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Candidate Name: Ariel Williams

Candidate Number:100051****

Centre Name: Immaculate Conception High School

Centre Number: 100051

Teacher Name: Mrs Duffus-Johnson

Territory: Jamaica

Year of Exam: 2023


I would firstly like to thank God for his guidance and protection that allowed me to complete this

assessment. I would also like to thank my good friend, Daniellaeh Simms and my teacher Mrs

Duffus-Johnson who assisted me with the handing out of the questionnaires.Thank you Mrs

Duffus-Johnson for your constant guidance at each point throughout my sba. Lastly, thank you to

all the teachers who took the time out of their busy schedules to complete my questionnaires.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

Statement of problem—--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Research objectives—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5



Instrument used to collect data—---------------------------------------------------------------------8-11

Procedure for data collection—-------------------------------------------------------------------------12

Presentation of Data —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-16

Analysis and Interpretation of Data—--------------------------------------------------------------17

Statement of Findings—------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

Recommendations and Implementation strategy—------------------------------------------------19

Reference —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20


Statement of Problem

How did the switch to online classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic impact the teachers at

Immaculate Conception High School in the delivery of lessons?

Research questions

What were some of the difficulties the teachers faced when teaching using online platforms to

deliver lessons?

How did the difficulties affect the quality of how the lessons were being taught?

How were the teachers able to overcome the difficulties in order to deliver lessons effectively?

Reason for selecting area of research

This research is being conducted at a high school in St Andrew,Jamaica. Over 90 teachers are

employed at this institution. Teachers seemed to have been struggling to transition into teaching

students online not only because of familiarity with teaching face to face but unfamiliarity with

online learning . According to Ramsey (2021) “no one remembers the teachers, especially as

they try to handle disruptive students from a distance and deliver their lessons”.The researcher

chose to investigate this problem in order to shed light on the fact that teachers were also facing

difficulties to teach during the online learning period and to find out how the difficulties affect

how well their lessons were taught.

Method of Investigation

In order to obtain information on this, the researcher handed out printed questionnaires, which

made it easier to receive information. According to (2021) the main advantage of

paper surveys is that they receive a high response rate. This method also allows the researcher to

ensure all questions are answered. It was useful specifically because it provided easy access to

the teachers at the institution .

Instrument used to collect data

1. What subject/s do you teach?

2. Which grade level do you teach?

3. Was it easier or more difficult to teach this subject using an online platform?

4. What was your experience using technology as a tool for teaching?

● None

● Limited

● Good

● Excellent

5. How long did it take to adjust to teaching using this medium?

● Less than a month

● A month

● Two months

● Never adjusted fully

● Other

6. Do you have any experience with teaching online before the Covid-19 pandemic?

● Yes

● No

7. Did you get assistance with teaching online? If yes choose from the following

● Colleagues

● School administration

● Ministry of education

● Students

● Other

8. Did you experience technical difficulties while teaching online? If yes choose from the


● Device not turning on

● Device moving too slow

● Audio issues

● Camera would not work

● Other

9. How often did you have a stable internet connection?

● Always

● Most times

● Sometimes

● Never

10. How was the students' engagement using the online platform?

● Very difficult

● Same as face to face

● Very easy

● Easier than face to face

11. What were some ways that you used to keep students engaged in lessons?

● Incorporating games in lessons

● Watching videos

● Have them participate in lessons often

● Use the same methods as face to face

● Other

12. How was student conduct/behaviour during online classes when compared to face to face?

● More disruptive

● Less disruptive

● Same as face to face

● Not sure

13. Did the online platform limit the delivery of your lesson? If yes choose from the following

● Not able to demonstrate certain topics

● Could not tell if students were understanding

● Could not get students to participate

● Not able to tell if students were paying attention

● No limitations

● Other

14. What application/s did you use to assist in the delivery of lessons?

● Powerpoint/Google slide

● Youtube videos

● Quizizz

● Kahoot

● Lecture

15. How did Covid-19 impact you as a teacher?

Procedures for data collection

The instrument that was used is a printed questionnaire. The questionnaire had 15 questions

excluding demographic data. There were twelve close ended and three open ended questions.

