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Electronics 3

Major test 1

Total: 40

 For any formula required in the assignments, search in the prescribed book for it.
 If in a certain question, to your opinion, information is left out, write down realistic
values and motivate your decision.
 Give resistor- and capacitor values as calculated, no need to change to nearest
available values.
 Plagiarism is the act of taking words, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting
it as your own. It is a form of theft which involves a number of dishonest academic
 Answer all questions.
 Write clearly using black ink.
 Space your work out adequately
 Read the questions carefully
 Pay careful attention to the allocated marks
Question 1 [21]

1.1. What are the two types of op-amp input operation? (2)
1.2. Calculate the phase shift for an RC lag circuit for each of the following
frequencies, and then plot the curve of phase shift versus frequency. Assume fc
= 100 Hz. (15)
• f = 1 Hz
• f = 10 Hz
• f = 100 Hz
• f = 1000 Hz
• f = 10,000 Hz
1.3. What are the benefits of negative feedback? (4)
Question 2 [3]

2.1 Determine the output voltage for the summing amplifier in figure 1. (3)

Figure 1

Question 3 [16]

3.1 Four-pole filter is shown in Figure 2, determine the capacitance values required
to produce a critical frequency of 2680 Hz if all the resistors in the RC low-pass
circuits are 1.8 kV. Also select values for the feedback resistors to get a
Butterworth response. (10)
Figure 2: Cascaded low-pass filters, fourth-order configuration.

Table for Butterworth response

3.2 Draw and label the comparative plots of three types of filter response
characteristics. (6)

Total 40

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