
aim is to eradicate and get shit done
You don’t have to process anything, woke culture has pushed for people to be depressed therefore
they are. It’s a trend. Put your problems in a pile bet you take yours back. Sadness is channel able
energy as I did when James passed.
Process – Hard and Efficient work
1% better every day. Its all about marginal gains. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they placed the
bricks immaculately with the utmost precision every day. Do the same with every step in the Trial,
Error, and Feedback phase. It’s the little things that add up and if done correctly you cannot fail.
Everything I touch turns to gold. Gods Plans.
Consistency over intensity. This goes with the things you don’t do as well. If you constantly don’t do
the little things, you know you should do then you’re not becoming better. you are what you don’t
Efficiency- I’m working towards this year.
Simplicity. Everything needs to be simple, even the most complex things are simple in someone else
eyes. Always strive for simplicity. Trading Plan, Gym Workout, This manifesto.
Strong finish. I’m a strong finisher. This can be extrapolated through every part of human life.
If you’re going to do something, give it 100% no half as shit.
Do the things that are hard, its not meant to be easy if its easy everyone’s else would do it.
Therefore, do it regardless of how your feeling, goes back to how far can you take it without
emotions. It doesn’t matter what you feel, it must get done.
Jobs not done
If you say going to say you’re going to do something, do it, complete your promise, be a man of your
word. To yourself and towards everyone.
Momentum- things easier to get done with momentum on your side therefore strive for momentum
and don’t disrupt it unnecessarily
Everything is easy. Nothing is hard your hard is some else easy. Its perspective
At times it meant to be uncomfortable, such as getting up at 6 or going to the gym. Doing
uncomfortable things are what separates you from the pack. If it was easy everyone else would do it.
If you don’t feel like doing it Good. Do it. No one wants to get up at 6. Its normal not to want to
The Mind-Thoughts and language
The most important Aspect of the Manifesto. Use higher consciousness to control the mind. The
mind is your greatest ally but worst enemy if not tamed. You can choose your thoughts and be the
observer of thoughts and change the thought if its negative or doesn’t serve you purpose. Language
you speak out poisons the mind. Be very weary of limiting language and limiting thoughts. Change
the word I ‘have to’ ‘I get to’. Choose your thoughts and be GREAT

My beliefs and what I Stand for.
‘A man is he who thinketh’ This is with choosing your thoughts. I am the best; I am unstoppable
everything will fall in place. Gods Plans. I’m Destined to be Great. Anything I put my mind to that’s
within my realm I can reach the top. Anything is possible absolutely anything when I put my mind to
it. My vision and my destiny in life is unfathomable to people. No one understands and its fine I
understand its ineffable
EVERYTHING IS PERSPECTIVE. We don’t see reality as it truly is, we see reality as we are. Every
hardship is a chance to get better and go out the other side. James dying, I got out better than ever.
With lows, ups are always coming and vice versa ebs and flow. Get distracted in meditation, chance
to refocus, you need distractions to refocus, thus opportunity. You create your own perspective
depending on how you look at things and in extension create your perceived reality. It is inference
and interpretation of an event and the judgement of good and bad are the problem
Your focus must be only those that serve you. Where your attention goes energy goes, thus only
focus on good and positive thoughts and good and positive people. DO NOT give attention and in
turn energy to negative thoughts and people as they infect you and disrupt your energy. It has no
return or befit me in anyway shape or form.
What goes around comes around. Good and bad karma exist, thus be grateful and be kind to others.
However, people have taken the piss when I was too nice, therefore be very selective on who you
help, too much of one thing is a bad thing.
let people do their thing, no judgement. Mind your business, I got enough problems of my own fuck
everyone else.
I am my best but at the same time not yet my best, I need to strive to for more greatness.

The Spirit
Higher consciousness and the Observer of the mind. Higher beings experiencing the human life. It’s
the part of me that is objective joyful and munificent. It’s who I am. I am not my mind or my feelings
I am the observer and thus curate my feelings and thoughts.

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