Twenty instruments were delivered to five males and fifteen female teachers. The researcher

with the assistance of a teacher and a friend collected the data. Teachers at the institution were

randomly selected to complete the questionnaire. The data collection period lasted from

December 14- February 19.The data was collected from a traditional highschool in St

Andrew,Jamaica. The researcher , with the assistance of a teacher and a friend, distributed and

collected the questionnaire by hand.This was necessary in order to distribute questionnaires

quickly making it easier for the researcher to collect data.

Presentation of data


Pie chart showing if teachers had experience teaching online before the Covid-19 pandemic

Table 1:

Table showing the technical difficulties teachers experienced while teaching online

Technical difficulties faced Number of teachers %

Device not turning on 2 10

Device moving too slow 13 65

Audio issues 13 65

Camera would not work 5 25

Internet issues 3 15

No difficulties 1 5

Table 2:

Table showing ways that teachers used to keep students engaged in lesson

The method Number of teachers %

Incorporating games in 16 80


Watching videos 18 90

Have them participate in 15 75

lessons often

Use the same method as face 3 15

to face

Figure 2:

Bar Graph showing students conduct during online classes versus face to face

Table 3:

Table showing the ways online learning limited teachers delivery of lessons

Limitations Number of teachers %

Not able to demonstrate 10 50

certain topics

Could not tell if students were 14 70


Could not get students to 12 60

participate in lessons

Not able to tell if students 15 75

were paying attention

No limitations 1 5

Could not do as much group 1 5

work activities

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The researcher has observed that during the pandemic teachers at a traditional highschool in St

Andrew struggled with the switch from in person teaching to online teaching.

This research has shown that most teachers(85%) have no prior experience teaching using online

platforms. According to Inverness Institute,2021 “Most teachers have been thrown into distance

learning for which neither they nor their districts were well prepared.” It can be inferred that this

switch to online learning posed difficulties since most teachers were not prepared for it.

The research also revealed the many difficulties teachers faced as they tried to adapt to this new

normal. Seeing as this took place online there were many technical difficulties faced with the

most prevalent ones(65%) being the device moving too slow and audio issues. It wasn’t just

technical but communication difficulties. Based on findings, teachers could not tell if their

students were learning(70%) or even if they were paying attention(75%). (Israkhan,2021)

“Students aren’t happy bound in classrooms and constantly look for opportunities to get an

escape if the class is boring.” This idea reinforces findings as students are now more distracted

so less participation and more likely not to pay attention

Teachers were forced to find different ways in order to engage students in lessons. Most teachers

attempted this by incorporating games into lessons (80%) and allowing students to watch


Statement of findings

1. 85% of the teachers had no prior experience with teaching using online platforms which

contributed to their difficulties .

2. 75% of the teachers faced the difficulty of not knowing if their students were paying


3. In order to get students more engaged in classes 90% of teachers used videos to help in

delivering their lessons.

Recommendations and Implementation strategy

After analysing data collected the researcher came up with some recommendations in case

similar issues arise in the future.

The researcher recommends that there are government sanctioned meetings where professionals

in the Information technology field help teachers to become more tech savvy. Another

recommendation would be for the government to make it mandatory for students to turn on their

cameras in order for teachers to be more reassured when teaching that students are paying


When students turn on their cameras it replicates the setting of an in person classroom where

teachers can see them which makes them put in a more conscious effort to be more engaged in

the classroom all while keeping teachers reassured that students are at least paying attention.


Cleave, P. (2023, January 26). Advantages Of Questionnaires In Online Research.

SmartSurvey. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from


Jamaica Gleaner. (2021, October 4). Teachers and parents are frustrated

with online teaching. Jamaica Gleaner. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from



A map of the Constant Spring Area


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